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How to moisten the air in the room

How to moisten the air in the room
Methods and means of humidification of air in the room.

The colder on the street, the stronger our desire to warm our dwelling - as a result of this, the air in it is largely overdried. It is no secret that this phenomenon can negatively affect our immunity. Thus, in order to create optimal conditions for the room in the room, you should figure out how to moisten the air in it.

How to moisten the air in the room: why is it required to moisturize

In the conditions of a moderate-specific climate, about six months have to spend time in rooms with central heating. In this case, you can observe significant overdrying of air. Leaving without moisture, the plants dry out, people transfer the lack of humidity and even worse - in the process of working heating radiators, the skin and hair dry out, as well as the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes. Due to the launch of a protective mechanism in the body from dust suspension contained in dry air, a significant amount of mucus is released in it - thus, risk factors for the propagation of pathogens, bacteria and fungi, dust mite appear. You can also observe an increase in fatigue, the development of drowsiness, a decrease in performance and a deterioration in well -being.

Thus, the overdled air can provoke malaise, as well as various diseases. It is quite possible to avoid such difficulties - for this you need to moisturize the air to configure the optimal for living, a healthy microclimate in your home. These conditions are considered the temperature in the room of about 20-21 ° C, as well as the level of humidity within 40-60%. This task is quite complicated. If ventilation can be provided at any time, simply opening the window, then moistening the air in the room in the winter naturally is more difficult.

In some civilized countries, the government takes control of the task of moisturizing and simultaneously airing the air - special heating systems are used for this when moistened air with a comfortable temperature is supplied to the living quarters. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to normalize the humidity in your dwelling independently. To do this, it is convenient to use special devices in the form of moisturizers.


In addition, you can moisturize air at home by applying simple methods and improvised means. Simply put, to normalize the moisture level, it will be required to organize the evaporation of water in the room using a suitable method. To track air humidity, a hygrometer can be used. The problem of excessive humidity in the room is easier to solve - it is enough to organize its ventilation.

How to moisten the air in the room: special moisturizers

Currently, several varieties of household appliances are presented on sale, the main task of which is to moisturize the air.

These include the following types of devices:

  • cold steam humidifiers that work without heating. Distilled or softened water needs to be poured into a special container, from where through the pallet it enters the evaporative element. In inexpensive models, the moisture rises through the evaporator, which is used by interchangeable paper cartridges and enters the air. More complex systems are equipped with rotating plastic discs on which water falls. The fan built into the device supplies moisturized air through moistened elements outward into the room, while dust and dirt remain on cartridges or disks of the device. A similar method is widely used in modern climatic complexes in order to purify and moisturize air. It should be noted that the moisture process is self -regulating - the higher the level of air humidity in the room, the less intense the evaporation will be;
  • steam humidifiers with an ionizing rod, in which, as in an electric kettle, water heats up to a boil, while evaporation of steam is observed. After boiling water, the electric circuit opens, which leads to a shutdown of the device. This device is equipped with an air humidity sensor to control the necessary level of moisturizing and preventing it. In addition, it can also be equipped with nozzles for inhalations that are used for medical purposes;
  • ultrasonic devices - are currently the most effective devices for moisturizing air. In them, water filling the container is supplied to the plate-membrane vibrating with a high frequency, and converted into steam, which serves the built-in fan. This finely dispersed water suspension resembling moisture of natural fog does not overheat (its temperature does not exceed 40 ° C) and is absolutely safe for people's health, in addition, it favorably affects plants.

If you are able to allow yourself to allocate a significant amount for maintaining the optimal microclimate in the room, you can purchase a complex device that will provide in automatic mode the desired level of air humidity. In addition, you can buy relatively inexpensive, but quite practical models - they will need to be switched in manual mode, but at the same time they fully cope with the moisture of air in the room.

How to moisten the air in the room: the use of improvised means

If you have not yet purchased a suitable device that provides an optimal microclimate in the room, you can use improvised means. At home, it is quite possible to moisturize the air without a moisturizer, using simple and quite affordable methods.

Plants in A Window --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

How to moisten the air in the room: ventilate the room

One of the most effective ways to improve the microclimate and moisturize the air in the room is wet cleaning, as well as ventilation (for this you should open the windows or windows at least 15 minutes several times a day). The wider they open them, the faster the room will be ventilated. A similar influx of oxygen into the room will positively affect the well -being of all family members.  It should be noted that this method of humidification of air is not always quite effective - for example, in the summer heat, air on the street can be quite dry, in this case, it will not work to increase the level of humidity in the room in this way. Nevertheless, with the onset of cold weather and the beginning of the heating season, moisturize air in the apartment, which is largely overpented by radiators, with the help of ventilation is quite real.

How to moisten the air in the room: we arrange containers with water and hang wet towels

There are a lot of options for such moisturizing at home. If you are interested in information on how to moisten the air in the room yourself, it is worth considering the following - if you place the container filled with water in the room, it will gradually evaporate, maintaining an acceptable level of air humidity. Banks with water can be placed on the windowsill, next to heating radiators or directly on them. Water can also be poured into jugs or high vases. In the future, you will need to pour it into the vessels from time to time.


Some housewives hang out underwear in the apartment - drying, it gives moisture into the air. If you move the dryer to the room in winter, things will dry quickly, and moisture evaporated at the same time moisturize air. You can also place a suitable container of water on the floor and lower the bandage or towel folded in several layers into it at one end, while the second end should be placed directly on the battery. Water will moisten the fabric and evaporate from its surface under the influence of heating. In addition, it is easy to cut a glass with a handle from a tin can - it will need to be filled with water and fixed on the battery. It is necessary to take into account the following - so that pathogens do not multiply in the container, it will be necessary to periodically rinse it.

If the above measures are not enough for full moisture, moistened towels made of dense fabric, rolled several times wet sheets, etc., can be placed on heating radiators. Under the influence of heating, moisture will evaporate intensively. The drying fabric will need to be periodically moistened again with water.

How to moisten the air in the room: we make a home -made humidifier

If there is a desire, home craftsmen can make a simple device to moisturize air with their own hands. For these purposes, you can use various improvised means - for example, plastic bottles, buckets, a power supply for a computer, cooler. Such devices and devices will differ favorably with industrial production humidifiers with a simplicity of design, as well as low cost:

  • the simplest humidifier can be made from a plastic bottle with a capacity of one and a half or two liters. To do this, using scissors or a knife, cut a rectangular window in it in it. After that, you should hang a bottle on ropes or two stripes of fabric to the battery pipe. In order to harden the design of the junction of the fabric with the bottle, it should be fixed using tape. Next, you need to fold a cut of gauze or cotton fabric in a rectangle with dimensions about 100x10 cm. We pour the water, we lower the resulting tape into it with the middle part, and we wrap the side ends around the heating radiator;

  • a expanded clay humidifier - from plastic garbage baskets (two small and two larger) fastened together, it will be necessary to assemble a two -layer structure resembling a thermos. On top of it, it is necessary to cut a hole to fill the container with expanded clay. Inside, a aquarium pump is placed inside its bottom, the tubes from which are excreted out. From above, you need to fix the plastic cover with holes and a computer cooler, which will pump air inside the moisturizer. Thus, after starting the device, the moisture will evaporate from the surface with water -moistened expanded clay, filling the structure, outward.


How to moisten the air in the room: plant plants

Having organized a mini-orange from flowers and indoor plants, it is easy to achieve a noticeable increase in humidity in the room. Having absorbed water from the soil, plants enrich the air with oxygen, giving moisture, and also purify, ionize and disinfect air. In addition, the soil in the pots in which flowers are planted, after irrigation, effectively holds moisture - gradually evaporating, it favorably affects the microclimate in the room.

In addition, spraying of plants from a spray gun helps to increase the humidity in the room. Plants that effectively moisturize air include a home fern, as well as sparmania, fatsia, dwarf ficus, dracaena, monster, spathiphyllum, as they have the ability to hold and give a significant amount of moisture.


It should be noted that indoor plants can act as indicators of air humidity - if its level in the room is normal, you can observe the growth of juicy green leaves. With a decrease in air humidity, despite sufficient watering and thorough care, the leaves turn yellow, are covered with stains, wither and fall - in this case it will be necessary to take measures to moisturize the air.

How to moisten the air in the room: aquarium and a mini-fraud

Many will calculate the picture with water containers placed in the room is not too aesthetic. There is a way out-instead of such containers, you can place an ordinary aquarium or a decorative mini-font in the room.


Such objects will harmoniously fit into the design of the interior of the room, decorate it and will contribute to maintaining the optimal level of air humidity.  In addition, you can purchase special devices to moisturize air in the form of compact metal containers or pretty ceramic figures, which can be filled with water and suspended to batteries.

Air moisturizing in the room - photo





How to moisten the air in the room - video



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