
How delicious to the beets for the winter in banks. How to marry beets quickly and without sterilization at home. How to step by step by step beetroot for borscht

How delicious to the beets for the winter in banks. How to marry beets quickly and without sterilization at home. How to step by step by step beetroot for borscht
In this article, we will introduce you the best recipes by which you can put the beets for the winter.

Beets are one of the most affordable vegetables that can be used for different culinary purposes. It can be preserved, eat fresh, added to sauces and even prepare desserts from it. But in this article we want to dwell in detail on how to marry the beets for the winter. There are a lot of interesting recipes that deserve the attention of every housewife who cares that her family can enjoy useful vegetable blanks in the winter season.

Beets: beneficial properties of vegetables

Beetroot is a vegetable that has gained its wide popularity during Kievan Rus. The heroes ate her to be strong and healthy, housewives baked pieces of drill in a stove with sugar so that children could eat useful sweets, girls, to give their cheeks a bright blush, painted them with beets.

Beetroot is a unique gift of nature that grows in unpretentious conditions, but gives a person a lot. Nutritionists recommend using beets more often, but it is in raw form, in extreme cases, that you can bake it to obtain all the valuable properties that nature has endowed with this vegetable. What properties are we talking about:

  • The beets contain different vitamins and minerals that strengthen the human immunity and generally affect the body well.
  • The intake of beets helps to cleanse the intestines from toxic substances accumulated in it and prevent the formation of malignant neoplasms on internal organs.
  • Beets prevent the development of heart and blood diseases (anemia, leukemia).
  • The vegetable affects the body as an anti -aging product, restoring.
  • Those who suffer from edema and overweight must be eaten beets, as it will help get rid of these ailments and will help reduce weight.

The unique feature of the beet is that it is not a perishable product. If you provide her proper storage in the basement, then you can put it in the year -round with its root crops. However, we recommend that you try to pickle beets in banks. It will turn out no less tasty and healthy, because the beets perfectly retains its properties even after heat treatment. Pickled beets can be a great addition to any main dish!

We offer you a few original recipes on how to marry the beets for the winter in banks.

How to marry beets: the recipe "Autumn Harvest"

  1. First wash the root crops (5 kg of beets), peel them and boil to softness. If the beets heads are very large, then cut it with slices. In no case do not add salt at this stage, but a pinch of sugar can be added. It will preserve the beautiful color of beets.
  2. When the beets are ready, drain the decoction that turned out. Save 2 cups of this decoction, as it will still be needed. The main thing - let it cool down.
  3. Cut the beets into strips, you can leave it with slices.
  4. In the meantime, sterilize the banks (it is best to use liter containers for this). Note that according to this recipe you can pickle beets without sterilization.
  5. Prepare a brine based on 200 g of sugar, 300 ml of vinegar, 1 cup salt and seasoning for taste.
  6. Put the beets in jars, pour it with brine and roll up with lids.

How to marry beets delicious: Polish recipe

  1. Wash 2 kg of beets, and then, without cleansing it, boil it. It will take you about 45 minutes.
  2. When the beets are boiled, peel it and grate it.
  3. Grind 25 g of horseradish root through a meat grinder, and then mix the resulting gruel with 20 g of citric acid, 250 ml of water, 100 g of sugar and salt to taste.
  4. Pour the beets with the resulting mass, mix and put in sterilized half -liter jars.

How to marry red beets with honey and onions

  1. Clean 3 kg of beets and cut it with rings. Put the blanks in the pan.
  2. Prepare the marinade: connect 100 ml of vinegar, 100 g of honey, seasonings from 1 liter of water. Mix everything well.
  3. Pour beets with brine, and then put everything on the fire and bring to a boil.
  4. While the beets are boiled in the marinade, cut 1 kg of onions with half rings or rings, as it is convenient for you.
  5. Lay the beets, mixed with onion rings into jars, then pour everything with the marinade.

How to marin the beets for the winter: a recipe with apple juice and plum

  1. 1.5 kg of beets must be washed with clean and boil. After it is ready, it needs to be cut into half rings or rings.
  2. Process 1 kg of drain. They need to be washed and removed. Put in banks that need to sterilize the beets in advance, alternating its rings with a plum.
  3. Prepare the brine: boil 1.2 liters of apple juice, adding 1 cup of sugar to it, 1 tbsp. salt and 5 buds of cloves.
  4. Pour the beets with the finished marinade and roll up the banks with lids.

How to marry boiled beets with slices?

  1. First, clean 1 kg of Bulgarian pepper from the insides. Wash it thoroughly, and then cut into strips.
  2. Grate 1 kg of carrots and 500 g of beets.
  3. Separately shone 1 kg of cabbage.
  4. All prepared vegetables must be poured with tomato juice (500 ml) and mix everything well.
  5. Boil a marinade based on 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. salt and 1 tbsp. Sahara. After it boils, pour their vegetables in the tomato, and then put them on fire so that they boil well.
  6. It remains only to pack the vegetable workpiece on the banks and add vinegar to each container (2 tbsp to each jar).
  7. Be sure to turn all the cans upside down, wrap them with a blanket, and after 3 days, lower everything into the basement.

How to marry beets for borsch?

  1. First, 1 kg of beets with carrots is harvested. They need to be washed, peel and grate.
  2. Separately chopped 1 kg of onions.
  3. 1 kg of tomatoes must be cut into pieces, after which all the ingredients are connected in one container, poured with water, salt, bitter pepper (1 pod must be chopped).
  4. Put a pan on the fire and stand under a closed lid.
  5. When the workpiece for borsch is ready, it needs to be laid out in jars and rolled with lids.

By the way, the same recipe is how to marry beets for preparing a cold man.

How to marry cabbage with beets: Czech recipe

  1. First boil 1 kg of beets, peel it and cut it into strips after that. The grater in this case will not work. If you have a kitchen combine with the right nozzle, then use it.
  2. 1 kg of onions and cabbage, chop the samely with a knife.
  3. Prepare the brine: dissolve in 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. Salt salts, and bring everything to a boil.
  4. Lay out vegetable blanks in sterilized jars, pour everything with brine and add vinegar (to each jar of 2 tbsp). After that, the jars can be rolled with lids.

How to marry beets quickly: a beet caviar recipe

  1. For 500 g of beets, eggplant and apples, first you need to clean the peel and insides (apples must be cleaned of the seeds).
  2. Cut the beets with eggplant and apples with the same pieces. But we still recommend all these ingredients to rub.
  3. Pour the workpiece 1 tbsp. salt and 4 tbsp. Sahara. Pour everything into a pan, into which pre -pour sunflower oil (4 tbsp).
  4. Mix all the contents of the pan, cover with a lid and put everything on the fire. Let the workpiece extinguish within 1 hour.
  5. As soon as the vegetables become soft, you can lay out caviar in sterilized jars.

How to marin beets with beans at home?

  1. First, boil 2 kg of beets and 400 g of carrots, then peel them and grate them.
  2. Separately boiled 400 g of beans.
  3. Chop 400 g of onions strips.
  4. Mix carrots with onions with 350 g of tomato paste, just season with their salt and pepper to taste and fry everything in vegetable oil (300 ml will be needed).
  5. As soon as the frying is ready, mix it with beets and beans, and then put everything in sterilized jars.

How to marry small beets in Korean?

  1. First, clean 1 head of garlic and 10 walnuts, chop them with a knife, pour 1 tsp. black pepper and 2 tsp Kisza seeds, and after that, thoroughly pull in a mortar.
  2. Pour the resulting workpiece 5 tbsp. vinegar, 3 tbsp. Sahara, 1 tsp Salt and 175 ml of sunflower oil. This marinade is perfect if you want to marry the garlic with beets and get the taste of Korean seasoning as a result.
  3. Grate 1 kg of boiled and cleaned beets on a grater. Although it should be noted that some housewives use small drill heads for this recipe to pickle beets in such a brine.
  4. Pour the beets with marinade, put oppression on it and send it to the refrigerator for a day.
  5. After that, put the blank on the banks. They do not need to be sterilized and rolling. Just close them with kapron lids and store them in the refrigerator.

A jar with pickled beets will help you out in winter when when you come home from work, you will no longer have much time to make dinner. It will be possible to just boil potatoes, open a jar of beets and enjoy useful and nutritious food.

Video: "How to pick up beets for the winter?"



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