
Pesto sauce: delicious recipes with step by step photos. How to cook pesto at home. With what they eat pesto, pesto dishes

Pesto sauce: delicious recipes with step by step photos. How to cook pesto at home. With what they eat pesto, pesto dishes
Pesto adds a spicy flavor and unusual flavor to many dishes. About sauce pesto preparation technology at home and use with other dishes and learn from the article.

The sauce is considered a highlight of each dish. Food sauce gives unforgettable taste, color, smell, turns it into a real masterpiece. Precisely these qualities is known pesto. He is preparing a simple, but the taste is unique enough. Pesto is considered a classic of Italian, which is familiar to any hostess.

If you want to constantly indulge their relatives, can make such a supplement. But prepare it just before serving. If you will miss some ingredients that can replace them, while receiving an excellent variation of the pesto.

Attracted to this recipe is not that he is preparing easy, but the biggest benefit of each component. So what is the pesto? What pesto eat? How to prepare yourself at home? This you will learn from our material.

The history and diversity of pesto sauce

There is a legend that from the outset the main ingredients of the sauce (basil, garlic and olive oil) was used for the preparation of medicinal ointments. However, after the resulting composition accidentally hit the surface of the bread, he became a delicious complement to it. Pesto loved almost all the inhabitants of Italy, and eventually found out about it the whole planet.

People who live in Genoa, believe that their region is the birthplace of this sauce. In this area, even arrange championships, during which the participants prepared their own way this excellent sauce.

Despite the fact that people are trying to save the classical variation of sauce, it is now known to a great number of new pesto recipes.

They differ in color and taste. Let's see, from what is prepared pesto:

  • Green sauce - the classic pesto, which is used for the preparation of green basil.

  • Red sauce - in this sauce are added tomatoes.

  • Sauce of yellow color - in this version are added walnuts, plus ricotta cheese.
  • Purple sauce - instead of green basil pesto basil is added purple, plus a rocket. This sauce is perfect with seafood.

For the first time on the sauce it was mentioned in the 19th century. About how then prepared pesto, it was written in a cookbook Ligurian cooks. It was called «La Cuciniera Genovese».

Dish with pesto

Nowadays pesto is considered a mandatory attribute of the ration of the Italian people. It can be an everyday or festive.

Perhaps because of the basilica, which has an excellent reputation, or other reasons, Italians tend to put the sauce on the table newlyweds. They argue that the pesto on the table - this is a good sign for the bride and groom for their future life together.

The sauce is so versatile that it is fed with the known Italian pasta or cakes. Residents Ligurian pesto is charged with a special dish made of pasta and has the name "Trenette".

But he can make pesto savory and multifaceted usual spaghetti, lasagne, farfalle. You can file a pesto with snacks, for example, "caprese", applied during pizza.

Interested? Then let's take a closer look myself sauce recipe and dishes that he could add to it. After all, it will make the sauce taste many dishes the most versatile.

Pesto Classic

What are the ingredients it is a classic version of pesto, which came to us from Liguria? So, the following components are included in it:

  • Basil leaves green - 50 g
  • Olive oil, only the Italian - 5 tbsp
  • Italian pine seeds - '15
  • Cheese with an interesting name Pecorino Sardo (also Italian) - 50 g
  • Salt (preferably sea).
  • Chives - 2 pcs.

Cooking process:

  • Grind all the ingredients by hand only, do not use the technique. This is necessary in order not to destroy the true spirit of the sauce.
  • Herbs before using rinse thoroughly, dry, use a paper towel.
  • Connect the finely chopped garlic and nuts with the other components, mix well.

Tip: add the oil gradually, in small portions. So you can achieve the desired consistency. But the cheese, add in the last turn.

Pesto at home

Of course, not every house has basil, though this ingredient is considered to be quite popular. You can replace it with spinach.

So, for the recipe sauce with spinach Stock:

  • Spinach - 1 tbsp.
  • Pine nuts (micronized) - 1 tablespoon
  • Garlic - 1 clove.
  • Olive oil - 1 \\ 4 cup.
  • Parmesan cheese (grated chopped) - 1 \\ 4 cup.
  • Salt.

Cooking process:

  • Spinach wash, separate the leaves from the stems, dry leaves. Take the young leaves, it is desirable, as the older you need to blanch.
  • Leaflets fold in half and finely chop.
  • The leaves are put into a mortar, add salt, grind pestle.
  • Place the spinach in a separate bowl, pour the oil.
  • Garlic Clean the garlic, finely grind, put into the mortar, add a salt, overheat with a pestle.
  • Add garlic to spinach.
  • To add cheese to spinach, mix the components.
  • Forers fire so that they become golden. Grind in mortar.
  • Connect all the ingredients, mix them well before the formation of a homogeneous mass.
  • Put in the refrigerator so that the sauce is fill.

Pesto sauce

Pesto is a wonderful sauce that can decorate any dish. We describe you a recipe - pasta (pasta) cooked with pesto. Believe me, this recipe will be transferred to you to beautiful Italy, feel at least for a moment the part of this magnificent country.

The dish is preparing very simple. While you will cook pasta, you can prepare the sauce itself at the same time. Add oil into the sauce at your discretion, but look so that it does not have much. Instead, paste can take spaghetti or pasta, so you will have a very tasty dish.

For cooking, stock:

  • Basilik - 100 g.
  • Cheese Parmesan - 100
  • Cedar nuts - 6 tbsp.
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.
  • Paste (pasta).
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.

Cooking process:

  • Basil wash, dry.
  • Clean garlic, soda cheese.
  • Mix these ingredients.
  • Grind the components of the blender, pour oil during cooking. In the end, a homogeneous mass should be formed.
  • Place the sauce in the bank. Put in the refrigerator.
  • Boil the paste. Stodit cheese.
  • Add 2 tbsp in paste. pesto
  • Spread the paste on the plates, sprinkle with top of the cheese.

Salad with pesto sauce

This delicious sauce is combined not only with pasta, but also with salads, potatoes, asparagus beans, for lasagna decoration.

For dish Take the desired number of components:

  • Spinach leaflets (better than the younger) - 250 g
  • Pear - 1 pc.
  • Walnut nuts - 30 g.
  • Blue cheese - 75
  • Classic pesto - 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

Cooking process:

  • Wash the spinach, dry it.
  • Pear wash, cut in the form of poles.
  • Fuck a little nuts.
  • Cheese Cut the pieces or soda.
  • Prepared spinach, pear pieces, nuts, cheese mix.
  • Sauce, juice lemon connect. Add some water. Wake up.
  • Top of salad paint the refueling, mix.

Caprese with pesto sauce

Thanks to this dish, you can learn how to prepare a real Italian pesto. Serve, for example, with a piece of bread, instead of sandwicher, or with seafood.

For this dish, go back:

  • Basilik - 100 g.
  • Cedar nuts - 100 g.
  • Parmesan - 200 g
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 1 \\ 2 tbsp.
  • Salt.
  • Tomatoes - 10 pcs.
  • Mozzarella - 2 pcs.

Cooking process:

  • To the basil, add nuts, parmesan cheese, garlic teeth, butter. Some sput.
  • Grind these components to get a homogeneous mass.
  • Add vinegar. Stir.
  • Mozarella cheese cut into small pieces, and tomatoes circles.
  • Tomatoes spread on a plate, put cheese top top, pour the sauce.

Shrimps under pesto sauce

We suggest you try to cook a special dish - shrimp with pesto sauce.

For dishes, go back:

  • Tiger shrimps - 500 g.
  • Cream thick - 250 ml.
  • Garlic - 3 tooth.
  • Olive oil - 25 ml.
  • Parmesan grated - 40 g.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
  • Red Chile - 1
  • Petrushka - 25 g.
  • Green Basil - 15
  • Black pepper, salt.

Cooking process:

  • Garlic, basil leaves, parsley greenery, lemon juice, butter connect. Stir carefully to a homogeneous mass. You will get pesto sauce.
  • Shrimps Clean the Poles, remove the esophagus.
  • In the pan, turn the pepper, garlic slices about 30 seconds.
  • Shrimp Put on the pan. Continue cooking until shrimps become pink. Add pesto sauce to shrimps.
  • Add cream to the pan, some water. Sung wash, pepper, boil 1 min. Sprinkle with cheese. He will make the sauce thicker.
  • Remove the frying pan from the fire.

Pesto sauce with cheese

This sauce, as we wrote a little higher, can have a huge number of variations. As a rule, for its preparation take such components that are green. It can be kinza, olives, spinach, arugula. We suggest cooking arugula sauce.

To be stocking:

  • Arugula - 200 g
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.
  • Almond nuts - 150 g
  • Oil olive - 100 ml.
  • Parmesan - 50 g.

Cooking process:

  • Green leaflets rinse well, dried with a paper napkin.
  • Add chopped garlic, cheese.
  • Beat the sauce. Add oil.
  • Stir.

Cheese has sufficiently defined taste, therefore, you do not have to add salt into the sauce and additional seasonings.

Pesto sauce for winter

One and most accessible and easy-to-cook sauce that is preparing for the winter. In addition, he has a basic advantage over other options is long-term storage.

So, for it, we get here with such components:

  • Basilica leaflets - 350 g
  • Mint leaves - 130 g
  • Garlic - 4 teeth.
  • Nuts.
  • Olive oil - 230 ml.

Cooking process:

  • Wake up in a blender all those ingredients that we wrote to you.
  • You must have a homogeneous consistency.
  • If you have such equipment, wipe the components with the help of a stupa, then add the oil.
  • The prepared composition decompose on the jars (sterinate them in advance).
  • Top pour oil, but only the one that does not smell.

Pesto sauce: Recipe from Julia Vysotskaya

For this recipe, use a marble mortar and a wooden pestle, to refuse a blender. Instead of part of the Basilica, take other herbs, such as parsley, coriander. The classic recipe includes non-fried nuts, but there are those in which roll nuts are added.

We now turn directly to the recipe itself. To be stocking:

  • Green Basil - 30 g
  • Petrushka - 10 g.
  • Parmesan - 50 g.
  • Cedar nuts - 40 g.
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.
  • Salt sea (large grinding) - 1 ppm without a slide.
  • Oil olive - 90 ml.
  • Wine vinegar white (optional).

Cooking process:

  • Garlic Distribute with salt.
  • Nuts roll 2 min. Without oil. At the same time, the frying pan is constantly shaking.
  • Rinse green, dry. Grind in mortar.
  • Add nuts, garlic paste to the greenery, butter (3 tbsp). Wake up.
  • When you get a homogeneous mass, add more butter. Whip further.
  • Having received a still forming consistency, add cheese. Take up the composition yet.
  • Store 5 days in the refrigerator ..

Chicken in pesto sauce

This dish is good because the chicken you will prepare in pesto sauce. The bird will turn out to be delicious, soaked in the aroma of the sauce. You need to stock:

  • Basilik - 100 g.
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.
  • Cedar nuts - 50 g.
  • Olive oil - 40 ml.
  • Parmesan - 50 g.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.
  • Chicken - 1 pc.

Cooking process:

  • Basil, cleaned garlic, pine nuts put in a mortar. Distribute.
  • Cheese soda. Add to ingredients.
  • Pour the oil (1 tsp) so that the composition turns out to be a soft consistency. Sung wash, pepper.
  • When you completely shredt all the components, your sauce will be ready.
  • Wash the chicken, dry. Lubricate pesto. Add spices.
  • Bake the bird about 30 minutes. Remove, again dear pesto sauce. Repeat the process 4 times. Serve baked chicken with vegetables.

As you can see, cook pesto sauce at home is not difficult. But dishes with such an additive are acquired by another, who has not experienced the taste. Try, such dishes will definitely like it.

Pesto sauce is an integral part of Italian cuisine. It is used to prepare Bruschetta, pasta, pizza, salads and many other traditional dishes. Classic sauce is prepared using fresh basil, nuts, olive oil, garlic, as well as two types of cheeses: Grana Padano and Becorino Romano. Due to the content in the composition of greenery, traditional pesto has a green shade. However, its variations with the addition of other coloring ingredients are equally popular.

Let's look at several recipes for the preparation of this yellow, red and purple sauce that every hostess can use in their own kitchen.

Purple pesto sauce: recipe

The recipe for purple pesto is not too different from the classic. After all, due to the use of purple leaves, the Basilica sauce changes its color without affecting taste. In order to prepare pesto, the following ingredients are needed:

  • 30 ml of lemon juice
  • 2 Purple Basil Bunch
  • 400 g of cashew nuts
  • 1 big head garlic
  • 120 ml of olive oil
  • 30 ml of dairy serum
  • 100 g of "Parmesan" cheese (can be replaced by Rokiškis or Swiss)
  • Spices at will

For cooking you need to follow further stages:

  • Basil need to wash and put on a paper napkin to get rid of excess moisture
  • Next, sheets are separated from the stems
  • Basilica leaves need to grind maximize. For this you can use a blender
  • Cashews are fried on a dry frying pan and get cold. Next they need to grind
  • Cheese rubbed on a small grater
  • Garlic is separated from husks and crushed under the press
  • All components of the sauce are mixed and refueling lemon juice and olive oil.
  • Spices can be added to taste, but it is worth considering that cheese is solid enough
  • Ingredients need to be stirred in a blender to get a homogeneous air mass
  • Served pesto cold or used as refueling to paste

Red pesto sauce: recipe

In addition to purple sauce from affordable products, you can cook red pesto. For this, you will need the following components:

  • 200 g Cheese "Parmesan"
  • 120 ml of olive oil
  • 1 head garlic
  • 2 Basilica beam
  • 1 bunch of arugula
  • 60 ml of trade winds (you can use home tomato juice)
  • Spices at will
  • 150 g of cashew nuts

Next, you need to adhere to the following Cooking Rules:

  • Parmesan need to grind on a small grater
  • Nuts are roasted in a pan for 5-7 minutes, after which you get cold
  • Garlic is separated from husks and crushed under the press
  • Basil and arugula separated from stems
  • The leaves are finely shinyut
  • In a bowl of the blender, all the ingredients are connected and stirred
  • Passat must be poured gradually, so in the cooking process, the device must be stopped so that all components acquire a uniform consistency
  • This variation is ideal for the preparation of bruschett and paste, but can also be supplied as a separate sauce.

Yellow pesto sauce: recipe

Yellow pesto can be done using several ingredients. We will look at 2 ways to prepare this sauce. For the first you will need:

  • 150 g of Parmesan Cheese
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 10 ml of lemon juice
  • 120 ml of olive oil
  • 100 g of walnuts
  • Spices at will
  • 1 Bunch of Fresh Basil
  • 60 g of lemon zest

Next, you must be guided by the following steps:

  • Walnuts roasted in a frying pan
  • After they are cooling, you need to separate them from brown husk
  • Parmesan crushed with a grater
  • Garlic needs to be cleaned and shallow
  • Basil is washed and removed excessive moisture
  • Greens are divided into sheets and stems
  • Sheets need to choke
  • All ingredients are mixed in a blender before receiving a uniform mass and add the necessary spices.

To prepare the second version of the yellow sauce, it is necessary:

  • 200 g Cheese "Grand Padano"
  • 180 g of cashew nuts
  • 80 ml of lemon juice
  • 10 g Kurkuma
  • 2 beam fresh basil
  • Spices at will
  • 150 ml of olive oil
  • 4 cloves garlic

All ingredients need to be prepared as follows:

  • Cheese Melko Truth
  • Nuts roasted and cool
  • Turmeric is bred in lemon juice and add spices
  • Basil is washed, dried and bold leaves as small as possible. Stalks not need to use
  • From the cloves of garlic remove the film and crushed under the press
  • All products are mixed in a blender and refuel marinade from lemon juice and turmeric
  • You need to beat the sauce until the mass becomes air and homogeneous
  • This Pesto option will have a more rich taste, so it should be served to more calorie dishes.

Regardless of which of the pesto options you choose, it is worth remembering that it is possible to replace foreign products more affordable. For example, instead of dried tomatoes and trade winds, homemade tomato juice can be used.

Instead of Parmesan Cheese, you can use the local if it is suitable for fat content and consistency. Instead of olive oil, sunflower can be used, but in a smaller dosage. Also, in the absence of cashew nuts, walnous can be used.

Video: Well, delicious pesto sauce


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