
Lavash Radetics Recipes

Lavash Radetics Recipes
Delicious recipes of lavash rolls to the daily and holiday table.

Lavash - a flour product of Armenian cuisine. It takes an honorable place on a par with Slavic wheat bread. Traditionally, Lavash is served with the Armenian Broth Hasche and eat with a kebab. In order to arouse appetite before the main meal, cheese and fresh dill are wrapped in it. Call such a roll in Armenia "Durum".

In addition to such a roll of Armenian Lavash, another dish is also famous - Brutch. Brutch called rolls from pita, cooked with different filling. Based on the filling can act cheese, meat, boiled eggs, greens and spices. Today, these dishes and variations on the topic of rolls have become so popular in many countries that the number of recipes and stuffing for rolls from a thin pita is difficult to count. Therefore, so as not to be confused in this abundance, we suggest to get acquainted closer with the most common recipes for treets from the pita with a photo.

Aromatic home Armenian Lavash


For the preparation of rolls from the pita, thick lavash is not used. You need to choose a thin one. Its without a doubt can be bought at any store, but much more pleasant to prepare it at home.

The real Armenian lavash in shape resembles an oblong damn, 1 m long and 40 cm wide, weighing about 450. It has an inhomogeneous color after cooking, due to the different thickness of the middle and edges.

To prepare Armenian Lavash at home, you need to set the maximum temperature of the oven, and also stock in the necessary ingredients.

How to cook home Armenian Lavash:

  1. Fresh yeast (25 g) wept in a glass of warm water, add a tablespoon of salt.
  2. In a separate container, we sift 1 kg of wheat flour, we make in the middle deepening and pour the yeast into the funnel dissolved in warm water.
  3. We begin to mix the dough with your hands, pouring water (500-700 ml) as necessary, the amount of water depends on how much the dough takes place. After a few minutes of kneading in a bowl, we shift the dough to the working surface, after sprinkling it with a small amount of flour. We continue to work with the test.
  4. The whole process will take you about 20 minutes. After all the efforts made, your dough should not pester hands and be cool.
  5. The finished dough is shifted into deep dishes, we sprinkle it from top of the flour, cover the food film and send it to a warm place. You will see how the dough gradually increases twice.
  6. The rising dough should be shifted to the surface, having previously sprinkled with flour, dividing several small balls into several balls.
  7. Roll over the balls subtle, giving them an oval or rounded form.
  8. We send Lavash in the oven, warming up the pre-oven. Do not forget that the heating temperature should be maximum.
  9. Finished Lavash after cooking shift into the package so that the cakes remain soft.

Fragrant home Lavash ready.

Lavash rolls with fish: salmon and smoked salmon


How to make rolls from pita with salmon:

  1. Thoroughly lubricate the surface of a large lavash sheet with soft cheese (250 g), distributing it evenly. Here you can use any soft cheese depending on taste preferences: creamy, curd, melted.
  2. With the help of a sharp knife, we cut pieces of low-salted salmon (300 g) thin plates and distribute the fish evenly, on top of the cheese base.
  3. Cucumber purify from the peel, cut straw, put on top of salmon. It can also be put on top of the leaves of lettuce.
  4. Watch the pita with stuffing. When applying, cutting the rolls permanently on the portion pieces, lay out on the dish.
  5. For decoration, you can lay out on the dish along with slices of tapes from salmon Slot cherry tomatoes, fresh cucumber slots.

Despite the fact that salmon is low-salted, do not try to put it a lot in the roll, otherwise it can get too salty.

How to make boilers from a panel with smoked salmon:

  1. If you have a big lavas leaf, we divide it in half. But it is better to use 2 medium sheets.
  2. With the help of vegetables, cut the cucumber straw.
  3. The first half of the pita is smeared with anchor oil (250 g), laying uniformly straw from cucumber.
  4. The second half of the pita leaf is put on top of the cucumber layer and smear it with melted cheese (250 g). We lay out from above on the cheese base. Thin slices of smoked salmon. We sprinkle the fish with a disturbed greens.
  5. We turn the pita with a filling in the roll, turn it around with its food film and send it in the refrigerator for about an hour.
  6. A sharp knife cut the roll with salmon on the portion pieces and serve on the table.

If your chosen smoked salmon seems to you unsalted, then you can replace the fresh cucumber to salty.

Piquette rolls of pita with crab chopsticks


How to make a crab roll from the pita:

  1. We cut the big pita on 3 equal parts.
  2. Cut the weak salmon (300 g) thin slides.
  3. The first part of the pita is smeared with a thin layer of soft cheese (100 g), laying from above the crab sticks (200 g).
  4. On top of the first layer, we put the second layer layer, we lubricate it with soft cheese (100 g), sprinkle with greens and grated solid cheese (200 g), lay the lettuce leaves from above.
  5. We cover the second layer of the third layer of the pawwash, we again lubricate it with soft cheese (100 g), lay the plates of sliced \u200b\u200bweak salmon salmon (300 g), sprinkled with a fish with a disturbed greenery.
  6. 3 layers of pita with filling fold into a dense roll, wind by its food film. We send for a couple of hours to a cool place.

Lavash rolls with ham and yoghurt sauce


How to cook a roll of footwash with ham and sauce:

  1. Bundle of fresh greenery and lettuce leaves are rinsed in clean water, drier. Finely ruby \u200b\u200bgreens, salad leaves cut large.
  2. We cut the pepper in half, remove the seeds, partitions, we rinse the purified halves, cut them with stripes.
  3. Ham (200 g) cut by thin plates.
  4. The naked greens mix with the melted cheese (250 g).
  5. The finished mass of cheese and greens distribute evenly along the lavash sheet, we lay out slices of ham and pepper strips.
  6. We turn the lavas with a filling in the roll, send it to cool in the refrigerator for an hour, after wrapped in the food film.
  7. Meanwhile, prepare sauce. We smear in a separate container of feta cheese (100 g), add 30 ml of olive oil to the resulting mass, the sliced \u200b\u200bclove of garlic, sliced \u200b\u200bbeam of fresh basil, pour 200 ml of yogurt (without flavor flavors and fillers), mix everything thoroughly. We season the yoghurt sauce to taste with pepper and salt.
  8. The cooled roll is cut into pieces and feed it with sauce.

Raw lavash rolls with mushrooms and onions


How to make boat rolls with mushrooms and onions-row:

  1. From Luka-Soon we take only a white part of it, cut it with half rings, pass on vegetable oil.
  2. Add the mushrooms chopped with plates (400 g) sliced, fry until readiness. We season the stuffing to taste with spices, let her get to cool.
  3. We divide 200 g of melted cheese on 3 equal parts. We mix the first part of the melted cheese and a half of the disturbed greenery. We smear the first part of the pita leaf.
  4. Above the second sheet of the pita, we put it on the second part of the melted cheese, on top of the cheese base, we distribute a bulbous mushroom stuffing.
  5. The third sheet of footwash is placed on a bulbous-mushroom filling, smear it with the remaining melted cheese with greens.
  6. We turn everything into a dense roll. We send it for 2 hours to the refrigerator, let it be soaked and cut into rolls.

Roasted rolls of pita with greens


How to cook roasted rolls from pita with greens:

  1. Thoroughly rinse any greens, dry it and cut it finely.
  2. We mix the disturbed greens with sour cream (150 g) and grated solid cheese (100 g), seasoned to taste.
  3. I put the stuffing on the lavash sheet, distributing it evenly, we turn everything into the roll.
  4. The resulting roll cut into several small rolls.
  5. Baking shape lubricate with vegetable oil, lay out rolls and baked them in the oven for about 10 minutes, pre-warmed it to a temperature of 200 degrees. You can also use the grill or simply fry rolls with greens in a pan.

Baked rolls of legaws with chicken and cold snack with chicken, egg


How to cook baked rolls of pita with chicken:

  1. Chicken fillet (300 g) rinse and cut it with small pieces.
  2. Passer on vegetable oil alone, chopped carrots, 1 Bulgarian pepper and 200 g onions.
  3. We send pieces of chopped fillets to parseshedral vegetables, fry everything together until readiness, we give a stuffing time to cool.
  4. Lavash cut into wide ribbons. I spread the filling on each tape, we are folding with rolls.
  5. On a lubricated baking sheet for baking, we pour half a cup of chicken broth and lay out rolls.
  6. We send them to the oven and baked at a temperature of 200 degrees 15 minutes.
  7. Apply the rolls with hot with your favorite sauce.


How to cook a cold snack from a pawwash with chicken and egg:

  1. I bore the chicken breast (500 g) to complete readiness, not forgetting to pre-spill water.
  2. Cut the finished breast arbitrarily, but not very fine.
  3. Purified from seeds and partitions Bulgarian pepper cut with straw.
  4. Drink 2 eggs screwed and cut them into small cubes.
  5. Chicken fillet mix with chopped ingredients.
  6. Living the lavash mayonnaise, we evenly decay the lettuce leaves and lay out the meat filling flavored to taste.
  7. We fold the pita with filling in the roll, let him soak in the refrigerator a couple of hours.
  8. When applying on the table, cut the roll into small portion pieces, a thickness of 3 to 5 cm, we do it carefully so that the filling does not fall out.

Roots from Lavash. Video


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