
How to fill out the address to Aliexpress. How to specify the address to Aliexpress

How to fill out the address to Aliexpress. How to specify the address to Aliexpress
In order not to wait for the parcel for months and avoid her random loss, you need to correctly fill in the shipping address.

Internet Markeples. Aliexpress Works around the world, therefore, not always its requirements, instructions and interface are oriented towards Russia. In this article you will find all the necessary information on how to correctly fill in the shipping address when placing an order. From the right filled fields will depend on how fast you get a thing. In addition, minor errors / inaccuracies in the address can lead to the loss of your parcel, because it passes many stages of transportation from abroad. Despite the fact that the question seems simple, there are a number of nuances that will simplify the transfer procedure - you will learn about these requirements from the article.

How to fill out the address to Aliexpress. Where you need to write an address for aliexpress

To make purchases you will have to register. This is a quick procedure - you will need only an email address, password and in English present name and surname (patronymic is not required on AliexpressBut it is required in Russian Post - To avoid misunderstandings, enter it immediately in the name column or do not forget to enter during the filling of details). Then the site will allow you, among other things, fill out the address. You can enter up to five possible addresses for delivery and vary them if there is such a need. You can fill the address at two stages of shopping.

How to fill out the address to Aliexpress after registering in the Personal Account

To do this, you need:

  • Authorized in the Personal Account, click on a greeting in the upper right corner of the screen and choose the first line "My Aliexpress".
  • You will have a personal account menu. On the left will be the vertically located menu "Order Management". You need to find the latest line of "addresses and delivery". Clicking for these words, you can start filling out the form that opens.


How to fill out the address on Ali Extress directly when making a purchase

  • When you collected everything you want in a basket and decided to start buying, Aliexpress will offer you the first address you have completed and will change it to another, in case you filled out several.
  • If you want to change the address, you can click on the word "edit".
  • If you want to enter a new address or do it for the first time, click on the words "add a new address" under the red dedicated field, and the site will offer you the already familiar form for filling.


Is it possible to place an address for another person to Ali Spress?

Aliexpress allows you to make delivery on any person. You are invited to fill out a maximum of five addresses - you can use this feature, for example, to buy and directly send gifts to friends and relatives. There are no restrictions on countries either - you can enter the address of the house anywhere in the world.


How to fill out the address to Aliexpress. Often emerging difficulties in filling out the address on Aliexpress

  • Filling the address in Russian. The goods go beyond the border (usually from China) and it is there that the mailing data is entered into the computer. Often, Cyrillic is simply not provided in the keyboard layout. Even if it is provided, the operator who does not speak Russian can make a lot of errors in the address.
  • Translation of address in English. This creates problems already in Russia, when the post office workers are dealing with the package. You need to write the address on Latin, but in Russian.
  • Problems with transliteration. Often we just incorrectly replace Russian letters into English. And, if everything is clear to the Russian person, there may be discrepancies abroad.
  • Unnecessary characters. Multiple hyphens / points / commas / brackets make only confusion to your address. Additional characters when filling the contact information should be avoided, the system itself will automatically insert the desired characters.
  • Errors in numbers. On Aliexpress, you will need to enter the telephone code of the city and the country code, if you choose a city phone as a contact. Also when sending by mail, you will need the index of the nearest post office. Often we just do not know these numbers by heart and make mistakes at the time of searching for the desired codes and rewriting them.
  • No patronymic. In the Internet space from us, the full name is rarely required, however, to ensure that it is guaranteed to avoid problems in the mail.
  • Errors in specifying small settlements - in their absence in the list, you need to point the village / village / village in the "Street / House / Apartment" field.
  • If you fill the address addressed to another person, you need to be especially attentive to spelling the surname, the corps / literary of the house and other nuances so that the gift has come safely to the addressee.

How to fill out the address to Aliexpress. What are the requirements for the address of the address on Aliexpress

  • Aliexpress will again remind you from entering the full name, surname and patronymic in the Count "Recipient's name". It is important for receiving the parcel in the mail, employees will overtake the full name with your passport.
  • If you decide to choose the courier service as a way of delivery, in particular, SPSR, on the site you will see a warning that your passport data may be required to speed up customs clearance and delivery.


  • In the next graph, you just need to choose the country from the proposed list. For some reason, the site automatically puts the United States, but Russia does not have to seek for a long time - it will be at the very top.
  • From the list will also be asked to choose region / area and settlement. For example, "Irkutsk region is the city of Irkutsk."


  • If you live in the capital or other major city (Moscow, St. Petersburg), the site will offer you to choose a city, for example, "Moscow" in the "Edge / Region / Region" field. In this case, the "City" field will be asked to choose the district.
  • If you live outside the city, you do not need to write the name of the village, villages or village. Only the area should be specified (selected in the column of the region, as in the case of the city address) and the area to which the village / village / village belongs (selected instead of the city).
  • If your settlement was not in the list proposed by Aliexpress, the name of the village / village / villages need to enter before the street name.


  • If mail is selected as a shipping method, you will need to fill the zip code. If you do not know your index, you can learn it on the Russian Post website or just make a request to Google - introduce your street and house number. The index must consist of six digits.

How to fill out the address to Aliexpress. Filling the "Street / House / Apartment" fields

These fields you will have to fill on your own, and it is when filling the street that mistakes most often happen. It is important that these fields must be filled in Latin. In order to avoid discrepancies, we recommend using the service online transliteration.

  • HE needs to translate address into English. Write in Russian by English letters. For example, "UL." Or "Ulitsa" instead of "Street" and "DOM" instead of "house".


  • Such nuances as shortage of words and points are unimportant, because the address is only needed for delivering notifications. However, the street name is better to write correctly to avoid discrepancies.
  • Please note that the address must be complete. Specify the housing and a liter of the house if they are available.

How to fill out the address to Aliexpress. An example of a fully filled address for Ali Spress

Before you, an example of full completion of the address. The order will be delivered to the recipient of Kolesnikova Darya Ivanovna living in Russia, in the Irkutsk region, in the city of Irkutsk on Yakubovich Street, house 7, Apartment 99. Zip Code 787989.


After successfully completing the procedure, Aliexpress Inconscribe you to "save and continue to deliver at this address." Click on a yellow button and continue the ordering.

Filling a contact phone to Aliexpress

  • Aliexpress requires you to enter a home or mobile phone number. One of the numbers will be enough. If you enter the urban number, do not forget to specify the country code and the city code.
  • Country code for Russia for Aliexpress: 7
  • Kazakhstan code coincides with Russian: 7
  • Belarus code: 375
  • Code of Ukraine for Aliexpress: 380
  • No need to add + before the country code, the site system will insert the desired characters automatically.
  • You also need to specify the city code, these are four digits. If suddenly you do not know your city code, this information can be easily found on the Internet.
  • Mobile phone is filled in one line, without spaces, hyphens, brackets and foreign symbols.

What happens in case of erroneous completion of the address on Aliexpress

  • If you have noticed that it was incorrectly pointed out the street / Corps / House number, and from the moment of ordering only a few days passed, write to the seller. The "Contact Seller" option will be available on the left pane, if you go to the product page or in the "My Orders" rubric.


  • If you, making a mistake, contacted the seller, and he replied that the order was already sent, it would be impossible to fix anything in the address. However, the Seller and Site System provide you with the tracking number of the mail order by which you can track the movement of the parcel. Watch out for this. On the website of the Russian Post of Russia, the parcel will be visible far from immediately, because the main part of the time is engaged in transportation abroad. But as soon as the order is taken to Russia, it will be possible to be found at the number on the post office of Russia. As soon as you see that the parcel entered your post office, come to pick it up with a passport and tracking number. This will be enough post office for evidence that this is your parcel.
  • If the error allows ambiguous reading (for example, you made a mistake in a few letters in the name of the village), the parcel can go into a completely different settlement and get to you, at best, in a month with a little. If you are mistaken in such a way that the name has become unintelligible, the parcel will return back to the sender - it is NRESHNO, except that it will also significantly extend your waiting for the order.
  • If you do not indicate the zip code, but the city, the street and the house correctly filled out, the parcel will still be delivered to you, but it will take much more time.
  • If you are mistaken in the address and chose to deliver courier service, most likely contact you by phone number and you can adjust the address.
  • If you incorrectly indicated contact information, this will lead to a problem when delivery by courier - the courier service simply will not have a technical ability to coordinate the delivery time with you. During delivery, the mail phone is required, in fact, only for emergency cases.

Most likely, even with small inaccuracies in the address, the parcel will still be delivered to you. The question is only in spent time and effort. It is easier once to closely fill out the address and save it for all further purchases.


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