
Potato cake, preparation recipe

Potato cake, preparation recipe
How to cook a simple and tasty cake "Potato"

The cake, when eating which is remembered by the grandmother, school changes, funny corridors of the school. Yes! This is a “potato” cake, which can be prepared even by a preschooler who has no cooking skills at all. The products are also the simplest, affordable, which are in every house. Such a dessert can be prepared for every day and for the festive table, if you freeze a little and make this cake festive design.

Recipes of the Potato cake

There are different recipes for preparing this dessert, it can be prepared from the simplest store cookies, from biscuit, from crackers, with cocoa, with condensed milk.

Cake "Potato" from cookies


We prepare the simplest cake from finished cookies. This is just the option when the child also cope. We harvest the ingredients and go into the kitchen for a maximum of half an hour. Such a recipe is precisely suitable for modern busy women.


  • 300 g of any, simplest and better scattered, for example, “vanilla” or “ghee” of cookies;
  • 2 \\ 3 cups of milk;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. cocoa-powder;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Roma, cognac or dessert wine.

We proceed to the preparation of the home cake "Potato". Heat milk and sugar, stirring. In a hot sweet mixture, add butter and remove from heat. We interfere with the complete dissolution of the oil.

Grind the cookies. If you like a homogeneous mass in the middle of the cake, you can grind in a blender or in a meat grinder. And if you like crispy pieces, chop half the cookies in a blender, and break the second half with our hands or roll with a rolling pin on a package of cookies.

Mix the chips of cookies and cocoa thoroughly. Pour the chips of cookies with a warm milk-oil mixture, mix everything. If the “potato” cake is made for adults, add a spoonful of rum or cognac to the mixture, this will give the cake a rich taste. For children, it is better to use confectionery essences.

We form cakes in the form of potatoes, balls, long sausages - as your fantasy prompts.

We decorate the cakes, sprinkling cocoa - powder, ground fried nut or coconut, put in the refrigerator for cooling. After 2-3 hours, you can enjoy the home cake "Potato".


Cake "Potato" of crackers, recipe with photo

A very tasty cake is obtained if, instead of cookies, take breadcrumbs in the same volume. In this case, the amount of sugar should be increased, since the crackers are not sweet. And we will prepare the “potato” cake from crackers prepared with your own hands.

We prepare the ingredients:

  • baton 350-400 g;
  • 150 g of butter;
  • 200-250 g of boiled condensed milk;
  • tablespoon of cognac;
  • cocoa powder for sprinkling;
  • nuts, raisins at will.

To prepare the “potato” cake with a condensed milk of crackers, cut the loaf with small cubes.


Dry in the oven to a rosy crust.


Grind the finished chilled crackers, passing through a meat grinder.


Mix the butter softened to room temperature, ground crackers, boiled condensed milk and cognac.



We form a cake and collapse in a cocoa powder.


Cool in the refrigerator.


Potato cake according to GOST

We bought such cakes in childhood in a cafe with a varnish, pins or a sweet tooth. These cakes were distinguished in that they had a bright middle on a fault. This is clearly visible in the photo of the “Potato” cake:


The second difference is that inside the cake had a slightly granular structure, and not a plastic mass. It was different from a cake made from cookies or crackers. For its preparation, a biscuit was used, baked and chilled in advance. To prepare the “Potato” cake according to GOST at home, at first we bake a biscuit.

Biscuit ingredients:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 75 g of flour;
  • 15 g of potato starch.

Gently separate the yolks from proteins. Put the proteins in the refrigerator for cooling. Beat the yolks and 2 \\ 3 sugar. Beat the proteins and the remaining sugar separately until the lush stable foam is obtained. Carefully mix the yolks and protein mass, add flour and starch. We knead carefully, from the edges to the center, without whipping dense dough. Pour the dough on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, put in a well -heated oven to 200 degrees for 15 minutes. It is recommended to spread the dough with a not very thick layer, but as if spread on a baking sheet. During the baking of the biscuit, the oven door cannot be opened. We check the biscuit readiness after 12-15 minutes, punctures with its dry match. If the match after piercing remains dry, the biscuit is ready. Cool the biscuit, even better let it lie or two and dry a little. We break the biscuit for pieces, grind in a blender.

Ingredients for cream of cake "Potato" from the biscuit:

  • 125 g of butter at room temperature;
  • 50 g of sugar powder;
  • 50 g of condensed milk;
  • 1 tbsp. Roma;
  • 2 tbsp. cocoa for rolling.

Mix the ingredients for the cream in a blender until a smooth-measurement structure is obtained. 1 tsp. Creams can be left for decorating ready -made cakes. We mix biscuit baby with cream, form cakes in the form of oblong potatoes. We collapse the cakes in a cocoa powder. We leave for 10-15 minutes and again send to a cocoa powder. We draw with cream eyes on ready -made goodies, put in the refrigerator.


The classic “Potato” cake is prepared on the basis of a biscuit, but smart housewives come up with their original recipes. For example, they use gingerbread cookies, drying, vanilla crackers. This reduces the time for the preparation of the cake, but does not at all worsen the taste of the product.

  Useful tips for the preparation of the Potato cake:

  1. In the middle of the cake, it is better to add slightly fried or dried nuts. They will save and give a cake piquant taste.
  2. If the cake is prepared for children, instead of rum you can take confectionery essences or honey.
  3. Previously, grandmothers made a delicious cake from a cake. After the holiday, there were often a lot of cakes, they were grinded into crumbs, poured cream from milk, butter and cocoa. The resulting mass was decorated in the form of bunks, they were sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  4. Cream cream for "potato eyes": grind 1 yolk, 40 g of butter and 3 tsp. Sahara. Put the cream in the corner of the plastic bag, cut the corner and squeeze the cream on the cakes in the form of potato eyes. Instead of a cream, you can decorate with pieces of fried nut.
  5. Depending on what tastes you have, you can add different ingredients: nuts, dried fruits, zuccats. You can add grated chocolate or orange zest.
  6. In the middle of the treat, you can put the filling of pieces of fruit or dried fruits.
  7. You can also use different options to design cakes. You can simply roll in a cocoa powder, powdered sugar, breadcrumbs or ground nuts. For the festive table, cakes can be poured with chocolate in a water bath or sprinkled with coconut chips in different colors, decorated with slices of marmalade.
  8. If your child loves the “potato” cake, prepare him a cake -based cake. The finished mass is very easy to form in a thematic cake: a car, a soccer ball, a book. You can draw everything else with cream.
  9. You can cook the “potato” cake in the form of hedgehogs, cones, draw funny faces on them with cream.
  10. So that the cake does not dirty your hands, you can put it into small paper molds for baking cupcakes. It will be very elegant and practical.


Potato cake. Video

The famous chef Gayane Breyova will tell you how to cook the Potato cake



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