
How it is properly and tasty to sleep with freight at home. How to salute freaks with a cold way in banks. How to spend freight in hot way - recipes

How it is properly and tasty to sleep with freight at home. How to salute freaks with a cold way in banks. How to spend freight in hot way - recipes
In the article you will find delicious and simple recipes, how to salute freight with cold and hot way in banks. Step-by-step recipes at home.

Original Russian mushrooms, freak, are ideal for salting at home. Useful, delicious and fragrant pickled mushrooms are used both in pure form and with a variety of refills, they prepare mushroom soups, snacks, salads and pies. Similar dishes are able to decorate not only everyday, but also a festive table. Salty grooves are appreciated due to meatysome and crispy pulp, which is formed during the salting process. There are certain technological stages, methods and rules for the preparation of salty germ. How to spend freight of freight, as well as step-by-step recipes for the preparation of weakness - in this selection of material.

How to spend freight for the winter: collection and preparation of mushrooms

  • A distinctive feature of mushrooms is the ability to absorb toxins and harmful substances. This means that it is impossible to collect mushrooms near ecologically contaminated territories, along the roads or near industrial enterprises. Otherwise, the use of beloved delicacy can turn into a real "poison" for the body.
  • Mushroom cooking technology includes a mandatory preparatory stage. Collecting the mushrooms, you need to carefully go through, cutting damaged, worm-places and suturing the base of the feet of the mushroom. Old and completely spoiled instances are thrown. Old freight is easy to distinguish with "rusty" or brown spots on a mushroom hat.

  • After silent, the mushrooms are brushed from the forest garbage, wash away from dirt, moss and needles. The dirtiest places are soft sponge or brushed (also use a toothbrush). If you want to wet the mushrooms for a few hours in cold water - it will be much easier to wash them.

  • Gudes have a characteristic bitter taste, so they are mandatory to be soaked. Pushed mushrooms in cold water, from 2 to 5 days. The time depends on the room temperature: on hot days, the soaking will take at least 1.5-2 days, in the cold time - twicear than. The water for soaking is sometimes added to the pinch of salts and citric acid. Mushrooms are poured with water to the top (so that completely covered), and above are covered with a lid with a cargo, so that they do not float. Every day, in the morning and evening (more often), water must be changed. In no case cannot be allowed to form foam on the surface of the water, otherwise the freight simply will simply be sink and will be unsuitable for further operation.

  • The utensils for soaking mushrooms should be wooden, glass, plastic or enamelled. Galvanized container can cause a chemical reaction, after which the mushrooms will become unsuitable.

  • The same rule concerns the utensils for the Solving of Gruse. Wooden barrels or tubs, glass bottles, enamelled saucepans (without cracks and rust) or plastic containers are used. Clay (as well as galvanized) tanks are unacceptable for winter storage of saline mushrooms. The dishes are thoroughly cleaned in advance: glass dishes are sterilized, the enameled slightly calcined, the wooden is well stolen and washed.
  • To determine the readiness of the extinct mushroom to salmon, you can taste it for taste (chewed slice then spawned). If bitter is not felt - you can proceed to the next phase of the preparation of mushrooms to the saline.
  • After soaking, the load is thoroughly rinsed several times in clean water.
  • Mushrooms prepared in this way are fully prepared for salting. Purified and washed out of freight cut according to the method specified in the recipe. Sometimes the mushroom is cut along into several parts, sometimes - the hats are separated from the legs. Some recipes use not cut, whole fungi, and in some - only hats.
  • You can solit mushrooms in two ways: hot and cold. The picking recipes are quite much, depending on taste preferences and habits.

How to salute Groove: Rules and Secrets

  • Because of the bitter taste, freaks belong to the group of conditionally edible mushrooms traditionally used for salting and marination. In some countries, the freight is considered generally inedible (and even poisonous) mushrooms. In Russia and other Eastern European countries, on the contrary, it is recognized as one of the best salty mushrooms, whose bitterness is easily removed after soaking or boiling. Due to the high taste, salty freight sometimes refer to the "royal".

  • Groove mushrooms are a few species: yellow, black and white. Black groove grows groups and differ in dark color, brown-black or brown-olive tones.
  • Salt salt must be taken ordinary, cooking, without any additives and taste components. Most often in the recipe, there is a large fraction of the cook salt.
  • Adding a small amount of sugar when sickling a small amount of sugar makes them taste more gentle and delicate.
  • In order for mushrooms to be delicious and fragrant, during the salinity, the load should be stacked at no more than 5-6 cm.
  • The generally accepted culinary terminology determines the treatment of the procedure at which the mushrooms are not exposed to heat treatment, and marination is the process of mandatory bearing of mushrooms. In contrast to the cold way to salmon, the hot marination involves mandatory heat treatment of weak.
  • The cooking time will depend on the selection of the singing method and the storage location. The cold slack method until complete readiness implies about 2 months, hot - half less.
  • If the finished salty freights will be slightly saved - the problem can be easily solved. For this mushrooms, you can soak for several hours in water (or milk), then rinse with boiled water and then boldly use in food.
  • Of salty gruses, a variety of salads, caviar, snacks are prepared. Use mushrooms also for cooking soups and even a kitlet.

How to sleep freight in banks

  • Salt the freight to the jars can be used both hot and cold singing methods. Before starting the pickling, mushrooms should be prepared described above.
  • Gudget in glass jars can be harvested for a short time (closing the plastic cover and keeping in the refrigerator) or can be used for the winter (tighten with metal covers and store in the basement).
  • The sterilization of the microflora of the contents of the bank occurs due to pre-baking mushrooms (with a hot method) or in the fermentation process (at a cold method), when lactic acid is formed. An additional preservative is the table salt or vinegar (depending on the recipe).

How to salute freight hot

Many hostesses prefer a hot way of a gruse, which is associated with several advantages.

  • First, thermal processing of mushrooms is considered to be a safer method of processing conditionally edible mushrooms, which are freight.
  • Secondly, failed mushrooms are easily and quickly get rid of the unpleasant odor and natural bitterness.
  • Thirdly, this method allows you to quickly sleep freight and try delicious fungi after 1.5 months.
  • Fourth, hot salts do not require compulsory soaking of weak.

Recipe 1, how to salute freight hot

Prepare products:

  • 1 kg of white weft;
  • 60 g of salts (better than large);
  • 4 cloves of garlic (large);
  • 10 pepper peppers;
  • 10 leaf of black currant;
  • 2-3 umbrellas of dill (better overwhelmed).


  • Previously clean and wash mushrooms (above method). The base of the legs cut about 1 cm.
  • Small and medium mushrooms should not be cut, and large is better cut into several parts.
  • Prepared mushrooms folded in a pan, pour water, a little squeeze and bring to a boil. Mushroom decoction does not pour.

  • Cooking in boiling water for about 5 minutes, constantly removing the resulting foam.
  • Remove the noise mushrooms, rinse in colander under running cold water.
  • At the bottom of sterilized tank (for example, bottles) pour a pinch of salt, 2 peas of pepper, dill, 2 black currant sheets and a layer of weak. Then repeat the same layers to the top. Mushrooms should be laid in the container tight enough.
  • Pour laid mushrooms with spices mushroom decoction. Wait, while the remnants of the air come out, add the broth to the top.
  • Tightly close the container, cool and put in the refrigerator (you can in the cellar) for storage. After 1.5-2 months, the freight will be ready for use.

Recipe 2, how to salute freight hot way

Prepare products:

  • 5 kg of weak;
  • 10 laurel leaf leaves;
  • a piece of horseradish root;
  • salt;
  • 15 cloves of garlic (large);
  • 10-15 black pepper peppers;
  • 15-20 leaf of black currant;
  • 4-5 umbrellas of dill (better overwhelmed).


  • Previously clean and wash mushrooms (above method). Delete legs, only hats will be used for pickling.
  • Prepare brine 5 L of water and 12-15 tablespoons salt, bring to the boil.
  • Cook mushrooms in about half full of brine, then wash them in a colander under cold running water.
  • Prepared in a clean container (e.g., glass-lined bucket) pour handful of salt and a part prepared spices. Mushrooms spread caps down about 5 cm layer. Each layer intersperse salt (bit) and spices.

  • Stacked mushrooms cover with several layers of cheesecloth, container close the lid and put the pressure (eg, stone). Leave in a cool place (fridge, basement) for 2-3 days to let the mushrooms juice.
  • After this time shift mushrooms (juice) into sterile jars and roll.

Recipe 3 as mushrooms pickling hot-

Prepare products:

  • 1 kg milk mushrooms;
  • laurel leaves;
  • salt;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 10 pepper peppers;
  • carnation;
  • horseradish leaves, black currants, cabbage and cherry;
  • fresh fennel seeds (20-30 g).


  • Pre-clean and wash the mushrooms (above method).
  • Mushrooms boil for 20 minutes in salted water, drain.
  • Prepare the brine. For this purpose all spices (besides garlic and horseradish), poured into a pot with water and bring to boil.
  • Cooked mushrooms to put in a saucepan with the spices, add the horseradish and garlic. Brine fungi hide cabbage leaves (previously scalded with boiling water), close the lid and put the yoke. The brine should completely cover all the mushrooms.
  • Capacity with mushrooms leave in a cool place for 4-5 days.
  • After this time, shift the mushrooms (juice) into sterile jars and roll.
  • To improve the taste, add the recommended oil (1 tablespoon per bottle).
  • Banks are stored in a cool place. On the table marinated mushrooms served with vegetable oil or sour cream, seasoned with onions or garlic.

As pickle mushrooms Cold

Despite the fact that the hot milk mushrooms salting method has a number of "pros" and benefits, many housewives prefer salted mushrooms cold way.

Fans solenenkih mushrooms note that after a cold variant derived crunchy pickles, and snow-white (in the case of white milk mushrooms). In addition, not cooked mushrooms have a more clearly marked taste and aroma.

Recipe 1 as tasty pickle mushrooms Cold

Prepare products:

  • 5 kg of white milk mushrooms;
  • 5 pieces. horseradish leaves;
  • a piece of horseradish root;
  • 2 cup salt;
  • head of garlic;
  • black pepper;
  • 15-20 leaves of black currants and cherries;
  • 10 pieces. fennel stalks (better overripe, old).


  • Pre-clean, soak and wash the mushrooms (above method).
  • Movered freight to go into salt (one by one) and put in the salting tank. Stayed all the spices to put all the spices with weary (except for greenery).
  • Mushrooms on top of covering gauze (several layers), put all the green leaves and stalks of dill above, put the oppression. In such a state, mushrooms must let juice.
  • If the allocated juice not completely covered the mushrooms, you need to add a cooled brine (50 g of salts per 1 liter of water).
  • During the month, the freight is inserted in a cool room (up to +10 0C), then they can be shifted into separate containers and put it in a cold place.

Recipe 2, how to salute freight to be crispy

Prepare products:

  • 1 bucket of white weft (10 l);
  • 1 laurel sheet packing;
  • 400 g salts;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 1 Black pepper packaging;
  • 15-20 leaf of black currant;
  • 10 pieces. Umbrella of dill (better overwhelmed, old).


  • Pre-clean, soak and wash the mushrooms (above method).
  • Large mushrooms cut into several pieces, small and medium not cut.
  • In the enamelled capacity (pan, bucket), laying mushrooms with layers (stacked tight), speaking each layer 2 tbsp. Salt and evenly laying out all the spices (except dill). Umbrellas of dill lay out on top, after all mushrooms.
  • Capacity cover the lid, put the oppression from above. Leave mushrooms in a cool place for 5-7 days to let juice.
  • After that, the freight is shifted into sterile jars, poured juice and roll.

Recipe 3, how to just sleep freight

The simplest recipe for the preparation of weak, which uses only a cook salt. The taste of the ground is classical, without any additional natural flavors and spices.

Prepare products:

  • 10 kg of weakness;
  • 500 g salts (better large).


  • Pre-clean, soak and wash the mushrooms (above method).
  • Laying mushrooms (caps down) into the container layers (from 10 kg about 10 layers). Each layer to spend salt (about 50 g).
  • Close the mushrooms of gauze folded in several layers. From above, a container with grubble is closed with a lid or a flat plate (corresponding diameter) on which the oppression is put.
  • Capacity with mushrooms to put in a cool place (with a temperature not higher than 15 0WITH). After 2 - 2.5 months, the freight will be ready to use.
  • To make fungi more fragrant, it is possible to put any spices on the bottom of the tank (before pickling): the leaves of the horseradish, cherries, currants, fragrant or black peas, dill, bay leaf, etc.
  • The freight is very easy to sleep outlined in the way. In addition, it is possible as mushrooms are harvested, to report mushrooms for salting on top.
  • If when serving on the table, the freight was sledgeive, you can soak them in water, thus removing the extra salt.

How to salute freight, step-by-step recipes

There are a lot of diverse recipes for marinating and solvents of weakness: for white and black varieties, in banks and wooden tubs, with vinegar and spices, classic and piquant.

As for the question, how to salute dry freight, many cooks are similar in one: there is no difference between dry and fresh mushrooms. The only recommendation of the pickling of dry ground is the use of a hot method of preparation and finished marinades, since dried specimens contain very little water and independently (at the caring) juice will not be allowed.

Consider a few step-by-step recipes of solvents.

How to salute white freight

Prepare products:

  • 2 kg of white weft;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 70 g salts;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 1-2 pcs. Umbrella dill (seeds).


  • Pre-clean, soak and wash the mushrooms (above method).
  • Large mushrooms cut into several pieces, small and medium not cut.
  • Boil water, add 20 g salt there. To boil the mushrooms and peel about 7 minutes to boil.
  • Remove the mushrooms into a colander, give water to drain and mix the freight with the spices and the remaining salt. Share everything in the container, put under the oppression per day.
  • Put mushrooms with spices and brine, pour vegetable oil on top and roll over the sterile jar.
  • Pointed white groove about 1.5 months, stored in the refrigerator not more than 3 months.

How to spray black groove

Prepare products:

  • 2 kg of black weary;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 100 g salts;
  • 1-2 heads of garlic;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 10 pieces. Umbrella dill (with stems).


  • Pre-clean, soak and wash the mushrooms (above method).
  • Large mushrooms cut into several pieces, small and medium not cut.
  • Add 20 g of salts to boiling water, then place the freight, vegetable oil and peck for about 8 minutes.
  • Pull the black freight on the colander, give water drain.
  • Mix mushrooms with salt and spices (garlic finely cut, umbrellas of dill split).
  • Capacity put under the gilt for 12 hours, then mix the mushrooms and set the oppression again for a day.
  • Mushrooms lay out in sterile banks, pour, pour brine, close the lid and put in the refrigerator (or another cool place).
  • The black groove is inhabited about 1.5 months, they are stored no more than 3 months.

How to salute yellow groove

Prepare products:

  • yellow freight;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • garlic;
  • vegetable oil.


  • Pre-clean, soak and wash the mushrooms (above method).
  • Large mushrooms cut into several pieces, small and medium not cut.
  • Make a brine from water and salt (the taste of slightly saved should be), bring to a boil and omit the freight.
  • Cook for about 5 minutes, shoot foam. Remove the freight shimmer (slightly with brine) and mix with finely chopped garlic.
  • Dispatch yellow freight over sterile banks, not tampering. To stop access of oxygen, top, in each jar pour 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  • Store in a cool place.

How to salute freight, original recipes

Recipe 1 "freight with vinegar"

Prepare products:

  • 1 kg milk mushrooms;
  • 1 l of water;
  • 2 tbsp. salts;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 6 tbsp. vinegar (9%).


  • Pre-clean, soak and wash the mushrooms (above method).
  • Peel mushrooms 5-10 minutes in water.
  • Make a brine from 1 liter of water, sugar, salt and vinegar, bring to a boil and in it again 15 minutes to peel mushrooms.
  • Mushrooms put in sterile banks and roll.

Recipe 2 "Groove in Picantic"

Prepare products:

  • white freight;
  • garlic (finely cut);
  • cherry leaves, currants;
  • pepper pepper and pepper fragrant;
  • bay leaf,
  • 1 l of water;
  • 2 tbsp. salts;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • vinegar (9%).


  • Pre-clean, soak and wash the mushrooms (above method).
  • Peel mushrooms 10 minutes in water, then rinse them.
  • Make a marinade of 1 l of water, sugar, salt and spices, bring to a boil and in it again 15 minutes to peel mushrooms.
  • Mushrooms put into sterile 1-liter banks, in each pour 1 tsp. Vinegar and roll.

Recipe 3 "freight in the cabbage leaves"

Prepare products:

  • 5 kg of weak;
  • 1 garlic head (finely cut);
  • 20 pcs. Cherry leaves, currants;
  • 100 g of fresh dill (crushing);
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 300 g salts;
  • 10 pieces. cabbage leaves.


  • Pre-clean, soak and wash the mushrooms (above method).
  • Additionally, soak mushrooms for 12 hours in salted water, then rinse them.
  • Mushrooms lay layers, speaking by spices and spices, including currant leaves, cherries and cabbage.
  • At the dishes with mushrooms, install the oppression and put the container for 2 months in a cool place.

Recipe 4 "Groove with onion"

Prepare products:

  • 5 kg of weak;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 250 g salts;
  • 1 kg of onions of the replist (cut into rings or half rings).


  • Pre-clean, soak and wash the mushrooms (above method).
  • Additionally, soak mushrooms during the day in salted water, then rinse them.
  • Mushrooms mix with onions and salt.
  • At the dishes with mushrooms, set the oppression and stir for 2 hours every 10-12 hours.
  • Mushrooms decompose into sterile jars, pour brine, close with plastic covers and store in the refrigerator.
  • Gudget with onions will be ready for consumption in 2 months. Mushrooms can not be stored for more than 4 months.

How to store salted freight

Having studied the technology of preparing and cooking mushrooms, salting the freight at home is absolutely easy and simple. An important stage of further picking salinity will be the correct storage of tanks with mushrooms so that the product does not deteriorate.

  • Stored containers with mushrooms in a cool place: refrigerator, basement, balcony.
  • Solving or marination can be carried out in hermetically clogged and sterile capacity to avoid the risks of the development of botulinums and possible poisoning. Thin metal (tin) covers use to block the product are not recommended. For these purposes it is better to take covers with twisted thread (screw).
  • During the pickling, we need to make sure that the brine is completely covered mushrooms, the mold can be formed.
  • The storage periods of harvested mushrooms depend on the cooking technology: salted mushrooms store no more than six months, marinated (after heat treatment) - are saved slightly longer.
  • The temperature in the room where the cooked freight will be stored, should not exceed 10 0C, but be not lower than 0 0C. At high temperatures, the mushrooms can blame and mold, with low - poorly sprout. Simple mushrooms lose their taste and black.

The benefits and harm of Gruse

Groove is a widespread mushroom that is growing in coniferous forests in the Urals, Siberia and other corners of Russia.

  • Salted or pickled product is appreciated not only by its taste, the freight is very useful mushrooms. The protein content in mushrooms exceeds even meat products.
  • In addition, the use of weakly shown by people suffering from tuberculosis, since the mushroom is able to neutralize the pathoral wand.
  • Regular use of weselves has arapeutic and prophylactic effect in kidney disease: urolithiasis and renal failure.
  • The freight is also called "natural antibiotics", they contain a mass of vitamins useful for the human body, in particular riboflavin (B2) and thiamine (B1).
  • In addition to useful properties, mushrooms can also cause harm. Poisoning, intoxication of the body can be provoked by violation of the technology of collecting, cooking and storing mushrooms.
  • Mushrooms, among other things, are considered severe food and are not recommended for the use of people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

Thus, that salty droves are tasty, and most importantly - useful, it is important attentively and responsibly refer to the process of their workpiece. It should not be neglected by such basic rules for the preparation of weak, as compulsory soaking them, the collection of foam during cooking, the right choice of dishes for soaking and subsequent salting, compliance with all the conditions for further storage of the product.

A variety of recipes for making ground allows you to choose the most "favorite" to please relatively and closely tasty marinated homemade mushrooms.

How to sleep freight, video


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