
How to salt zucchini at home. How to salt the zucchini for the winter in banks - step -by -step recipes with photos

How to salt zucchini at home. How to salt the zucchini for the winter in banks - step -by -step recipes with photos
Salt the zucchini at home. How to salt the zucchini in banks, salt a lot of zucchini in a tub or barrel at once. How to salt the zucchini in bags. A variety of recipes for the workings for the winter.

The zucchini is the most grateful vegetable, vegetable stew is prepared from it, make casseroles, pancakes, pickle, pickle in barrels and salt. Each housewife should know how to salt zucchini for the winter.

The zucchini has a neutral taste and juicy pulp, they have a lot of water, fiber and other beneficial substances. And zucchini, like cucumbers, can be prepared for the future. They are well stored even in the apartment if there is no cellar or basement.

How to salt zucchini at home. Preparation of vegetables for salting

Experienced housewives give advice: salt in banks a few cucumbers and zucchini. In the first half of winter and on all New Year's holidays, you will have crispy salty cucumbers on the table, and in the second half of winter - delicious salty zucchini. This is also a very tasty snack!

So that the process does not drag on for a long time, you need to prepare everything at once:

  • what is the necessary dishes? It’s easier and faster to roll the cucumbers into glass jars, but if the banks are over and the zucchini is still enough, you can take a pan, pick up the cucumbers in barrels and even in large food bags for salting. The entire container must first be prepared (banks, pots or barrel), washed and poured with boiling water, and banks - sterilize;
  • what zucchini are suitable for salting? Any: young and even mature. For each type of vegetables there is a recipe. The vegetables must be sorted out before work, remove the garbage and all excess (cut the stalk), and then prepare according to the recipe. For example, if you salt whole zucchini, then you need to choose small vegetables, maximum 8 cm. If the zucchini has already grown and become large, they will not fit into the jar, they are cut into circles. The thickness of the maximum is 2 cm. You can cut large vegetables with slides, and then cut them into 2 halves or cut into cubes;
  • any zucchini is suitable for salting, but young zucchini is the most tasty, as they will be crispy, juicy and elastic;
  • if you make blanks for the first time and want to pick up the whole zucchini, then you need to pierce each vegetable in several places with a fork or toothpick;
  • spices and greens - put in each jar or barrel necessarily. The list of everything necessary and quantity - according to the recipe. All spices and additives need to be rinse under the tap, large - grind.

How to salt zucchini in banks

It is most convenient to make blanks for the winter in glass containers. In banks, any blanks are stored all winter, there is no need to monitor how the zucchini packed and remove the mold formed from above. In banks, all salting and blanks are stored even in an apartment, if everything is done correctly.

To pick up vegetables in such a container, it is necessary to prepare everything and the work itself will be performed in 2 gunsuas.

List of ingredients:

  • zucchini - 10 kg;
  • salt - 250 g;
  • water - 5 l;
  • spices: fresh parsley, cherry leaves, horseradish roots (you can also leaves) - only 300 g each;
  • garlic and black pepper with peas - to taste.

Squeare of actions:

  1. The zucchini needs to be washed, dry, tied with a fork. Kuachki choose small and young to fit in the jar.
  2. Prepare the vegetables according to the description presented above: everything needs to be washed and shaken off excess fluid. Large greens and spices must be chopped, leaves and parsley can be left unchanged. The horseradish root must be cut, if you add garlic, clean the cloves, large-cut into 2-4 parts.
  3. Spices and zucchini must be put in a large pan like this: a layer of zucchini, a layer of spices and so on. Choose a large and wide pan, so that later you can leave zucchini in it, and put oppression on top.
  4. We make a brine in another container: in the water we dissolve salt on the stove, we wait for when it boils, cool. We fill the vegetables with a cooled brine. If there is no big pot for salting and you don’t eat so many zucchini, take fewer vegetables. Then the brine will need less. Based on 1 liter of water, take 2 or 2.5 large tablespoons of salt without a hill.
  5. Pour the zucchini with a brine, on top you can shit with dry mustard, but this is not necessary. Just mustard will help get rid of mold, which forms on the surface. This thin mold will not be.
  6. Now you need to take a plate, the same diameter as the size of the pan, so that the plate fit inside. Turn it upside down so that it closes the vegetables and put something heavy on top. If there is a wooden oppression on the farm - put it, if this is not, then put a filled three -liter jar on the plate (no matter what, it is necessary for it to be heavy). Cover the zucchini with a clean cloth, put oppression or plate on top.
  7. Everything, zucchini must be left for sealing for 30 days (banks are lowered into the cellar). Left in the room-for 3-6 days. You need to look at the brine, it should be clouded, and a thin light plaque forms on the zucchini.
  8. After 3 or 30 days, you need to bring the zucchini to the desired result: they need to be removed from the pan, transfer to pre -prepared banks (washed, scald with boiling water or sterilized).
  9. At the bottom of each jar, put a fresh portion of greens (but you can also the one that remained with the salting), lay the zucchini.
  10. Drink and strain the brine, put on the stove, bring to a boil. Pour the zucchini with a hot brine and roll up with lids.
  11. Banks need to be turned over, wrap it with something warm to hold the temperature well. Old blankets, coats, jackets or fur coats are suitable. When the banks cool completely (after 2-3 days), you can lower them in the cellar, put them in the basement or on the shelf in the pantry.

How to salt zucchini in a barrel

Provided storage of all blanks in the cellar or basement, it is easier and faster to pick up zucchini immediately in large barrels, so that there is enough for the whole winter. Prepare the barrels so that you can immediately start work.

The proportions in this recipe are the same as in the previous one. You can take any spices: parsley and dill in fresh form, celery, root and leaves of horseradish, cherry or blackcurrant leaves. Take spices more 2 times than vegetables.

Working process:

  1. It is necessary to prepare zucchini in the standard way: to sort, remove spoiled and damaged, cut off the stalks on both sides. Vegetables must be stripped with a fork or toothpick in several places. Unlike salting in a pan, vegetables can be chosen any size, since young and mature zucchini will fit in a barrel. You can even select and separately pickle large in a barrel, and in banks - young zucchini.
  2. Proper laying of zucchini in barrels: one to one tightly in one row, shifting the rows with herbs and spices.
  3. When fill the entire barrel with vegetables, you need to insert the bottom and pour the brine through a special hole.
  4. The brine is prepared in the same way as in the first recipe. After a month, the zucchini will be ready, you can remove the first sample. As it descends, drain the excess brine, but only so that the vegetables are in the brine and do not dry out. If a mold film will form, you will need to remove it with a carefully damp cloth.

How to salt zucchini in bags

Many housewives are wondering: "Is it possible to salt the zucchini in the bag?" Yes, this is a great alternative to glass jars, barrels and pots. If there is a desire, there are no obstacles, go to the store to purchase several plastic bags for salting, and also zucchini, greens and spices.

Preparatory process and salting:

  1. The proportions of zucchini, salt, water and spices remain unchanged (we look in the description above). Preparation is similar. It is necessary to wash the vegetables, remove the stalks and cut the tail from the other end. Then again rinse the zucchini in the water.
  2. Preparatory moment: pierce with a skewer in several places. The puncture depth is 1.5 cm. Then the vegetables are faster, and most importantly, they will softer even more. Therefore, it is advisable to make punctures in a circle every 2 cm.
  3. You can pick up both whole vegetables and chopped along or across the bags.
  4. At the bottom of the package, add pre -processed spices: the leaves and herbs need to be washed, the roots and garlic are chopped. For 1 standard salting package, 1 large head of garlic and a small bitter pepper will be needed. Pepper can be used both fresh and dried. Divide the garlic, free the cloves from the shell.
  5. In the bag, first put a layer of spices, then zucchini in one layer and so on until filling. For a standard package for salting is required from 2 to 2.5 kg of zucchini.
  6. Seed of a package - 3 liters. We cook like this: take 3 liters of cold water and 3 tablespoons of salt without a hill. We take boiled water, as we salt the zucchini for the winter in a cold way. The brine is not necessary to boil. Only dissolve salt in water and that's it.
  7. How to fill in and close the salting package correctly: pour the zucchini with a brine, release excess air and tie a tight package with a strong rope.
  8. If you salt the warmth, then you can try zucchini on the 3-6th day, they will be ready. If in the basement - withstand at least 25 days.
  9. To stop the fermentation process, zucchini must be moved to a cool place. For example, put the bag on the balcony (insulated) or loggia. Or put in jars or saucers and put in the refrigerator.

Another quick way to work in bags: you need to add greens and other spices, sugar and salt on a tablespoon to the bottom of the bag, cut 4 zucchini with mugs, pour water. The water for this amount of salt and sugar needs only 500 ml. In the bag you need to mix everything, try to release all the air and tie the bag thoroughly so that air does not get inside. Then put the package in any container and leave in the room to suck on the 3rd day. The room temperature should be not lower than +18 degrees, but too hot is also bad. Then the finished snack should be stored in the refrigerator.

How to salt fast -cooking zucchini

Literally in 6 hours, on average, you can get a delicious snack from zucchini. In the winter, this version of the workpiece is unlikely to suit you, but in order to diversify the daily diet - quite.

What is needed:

  • zucchini - 1 kg;
  • well water - 1 l;
  • garlic - 4 large cloves;
  • salt and sugar - 2 tbsp. but without a hill;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • spices: cloves (2 pcs.), Fresh greens - 2 bundles, pepper with peas - 6 pcs.

Salting process:

  1. We select young, not yet overripe zucchini. The length of each vegetable is from 8 to 10 cm, maximum - 12 cm. You can take rods, since they have more vitamins to get a more tasty and healthy snack.
  2. Wash, cut off the excess, cut with plates with a special vegetable engine to make thin beautiful “tongues”. It would be nice to take zucchini of different varieties and colors, so that in the finished dish they look more interesting.
  3. Wash the greens and shake off excess fluid, clean the garlic, but not cut. Leaves of greenery (if desired of cherries and black currants), wash and grind, if large.
  4. In the saucepan on the bottom we put spices, lay out the zucchini in layers. Leave some spices and greens to shift through several layers.
  5. We make a brine: in the water we dissolve salt and sugar, separately prepare spices (cloves, peppercorns and garlic). We add spices later, after boiling the brine.
  6. We set aside, let the brine insist and cool. Then we pour the zucchini, cover the vegetables with a cut of clean fabric, put in a dark place for 6, a maximum of 7 hours, if it is cool in the room.
  7. After the indicated time, we try the brine, if it has become sour, then it’s time to try zucchini. Such as they wanted? Put the container in a cold place. Shelf life is only a couple of days, but during this time the zucchini will quickly end.

How to salt zucchini at home. Recipes

Each recipe for pickling zucchini is special, so you should try to prepare for the winter and now just a little.

Salt the zucchini like a mush

The zucchini according to this recipe is the same to taste as mushrooms: tasty, fragrant and juicy. It is worthwhile to study this recipe more and write it down in your culinary book!

Ingredients for work:

  • zucchini medium size, preferably young - 3 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 150 g;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. without a hill;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp, you can 5;
  • vinegar - 200 g;
  • spices: garlic with heads 2 pcs., Ground pepper black - 1 read, parsley or dill fresh - a bunch.

How to make a workpiece correctly:

  1. If you work with mature vegetables, then the skin will have to be cut. It would be nice to add a couple of tsukini. All need to be washed and cut, cut the tails and stalks. Cutting - arbitrary, dice, stripes or circles.
  2. The zucchini must be folded into a spacious large bowl, chop the greens with a knife.
  3. Put in a bowl: salt, sugar, chopped garlic, pepper, add oil and vinegar. Everything needs to be thoroughly mixed, covered with a lid. Leave the zucchini for 4 hours if it is cool and 3, if it is warm in the apartment.
  4. During this time, prepare cans for blockage: wash, pour boiling water or sterilize with the lids.
  5. Fill the jars of zucchini, then pour the released juice. Bars should be put in a pan, cover with lids, pour water and put sterilized over low heat. The countdown from the moment of boiling is 10 or 15 minutes, then roll the banks with lids and wrap.
  6. When the jars are cooled - move to the shelf in a cool room for storage for the winter.

Salt the zucchini with tomatoes

Many of us are used to making blanks for the winter, although you can go and buy everything in the store or not to roll anything at all, and in winter to cook from frozen vegetables or buy fresh. On the shelves of supermarkets, a large selection of goods. But the habit of making blanks for the winter remained, and what about without delicious tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini?

The list of everything necessary:

  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • fuck leaves - a piece of 5 by 5 cm;
  • dill with twigs - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs .;
  • gorky pepper (not necessarily) - a small piece;
  • fragrant and black pepper with peas - 2 pcs. for each jar.

Prepare for the marinade:

  • water - 400 ml;
  • salt - 2/3 of Articlel;
  • sugar - a tablespoon;
  • apple vinegar homemade - 3 tbsp.

How to do conservation correctly:

  1. Fuck with leaves should be washed, chopped. Garlic - clean, rinse under the tap.
  2. Pre -prepare and sterilize the banks as it is convenient: scald with boiling water, treat with steam, put in a slow cooker/oven/microwave oven.
  3. Lay out spices in jars: dill with umbrellas, horseradish leaves, garlic cloves and pepper peas.
  4. Put up pre -washed small tomatoes into the jar in circles (you can even green) and washes of zucchini.
  5. Make the marinade: in water, dissolve sugar with salt, bring to a boil, remove from the stove.
  6. Without delay, pour vinegar into jars and immediately hot marinade.
  7. Banks need to be covered with lids and put sterilized: pour water into the pan, put a towel folded in several layers at the bottom. Sterlize the jars from the moment of boiling for 10 minutes, then remove and roll up with lids.
  8. Wrap the jars with blanks, first turning the cans upside down. As cooled - send to the basement or in the pantry.

Salt the zucchini like cucumbers

And this recipe is just a find for beginner housewives, because everything will always work out and zucchini will be as tasty and crispy as cucumbers. By the way, according to this recipe, you can prepare cucumbers for the winter.

The list of everything necessary:

  • zucchini - 2 kg;
  • garlic - head;
  • spices: horseradish, currant leaves and cherries, dill;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • ground black pepper - a fourth part of a teaspoon;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • salt - 2 tbsp;
  • citric acid - 2 tsp. Without a hill.

Working process:

  1. Choose the smallest and youngest zucchini to fit in the banks. If this does not work, then you can cut vegetables with pieces, only large or circles with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm.
  2. Put on the bottom of pre -prepared cans to greens with garlic, fold the zucchini.
  3. Make a brine: put the water, add sugar, salt and pepper, mix, pour the citric acid and mix again. All ingredients should dissolve.
  4. Pour the zucchini with a hot brine, cover the jars with lids, leave for 15 minutes. During this time, the marinade will cool down a little. It must be drained carefully in the pan, boil and pour zucchini again.
  5. It was quick sterilization of vegetables. Roll the jars with lids, wrap and leave that the blanks are completely cooled. Then put in storage in the basement or pantry.

Video: how to salt zucchini



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