
Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss - how to do it correctly. Respiratory gymnastics of the abdomen according to the method of Maria Kapran, Strelnikova

Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss - how to do it correctly. Respiratory gymnastics of the abdomen according to the method of Maria Kapran, Strelnikova
Respiratory gymnastics is an effective way of losing weight, accessible to everyone.

A slender and fit figure is a dream of almost every representative of the fair sex. Hormonal and age -related changes, features of metabolic processes, passive lifestyle, malnutrition, as well as bad habits, often lead to the fact that once attractive forms lose their former outlines. The issue of losing weight is complex and multifaceted.

Women are trying to harase themselves with diets or even starve, go intensely to drive excess weight in the gym. These methods of losing weight have the right to life, but are quite exhausting for the female body both in the physical and emotional terms. Pay attention to breathing exercises for weight loss. These techniques are more sparing, but from the same equally effective way to part with the extra kg.

Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss

The effectiveness of breathing gymnastics for weight loss at first glance can cause doubts, since there are no familiar food restrictions, as well as active physical exertion. However, this is not so.

The benefits of respiratory gymnastics

  • In the process of “correct” breathing, an active saturation of each cell of the body with oxygen occurs. As a result, the digestive tract improves, since oxygen provides more active absorption of nutrients, improves their digestibility.
  • Deep breathing helps to maintain the optimal pH level, which helps to split fat cells.
  • Among other things, breathing techniques contribute to the cleansing of the body of toxins, toxins and preservatives. More than half of the toxins during deep exhalations turn into gases and are successfully excreted from the body.
  • Respiratory techniques reduce the content of the stress hormone in the blood, as a result of which the central nervous system “calms down”.

In addition, gymnastics dulls a feeling of hunger, gives energy, strengthens immunity. The use of breathing gymnastics for weight loss according to reviews is not always effective. But it is worth considering both the individual characteristics of the body and the correctness and regularity of the execution of breathing techniques. Do not forget about the diet - obviously high -calorie dishes should also not be abused.

Contraindications to conduct breathing exercises for weight loss

Despite the fact that the exercises are performed in a calm and measured regime under a seemingly minimum load on the body, they still have a number of contraindications. These include:

  • Heart or vascular diseases.
  • Pathologies of the pulmonary system.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Bleeding.
  • Spinal injuries.

However, even if you do not have the above contraindications, before starting a set of breathing exercises, you will definitely receive a doctor’s consultation. So you will be sure that gymnastics will benefit you exclusively.

Respiratory gymnastics Marina Corpan for weight loss

Proper breathing will increase vital tone, give vigor, improve the natural resistance of the body to various ailments. Respiratory techniques are quite simple and do not have age -related restrictions. Corpan system exercises are based on Oxisase techniques. For training, it is better to choose the morning clock until you have food.

  • Stand up. Bend your legs slightly at the knees.
  • The back should be flat. Now try to reduce the shoulder blades as much as possible.
  • Take a deep breath through your nose.
  • Dire the pelvis forward, while drawing up the stomach. Not only the muscles of the press and buttocks are strained, but also the neck.
  • Next, do 3 more shallow additional breaths with your nose.
  • After that, an exhalation follows so that all the air that you breathed before that. In this case, the pelvis should be lowered, the buttocks are relaxed. The press is still tense.

During the exercises, try to keep a smile on your face, do not make your lips a tube.

Staining gymnastics for weight loss

The system includes 6 main exercises. Repeat of each of them should be done 5-10 times. Inhalation should be made active and through the nose. Exhale natural, relaxed. A sharp breath and a smooth output - the key rule of respiratory gymnastics of Strelnikova for weight loss.

  • The exercise is performed standing. Stretch your straight arms in front of you. Next, bend them at the elbows. The forearms are pressed to the body. Make short, but intense breaths, clutching your hands into fists. Next, a relaxed exhalation is followed, in which your fingers are unclenched, and you seem to push the object away from yourself.
  • Standing starting position. Hands bent at the elbows. The fists should be clenched at the breath, the arms are lowered at the exit (straightened down) and fists are unclenched. The exercise is done with effort, but make sure that there is no pain in the elbow joint.
  • Become straight. Next works exclusively by the hip area. Shoulders, lower back and knees should not move. On inspiration, make a tilt forward (back is straight), on exhalation, return to the starting position. If the exercise is difficult, try to perform it in a sitting position.
  • In a standing position, bend your arms at the elbows. On a sharp inspiration, you need to bend your knees slightly, make the body rotation to the left. The waist area works exclusively. During a relaxed exhalation, return to the starting position. Next, repeat a similar turn, but to the right.
  • Bring the brushes to the shoulders. It is necessary to stand relaxed, without excessive overstrain. Next, take a breath, while trying to round your back as much as possible. The chest is drawn into the inside, the navel is, as it were, pressed to the spine. You can facilitate the completion of the task by pulling the buttocks. On exhalation, return to the original position.
  • Now you should combine the third and fifth exercises. On inspiration, perform a deflection (previous technique) and tilt in the hip joint. On exhalation, return to the standing position.

Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss bodyflex

The bodyflex technique represents a combination of breathing exercises with certain physical stress. Proper breathing helps to saturate the body with oxygen, and special poses in which breathing techniques are performed, train your body muscles.

Bodyflex gymnastics principles

Odin from the main components of success when doing any exercises is regularity. Respiratory techniques were no exception. In addition, such factors as:

  • Training should be carried out on an empty stomach. That is why the optimal time of classes is morning. If you do not have to engage in morning hours, withstand after eating at least 2-3 hours, and then proceed to the exercises.
  • Do not starve. The desire to lose weight should not be combined with a total refusal of food. During training, you will spend a huge amount of energy, which just needs to be replenished. It will be optimal to rejection of flour and sweets, as well as saturation of the diet with vitamins.
  • To master the principles of the respiratory technicians used before the start of the set of exercises.

Body breathing bodyflex

Breathing during the exercise occurs according to the scheme:

  • Perform a deep exhalation.
  • Further inhale in full chest.
  • Exhale with effort.
  • Hold your breath, the stomach is pulled as much as possible. At this stage, it is necessary to take a pose from the appropriate exercise.
  • The block ends a sharp breath.

Respiratory gymnastics for losing weight will not take more than 15 minutes, but its results will not be long in coming. The main thing is the regular implementation of the technique.

Bodyflex system exercises

A full range of gymnastics includes 12 exercises aimed at more active study of certain zones. Exercises perform 3 times, fixing time in position - 8 seconds.

Slender hips, legs and buttocks:

  • Pretzel. Sit on the floor. Cross your legs so that the left knee passes over the right. In this case, the right leg remains straight. Take your left hand out of your back and lean on it. The right hand wraps over the left knee. Perform the respiratory “bunch” and pull the stomach. In this case, try to pull the left knee as close to the body as possible with your right hand. Smoothly unfold the entire body to the left and look back. Hold in this position. Perform 3 repetitions for the right half.
  • Boat. In a sitting position, dilute the straight legs as wider as possible. Pull your stomach and put your hands in front of you on the floor. You begin to “walk” forward, leaning as low as possible. Hold in this position. Exhale and put your hands behind the body.
  • Seiko. Stand on your elbows and knees. Next, take the right leg to the side and straighten up so that it forms a right angle with your body. The back is straight, the foot lies on the floor. Perform respiratory equipment, draw a stomach and hold your breath. Now take your right leg from the floor and try to pull it as close to the head as possible, without bending it in the knee. Hold in such a position. Exercise perform 3 approaches for each leg.
  • Pulling the legs back. Kneel and elbows. The palms are on the floor. Straighten one leg. Her fingers "look" down. Try to evenly distribute your weight, your head looks straight. Having completed all the stages of the respiratory exercise, pull the stomach and take the leg as up as possible. The sock is still directed down. Squeeze the buttocks as strongly as possible and read to 8. Repeat similar actions for the second leg.
  • Stretching legs. Lie down on your back, even legs are raised vertically at right angles to the body. With your hands, clasp the popliteal area. Performing a respiratory technique, draw a stomach and try to pull straight legs as close to the chest as possible. Lye in this position.

Respiratory gymnastics for losing weight: a complex for the waist and the press:

  • Side stretch. Stand up, bending your knees slightly. Run your hands on your knees. Having held your breath, pull your stomach. The left leg remains bent, install the elbow of the left hand on it. Remove the right leg to the side and a little back. At the same time, raise your right hand up and stretch to the left side.
  • Diamond. In the standing position, the legs are slightly bent, the emphasis on his knees. Having held your breath, drawing your stomach. Next, get up and form a circle with your hands. The limbs are in contact only with fingers. Hands must be raised as high as possible. You rest your fingers as strong as possible.
  • Abdominal press. You need to lie on your back, bend your knees and stretch your arms up. The foot is completely on the floor. When performing a breathing exercise, tear off the shoulders from the floor. At the same time, the hands continue to reach up. Fix in this position, then go down to the floor and rise again. So 3 times.
  • Cat. Stand on all fours. The back and arms are straightened. During the delay in the abdomen, lower your head down and try to bend your back as high as possible. Hold in this position.
  • Scissors. Lie down on your back, your legs straight, your arms lie along the body. Perform respiratory equipment. Hold your breath by pulling your stomach. Next, tear off your legs from the floor (10-20 cm) and produce 9-10 cross movements with even legs. Try not to bend much in the lower back.

Exercises for the neck and chin:

  • Lion. Perform breathing exercises. Next, draw the stomach and form a small circle with your lips. Open your eyes wide. Then slowly lower your head forward, and your lips down. Stick and pull the tongue forward. Eyes look up. Fix this position.
  • Ugly grimace. Stand exactly, hold your head straight. Hold your breath. Remove the teeth of the lower jaw forward so that they go forward of the upper jaw. Shoot your lips and slowly raise your head up until you feel strong tension in your neck. Remove your hands back. Lye in this position.

Respiratory gymnastics Jianfei for weight loss

The very name of this technique is Jianfei, which in translated from Chinese means “dropping fat,” says its orientation. This is the path to a slender body, beauty, health and longevity. With its help, you will work out the whole body, but of course, special attention is paid to the stomach.

Principles of breathing gymnastics Jianfay

As soon as each of us takes the first steps in the struggle for a beautiful figure, I immediately want to see the result. However, be patient. The effect will necessarily be achieved, but only on condition of regular daily training.

  • Prepare spacious comfortable clothes.
  • Select only 15 minutes for vivacity and beauty.
  • Training can be carried out at any time, but better before meals.

The first results are usually visible after 2-4 days and delight on scales with a decrease in mass by 1 kg. After 2-3 months, if you were not lazy and regularly trained, the weight will decrease by 8-12 kg. And this is without exhausting sports training and hard diets. What is the secret? Reducing weight with the burning of fat cells occurs. In addition, exercises are aimed at normalizing metabolic processes, reducing a sense of hunger, removing general emotional stress. A smooth weight loss is soft for the body, so it does not harm health. The main thing is the correct mood and complete harmony with its inner "I". The complex of Chinese breathing gymnastics for weight loss is based on abdominal breathing and includes only 3 exercises - “Wave”, “Frog” and “Lotus”. How are these techniques performed?

Exercise breathing gymnastics wave

Exercise can be performed both sitting and lying, but it is better to take a horizontal position. Relax. Bend the legs at the knees, the foot is completely in contact with the floor. Place one palm in the chest area, the other on the stomach. Next, proceed to the exercise, helping yourself with your hands. Start with a deep breath. At the same time, draw the stomach, and lift the chest a little. Next, hold your breath for a few seconds and make a smooth exhalation. During exhalation, on the contrary - try to draw the chest as if, and the stomach should be inflated. Try to make at least 40 repetitions. Breathe smoothly, at one time familiar to you. If you feel a slight dizziness, try to reduce your breathing intensity, making it slower.

Exercise of breathing gymnastics frog

Sit on a low chair (height up to 35 cm). The legs are spaced to shoulder width apart, the angle between the thigh and the lower leg. Install your elbows on your knees. Clutch your left brush into a fist and grab it with your right hand. Lear your forehead with your forehead, close your eyes and relax. Softness should appear in the body.

  • The first breath is deep and through your nose.
  • Fill the stomach with air and begin to alternate entered and exhale according to the following scheme: a long output (through the mouth)-a long breath (through the nose), hold your breath for 2-3 seconds, then a short exhale (through the mouth)-a short breath (through the nose) and Again, make a long exhale.
  • The duration of the approach is 15 minutes. During the day, it is recommended to perform the complex 2-3 times. At the same time, the maximum work takes place in the abdomen - it should be drawn out as much as possible, and on inspiration, it is filled with air as much as possible.

Exercise of respiratory gymnastics lotus

To perform this exercise, take the pose of the same name by placing your left leg over the right, or sit on the chair, as when performing the previous exercise.

  • Start with breathing restoration - for several minutes (about 5), breathe slowly and evenly. You must be relaxed, breathing is almost soundless, the movements in the chest and abdomen are minimal.
  • The next 5 minutes should just be deeply breathed, without controlling the volume and movement of the chest.
  • The final 10 minutes devote to meditation and relaxation. Breathe naturally how convenient you are. Respiratory control at this stage is completely absent.

This exercise is best done before going to bed.

Smooth and measured exercises and at the same time high efficiency of the latter provided with breathing techniques additional popularity. An example of breathing gymnastics for weight loss is presented in the video.



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