
What does herpes look like on the labia, photo. Herpes on the labia - symptoms and treatment

What does herpes look like on the labia, photo. Herpes on the labia - symptoms and treatment
Ways of infection and symptoms of the disease. Features of the treatment of pathology in women, expectant mothers and men.

Herpes on the labia is a venereological problem that young people of 20 - 35 years old are more often faced with the rest due to rich sex life. Despite the fact that the disease belongs to the category of diseases “below the waist”, it is conditionally considered harmless: with adequate treatment, people do not die from it, the disease does not intervene in the work of internal organs, does not lead to infertility. However, this does not mean that the situation when infected with genital herpes can be put on a gear: patients experience many inconveniences of a physical and psychological nature. In order to protect yourself in advance, you need to know where and why herpes appears on the labia, and what to do if unpleasant symptoms are still manifested.

What is a simplex virus of herpes

In the family of herpetic viruses, there are about 200 types of them. For convenience, they gave a common name - the herpes simplex virus. In the development of genital herpes on the labia, the types of the pathogen HSV-1 and HSV-2 are mixed. Previously, it was believed that the disease is caused only by the herpes simplex virus 2, but today scientists came to the conclusion that both types of herpes can cause illness. The only difference is, when infected with the second type of herpes, symptoms appear to a much greater extent.

Type 1 and 2 viruses have a round shape, and they are distinguished by the structure of the outer shells of protein nature. In particular, lipoproteins and glycoproteins serve as material for viral bodies. Glycoproteins in HSV-1 and HSV-2 are different and play the role of receptors. With their help, the virus determines which cell in the human body can attach.

Type 1 herpes virus

Despite the insignificant sizes (200 nanometers in diameter), the herpes virus adapts perfectly to environmental conditions and retains vitality for a long time. At a temperature of 37 With the causative agent of the disease, a little less than a day remains active, and temperature 50 With it destroys him in half an hour. The herpes virus remains capable after repeated freezing and thawing, for a long time it is stored at 70 WITH.

Type 2 herpes virus

Under ordinary environmental conditions, the herpes virus is viable for about 20 minutes, but this does not prevent him from spreading between people with lightning speed.

Ways of herpes infection on the labia

The easiest virus is transmitted from the sick person to healthy by means of intimate contact: traditional, anal, during preliminary and oral caresses. If there are no external signs of the disease on the body of an infected partner, then a person may not be aware of his problem at all, however, a dangerous strain will nevertheless move to a healthy partner.

The disease spreads with airborne droplets, as well as through personal hygiene items. An infected pregnant woman can infect a newborn child. Cases of self -extension are frequent, when a person with herpetic rashes on his lips through negligence transfers the pathogen to the perineum.

The reasons for the appearance of herpes on the labia

Among the genital herpes predisposing factors to the disease, doctors first distinguish the following:

  • prolonged stay in conditions of stress;
  • an unbalanced alternation of work and rest, overwork;
  • poor immunity;
  • two or more cases of artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • infection with sexually transmitted diseases in the past;
  • random intimate life;
  • neglect of barrier contraception means;
  • disadvantage or excess of vitamins in the body;
  • hypothermia, frequent colds;
  • prolonged observance of a strict diet, as a result of which the body does not receive important nutrients and loses its full protective barrier from pathogens of various diseases;
  • prolonged use of an intrauterine spiral.

Symptoms of herpes on the labia

The duration of the incubation period after the introduction of the pathogen into the body is 2 to 20 days. The weaker the immunity of a person, the faster the external signs of the disease will appear. So, what does herpes look like on the labia?

The main specific sign of pathology is a rash that affects small and large labia. On the reddened mucous membranes and adjacent skin, small bubbles appear, filled with transparent liquid. After 3 days, the contents of the blisters are cloudy, after which they break through, and in their place there remains inflamed or ulcerated areas of the skin.   But shortly before the appearance of bubbles, an infected person feels itching and burning in the affected areas of the perineum. The photo has not yet broken through herpes on the labia:

The acute form of the disease is noteworthy and other unpleasant symptoms:

  • frequent urges to empty the bladder;
  • an increase in the lymph nodes in the groin;
  • high body temperature (38 - 39 WITH);
  • severe redness in the genital area, itching;
  • health, as with colds: head and muscle pain, weakness throughout the body;
  • painful discomfort during urination.

The acute phase of the disease takes 2 to 3 weeks. During this period, all symptoms are very pronounced.

Types of herpes on the labia

Herpes on the small labia is classified into primary and recurrent, so the symptoms of the disease in the same person can be different. So, the primary infection with a strain of herpes proceeds in a hidden form, after which it is smoothly converted into a recurrent form. 10 days after the completion of the incubation period, the pathogen “wakes up” and declares itself a long serious illness.

Enhanced cases of pathology are accompanied by various complications that pose a threat to the joints, nervous system and the insides of the pelvis. Particular discomfort gives the woman swelling and cracks in herpes on the labia lips.

The frequency of relapse is different: the exacerbation of the disease can be repeated both 3-4 times a month, and 1 time for several years. The strain resumes active activity on the basis of severe stress, heavy physical exertion, violent emotional outbursts and other diseases that contribute to a decrease in the body's barrier forces. Also, signs of herpes are often manifested with the onset of pregnancy or during critical days, when female hormonal background is unstable.

Along with the primary and recurrent herpes there is an atypical strain strain. It occurs against the background of chronic diseases of the organs of the childbearing system. Inflammated areas and blisters do not amaze the perineum area. Nevertheless, the presence of a problem becomes obvious due to cracks and redness on the mucous membranes. There is also severe itching in the intimate zone.

What to do when herpes appeared on the labia? First of all, you need to make sure that this is precisely this disease, and not another pathology with similar symptoms. Genital herpes is diagnosed on the basis of the results of scraping and analysis of DNA. You will also have to donate blood to determine whether the body has developed antibodies to the virus or not. These methods allow you to confirm or refute the existence of a problem with a high degree of probability.

Herpes treatment on the labia

The fight against pathology is effective only if it is comprehensive: you need local treatment, as well as taking pills and injections. It will not work to completely expel the virus - once in the body, it remains there forever.

Herpes on the labia and immunomodulators

Since after infection the virus will be present in the body constantly, it is important to monitor the state of its health: as soon as the immunity weakens, the pathological strain will immediately make itself felt. In order to keep the pathogen for a dangerous disease in an inactive state as long as possible, it is necessary to regulate the body's defenses using immunomodulators, otherwise the disease may be recurrent monthly. Note that these drugs are not a panacea, but only an effective addition to the main treatment.

Immunostimulants disrupt the integrity of the shell of viral cells, and in response to the effect of the drug, the body synthesizes the substance interferon, natural immunomodulator. It underlies the manufacture of many drugs for viral infection. In the program for the treatment of genital herpes, the following drugs with interferon are often used:

  • Viferon. For herpes on the labia, it is used locally, in the form of an ointment that is covered with inflamed areas. In addition to interferon, the product contains vitamin E, which contributes to the speedy healing of wounds, as well as lanolin and petroleum jelly to soften the skin.
  • Interferon Beta. The cost of the drug is quite high, but a complete recovery occurs in more than 70% of cases. The tool is used in the form of a solution for injection. After treatment, the duration of which sometimes reaches six months, relapses of the disease are extremely rare.

In addition to interferon -based drugs, other immunomodulating drugs are used to combat genital herpes. For example, Galavit is an effective immunomodulating and anti -inflammatory agent. Take 1 tablet three times a day for 3 weeks.

Interferon -based medications should be taken exclusively as a doctor’s prescription. There is an opinion that the body reduces the synthesis of its own interferon when it receives additional from the outside. Therefore, the intake of immunomodulators is not in the introduction of the missing interferon, but in stimulating its development, and only a competent specialist can calculate the correct dose of the drug.

If the virus is recurrent more than 1 time in 1 - 2 months, the treatment of polyvitamin preparations (biomax, vitrum, alphabet, complivitis, vitrum energy) becomes a mandatory point of treatment.

Herpes on the labia and antiviral agents

When herpetic infection is in an acute stage of development, antiviral drugs in the form of tablets are effective. The active substances of these drugs partially destroy the membranes of viral cells, thereby preventing them from further reproduction.

The following drugs are used to suppress herpes activity:

  1. Acyclovir. The drug effectively fights primary and recurrent genital herpes, and is also used to prevent an unpleasant disease. The drug suppresses the activity of DNA of herpetic cells. Treatment begins immediately after the appearance of blisters to limit the spread of the rash to healthy skin.
  2. Pharmaciklovir. A powerful remedy for often repeated genital herpes. The drug also treats neuralgia caused by herpes virus.
  3. Groninosine. The active substance of the drug destroys the pathogen DNA and increases the body's immunity. Tablets drink from 1 to 3 months.
  4. Valtrex. Effectively inhibits the activity of the pathogen, so it is prescribed during the acute phase of the disease.

Herpes on the labia and douching

Another item in the herpes treatment program for not the labia are douching. For the procedure, use fluids with antiviral and antibacterial effect.

The following drugs are suitable for douching with genital herpes:

  1. Miramistin. The antiseptic drug destroys gram -positive and gram -negative pathogenic microorganisms. The acting substances first thin the shells of viral cells, and then completely destroy them.
  2. Hexicon. Electoral antiseptic that does not harm healthy cells. Effective with severe suppuration. Desters protein receptors of a pathogenic strain.
  3. Septomirin. The liquid destroys sexually transmitted infections. The affected areas are washed with an antiseptic solution 2 to 3 times a day for 1 week.

Herpes on the labia and diet

During the acute phase of the disease, nutritionists recommend excluding citrus fruits, milk, coffee, nuts, tomatoes, sugar, beef and alcohol from the diet. Such food only enhances the aggressiveness of the virus.

During the treatment of a genital infection, you should not refuse sea cabbage, hard cheese, apples and low -fat yogurts.

Herpes treatment on the labia in women

Women face genital herpes more often than men - this is a fact. But treatment in women and men is almost the same. If the rashes of herpes are internal, antiseptic drugs are used to eliminate the rash, for example, douching to Decassan, which produces an antiviral effect.

With improper treatment of the disease, complications are possible, which lead to dangerous consequences:

  1. Cervical cancer. A harmless, at first glance, herpes virus in an adverse set of circumstances causes the development of cancer. Herpetic bubbles on the cervical mucosa sometimes cause dysplasia. If the pathology is not treated, it smoothly transforms into cervical cancer.
  2. Painful cracks on the mucous membranes of the vagina due to dryness. The infection disrupts the hormonal balance in the female body, as a result of which vaginal lubricant is extremely small.
  3. Decrease in sex drive. Due to the development of neuralgia, on the basis of genital herpes, the lower back and lower abdomen can often hurt, so the libido gradually decreases.
  4. Endometritis and colpitis. Strong inflammation of the mucosa leads to the formation of intrauterine adhesions. This is a direct prerequisite for the emergence of problems with the conception and bearing of a child in the future.

Treatment of genital herpes in men

The strong half of humanity encounters a pathology somewhat less common than women.   Inflammation and blisters appear in men on the penis of the penis and in the anus. Rarely the rash affects the urethra and rectum. At the initial stage of the disease, body temperature rises, and areas of future inflammation swell. 3 days after the occurrence, the bubbles burst, then the temperature normalizes and the pain decreases. Treatment of genital herpes in men is standard: antiviral drugs and immunomodulators are prescribed.

The consequences of the disease in representatives of the stronger sex are as follows:

  • acute and chronic prostatitis;
  • herpetic proxy;
  • urethritis.

Herpes on the labia during pregnancy

Preparing to become a mother, every woman passes an analysis for the so-called Torch infections, among which there is herpes. When the results of the study show in the blood of a pregnant woman a high content of antibodies to a dangerous strain, the expectant mother prescribes a course of antiviral treatment, as well as drugs that increase immunity.

If you do not get rid of genital herpes during pregnancy, there is a great risk of infection of the baby at the time of his birth. In most cases, the disease immediately goes into an acute stage.

For the treatment of herpes during pregnancy, drugs are mainly prescribed that will not harm mom and baby:

  1. Zovirax. The active substance of the drug is acyclovir. It suppresses the activity of DNA of viral cells and does not allow them to multiply.
  2. Oxolin ointment. The antiviral drug that neutralizes acids that support the viability of the strain.
  3. Viferon. The basis for creating a drug was human interferon. It has the form of suppositories, ointments and gel.

Tactics of treatment depends on the gestational age. The most unpredictable and dangerous is the acute form of genital herpes in the first trimester of an “interesting” position when a strain can cause a miscarriage. In the later stages of pregnancy, the disease no longer has such fatal consequences, since the child is fully formed.

Treatment of herpes on the labia with folk methods

How to treat herpes on the labia if you are a supporter of traditional medicine? First of all, we clarify that the “grandmother” recipes will be unconditionally effective when they are applied as an addition to traditional treatment. Here are the most popular methods of treating a viral strain with folk remedies:

  1. Aloe juice. You will need a plant that is at least 3 years old. Cut the fleshy leaf from the stem, cut the skin from it, pull the pulp into the gruel. Glue the aloe cloth with the aloe cloth and make a compress in an inflamed place.
  2. Kaline decoction. Pull the fresh berries of viburnum in a bowl and pour hot water there. Leave for 3 hours. Drink the finished decoction three times a day instead of coffee and tea. This is a great way to strengthen health.
  3. Birch buds. Pour the kidneys of young birch with homemade fresh milk. Boil them for about 7 minutes over medium heat, then cool and soak with healing liquid tissue or gauze. Make lotions for affected places up to 6 times a day.
  4. Tincture of echinacea. A cheap pharmacy effectively increases the body's protective forces. Immediately after the first signs of genital herpes, take 20 drops of the drug three times a day.
  5. Tincture of pepper and horseradish. Fill in a half -glass liter jar with a mixture of chopped acute pepper and horseradish root. Pour the ingredients with vodka to the very edge and enter within 2 weeks, shaking from time to time. Strain the finished product and drink 20 ml during breakfast and dinner.
  6. Onions and apples. Grind 2 medium -sized bulbs on a grater. Collect the juice that stood out in the process. Next, grind the green apple on a grater or in a meat grinder along with the peel. Then mix apple gruel with onion juice and add 2 tablespoons of buckwheat or linden honey there. The finished medicine is taken 30 g after eating 3 times a day.

Prevention of herpes labia herpes

To protect yourself from a dangerous virus, follow the simple rules:

  1. Be selective in intimate relationships, remain loyal to your loved one.
  2. Use condoms if you are not sure of the sexual partner.
  3. Eat healthy food, eat balanced.
  4. Take polyvitamin preparations 2 times a year.
  5. Refuse the long -term use of the intrauterine spiral.
  6. Strictly monitor compliance with personal hygiene rules, especially in the days when Herpes “settled” on your face.



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