
The benefits and harm of sesame oil. How to make sesame oil correctly. Application of sesame oil for hair, face, teeth, food

The benefits and harm of sesame oil. How to make sesame oil correctly. Application of sesame oil for hair, face, teeth, food
Sesame oil is valued as a panacea from many diseases. His beneficial properties helps to improve many systems in the body, including skin, hair and teeth.

Sesame oil is included in the list of products that were used in culinary recipes since ancient times. Having reached our time, the oil refill gained many myths, which indicate the benefit or harm for its use. No less and reception rules that can be very different. What is really true, and that fiction, with these questions and will figure it out further. All facts that disprove or vice versa proving the help and beneficial properties of sesame oil will be presented in our article.

Sesame oil - composition

Conduring the analysis of any fat, first of all, quantitative indicators of fatty acids are considered. The infographic presented below reliably indicates the main components of sesame oil, namely its vitamin composition, macro- and trace elements:

The highest quality product is a light grade of sesame oil. Its production is based on the oppression of raw seeds of sesame - by cold pressure. Its main difference is the unique soft taste and light unobtrusive flavor. Analog (unrefined sesame oil), only a dark shade, is obtained in a similar way, but with a pre-roasted product. It is used in culinary recipes of exotic kitchens - Arab, African, etc.

Sesic oil harm: Omega-6 - Devil Fat?

Back in the 80s, the International Association of Dietologists was confident that our longevity and health is a hindrance to the use of animal fats, to replace which is vegetable. Correcting the diet of patients, scientists expect to defeat the active youth atherosclerosis of the vessels. But as a result, it turned out that the restriction of animal fat leads to absorption in large quantities of seed oils and from various kinds of plants. In its diet, the oil of seeds, the organism was overtaken by a large amount of Omega-6 fatty acids. In this moment and manifests the malicious value of this oil. Excess Omega-6 fatty acids starts supporting the systemic inflammatory process in tissues. It is this process that is the root, from which premature wilting and disastrous age pathology originates, these diseases include such diseases as:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • stroke;
  • senile sclerosis;
  • oncology.

During these studies, it was discovered:

  • Not all vegetable oils have a safe composition of fatty acids important to the body.
  • The ideal proportions of omega-3 ratio to Omega-6 - no more than 1: 5.

Our diet corresponds to the indicators 1:25, and sometimes higher. Cut out the excess amount of Omega-6 by these methods:

  • Reduce the use of products, where the indicator of these fatty acids exceeds the norm.
  • Increase the amount of food with oh-3 fatty acids.

Next, you should estimate the use of sesame oil inward. It does not contain high omega-3 indicators, but the amount of omega-6 reaches 45%. Based on the latest scientific research, the diet that brings exceptional benefits should be based on natural vegetable fats, where Omega-6 does not exceed 35%. Of course, this oil contains a lot of useful components: oleic acid (omega-9), iron, phosphorus, magnesium, phytoestrogens, etc. The main competition is olive oil. It includes oleic acid 81%, and potentially dangerous fats are within the normal range.

Based on the data obtained, it is safe to say that the daily use of sesame oil will not bring tangible benefits for the body, but rather the opposite. This product oversail our body with dangerous omega-6 fats. The same bad results and other vegetable oils are: corn, grape bones and walnuts. For continuous use, the best option is olive oil Extra Virgin. It is he who is recommended to use instead of sunflower. Such exotic options are equally useful as: peach or almond bone oil, peanut butter.

Sesame oil: benefit or harm to children

Considering the benefits or harm for children of sesame oil, initially need to recall the basic components of artificial blends for kids, and this: omega-3, various microelements and sulfur-containing amino acid (taurine). This is exactly the number of useful fatty acids, from the misuse of which our body constantly suffers. Their useful impact on the body is to withdraw systemic inflammation, as well as the active strengthening of the health indicators of all vital organs.

The central nervous system and the brain also receive rich stocks of all these useful elements. The timely speech development of the child depends on their correct work, a good assimilation of a huge amount of information and skills. No less important is the work of immune and gastrointestinal systems. As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to comply with the balancing between Omega-6 and Omega-3. Therefore, it turns out that the kid will not receive the benefit from the introduction into the diet of sesame oil.

The use of sesame oil during pregnancy

Children's pediatricians made a conclusion that the delays in speech and psychological development in preschool children are directly related to the lack of omega-3 at the time of intrauterine and postpartum development, which indicates the incorrect diet of the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding of the baby. Since in sesame oil, omega-3 indicators low and moreover, it contains a large number of salts and oxalic acid, which serve as a strong burden for the kidneys, it is not recommended to use it. The most scrupulous to this question should be approached during the period of the third trimester of pregnancy or in case the mother has chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

Dispel the myth of calcium content in sesame oil

Many believe that in 100 g of sesame contained 98% of the daily required calcium dose, oil has the same coefficients, but it is not. All calcium remains in the cake, which enters away the raw materials. Many unscrupulous manufacturers are misleading gullible customers, pointing to the sesame oil labels of advertising slogans: "The product with a high content of calcium", which is deception.

Ayurveda - Wisdom of antiquity: how to make sesame oil for treatment

Sesame oil in the Far East is called Sesam. It is widely used in China, Japan and India. The ancient science of Ayurveda offers us a lot of recipes, where the scale of sesame was taken as the basis, which was preserved unchanged and to this day. What is useful sesame oil according to followers of Ayurvedic medicine and how to take it? Many scientists do not support such a direction in science, but still there are indisputable facts that indicate reliable cases of curing some diseases precisely with sesame oil. It is about such recipes with sesame oil and will be discussed.

Treatment of constipation by sesame oil

The most popular recipe for getting rid of constipation is to drink a tablespoon of sesame oil on an empty stomach. There is no miraculous drug effect here, the oil acts on the principle of hitting any fats in the empty organism that in a water complex contributes to the improvement of intestinal peristalsis and bile outflow. This is how the prohibition process is activated.

For women, sesame oil can bring undeniable benefit in the treatment of duodenal ulcers. It is this disease of the gastrointestinal gastrointestinal disease that the female half of the population is most often than men. For this, within 10 days, a woman drinks an empty stomach every morning:

  • 1 tbsp. Sesame oil.
  • Fresh from 1 purified potato tuber.
  • 1 tbsp. Honey.

Treatment of lung diseases by sesame oil

Any lung diseases are curable with oil massage. In Eastern medicine, the therapeutic effects of sesame oil on the human respiratory system was repeatedly described. With the help of massage you can:

  • significantly alleviate hard breathing, which is inherent in the treatment of the disease;
  • strengthen expectoration or on the contrary, moisturize cough;
  • restore the image of lymph in the pulmonary system;
  • intensify the blood supply of bronchi;
  • prevent possible complications.

Oil massage technique (no more than 10-15 minutes):

  1. The patient lies on the stomach. It is necessary to confuse his back. Apply a small amount of preheated sesame oil.
  2. Turn over the patient and grind the chest: light movements from the forearm to the center at the time of the breath, and on the contrary, during the exhalation.
  3. Roll over the back and raise the headboard with a roller or pillow. Now there are circular movements from the bottom of the back to the top.
  4. Next should be smoothed back towards the vertebrae to the shoulders. After performing this procedure, the patient's hand must be pressed to the back with an effort.

After the massage, it is necessary to bite the patient and put it to sleep. At the same time, the head should be raised.

Sesame oil in cosmetology

One of the valuable advantages of sesame oil is protective properties from ultraviolet. Such abilities of oil gives the presence of sesamol. This ingredient is the basis of cosmetic sunscreen. The recipe is quite simple, you will need to buy only sesame oil. It must be applied 30 minutes before sunbathing. Its actions grabs for 2 hours, so the application procedure must be repeated.

Cosmetology opens all the most useful, which is in this oil:

  • nourishes all layers of skin with useful trace elements;
  • softens the flapped plots;
  • acts as a moisturizing agent;
  • in the complex with clay, purifies the pores;
  • contributes to the activation of regenerative skin processes;
  • conducts the work of the sebaceous glands.

Here they contain such skin useful items:

  • vitamin E;
  • fatty acid;
  • phytoestrogens.

Sesic Oil Person Recipe (Bold Skin Type)


  • turmeric 2 tbsp.;
  • sesame oil 2 tbsp.


  1. We rub all the ingredients in a homogeneous mass.
  2. We apply instead of a gel to purify the area of \u200b\u200bthe face, neck, neckline zone, shoulders and forearms.
  3. We rub into the right areas of the skin.
  4. Let the gel completely dry.
  5. We remove warm water.

Cellulite sesame oil

To get rid of unpleasant "orange crusts", that so spoil beautiful female legs and buttocks, it is also able to save the sesame oil. Of course, this is not the procedure of one day, but the effect of the use of sesame oil, judging by enthusiastic reviews, is quite impressive.

  1. Initially, dry skin must be actively massaged in the thighs and buttocks with a rigid massage brush. Movements are reproduced from Niza to the top, and then from the "ears" of the hips to the center of the buttocks.
  2. After the areas are blocked, they are triturated with sesame oil, preheated in a water bath.
  3. Massage performs twice a day, at least 1 month. At the same time, it is impossible to miss the procedures.

Sesame Oil - Skin Masks

To feed dry skin type, the oil is stirred from cocoa in proportion of 1: 1. Mixing, apply to face. The exposure time is 20 minutes. You can use a mask every 2 days.

Effective skin nutrition (40+) with sesame oil

In equal proportions, it is necessary to connect 3 types of oils: olive, rosehip and sesame. We distribute a flat layer on the face and zone of neckline. We leave for half an hour. Ring off the oil is not needed, it is enough to blocked with a paper towel. In the same series, oils are suitable: almonds, cocoa and avocado bones. The course of anti-aging therapy is carried out within 1 month, not more than 5 times a week.

Milk for decking makeup with sesame oil

Add kefir to sesame oil (1: 1). Clean your face from makeup, shake your cotton disk in cooked milk. To remove excess fatty glitter, we use fits of fresh cucumber or simply wetting your cotton disk in warm water.

Nourishing night cream with sesame oil

An alternative to the use of nutrient night creams is a sesame oil. It is suitable for any type of skin and age category.

2 hours before sleep, the oil rubs into the skin of the face, including under the eyes. After 20 minutes, the fat residues need to blocked up a napkin.

Toning mask with oil sesame

An excellent toning effect will create a mask from such ingredients:

  • ginger powder 1 Ch.L.;
  • sugar powder 1 tsp;
  • oil sesame 1 tbsp.

Mixing all the components, they must be applied to the skin of the face and wash off with warm water in 20 minutes.

Sesame hair

Sesame oil for painted and dry hair


  • vitamin A 1 capsule;
  • vitamin E 1 capsule;
  • lemon oil 3 drops;
  • sesuit oil 2 tbsp.


  • All components are mixed in plastic containers.
  • Hair is divided into probes.
  • Starting from the roots, the mask is applied along the entire length of strands.
  • Wash off the usual way using a sprawl shampoo after 40 minutes.

The mask has a high concentration of useful vitamins and trace elements, so it is enough to carry out a wellness procedure once every 7 days.

Regenerating mask for cutting hair with sesame oil

Resting on the sea, under the affectionate sun, we rarely think about it harmful effects on our chapel. Returning from the sea coast, after the first laying it becomes noticeably as far as swept and become lifeless curls. It is for such cases that this therapeutic composition is intended.


  • yolks 2 pcs.;
  • honey 1 tbsp.;
  • oil sesame 1 tbsp.


  • In the water bath, melted honey, and in a separate container heat the oil.
  • Beat the annoyance of yolks and add the rest of the warm ingredients.
  • Initially, sweet cleaner must be launched in the roots, and then distribute the length of strands, paying particular attention to the tips.
  • Head wrap in polyethylene and leave half an hour.
  • The fatty composition is washed off by the resortless shampoo.
  • Such a procedure can be repeated daily before the apparent effect.

Sesame oil for teeth

The useful properties of sesame oil will have effective assistance in gingivitis, paradontitis, gum inflammation. This is an effective prophylactic remedy for tartar and caries. Terms of application:

  1. In the oral cavity to dial 1 tbsp. undiluted oil.
  2. For 6-7 minutes, rinse in such a way that it has little flowed from one side to another.
  3. Split the oil composition, its color should change. From the yellow shade should be cold white. If the color has not changed, the procedure must be continued.
  4. Solution of ½ tsp. Soda and 100 ml of warm water rinse mouth.
  5. Rinse with clean water.
  6. Brush your teeth.

Such a procedure can be carried out daily before cleaning the teeth.

Sesame oil - contraindications

Sesame oil is a high-calorie product with a variety of useful substances, but as for any raw material there are contraindications. These include:

  • obesity;
  • a tendency to thrombosis and varicose veins;
  • it is impossible to combine sesame oil and oxalic acid;
  • allergic reaction to the product;
  • diseases of urinary tract and kidney;
  • age limit - children under 3 years old;
  • during pregnancy.

As it turned out, there are not much contraindications to the use of this oil as useful properties. The most important thing is that it is worth remembering - everything should be a measure. Even the most useful products can harm if they are engaged in uncontrolled self-medication.

Video: Sesame oil in cooking


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