
Heparine ointment - from which it helps, the composition. Heparin ointment: instructions for use. Heparine ointment for the face, from bruises, from edema, with hemorrhoids, for potency, with varicose veins. Is it possible to use heparin ointment during pregnancy

Heparine ointment - from which it helps, the composition. Heparin ointment: instructions for use. Heparine ointment for the face, from bruises, from edema, with hemorrhoids, for potency, with varicose veins. Is it possible to use heparin ointment during pregnancy
In this article, we will consider the instructions for the use of heparin ointment. What heparin ointment helps and how it is used for the face, from bruises, with hemorrhoids, varicose veins.

Heparin ointment can be called a universal tool - it is used for a very large list of diseases. Moreover, it gained popularity not only in the field of medicine, but also in the field of cosmetology. Moreover, one cannot fail to note that it has a ridiculous, but pleasant price. Therefore, it is worth considering all its areas of application and figure out how to use such a tool correctly.

Heparin ointment: composition

It is known that initially this ointment was used to treat varicose veins. Therefore, the first line in its use is the use of heparin ointment for diseases of the veins. Yes, it is prescribed for ailments such as phlebitis and thrombophlebitis directly superficial veins. That is, it is simply indispensable for those who have increased thrombosis. She also copes with mechanical damage to the veins (in other words, bruises and swelling).

And what is its merit, or what components are included in the composition:

  1. It includes three main components:
    • heparin is the main component that fights directly with the formation of blood clots and has anti -reducing properties. Moreover, he not only resolves already having blood clots, but also prevents the formation of new ones. It is also worth noting that it has a direct effect in the blood, with the help of anti -impoverished properties. Its content in the medicine is 100 -d/ml;
    • basilnicotinate is the second important ingredient whose work is aimed at expanding blood vessels. Its role also lies in the fact that heparin is better absorbed by blood, and blood clots, on the contrary, are resolved faster;
    • benzocaine is the third main component, the merit of which lies in pain relief, which significantly improves the patient's condition. In other words, it belongs to the class of analgesics.
  2. The composition also includes the following additional components:
    • vaseline used as a base;
    • glycerin, which acts as a stabilizer;
    • distilled water;
    • peach oil;
    • nipazole;
    • nipagin. He also acts in the form of a stabilizer and antiseptic;
    • stearin cosmetic "D".

It is also worth noting the form of release:

  • The ointment is sold in aluminum tubes of 10, 25 and even 50 g, which are packed in cardboard packs. But on the shelves of our pharmacies, tubes of 10 and 25 g of the famous pharmacological company Nizhfarm are more in demand. By the way, the latter option is more convenient to use and economically profitable (but more on that later).
  • If we talk about the expiration date, then it is 3 years. After its expiration, ointment cannot be used.
  • Also, storage conditions also affect the duration of use. The ointment must be kept in a dark and cool place, the temperature of which does not exceed the scale of 20 ° C.

Once again, we repeat that this ointment can be safely called universal medicine, because it is known in surgery, gynecology, and proctology. And also for her they are widely used in phlebology and cosmetology. Of course, she can have her own contraindications, and even side effects.

Heparin ointment: application, contraindications

The most extensive area in which heparin ointment is used is phlebology. In other words, this is a section of medicine that is engaged in veins. Therefore, such basic diseases are included:

  • Varicose veins. It includes the expansion of the veins themselves and their exhaustion. And also as a result of the formation of aneurysm (protrusion of the walls).
  • Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins. That is, the formation of a large blood clot, which interferes with the normal flow of blood.
  • Also phlebitis. This is an inflammation of the venous vessels, the cause of which becomes varicose veins itself. But very often such a picture is observed as a result of taking drugs, that is, after a long course of injections.
  • Patients who have a great swelling of the limbs and severity in the legs will help heparin ointment.
  • For any mechanical damage not only to skin and muscle tissue, but also of joints and tendons. Moreover, these bruises can have both household and sports in nature.
  • In the presence of trophic ulcers on the lower extremities.
  • Hemorrhoids are also included in this list. The ointment is prescribed with both hemorrhoids open and as a result of hemorrhoidal nodes after childbirth.
  • Periflebites of the superficial form.
  • With inflammation of the lymph vessels - lymphangite.
  • It will also help nursing mothers as a result of the appearance of superficial mastitis.
  • Elephantity (severe edema of one or two limbs).
  • And yet, heparin ointment will help relieve pain after burns, and also contribute to rapid healing.
  • It is impossible not to note the additional use of the ointment as eliminating wrinkles or treatment of herpes on the lips.
  • But he will also solve the problem of many women in the fight against cellulite.


  • if there is bleeding or purulent wounds on the surface of the skin;
  • even small scratches fall under the ban;
  • poor blood coagulation and reduced platelet production. After all, heparin is aimed precisely at reducing thrombobobelation;
  • during pregnancy, the chepel ointment also falls under the ban, but during feeding the ointment can only be used after the approval of the attending physician and only in a number of some cases;
  • the contraindications include anemia and hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • heparin ointment to children under 14 years old is strictly prohibited;
  • hemophilia or impaired blood coagulation;
  • if there is a genetic tendency to bleeding, or they are long and plentiful;

Important: if there is any type of bleeding, a fresh cut or a critical day during the period, treatment with heparin ointment is better to be postponed.

  • deep venous thrombosis and necrosis, as well as a significant lesion of the skin;
  • and, of course, the sensitivity or individual intolerance of any components.

Negative consequences:

  • Naturally, an allergy to hyparin ointment may occur. It, as a rule, is expressed by itching and rash, can also be observed by lacrimation or a runny nose (each this issue is purely individual).

Important: always check the ointment in a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and carefully look at the reaction of the body. By the way, it is better to check the ointment on a healthy skin. And yet, slight redness in the field of application does not always indicate allergies.

  • Itching and swelling can also be signs of side effects of the ointment.
  • Urticaria and redness are also included in this list.
  • In some cases, bleeding may occur.
  • And with prolonged use, a significant decrease in platelets may occur. Speaking the language of medicine, then this is thrombocytopenia.

Heparin ointment: Instructions for use

Naturally, each disease can have its own dosage and duration of the course. But the instructions on how to apply heparin ointment includes a number of lists that must be adhered by everyone.

  • Ointment can only be used for external use. Moreover, you cannot apply ointment to open wounds or ulcers!
  • The course of treatment should not exceed two weeks. But, on average, they are prescribed for a duration of 7-10 days.
  • The main thing is to apply the ointment every day, without passes. Some may be enough two times a day, while others need to use it 3 times. By the way, try to carry out the procedure at about the same time.
  • It is necessary to apply the ointment with a thin layer (approximately 0.5 g per section, 3 cm in size), and rubbed with neat and circular movements. The ointment is quickly absorbed, but it is also important not to damage the affected areas of the skin. And do not be afraid to capture a healthy part of the skin, you need to protrude 1-2 cm.

Important: this ointment is released without a prescription, but do not self -medicate. In any situation, you need to consult a doctor.

In general, the ointment does not interfere with the use of other medicines. But there are some exceptions that need to be taken into account. By the way, be sure to tell your doctor what medicines you use at the moment. Heparin ointment is forbidden to take with drugs such as:

  • antibiotics of the tetracycline group;
  • any anti -allergic drugs;
  • and non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs.

Heparin ointment: treatment

What is heparin ointment for, they have already dismantled above and indicated. But it is worth noting that any ailment requires separate attention and its dosage. Therefore, take into account the general rules and requirements, but always be guided by the features of the disease. In order not only to achieve positive results, but also not to obtain negative consequences or a result to zero.

Heparin ointment with hemorrhoids

Heparin not only prevents education, but also resolves existing blood clots. The ointment also helps to thin the blood and attenuate inflammatory processes. And, of course, facilitates the patient's condition, reducing pain.

  • It is important the difference in hemorrhoid treatment is that the ointment is applied not to the skin area itself, but to a cotton swab.
  • Then it must be inserted into the anus.
  • If there are external damage, then it is worth making lotions of ointment and the same cotton pad.

Heparin ointment for varicose

  • The main task of the ointment helps:
    • normalize blood circulation;
    • resolves blood clots and educated blood clots;
    • naturally, it does not allow them to appear;
    • relieves swelling and fatigue of the legs;
    • relieves inflammation and pain.
  • Apply 3 times a day with a thin layer. By the way, before use, the skin must be washed under a contrast shower, then the tone of the muscles and the veins themselves will improve.
  • The course of treatment lasts 14 days, after which it is necessary to take a break or completely switch to another drug. But, as a rule, improvement occurs as a hedgehog after 10 days of use.

Important: you can’t rub the ointment! It can only be applied with light movements to the affected area and allowed to absorb independently. Otherwise, you can damage the weak and compacted places of veins. And this will only aggravate the situation.

Heparin ointment from injections and cones after them

Often after a long course of treatment, cones can form in the places of injections that cause discomfort and pain. The ointment will help to dissolve them and relieve inflammation, and also eliminate pain.

  • The course of treatment lasts no more than 10 days. If an improvement has occurred after 3 days of use, then you should stop applying heparin ointment.
  • Apply ointment with a small layer with smooth movements so as not to cause discomfort or pain to the patient.

Heparin ointment from edema

Edema can be caused by various reasons-improper nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle or any health problems. But the main task is to restore the correct circulation of blood. Also, in such cases, excessive fatigue of the legs is observed, with which this ointment will also help to cope.

  • The course lasts no more than a week. In some situations, the doctor may extend the treatment to 14 days.
  • When applying the ointment, you need to perform a light massage to activate blood flow, relax muscles and relieve unpleasant sensations.
  • If the edema happened in the event of a fall or blow, then do not run immediately to the first -aid kit. For the desired effect, the ointment can only be used after a day.

Heparin ointment from bruises

The ointment helps to remove pain and subcutaneous hematomas. It also improves metabolic processes on the affected area and dilutes blood. By the way, the ointment gives positive results in a couple of days, facilitating the condition of the victim.

  • The ointment can begin to be used immediately after a bruise or a blow.
  • A thin layer should rub the ointment 3 times a day, for 2-10 days. It all depends on the degree of defeat.

Heparin ointment from wrinkles

It not only has anti -aging actions, smoothing wrinkles, but also enhances the process of cell regeneration. But do not believe that the ointment will cope with deep age wrinkles. It is most effective for using small, facial wrinkles, as well as for their prevention.

  • The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days, depending on the result. That is, the faster the improvement comes, the shorter the period of use of the ointment will be.
  • It is also necessary to apply a small layer, but the best result will be given to pathetic movements. Thus, the cream is better absorbed into the skin and its effect will be more active.
  • If you already have wrinkles, then make it a rule to use the cream 2 times a day - in the morning and evening.
  • If you use ointment for prevention, then it is enough to use the cream only in the evening. After all, it is at night that important regeneration processes occur.

Women are always trying to look young and beautiful at any age. Sometimes even resorting to radical methods. Although the heparin face ointment is not for a direct purpose, the results indicate a good efficiency of this method.

Heparin ointment for acne

Acne appears not only in transition, but also in a more mature period. The ointment will help stop inflammation, relieve pain and improve blood circulation. Moreover, heparin also eliminates spots, scars and scars after acne.

Important: you need to start this treatment at the very beginning of inflammatory processes, when the pimple only begins to ripen. With purulent acne or, moreover, with damage, heparin ointment is contraindicated.

  • The course of treatment is slightly stretched - from 5 to 20 days. Yes, in this case you can apply an ointment for more than two weeks. But only on the pimp and in small quantities.
  • By the way, the face must first need to be washed and wiped with an antiseptic.
  • It is not necessary to rub the ointment into the pimple, just allow to completely absorb.
  • After improving and completely eliminating inflammation, the ointment is no longer necessary to use.

Heparin ointment from rosacea

Cooperosis does not carry any negative consequences or dangers for the body, but such a picture looks far from attractive. In this matter, heparin will help to dissolve blood clots and relieve inflammation. And, in general, it will improve the condition of the vessels, thereby eliminating red spots.

  • It is necessary to apply in a small amount, stroking movements, but you do not need to rub the ointment or massage too intensely.
  • You need to do this procedure three times a day until the symptoms are completely eliminated. As a rule, on the third day, the result becomes visible. Therefore, the course of treatment does not last more than 10 days.

Heparine lip ointment

Yes, even this ointment can be applied to the lips. But not as a mask or cream, but in order to treat herpes. It will help get rid of a cold on the lips in a short time, remove the tooth and pain. And, of course, inflammation itself will eliminate.

  • It is necessary to apply a little ointment to the sore area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, but do not rub. The ointment itself is absorbed quickly enough, and the effect will be better then.
  • As a rule, in a couple of days a positive result is visible. In general, in the course of treatment lasts from 3-5 days. If required, then you can increase to a week.
  • On a day you need to use the ointment regularly 3-4 times a day.

Heparin ointment under the eyes

Heparin ointment on the skin around the eyes has a very effective effect. But, like any other medicine, heparin ointment for the eyes can only be used for some time. That is, you can’t use it constantly.

  • The skin in this area is very delicate and thin, so small wrinkles appear quite early. Heparin will help to smooth them out.
  • The acceleration of the outflow of lymph also occurs.
  • If you have swelling under the eyes, then the ointment will help to cope with them.
  • Naturally, blood microcirculation improves.
  • And most importantly - you can remove dark circles under the eyes.

How to use it?

  • From dark circles, the ointment should be applied with a thin layer and patting movements in the morning and evening until the skin condition improves. But the course should not exceed 20 days.
  • Do not forget that the skin must first be cleaned of cosmetics and dirt, which has accumulated over the whole day. You don’t need to apply your favorite cream.
  • But if you have very dry skin, then you can mix heparin ointment and eye cream. The application scheme is similar, as with dark circles.
  • In general, a small pea is enough. The result already becomes visible after 10 days. Then you need to stop. The maximum term is 20 days.
  • If you want to repeat the course, then this becomes allowed only in a month.

Important: if burning, itching or redness of the areas around the eyes is felt, then immediately rinse off the ointment and consult on this issue with the attending physician.

  • And yet, try to avoid getting into your eyes. And, in general, apply only to problem areas, and not too close to the contour of the eyes.

Heparin ointment from bags under the eyes

In principle, the application scheme is exactly the same as indicated above. But you can still make masks.

  • The course lasts 20 days, but they need to be done every other day.
  • To do this, wipe the skin with a lotion or tonic, having previously cleanse it.
  • You need to apply a small amount, the size of a pea. But the technique is a little different. It is necessary to break the ointment for 1 minute with shameful, massage movements.
  • After 20 minutes, you need to wash off the remaining ointments. And in conclusion, you can apply a regular skin cream around the eyes.

Heparin ointment for potency

A little intimate and delicate question that just needs to be affected is potency. It is known that potency with age or as a result of injuries in the groin can weaken. The reasons can be very harmless - poor nutrition, bad habits or a sedentary lifestyle.

But the question is different - how to increase it.

  • Before proceeding with the procedures, you need to wash and dry the genitals well.
  • Then apply a thin layer of ointment rubbing movements to the skin of a penis.
  • If we talk about quantity, then 2-3 times per day. The main thing is that the interval is at least 5-6 hours.
  • The course of treatment lasts 5-7 days, the maximum value is 2 weeks.

Important: do not self -medicate. In this matter, you must definitely consult your doctor and take the necessary tests.

Heparin ointment: analogues

Like any other medicine, heparin ointment has its own analogues. This is not to say that some drug is better or worse, just everyone has their own spectrum of action. Of course, some medicines won more in one area, but they are less effective in another area.

Analogues belongs to:

  • Venabos.
  • Thrombus.
  • Heparin.
  • ZILT.
  • Heparin Gel.
  • Flenox.
  • Benitan Forte (also gel).
  • Dolobene.
  • Counterattubeks.
  • Lavvenut.
  • Lyoton 1000.

This is far from the entire list, but the most famous and popular substitutes that have similar properties have been provided to your attention. But keep in mind that they act in different ways even on the same disease.

Heparine ointment can also be different manufacturers:

  • There are several companies producing heparin ointment. This is the Green Dubrava and Biosynthesis, as well as “Altayvitamins” and “Belmed Darevs”.
  • The best heparin ointment is considered to be Nizhfarm. By the way, the price of this ointment option is much higher than other same drugs.

Of course, the place of purchase plays a large role in the issue of prices. If you decide to buy a drug in a pharmacy under your house, then the price can be much higher than on the Internet. But we will talk about the average indicators:

  • On average, the price starts from 25-30 rubles. Naturally, the volume of the tube, the company - the manufacturer and wrapping of the pharmacy affects.
  • By the way, the ointment of Nizhfarm company costs two times more (a tube of 25 g costs from 50 to 70 rubles). But keep in mind that she received the most positive reviews. That is, the price is fully justified by quality.
  • A tube of 50 g will cost from 100 to 200 rubles. Again, the price is directly related to the manufacturer.
  • And a note, it is more profitable to buy in large packages, since the price is not very different. But 25 g of tubes are more practical and not very different in the price category.

Heparin ointment: reviews

Around this ointment, mostly positive reviews. The first thing that attracts buyers is a low and affordable price. The result does not force itself to wait long even if it does not turn out so desired.

Svetlana, 38 years old:

My husband jumped out her husband. There was no suitable ointment at hand, but something had to be done. I heard that heparin ointment helps in such a matter. So I decided to experiment on my husband. Really helps! Moreover, the result was noticeable on the second day of application. Perhaps due to the fact that we immediately rushed to the rescue. But after three days there was no trace of a cold. True, the husband, when he found out, was a little indignant. But I acted!

Victoria, 31 years old:

My heparin ointment always lies in the first -aid kit. It helps out perfectly in the case of bruises and bruises. I decided to apply an ointment under my eyes from dark circles. This is my result of constant lack of sleep. Perhaps individual tolerance of the skin also plays a role. But my burning sensation immediately began, and after washing off the ointment, small red spots remained. I don’t know, maybe it should be so. But I did not go to the experiments anymore. Although I continue to use it in the right and familiar areas.

Natalia, 35 years:

I'm just delighted with her. I had never heard about her before, but her friend advertised so much that she decided to try. I used it for 10 days from wrinkles. The result is visible on the face. There was no negative reaction in the form of redness or itching (burning). Moreover, it has a very weak smell (it is practically none), and the price is much cheaper than any cream. Moreover, the result, unlike creams, is simply stunning. Yes, if you take an expensive cream, then it will also give a positive effect, but again, back to the price, which will be tens of tens of heparin ointment. 

Video: Heparin ointment for female beauty



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