
Pesto sauce: delicious recipes step by step with photo. How to cook pesto sauce at home. With what they eat pesto sauce, dishes with pesto sauce

Pesto sauce: delicious recipes step by step with photo. How to cook pesto sauce at home. With what they eat pesto sauce, dishes with pesto sauce
A pesto sauce will add spicy taste and extraordinary aroma to many dishes. You will learn about the technology for making pesto sauce at home and use with other dishes and learn from the article.

The sauce is considered the highlight of each dish. The sauce gives food an unforgettable taste, shade, smell, turns it into a real masterpiece. These are the qualities of the well -known pesto sauce. It is simple in preparation, but it tastes quite unique. Pesto is considered Italian classics, with which any hostess is familiar.

If you want to constantly pamper your relatives, you can prepare such a supplement. But prepare it just before serving. If you do not have any ingredients, you can replace them, while receiving an excellent variation of a real pesto sauce.

In this recipe, it attracts not that it is easily prepared, but also the great benefits of each component. So what is pesto sauce? What do you eat pesto? How to cook yourself at home? You will learn about this from our material.

History and variety of pesto sauce

There is one legend that from the very beginning the main ingredients of this sauce (basil, garlic and olive oil) were used to prepare therapeutic ointment. However, after the resulting composition accidentally came to the surface of bread, it became a delicious addition to it. Almost all the inhabitants of Italy fell in love with the pesto sauce, and over time the whole planet found out about it.

People who live on Genoa believe that it is their region that is considered the birthplace of this sauce. In this area, even championships are arranged, during which participants prepare each excellent sauce in their own way.

Despite the fact that people tried to preserve the classic variation of the sauce, today a huge number of a new pesto recipes are already known.

They are distinguished by color and taste. Let's figure out what the pesto sauce is made from:

  • Green sauce is a classic pesto, for the preparation of which green basil is used.

  • Red sauce - tomatoes are added to this sauce.

  • Yellow sauce - walnuts are added to this option, plus ricotta cheese.
  • Violet sauce - instead of a green basil in a pesto, a purple basil is added, plus arugula. This sauce is perfect for seafood.

For the first time, the sauce was mentioned in the 19th century. About how Pesto was preparing then was written in the culinary book of Ligurian cooks. It was called La Cuciniera Genovese.

Dishes with pesto sauce

Currently, the pesto sauce is considered an obligatory attribute of the diet of Italian residents. It can be everyday or festive.

Perhaps thanks to the basilica that has an excellent reputation, or other reasons, Italians, as a rule, put this sauce on the newlyweds table. They claim that pesto on the table is a good sign for the bride and groom, for their future life together.

The sauce is so universal that it is served with a well -known Italian paste or cakes. Residents of Liguria refuel a pesto with a special dish, which is prepared from pasta and has the name "trainer".

But Pesto himself can make more piquant and multifaceted ordinary spaghetti, lasagnu, Farfalle. You can serve a pesto with snacks, for example, with Kapreza, apply during cooking pizza.

Interested? Then let's consider in more detail the recipe for sauce and dishes that it can supplement. After all, it is the sauce that the taste of many dishes is the most multifaceted.

Pesto sauce is classic

What kind of ingredients does the classic version of Pesto, who came to us from Liguria, consists of? So, it includes the following components:

  • Green basil leaves - 50 g.
  • Olive oil, only Italian - 5 tbsp.
  • Seeds of Italian pine - 15 g.
  • Cheese with an interesting name Pecorino Sardo (also Italian) - 50 g.
  • Salt (preferably sea).
  • Garlic teeth - 2 pcs.

Cooking process:

  • Grind all the ingredients only by the manual method without using the technique. This is necessary in order not to destroy the real spirit of the sauce.
  • Wash the greens before use, dry, using a paper towel.
  • Combine finely chopped garlic and nuts with other components, mix well.

Useful advice: Add oil gradually, in small portions. So you can achieve the necessary consistency. But add the cheese last.

Pesto sauce at home

Of course, not every house has a basil, although this ingredient is considered quite popular. You can replace it with spinach.

So, for a recipe for spinach sauce, stock up:

  • Spinach - 1 tbsp.
  • Cedar nuts (chopped) - 1 tbsp.
  • Garlic - 1 tooth.
  • Olive oil - 1 \\ 4 cups.
  • Parmesan cheese (grated chopped) - 1 \\ 4 cups.
  • Salt.

Cooking process:

  • Rinse the spinach, separate the leaflets from the stalks, dry the leaves. Take preferably young leaves, since the older ones need to be blanched.
  • Roll the leaves in half, finely chop.
  • Put the leaves in a mortar, add salt, grind with a pestle.
  • Put spinach in a separate dish, pour oil.
  • Peel the garlic, finely chop, put in a mortar, add salt, grind with a pestle.
  • Add the garlic to the spinach.
  • Add the cheese to the spinach, mix the components.
  • Fuck the nuts so that they become golden. Grind in a mortar.
  • Combine all the ingredients, mix them well until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • Put in the refrigerator so that the sauce is infused.

Paste with pesto sauce

Pesto is a wonderful sauce that can decorate any dish. We describe you the recipe - pasta (pasta) prepared with pesto. Believe me, this recipe will allow you to move to beautiful Italy, to feel at least for a moment a piece of this magnificent country.

The dish is very simple. While you cook paste, you can cook the sauce itself at the same time. Add oil to the sauce at your discretion, but see that it is not much. Instead of pasta, you can take spaghetti or pasta, so you get a very tasty dish.

For cooking, stock up:

  • Basilicom - 100 g.
  • Parmesan cheese - 100 g.
  • Cedar nuts - 6 tbsp.
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.
  • Paste (pasta).
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.

Cooking process:

  • Wash the basil, dry.
  • Peel the garlic, grate the cheese.
  • Mix these ingredients.
  • Grind the components with a blender, add oil during cooking. You should eventually form a homogeneous mass.
  • Place the sauce in the jar. Put in the refrigerator.
  • Boil the paste. Rub the cheese.
  • Add 2 tbsp to the paste. Pesto.
  • Lay the paste on plates, sprinkle the cheese on top.

Salad with pesto sauce

This delicious sauce is combined not only with pasta, but also with salads, potatoes, asparagus beans, to decorate lasagna.

For a dish, take the desired number of components:

  • Spinach leaves (preferably young) - 250 g.
  • Pear - 1 pc.
  • Walnuts - 30 g.
  • Blue cheese - 75 g.
  • Classic pesto - 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

Cooking process:

  • Wash the spinach, dry it.
  • Wash the pear, cut in the form of lobules.
  • Fry the nuts a little.
  • Cut the cheese into pieces or grate.
  • Prepared spinach, pieces of pears, nuts, cheese mix.
  • Combine the sauce, lemon juice. Add a little water. Beat.
  • Fill the gas station on top of the salad, mix.

Kapreza with pesto sauce

Thanks to this dish, you can learn to prepare a real Italian pesto. Serve, for example, with a piece of bread, instead of a sandwich, or with seafood.

For this dish, stock up:

  • Basilicom - 100 g.
  • Cedar nuts - 100 g.
  • Parmesan - 200 g.
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 1 \\ 2 tbsp.
  • Salt.
  • Tomatoes - 10 pcs.
  • Mozarella - 2 pcs.

Cooking process:

  • Add nuts, parmesan cheese, garlic, oil to the basilica. Salt a little.
  • Grind these components to get a homogeneous mass.
  • Add vinegar. Mix.
  • Cut the mozzarella cheese in small pieces, and tomatoes in circles.
  • Lay the tomatoes on a plate, put the cheese on top, pour the sauce.

Shrimp under pesto sauce

We suggest you try to cook a special dish - shrimp with pesto sauce.

Stock up for the dish:

  • Tiger shrimp - 500 g.
  • Thick cream - 250 ml.
  • Garlic - 3 tooth.
  • Olive oil - 25 ml.
  • Parmesan grated - 40 g.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • Red chili pepper - 1 g.
  • Parsley - 25 g.
  • Green basil - 15 g.
  • Black pepper, salt.

Cooking process:

  • Garlic, leaflets of basil, parsley, lemon juice, combine oil. Mix thoroughly until smooth. You will get a pesto sauce.
  • Peel the shrimp from the shells, remove the esophagus.
  • In a pan, stand pepper, garlic slices for about 30 seconds.
  • Put the shrimp in the pan. Continue to cook until the shrimp becomes pink. Add pesto sauce to shrimp.
  • Add cream to the pan, a little water. Salt, pepper, boil 1 min. Sprinkle with cheese. He will make the sauce thicker.
  • Remove the pan from the fire.

Pesto sauce with cheese

This sauce, as we wrote a little higher, can have a huge number of variations. As a rule, for its preparation, they take components that have green. It can be cilantro, olives, spinach, arugula. We suggest you cook arugula sauce.

Stock up for him:

  • Highway - 200 g.
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.
  • Almond nuts - 150 g.
  • Olive oil - 100 ml.
  • Parmesan - 50 g.

Cooking process:

  • Rinse the leaves of greenery well, dry with a paper towel.
  • Add chopped garlic, cheese.
  • Beat the sauce. Add oil.
  • Mix.

The cheese has quite definite taste, therefore, you do not have to add salt and additional seasonings to the sauce.

Pesto sauce for the winter

One and the most affordable and easy to prepare sauce is the one that is prepared for the winter. In addition, it has the main advantage over other options - this is long -term storage.

So, for him, stock up on these components:

  • Basilica leaflets - 350 g.
  • Mint leaves - 130 g.
  • Garlic - 4 teeth.
  • Nuts.
  • Olive oil - 230 ml.

Cooking process:

  • Beat all those ingredients that we wrote to you in a blender.
  • You should get a homogeneous consistency.
  • If you do not have such a technique, wipe the components with a stupa, then add the oil.
  • Lay the prepared composition by jars (sterilize them in advance).
  • Pour oil on top, but only that which is not smell.

Pesto sauce: recipe from Julia Vysotskaya

To do this recipe, use a marble mortar and a wooden pestle, refuse the blender. Instead of part of the basilica, take other herbs, for example, parsley, coriander. The classic recipe includes not fried nuts, but there are those in which hot nuts are added.

Now let's move directly to the recipe itself. Stock up for him:

  • Green basil - 30 g.
  • Parsley - 10 g.
  • Parmesan - 50 g.
  • Kedrovic nuts - 40 g.
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.
  • Salt Sea (large grinding) - 1 tsp without a hill.
  • Olive oil - 90 ml.
  • Wine vinegar with white (optional).

Cooking process:

  • Bright the garlic with salt.
  • Squeeze the nuts for 2 minutes. Without oil. At the same time, the pan is constantly shaken.
  • Rinse greens, dry. Grind in a mortar.
  • Add nuts, garlic paste, oil (3 tbsp) to the greens. Beat.
  • When you get a homogeneous mass, add another oil. Beat further.
  • Having received a pasto -forming consistency, add the cheese. Beat the composition more.
  • Keep 5 days in the refrigerator ..

Chicken in pesto sauce

This dish is good in that you will cook the chicken in Pesto sauce. The bird will turn out tasty, soaked in the aroma of sauce. You need to stock up:

  • Basilicom - 100 g.
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.
  • Cedar nuts - 50 g.
  • Olive oil - 40 ml.
  • Parmesan - 50 g.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.
  • Chicken - 1 pc.

Cooking process:

  • Basil, cleaned garlic, pine nuts put in a mortar. Pick up.
  • Grate the cheese. Add to the ingredients.
  • Pour oil (1 tsp) to make the composition a soft consistency. Salt, pepper.
  • When you completely grind all the components, your sauce will be ready.
  • Wash the chicken, dry. Lubricate a pesto. Add spices.
  • Bake the bird for about 30 minutes. Get out, cover again with a pesto sauce. Repeat the process 4 times. Serve baked chicken with vegetables.

As you can see, cooking pesto sauce at home is not at all difficult. But dishes with such an addition gain another, previously felt taste. Try it, you will definitely like such dishes.

Pesto sauce is an integral part of Italian cuisine. It is used for the preparation of bruscatt, pastes, pizzas, salads and many other traditional dishes. Classic sauce is prepared using fresh basil, nuts, olive oil, garlic, as well as two types of cheeses: Grana Padano and Pecorino Romano. Due to the content in the composition of greenery, traditional pesto has a green hue. However, its variations with the addition of other coloring ingredients are no less popular.

Let's look at several recipes for preparing this yellow, red and purple sauce, which every housewife in her own kitchen can use.

Pour -pesto pesto sauce: Recipe

The recipe for purple pesto is not too different from the classic one. Indeed, thanks to the use of purple leaves of basilic, the sauce changes its color without affecting the taste. In order to cook pesto, the following ingredients are needed:

  • 30 ml of lemon juice
  • 2 bundle of purple basil
  • 400 g nuts cashew
  • 1 large head of garlic
  • 120 ml of olive oil
  • 30 ml of milk serum
  • 100 g of “Parmesan” cheese (can be replaced by “Rokishkis” or “Swiss”)
  • Spices at will

For preparation, you must follow the further stages:

  • The basil needs to be washed and put on a paper napkin to get rid of excess moisture
  • Next, the leaves are separated from the stems
  • Basil leaves must be chopped as much as possible. To do this, you can use a blender
  • Cashews are fried in a dry pan and cooled. Next, they must be chopped
  • Cheese is rubbed on a fine grater
  • Garlic is separated from the husk and crushed under the press
  • All the components of the sauce are mixed and seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil
  • Spices can be added to taste, but it should be borne in mind that the cheese is quite salty
  • The ingredients must be stirred in a blender to get a homogeneous air mass
  • Serve a pesto cold or used as a refueling to the paste

Red sauce pesto: recipe

In addition to purple sauce from available products, you can cook red pesto. To do this, you need the following components:

  • 200 g cheese "Parmesan"
  • 120 ml of olive oil
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 2 Basil of Basilica
  • 1 beam of arugula
  • 60 ml Passats (you can use home tomato juice)
  • Spices at will
  • 150 g of nuts cashew

Next, you need to adhere to the following cooking rules:

  • Parmesan must be chopped on a fine grater
  • Nuts are fried in a pan for 5-7 minutes.
  • Garlic is separated from the husk and crushed under the press
  • Basil and arugula are separated from the stems
  • The leaves are finely chopped
  • All the ingredients are connected in the bowl of the blender and mix
  • The passato must be poured gradually, so in the process of preparation the device must be stopped so that all components acquire an uniform consistency
  • This variation is ideal for the preparation of brusett and pasta, but you can also serve as a separate sauce

Yellow sauce pesto: Recipe

Yellow pesto can be made using several ingredients. We will consider 2 ways to prepare this sauce. For the first you will need:

  • 150 g of cheese "Parmesan"
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 10 ml of lemon juice
  • 120 ml of olive oil
  • 100 g of walnuts
  • Spices at will
  • 1 beam of fresh basil
  • 60 g of lemon zest

Next, you must be guided by the following stages:

  • Wonder nuts are fried in a pan
  • After they cooled, you need to separate them from brown husks
  • Parmesan is crushed with grater
  • Garlic needs to be cleaned and finely chopped
  • Basil is washed and excess moisture is removed
  • Greens are divided into sheets and stems
  • The sheets need to be chopped
  • All ingredients are mixed in a blender until a uniform mass is obtained and the necessary spices are added

To prepare the second version of yellow sauce, you need:

  • 200 g cheese "Gran Padano"
  • 180 g of nuts
  • 80 ml of lemon juice
  • 10 g of turmeric
  • 2 beam of fresh basil
  • Spices at will
  • 150 ml of olive oil
  • 4 cloves of garlic

All ingredients must be prepared as follows:

  • The cheese is fine
  • Nuts are fried and cool
  • Turmeric is diluted in lemon juice and added spices
  • The basil is washed, the leaves are dried and chopped as finely as possible. The stems do not need to be used
  • Film is removed from the cloves of garlic and crushed under the press
  • All products are mixed in a blender and seasoned with a marinade of lemon juice and turmeric
  • Beat the sauce until the moment the mass becomes airy and homogeneous
  • This version of Pesto will have a more saturated taste, so it should be served to more high -calorie dishes

Regardless of which of the variants of Pesto you choose, it is worth remembering that replacing foreign products can be more affordable. For example, instead of dried tomatoes and passats, you can use home -made tomato juice.

Instead of “Parmesan”, you can use local, if it is suitable for the degree of fat content and consistency. Instead of olive oil, sunflower can be used, but in a smaller dosage. Also, in the absence of nuts, cashews, you can use walnuts.

Video: well, very tasty pesto sauce



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