
Cupcake "Potato", recipes

How to prepare a simple and tasty cupcake "Potato"

A cake, when eating a grandmother, school changes, merry school corridors. Yes! This is a cupcake "potato", which can be preparing even a preschooler who does not have cooking skills at all. Products are also the simplest, affordable, which is in every home. Such a dessert can be prepared for every day, and on a festive table, if a little mining and make a festive design cake.

Recipes Cupcake "Potato"

There are different recipes for the preparation of this dessert, it can prepare from the most simple shopping cookie, from the biscuit, from the superstars, from Cocoa, with condensed milk.

Cupcake "Potato" from cookies


We are preparing the simplest cake from the finished cookie. This is exactly the option when the child can cope. We harvest the ingredients and go to the kitchen to the maximum half an hour. Such a recipe is exactly suitable for modern women.


  • 300 g of any, the most simple and better crumbly, for example, "vanilla" or "fused milk" of cookies;
  • 2 \\ 3 cups of milk;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Roma, brandy or dessert wine.

We proceed to the preparation of homemade cake "Potato". Milk and sugar heating, stirring. In a hot sweet mixture, we add butter and remove from the fire. Mind to complete oil dissolution.

Cookies crushing. If you like a homogeneous mass in the middle of the cake, you can grind in a blender or on a meat grinder. And if you like crispy pieces, half of the cookies are crushed in a blender, and the second half break hands or rolling the rolling pin with a cookie.

Thoroughly mix biscuits and cocoa. Fill the crumb of cookies with a warm milky and oil mixture, mix all. If the cake "potato" is done for adults, add a spoonful of Roma or brandy to the mixture, it will give a rich taste cake. For children, it is better to use confectionery essences.

We form cakes in the form of potatoes, balls, long sausages - as your fantasy suggests.

We decorate the cakes, sprinkling cocoa powder, a ground fried nut or coconut chips, put in a refrigerator for cooling. After 2-3 hours you can taste homemade cake "Potato".


Cake "Potato" from superstars, recipe with photos

A very tasty cupcake is obtained if instead of cookies take breadcrumbs in the same amount. In this case, the amount of sugar should be increased because the crowns are not sweet. And we will prepare the cake "Potato" made of superstars, cooked personally.

Prepare the ingredients:

  • baton 350-400 g;
  • 150 g of butter;
  • 200-250 g boiled condensed milk;
  • cognac tablespoon;
  • cocoa powder for putting up;
  • nuts, raisins at will.

To prepare the "potato" cupcake with a condensed milk, cut the baton with small cubes.


Enough in the oven to ruddy crust.


Grind ready-made chilled crackers, passing through a meat grinder.


We mix the butter, softened to room temperature, ground crops, boiled condensed milk and cognac.



We form a cupcake and collapse in cocoa powder.


Cool in the refrigerator.


Cupcake "Potato" according to GOST

We bought such cakes in childhood in a cafe Lander, Pinocchio or sweet tooth. These cakes were distinguished by the fact that they had a bright middle on the fault. It is clearly visible in the photo of the Cake "Potato":


The second difference is that inside the cupcake had a slightly grainy structure, and not plastic mass. To taste it was different from the cake prepared from cookies or sugar. For its preparation, a biscuit was used, pre-baked and cooled. To prepare Cake "Potato" according to GOST at home, first bake a biscuit.

Ingredients for Biscuit:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 75 g of flour;
  • 15 g of potato starch.

Gently separate yolks from proteins. Proteins put in a refrigerator for cooling. We beat yolks and 2 \\ 3 sugar. Separately whip off proteins and remaining sugar before receiving lush stable foam. Carefully mix yolks and protein mass, add flour and starch. Mix carefully, from the edges to the center, without whipping the dense dough. Pour the dough on the baking sheet, stuck with baking paper, put in a well-warmed oven to 200 degrees for 15 minutes. It is recommended to lay the dough not very thick layer, but how to smear on the baking sheet. During baking biscuit, the oven doors do not open. The readiness of the biscuit is checking after 12-15 minutes, the punctures of it with a dry match. If the match after piercing remains dry, the biscuit is ready. Biscuit cool, it is even better to give a day or twice and dry a little. I break the biscuit on pieces, crushing in a blender.

Ingredients for cream Cake "Potato" from the biscuit:

  • 125 g of room temperature cream oil;
  • 50 g of sugar powder;
  • 50 g condensed milk;
  • 1 tbsp. Roma;
  • 2 tbsp. Cocoa for charging.

We mix in the blender ingredients for the cream before getting a smooth uniform structure. 1 tsp. The cream can be left to decorate ready-made cakes. Biscuit crumb mix with cream, form cakes in the form of oblong potatoes. Call pastries in cocoa powder. We leave for 10-15 minutes and again we send to cocoa powder. We draw the cream of eyes on the finished delicacies, put in the refrigerator.


Classic Cupcake "Potato" is prepared on the basis of a biscuit, but the intelligent hostesses come up with their original recipes. For example, used for cooking gingerbread, drying, vanilla crackers. This reduces the cost of time for the preparation of the cake, but does not worsen the taste of the product.

Useful tips for cooking Cake "Potato":

  1. In the middle of the cupcake, it is better to add slightly roasted or dried nuts. They will retain and give a cake spicy taste.
  2. If the cupcake is prepared for children, instead of Roma, you can take confectionery essences or honey.
  3. Previously, grandmothers did a very tasty cake from the crumb. After the holiday, there were often a lot of cakes, they were peathed into the crumb, poured with cream from milk, butter and cocoa. The resulting mass was drawn up in the form of kolobkov, sprinkled with sugar powder.
  4. Creamy cream for "potato eyes": rub 1 yolk, 40 g of butter and 3 ppm Sahara. Put the cream into the corner of the plastic bag, crop the corner and squeeze the cream on the cakes in the form of panato eyes. Instead of cream, you can decorate with pieces of fried nut.
  5. Depending on what tastes you have, you can add different ingredients: nuts, dried fruits, candied fruit. You can add grated chocolate or orange zest.
  6. In the middle of the delicacy, you can put a filling from pieces of fruits or dried fruits.
  7. For decoration of the cakes, you can also use different options. You can simply go in cocoa powder, sugar powder, breadcrumbs or ground nuts. For a festive table, cakes can be pouring chocolate melted on a water bath or sprinkle with coconut chips of different colors, decorate with pieces of marmalade.
  8. If your child adores cake "potato", prepare a cake based on the recipe for a cake. Already the finished mass is very easy to form in the thematic cake: a car, a soccer ball, a book. Draw everything else with cream.
  9. You can cook the cake "Potato" in the form of hedgehogs, cones, draw funny frills on them with cream.
  10. So that the cake does not pack hands, you can decompose it into small paper molds for baking cupcakes. It will be very smart and practical.


Cake "Potato". Video

The famous Chef Guyan Breyova will tell how to prepare a cupcake "Potato"


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