
How to draw a cock with a pencil in stages for beginners

How to draw a cock with a pencil in stages for beginners
The article gives detailed step -by -step descriptions of the creation of a pattern of a rooster in various techniques, starting from the drawing with a simple pencil and ending with pastel paints.

Recently, on the Internet, requests are increasingly appearing in a search on how to draw a rooster, how to draw a rooster for beginners, how to draw a rooster in stages, how to draw a rooster to children, etc. Of course, such interest is due to the fact that the rooster is a symbol of 2017. A beautiful image or photo of this bright bird must be present in every house during 2017. Perhaps in this way you will “bother” this bird and attract good luck in your life. To draw a rooster in the simplest way, you do not need to have some unique artistic abilities. With the help of phased instructions for drawing with this task, even a child can cope with this task. What will you need to create your drawing, whether you will learn this process difficult from this article.

Rooster - Symbol of 2017

This bold and cheerful poultry is the hero of numerous fairy tales. Having become a symbol of 2017 on the eastern calendar, the rooster brought with him the following “forecasts” for this year:

  • the roosters wake up at dawn, and therefore, this year will bring new events with it, will mean the beginning of something important;
  • the cheerful and sonorous voice of this bird will bring a large amount of fun, important events, responsible meetings;
  • people born this year will have a assertive, stubborn, chin in character;
  • the warlike spirit of the rooster can bring many controversial conflicts, quarrels, disputes;
  • the rooster will definitely bring the family couples stability, prosperity and financial profit;
  • the passionate nature of the rooster may not quite positively say on a love relationship: violent passion can change sharply to open indifference;
  • a rooster is a bird personifying and talent, artistry. Therefore, if you had a long -standing dream to try yourself in creativity, start singing, dancing, participating in a creative competition, a talent contest, then a year of a rooster is an ideal time;
  • the rooster will bring young people who cannot find their second halves, long -awaited love, romantic dates and meetings;
  • the influence of the rooster on children born this year will be especially positive. They will be distinguished by high intelligence, early creative abilities. Conflicting character traits, although they will deliver difficulties in education to parents, but such children will grow up strong and determined personalities;
  • The fiery rooster enters its “position” on January 28, 2017.


How to draw a rooster with a pencil simple

So, you decided to experience your creative abilities and draw a pretty cockerel with your own hands. To draw a cock with a pencil for beginners is the best idea. Extra strokes or not obtained forms can always be corrected with an eraser. In order to draw a cock with a pencil, you will need: simple pencils, a sheet of paper, an eraser and a desire to draw! Beginning artists will quite come out of any simple pencil that they can find. Masters of drawing with simple pencils use pencils of varying degrees of softness and hardness in their works. Only with such an arsenal can you get an amazing in its naturalness, multifaceted shades and tones drawing. With soft pencils they achieve clear and bright lines that are easily protruded, and with solid - thin and bright lines, almost invisible strokes.


Therefore, if you successfully pass the drawing stage with simple pencils for beginners, then try yourself in a more complex stage of this technique. To purchase pencils of different types of hardness and softness will not be difficult in any specialized store with goods for creativity.

How to draw a cock with a pencil. Option 1

  1. To create the simplest image of a rooster in a stages with a pencil, you will need very simple skills. To begin with, draw a small circle, then a larger circle, which will be the body of the cockerel, and connect them with a “neck” in the form of two slightly curved lines.
  2. On a small circle, which is the head of the cockerel, draw a beak in the form of two small triangles. Using the eraser, wipe the lines in the places where the neck connection with the body and head to obtain a solid image. With three bent in the form of arc lines, depict the tail of the cockerel.
  3. Now the time has come to draw a “beard” a cockerel in the form of a drop, add plumages to the tail with additional curved lines. Also, using curved lines, start drawing the legs of the bird.
  4. Now it's time to add realism and a finished look to our drawing. Draw a scallop and eye on the head. Using an unfinished circle, draw a rooster on the body. With a few strokes, finish drawing the legs. Simple, but very realistic, the cockerel is ready.


How to draw a cock with a pencil. Option 2

  1. The next option is one of the options for drawing a cock with a pencil for children. Even senior preschoolers will be able to master it. The first step draw a circle that will be the head of the bird. Start drawing in such a place of the sheet so that there is enough space for drawing the rest of the body, which will be lower and a little on the side.
  2. Inside our circle, draw a point that will be the eye of the cockerel. The triangle on the side of the circle will become a beak.
  3. Now draw a “beard” in the form of a semicircle, which should be under the beak. With a wavy line, portray a scallop on the top of the head.
  4. Now it's time to start drawing the body of the rooster. Draw it in the form of an inverted crescent. The oval in the middle of this figure will become the future wing of the bird.
  5. With a few last strokes, give the end to the pattern: show the plumage of the cockerel on the neck, and on the wing with straight lines. Draw the paws with 2 vertical lines.
  6. Using large curved lines, draw a chic tail of a rooster.

The drawing is quite simple and schematic. With this pattern you can teach the baby to draw yourself. You can also use such a drawing for subsequent coloring the child.


How to draw a cock with a pencil. Option 3

This step -by -step version of drawing the cockerel will allow you to get a rather realistic image of this bird.

  1. To get started, draw a bird torso in the form of a slightly turned oval. The outlines of the head are drawn with a curved line with a point at the end, which will be an eye of a rooster.
  2. Using the second smooth line, finish the outlines of the head and neck of the bird. The half -oval at the top of the head will portray the future scallop, the “droplet” - a beard, a wand between them - the beginning of the future beak. Start also draw a tail in the form of two parallel curved lines. Inside the body, make a sketch of the future wing. The vertical line slightly tilted aside will be the beginning of the paw. The cockerel in the figure will stand on one paw, and squeeze the second for itself.
  3. Now give the scallop wavyness, in short strokes, burn the transition from the neck to the body, finish the poultry's legs with additional lines and give an additional shape to the wing.
  4. Now it remains to add plumages to our bird. Draw a tail, wing with pointed lines.


How to draw a cock with a pencil. Option 4

With the help of the next guide to drawing, you will receive an interesting image of a rooster, which can often be found in children's fairy tales, books, coloring, and good cartoons.

  1. Draw a circle that will be the future head of a rooster.
  2. From below the circle, begin to draw a neck with a wavy line from the bottom, which will portray plumage.
  3. Draw a scallop at the top of the head with the same wavy line.
  4. Two small triangles will depict the open beak of the cockerel.
  5. The body will turn out to be a cockerel if you draw a semblance of a smile or an inverted crescent.
  6. Draw the tail of the bird with oblong drops.
  7. Schematically depict the paws and put an eye point.
  8. Now it remains to add a wing inside the body. Draw in several lines plumage.


How to draw a rooster with colored pencils

Drawing a rooster with colored pencils will allow you to get a bright and memorable pattern. You can start drawing both at once with colored pencils, and color the pre -made sketch with a simple pencil. Color pencils are divided into:

  • professional;
  • school.

Of course, for a novice artist or just an amateur, completely ordinary colored pencils are suitable. Do not chase the number of shades in the set, if you decide to buy new pencils. For simple, but rather spectacular, drawings, 20-24 pencils of the basic colors and shades are suitable. Like simple pencils, color differs in hardness and softness. In your drawings, you can combine different types of pencils. For example, a sketch, large areas for coloring are made with ordinary colored pencils, and you can give a clear contour using wax.


How to draw a rooster with colored pencils. Option 1.

  1. Draw two curved lines that create a silhouette of the head with a black pencil.
  2. Draw a scallop on top of the head, as well as part of the plumage from below.
  3. Picture the beak with a small triangle, and with two “droplets” - a beard.
  4. Draw the rest of the head, and also begin to draw a wing with elongated pointed feather.
  5. Designate the lower and upper parts of the body with smooth lines.
  6. Push feathers "decorate" the tail of the cockerel. Make the lines as smooth and natural as possible.
  7. We draw the remaining missing part - the paws of the cockerel.
  8. Now it remains to revive our drawing, painting it with colored pencils. The plumage of the rooster is bright, multi -colored. Do not be afraid to use contrasting colors when painting. Draw short and confident strokes, gradually filling the "empty" places.


How to draw a rooster with colored pencils. Option 2

  1. We draw the body of the cockerel in the form of an inclined “testicle”. We draw the head with the neck in the form of a kind of “mushroom”. The “hat” is a sketch of the future scallop. Draw also approximate outlines of the lush tail of the rooster and its paw.
  2. Give a zigzago shape a scallop, draw the pointed ends of the pyoryshki in the tail, draw a wing in the middle of the body with a smooth line, as well as a beard and a place for the future eye. Additional lines give the thickness of the paws.
  3. Now it's time to give splendor to the plumage, drawing feathers in the tail and wing. Make a more clear and dark contour.
  4. To paint the cockerel, you will need completely different colors and shades: red, brown, orange, green, white, blue. The more colors you manage to combine in the figure, the more fantastic and bright your cockerel will become.


How to draw a rooster with colored pencils. Option 3

With a black pencil we draw a small circle for the head, a large oval of a slightly pointed from the bottom for the body. We connect two circles with a vertical line. Two oblique lines draw the future paocketing of a cockerel.


We draw a beak in the form of a triangle, a beard in the form of 2 drops, a slightly pointed scallop and a magnificent tail with a large curved line in the form of a twisted letter “C”.


Now it's time to give a zigzago shape a scallop, supplement the beaks with details, draw an eye. Draw plumage on the wing with wavy lines, and with the help of pointed curls to make a lush tail. Also give the volume to the paws.


Now you can start coloring our sketch. In brown pencil, paint your head, part of the neck, the upper part of the wing, several feathers in the ponytail and paws.


In red, select a scallop, beard and a couple of feathers. Purple and lilac pencils add more brightness to the feathers of the cockerel. In black, select the contour and darken the ends of the feathers. To paint the pictures of roosters with a pencil, you can choose other combinations of colors, depending on your desire.


How to draw a rooster with oil pastel

Drawing a rooster with oil pastel is perhaps not the easiest way for a beginner. The technique of proper coloring and combination of colors is very important here. The resulting paintings are characterized by incredible juiciness, brightness and saturation of colors. And in drawing such a motley bird, this will play only on the hands.

How to draw a rooster with oil pastel. Option 1

Before the start of drawing, arm yourself with all the necessary objects. For convenience, you can put a drawing or photo of a rooster. In red, draw a silhouette of a cockerel. You can use drawing schemes that were proposed above. In red, you can also immediately select a scallop and a beard.


Next, you can start direct coloring of the bird. It is more convenient to do this on top, starting from the head. It is better to paint first with light tones, for example, yellow, gradually moving to a darker. Draw confident strokes, as if emphasizing and looming the feather.


The lower part of the body of the rooster can be painted in the darkest shades: dark blue, purple, dark lilac. The darkest colors emphasize the structure of the bird’s body: highlight the wing, the shape of the leg, etc.


The tail of the tail should also contain a variety of colors and their shades. The more accurately you will draw the peeps, the more realistic the drawing will seem.


To make the picture look finished and naturalistic, be sure to draw the environment for your cockerel. For example, it can be green grass with interspersed of different other colors that will symbolize flowering plants. No need to achieve clearness in the image. The main hero of the drawing is the royal cockerel, and the von Letting will be blurry.


How to draw a rooster with oil pastel.  Option 2

  1. Approximate the location of the cockerel for yourself on a sheet of paper. Draw a small circle and a larger circle that will be the head and body.
  2. Then connect these two circles with two smooth lines that will act as a neck of a rooster. Also draw the first outlines of the tail with large arcuate lines. Do not forget about the eye and beak.
  3. Now complement your drawing with a zigzag scallop on your head, beard. Also draw the wing in the middle of the body and add feathers to the tail. The legs of the bird are drawn quite simply. At the very top, they have a thickening, and then go into a thinner part.
  4. Using red and orange shades, start adding color to your drawing. Short strokes will indicate the plumage of the bird. Combine light and dark shades.
  5. Highlight the scallop, beard and legs of the bird in red pastel.
  6. Now it's time to show your imagination in coloring the tail. You can use completely different colors, contrasting shades. For example, green, blue, yellow, purple, etc.


How to draw a rooster with watercolors or gouache

Children most often draw with gouache or watercolor. And therefore, drawing a rooster in this way is a rather popular request on the Internet that parents set. There are no significant differences in drawing just such colors compared to previous described techniques. You can invite the child to paint with watercolor paints or gouache a ready -made sketch made by a simple pencil, for example. To draw such a workpiece, you can use step -by -step schemes that are proposed above. You can also draw immediately with paints. Then it will be more convenient to draw the approximate outlines of the cockerel, and then gradually layered the colors.

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As you can see, to draw a symbol of 2017 is a completely subject to solving the task even for a novice amateur in drawing. Choose the technique of drawing that you like the closest to you in which you feel the greatest confidence in your abilities, and begin to create. Such drawing skills will undoubtedly be useful to you as a parent. Children often ask their mothers and dads to show how this or that animal, object, etc. are drawn. Creative success, inspiration and desire to contemplate the beautiful!



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