
How delicious to marry onions - step -by -step recipes. How to marry onions for the winter. How to quickly marinate the bow to barbecue, for salad, for herring

How delicious to marry onions - step -by -step recipes. How to marry onions for the winter. How to quickly marinate the bow to barbecue, for salad, for herring
In this article, we will tell you how to marinate the onion so that it turns out to be tasty, juicy and not bitter. You can add it to salads, season it with a herring and use it in the process of cooking barbecue.

Onions are a vegetable that we use in the process of cooking constantly. It gives any dish taste and aroma. However, often we have a lot of time to process it, so there is no desire to cook. But there is a great way out of the situation - you can make blanks from onions in advance. In this article, we will introduce you some interesting recipes with photos on how to marry the bow for all occasions.

General advice: how to marry onions delicious

We will not talk about the usefulness of onion for human health, since a huge number of works are written and published on this topic. Onions are a unique vegetable that is definitely recommended to eat everyone who wants to be healthy and strong.

We offer more details to dwell on how to put on the bow for the winter and not only. Only before we start describing you step -by -step recipes, I would like to dwell in detail on some basic recommendations that experienced culinary specialists are advised to adhere to:

  1. You can pickle onions both whole and chopped - this is a matter of your taste.
  2. If you decide to pickle onions with whole heads, then be sure to make sure that they have no husk at all.
  3. Before each marinade, be sure to blanch the bow. It must acquire a translucent color.
  4. Always add as much vinegar as possible at the marinade. This ingredient will save the vegetable from bitterness and will not spoil its taste and useful qualities.
  5. All the containers in which you will store pickled onions must be sterilized in advance.

How to marry onions in vinegar: simple recipe

First, we will introduce you to the simplest and most popular recipe on how to marry the bow in the bank:

  1. Take 1 kg of onion, clean it from the husk and rinse thoroughly.
  2. Boil 2 liters of water, immediately dissolving 200 g of salt in it. Pour the onion with the resulting liquid and leave it overnight.
  3. Sustain 2 half -liter jars. It is such a number of containers that this recipe is designed.
  4. In each jar, put 1 laurel leaf, 3 peas of black pepper, and the same amount of fragrant pepper.
  5. Select onions from a pan with salt water and put it into jars.
  6. Prepare the brine - dilute 250 ml of vinegar into 1 liter of water, pour the onion to them and roll up the cans with lids.

This option, how to marin the onion, can be used in the process of preparing a salad in which this ingredient needs to be used.

How to quickly marin the onion in a sour marinade?

If you want the onion to have a sour taste, then it needs to be marinated for the winter according to the recipe below:

  1. Take 1.5 kg of onion (preferably to take small). Clean it from the husk and boil. When the water boils, drain it and make sure that all excess water is also glass from the onion.
  2. Take 3 half -liter jars, sterilize them.
  3. Prepare the seal: boil 1 liter of water, dissolving in it 50 g of salt and sugar.
  4. Lay the onion in jars and pour it with marinade. After that, it can already be rolled with lids.

How to marry onions: a recipe with a spicy marinade

  1. Take 1.5 small onions, clean it from the husk and rinse under water.
  2. Dilute 40 g of salt in 1 liter of water and boil it. In this liquid, you will need to soak the onion at night.
  3. While the bow is prepared, sterilize the jars. Take 3 half -liter containers.
  4. At the bottom of each jar, lay 2 cloves, 2 laurels and 1 battery.
  5. Boil a new marinade: in 1 liter of water, dissolve 40 g of salt and sugar, 5 g of cinnamon and red acute ground pepper. After the brine boils, add 500 ml of vinegar to it.
  6. Put the onions in banks and pour it with a prepared marinade. After that, it will be possible to doll them and lower them into the basement.

How to marry a bow with bell pepper?

  1. Clean 1 kg of fine onions from the husk. Pour it with a solution prepared on the basis of 1 liter of boiling water and 2 g of citric acid.
  2. 5 minutes after the bow is soaked in this solution, get it.
  3. Wash 250 g of bell pepper, remove the core and cut it into strips.
  4. Peel 2 cloves of garlic.
  5. Sustain 2 half -liter jars. At the bottom of each, put 1 clove of garlic, 1 laurel leaf, 4 peas of black fragrant pepper, 20 g of dill.
  6. Put onions and pepper in banks, shifting them in layers.
  7. Prepare the pick: boil 1 liter of water, dissolving in it 20 g of salt and 80 g of sugar. As soon as the water boils, add 250 ml of vinegar to it.
  8. Pour the marinade into banks, and then roll them up with lids.

How to marry onions for food: Bulgarian recipe

There is one more option for marining onions so that it acquires a piquant taste:

  1. Take 1 kg of onions. Clean each head and make cruciate cuts.
  2. Sustain 2 half -liter jars. On the bottom of each container, put 2 laurel leaves, 7 peas of black pepper and half of the Gorky pepper pod.
  3. Lay the bow by jars.
  4. Prepare the marinade: Dilute the same amount of vinegar into 300 ml of water. You can also add a little salt (20 g will be enough).
  5. Pour in the prepared marinade onion, and then roll up the jars with lids.

How to marry the bow to barbecue

To prepare a bow for the marinade, you do not need much time. We will tell you the technology of preparation without specifying the number of ingredients, because it will depend on how much meat you will have. What needs to be done:

  1. Cut the onion with rings or half rings.
  2. Put it in a plastic container.
  3. Prepare the marinade: mix water with vinegar in the same proportions and add 40 g of salt and sugar after that.
  4. Pour the resulting Marinade Luke. Sprinkle it with dill, which must first be chopped.
  5. Close the plastic container with a lid and send it to the refrigerator for literally 30 minutes. After that, the onion can already be used when frying barbecue.

How to pickle a lemon or orange with a bow?

Culinary specialists often use a very interesting way to marine red onion if it is supposed to serve to fish or meat:

  1. Take 1 kg of onion. Peel it and cut it into strips.
  2. Boil 1 liter of water, dissolve 50 g of salt in it. In the resulting solution, soak the onion. It should lie in it 6 hours.
  3. Before you get the onion from salt solution, prepare the marinade: boil 250 ml of orange or lemon juice, add 1 cup of water and 500 ml of vinegar to it.
  4. Sustain half -liter jars in which you will roll onions.
  5. Put the onion by containers, pour it with marinade and clog it. It will be possible after 2 hours to use it already for cooking.

How to marry onions without vinegar in beetroot juice?

It is very tasty on onions, mothballed in beetroot juice:

  1. Take 2 kg of onions, clean it and cut each head into 4 parts.
  2. Boil 1 l of beetroot juice, dissolving 120 g of sugar in it, 20 g of salt and 10 g of citric acid.
  3. Sustain the banks, put on the bow in them, and then pour it with beetroot marinade.

According to this recipe, you can pickle onions for herring. The dish will look beautiful and appetizing.

How to marry onions in mayonnaise?

In order for the ray to crunched, it can be very quickly lined in vinegar according to the recipe that we presented at the very beginning of this article. But if you want to ensure that the onion is gentle, it is better to pickle it in oil and mayonnaise. We tell you step by step how to do it:

  1. Take the onion, clean it from the husk and cut it with rings or half rings.
  2. Fold the prepared pieces in a plastic container.
  3. Prepare the marinade: mix salt with pepper to taste, mayonnaise and oil (3 tbsp each ingredient). If you want, you can add any mustard to this marinade - Dijonian is ideal.
  4. Cover the onion in the marinade with a lid and leave it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. After the specified time, the onion can already be used for culinary purposes.

We hope that the recipes of the Marinade of Luke we have given will be very useful to you in everyday life! We wish you inspiration in the culinary field! Let your dishes be tasty and delicious!

Video: "How to pickle onions"



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