
Children's Fashion for Boys and Girls 2017

Children's Fashion for Boys and Girls 2017
So that your child looks fashionable and stylishly, you must constantly monitor teenage fashion trends.

Adults are accustomed to following fashion, respond to new seasons, discuss new trends. And the children try to take an example from their moms and dads, and therefore they also become fashionable. Designers of clothing with world names are trying not to offend their little fans and develop separate collections for children every year.

Children's Fashion for Boys and Girls 2017: School Uniform


This teenage dress code rarely pleases the schoolchildren. Children are already thinking about how to show their individuality, and here you have to go dressed as everyone, and even in boring and incompetent things. However, the fashion designers seriously decided to prove that the school form could and should be fashionable.

Let the color gamut set the management of each school, let it gives instructions on the shadows and general recommendations, but you can always look stylish even under such conditions.

The main trends of the school year 2017:

  • Trousers are narrow or narrowed. Moreover, it is not only for girls, more accustomed to such models, but also for boys who also managed to burglary wide pants.
  • Blazers with challenges and fitted jackets. It is stylish and practical. Boys are more mobile, the sleeves are easily dirty and quickly rubbed. Cuffs will save from wear, and if they are slightly knocked out, each teenager becomes a true style. Girls using jackets can slightly emphasize their femininity, but the main thing is not to buy a very narrow model in the waist. The figures in the young lady will still change, and the jacket will help to hide some flaws, while not holding the girl to follow the trend. The length of the jackets and jackets, not lower than ten centimeters down from the waist. No elongated models.
  • Vests. Both for young people and for young ladies. Stylish and comfortable accessory. In schools often there are drafts, although heating is too early. By throwing a jacket or jacket, schoolchildren will not catch up, but will be able to demonstrate a new fashionable piece of clothing. Vests are preferable to wear a waist length this season. He should also be sewn exactly according to the figure, free models are not fashionable, and just not comfortable for active adolescents.
  • Color and print. Typically, the color scheme is clearly defined by school leadership, but there are always some deviations. So almost in all schools there are no prohibitions on the cage. Sarafan for a girl or a vest for a boy can be chosen in the cage. College Style for the third year remains in the trend and very much like schoolchildren.

To these basic moments, you can still add several recommendations for the selection of school uniforms. Always natural fabrics will be relevant and recommended for any kind of clothing. But in the case of a school form, you need a little retreat from this rule. We choose a form, the material of which includes a small percentage of synthetics. Otherwise you have to change the shaped outfit every year. Wool rally and tills, like cotton. A small percentage of synthetics will add durability. And the second point - to the eighth grade it is worth taking a form for a grow. If the elementary schools grow in elementary school and just children are pulled out, then in adolescence, the figure changes completely, formed as an adult. The form should not be a child.

Several accents of children's school fashion 2017 for girls


  • Sundars and skirts in a fold. Tribute college style. Always look great with jackets.
  • Romantic blouses. No one bothers to wear a beautiful blouse with a collar and sleeves decorated with lace or ruff. Only shirts should be gentle tones: white, pink, peach.
  • Outlined sleeves. Trend for sending fashionistas. For the warm season - the beginning and end of the educational process, you can choose blouses with such a style of sleeves. Here the fabrics are lighter, slightly transparent. It is more suitable for teenagers from 11 to 16 years.
  • Loose pants. Another particular trend - Palatsev's trousers or hip clash. Such a tendency moved from adult trends. Such models will be perfectly looked at full girls, and at the same time get rid of them from extra complexes.

Several accents of children's school fashion 2017 for boys


  • Classic. In addition to narrow trousers, you can choose the usual straight with the traditional arrow. Best of all, they will look in black and gray.
  • Suits Troika. Pants, jacket plus vest. If I do not like the cell, you can turn to such a trend: a completely monophonic shaped outfit, when the vest coincides with the pants and jacket. Then it should be diversified with a shirt of contrasting color.
  • No catchy colors. Boys are more traditional than fashionable girls. They will not suit the catchy shirts with some special fit of the sleeves or trim. You need to choose the usual tone: blue, you can blue, white and even salad.
  • Jumper. Everything is like adults here. In winter, a vest can be changed to the jumper, just below the waist, gentle tones, with a V-neck.
  • Ties. It is fashionable! Thin, but tied by the "adult" node. Such an accessory will betray stylish in any form.

Casual Children's Fashion for Boys and Girls 2017

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Trendy Detskoi Mody: Leto-Osen 2011



Outside of the school, children and adolescents always feel more comfortable, and you can dress in favorite things, and not in the boning shape. The fashion designers thought about creating children's collections for the next year, and decided that the daughters and sons would largely look like their parents, the trends of the 2017 seasons for children and adults similar.

  1. Strict look. This does not mean that everyone is boring dull tones or black. Just the fashion designers are tired of excess decorations on clothes, and therefore give more preference to clear forms. The clothes should be beautiful in itself, without unnecessary stripes and illustrations. For teens it is very convenient: nothing will interfere with active games.
  2. Geometry and contrast. Only clear geometric prints or contrasting colors. So children's jackets paint the cell, waves or stripes. And it will be possible to wear a monophonic jacket or a sweater with a bright shirt or t-shirt. Supplement the image of ordinary jeans.
  3. Colors. Two tendencies are offered: black and white gray gamma in any combination, or warm saturated, but not catchy. For example, matt blue, rich blue, color of dairy and dark chocolate, beige and ocher, bottle-green and gently yellow.
  4. Length. If two trends compete in an adult fashion - elongated silhouettes and short things, then nothing long fashion designers recommend. Jackets and jackets to the waist or five or ten centimeters longer. Rubber and ribbons are removed from the bottom, the jackets are not delayed, the forms are clear, laconic. Skirts to the knee or just below, no maxi and midi. But the shortened troughs came out of fashion, here the length remains classic.
  5. Styles. For children, this is a college. Often in stores you can find shirts in a red-black cell, skirts and vests of the same coloring. Rock Style: Jackets-Koshuhi, Leather Skirts, T-shirts and Olympics with inscriptions. Country: beige soft pants and leggings, suede, soft sheep leather. Bocho-style - a clear echo of adult fashion, children choose from its manifold clash, linen blouses and shirts, short finely sealed jackets with a print.
  6. Stamps. As already mentioned, now fashion is like rigor and conciseness. Forms and styles also choose simple but comfortable. These are straight trousers and jackets, and at the same time bolero and jackets, a trapezium for dresses and sundresses, skirts-pencils as basic wardrobe items, although for girls they will be slightly above the knee, when the length of the knee is expected for mothers. And a little mold for the most attentive little fashion connoisseurs.

For school in 2017, we also select strict leather backpacks, under the style of moms and dads. In high school, you can wear "adults" portfolios and bags-folders. With the belts, everything brilliant and shimmering is removed, with a slipper removes bows and rhinestones. You can buy boats with some big brooch, covered skin or suede, but not brilliant.

For children, shoes are always selected only from natural materials. Teenage girls early rise to the heel, if not a stud, then just thin and narrow. Socks on shoes are now fashionable slightly rounded. Girls to wear lacquer shoes with an ankle strap. Boys are better to choose lowers, fully closing the foot "to the bone". Models with high lifting are not relevant.

So my favorite fashion on color bright shoes remained behind. Choose shoes and shoes for suit color. Tribute the same new trend - strict elegance, calm comfort, which is ideal for any child. Next year, clothes and shoes will allow children to look modern and fashionable, but at the same time they will feel comfortable both at school, and on the street during active games.


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