
How to prepare a lemon kurd at home. Cream Lemon Kurd - Recipes with photos

How to prepare a lemon kurd at home. Cream Lemon Kurd - Recipes with photos
Lemon Kurd is a magnificent cream dessert, perfectly suitable for any pastries and simple tea drinking. Lemon Kurdish recipes are presented in the article.

Kurd from lemons is a delightfully delicate sweet and sour lemon cream. This is the most beloved dessert of the British, but in other countries it is also popular. The British call a dessert made from Lemon Curd lemons. This is a delicate cream made from lemon juice and other ingredients.

The consistency of the cream is thick, similar to our custard. In fact, it is, a real lemon cream is prepared in the same way as a burgundy, only on the basis of lemon juice. The result is a great basis for the preparation of desserts: cakes, cakes and other pastries, with a delicate taste.

Preparing a lemon kurd. A step -by -step recipe

To prepare the most tender cream or kurds, you do not need to look for special products, everything is available and sold in each supermarket. To begin the creative process and create an analogue of the English Kurdish in the kitchen, you need to take a little sugar, lemon juice, eggs and oils. The same ingredients include the composition of the custard, but only there will be flour and milk, so the kurd will turn out to be a more delicate texture and a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

A little more useful information before starting work: prepare the dishes from stainless steel so that it is small, but convenient for work, a saucepan. A real lemon kurd is prepared according to the recipe in a water bath over low heat.

What products are needed:

  • eggs - 3 large;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • fresh lemon juice (from 3 lemons)-80 ml;
  • soft butter - 4 tbsp. or 60 g;
  • lemon zest from one citrus fruit - 1 tbsp.

Cooking sequence:

  1. We take any stainless steel container to put it in a water bath.
  2. We break eggs in a bowl, add sugar and lemon juice. Beat a whisk.
  3. We put a bowl in warm water in a water bath, stir constantly, without leaving the stove.
  4. As the water is heated in the saucepan, the mixture will slowly thicken. This is not a quick process, since we prepare the kurd on very low heat. We'll have to work hard, since about a quarter of an hour stands out for the preparation of this dessert. If you see that the mass does not change and does not thicken, it is necessary to increase the heating of the slabs. Focus on the water in a saucepan if it boils, but does not boil, then the kurd is preparing according to all the rules. If the water is “standing” on the spot, it is necessary to increase the fire.
  5. As soon as you noticed that the mass begins to thicken, you need to remove the bowl and then bring to readiness the kurd. You need to immediately skip the mass through a very small sieve, because, no matter how hard you try, and small lumps will still be present. You need to get rid of them: strain through a sieve, or wipe the kurd through a very small sieve.
  6. While preparing a cream in a water bath, the oil just began to thaw, it needs to be added to the kurd. If the oil is cut, cut it with a knife into small pieces so that it melts faster.
  7. Mix the cream, add the zest removed from one lemon and you can leave a bowl with a kurd on the table until it cools completely. Just cover the container with cling film.
  8. Interestingly, the cooled Kurd will not be as rare as just prepared. Therefore, do not immediately compare your result with the photos provided, since as the cream cools will gradually thicken. And if you put the kurd in the refrigerator, it will become thicker due to the fact that the butter in the cold hardens.
  9. And yet, if you want the kurd to get a more delicate texture, enter a little fat cream into the already chilled mass.
  10. After the kurd cools down, think about how you will use it. By the way, such a delicious lemon cream in the refrigerator is stored for 7 days, but, most likely, for so long it will not be in the refrigerator. The kurd is so delicate, with a light sourness, but moderately sweet, which is great as a complement to any baking.

Lemon Kurd. Photo:

Lemon Kurd from Andy Chef

The most delicate lemon cream loves to cook the popular Andrei from Khabarovsk, popular in the Internet. He personally leads his culinary blog and each of his new recipe is a real work of art. Let us not only get acquainted with its variation in the preparation of the Kurd, but also together, guided by a detailed description, prepare a lemon cream that popular in many countries.

Preparing a lemon kurd. Recipe with photo:

  • from eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 75 g;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • and lemons, you need 115 g of juice.

Now in detail how to cook:

  • first, choose lemons - carefully and meticulously so that citrus fruits are elastic and without damage. I carefully wash each lemon under the tap, dry it;

  • We “get” the zest from one large lemon in any convenient way. The easiest way is to grate the lemon on a fine grater. Do not try very much, we do not need a very small zest, because in the future we will filter a ready -made mass through a sieve;

  • we take so many lemons to get 115 g of pure juice. And now a little secret from a professional: in order to get more juice, you need to put prepared citrus fruits in a microwave for 15 seconds, and then squeeze the juice, as usual;

  • this recipe uses only egg yolks, so separate the yolks using a special device, and set aside the proteins;

  • pour into the bowl: sugar, add soft oil, put the zest and pour lemon juice, add the yolks. Beat the mass slightly with a whisk, only so that all the ingredients are mixed;

  • put the container on a very slow fire (prepare without a water bath) and constantly stir the mass with a whisk;

  • as soon as you see that it starts to thicken, you need to screw the fire a little and continue to stir. This process cannot be missed, since bubbles will form on the surface - a bubble appeared, immediately burst and so on. If you want the kurd to be thick, you need to add to the mass from the moment the first bubbles appear 3 large spoons without a hill of starch (preferably corn), mix and the mass can be removed from the stove. Now hot cream must be filtered through a sieve in order to separate the resulting lumps when heated and remove the zest;

  • the kurd is ready, you need to pour it right away into the container convenient for use and so far be covered with cling film. She should not touch the cream itself. Leave the jars on the table until it cools completely, then hide in the refrigerator. 8 hours is enough for the Kurd to become the desired consistency.

Ready, you get very tasty tartlets with a lemon kurd or if there is no time for baking, add a spoonful of aromatic mass. The recipe for lemon kurdish from Andy is simple and affordable. With such a delicious chicken you can prepare a simple dessert: tartlets with a lemon kurd.

Lemon Kurd from "Chadeki"

The opinion of this blogger and a Kulnar lover Irina differs from the classic recipe for cooking a kurd. She believes that there is no need to spend time stirring mass in a water bath, because citric acid and sugar will not allow the eggs to curl up. Therefore, you can safely put the container on the stove on a slow fire and literally after 5 minutes, or even less, a delicious lemon cream will be ready.

To prepare a kurd, take:

  • large lemons - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • the zest removed from one lemon.

Preparation of cream:

  1. The formula for cooking the kurdish is as follows: 1 egg, 50 g of sugar and 15 g (possible 10) of butter are taken per 1 lemon. This is in case you want to make a trial option or you will need a lot of kurds at once to impregnate the cake.
  2. All ingredients need to be folded in a bowl or a small saucepan, take the oil soft or at least chilled, but not frozen.
  3. Remove the zest from one lemon (pure lemon needs to grate).
  4. Squeeze the juice from lemons, strain.
  5. Eggs can be beaten lightly with a fork.
  6. When all the ingredients were connected, give the lemon zest to share your essential oils with all products. Leave the workpiece on the table for at least 10 minutes, only the oil can not be added yet.
  7. After some time (for example, after half an hour), on low heat you need to bring the mixture to readiness. If you want, first, before heating, you can strain the mass to get rid of lemon zest, then add the oil and cook for 3-5 minutes over low heat constantly stirring.
  8. If there is a need, the finished kurd will need to strain once again through a sieve in order to get rid of lumps of a boiled protein (this often happens).

Now you can cook a delicious cake with a lemon kurd.

Lemon Kurd - Jamie Oliver recipe

Each lover or professional will have a couple of tips on how to prepare a particular dish and even his own, for years, developed recipe for popular desserts and baking. So in this case, the queen of the cupcakes has their own secrets, how to cook cupcakes with a lemon kurd. But first you need to make the filling, and then everything else.

In order to do everything according to the rules, take:

  • fresh eggs are large - 4 pcs.;
  • large lemons without damage - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - a glass;
  • the butter melted in a water bath is half a glass.

How to prepare a kurd on this recipe correctly:

  1. Remove the zest from one lemon. All citrus fruits need to be thoroughly washed and dry. The zest is easier to shoot when the lemon is dry.
  2. Immediately after these actions, you need to squeeze the juice. To get more juice, put the lemons in the microwave for 15 seconds. For this short time, the product will not deteriorate, so you can not worry.
  3. Use exclusively lemons juice, squeezed with your own hand. Do not prepare a kurd from concentrated juice and purchased from packs. If you do not want to put lemon in the microwave, they need to be dripped on a flat surface several times, then there will be more juice.
  4. Put the oil (not margarine!) Previously melt in a water bath so that by the moment when it needs to be added, it was ready.
  5. Put the zest of lemon, juice and sugar in a bowl, mix.
  6. Beat the eggs separately with a fork or a whisk to stir the proteins with the yolks. Only while the eggs do not need to be added to the rest of the ingredients.
  7. Put the container on the stove, on a slow fire, pour melted oil, mix.
  8. Warm up the mixture as much as you need until the sugar dissolves. Then you need to beat the eggs again and pour into a bowl, stirring with a whisk. Do everything as accurately as possible so that the eggs do not curl up.
  9. Cook the kurd, constantly stirring until thickened, then strain through a sieve and pour into a container convenient for use. As it has cooled to room temperature, you can start cooking cupcakes or any other desserts.

Desserts with lemon kurd

The cream prepared by the type of custard, only without milk and flour, goes very well with various pastries. Desserts are tasty, fragrant and incredibly tender. Let's get acquainted with the best baking recipes.

Merengi with lemon kurd

Sweet, viscous and slightly sour merengi - this is much better than the classic version of the meringue.

To prepare mating according to the Italian recipe, you will need:

  • large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - a glass (for mereng) and separately for the kurdish - half a glass;
  • salt - literally a pinch;
  • a little vanillin extract or powder;
  • juice squeezed from 4 lemons;
  • zest removed from 1 lemon;
  • butter - 100 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Immediately turn on the oven to a minimum, let it warm up so far. We will prepare a baking sheet right away, cover with baking paper.
  2. We take a large bowl to connect salt, sugar and proteins. The mass is still very thick, but everything is still ahead. Put the container in the water bath and stir the mixture with a spoon until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Usually several minutes are enough with moderate boiling water.
  4. Now you need to remove the bowl from the steam bath and beat the mass with a mixer, turn on the high speeds immediately.
  5. You will have to beat for a long time until a white dense mass is obtained, it should keep the shape well. Add vanillin as you beat.
  6. The dough for meringue is ready, you need to lay out whipped proteins with a spoon directly on the parchment. If they beat for a long time and did everything right, the mating will keep their shape well. You need to take a second spoon, dip in the water and make a small recess in each element.
  7. Now we send our mating to the oven, bake. At the minimum temperature - 110 degrees the meringues should languish for about an hour, then with the oven and a closed door for another half an hour. Do not open the door!
  8. Then remove the merengi, completely cool.
  9. Prepare the kurd according to any of the recipes presented above and fill in the hole in the meringues with a spoon. Small desserts do not yet need to be removed from the parchment, fill the meringues with chilled lemon cream.

That's all, it will turn out not only beautiful, but also very tasty. Believe me, your efforts will not be in vain!

Muffins with lemon kurd

They also prepare quickly, even faster than mating. There are many variations, it all depends on how ready you are to linger in the kitchen.

Presenting the best recipe for these components:

  • butter - 50 g;
  • lemon juice - a tablespoon;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp;
  • salt - pinch;
  • milk - 3 tbsp.;
  • lemon zest - half a teaspoon;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder - a teaspoon.

You know the components for the preparation of the Kurd, prepare for decorating pastries:

  • tablespoon of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • egg white.

Cooking sequence:

  1. First you need to make a kurd based on lemon juice, put it to cool.
  2. And then start preparing the dough and baking: soft oil must be beaten with sugar, add one beaten egg, then mix and beat the whole mass again. Beat the remaining egg separately, enter the mass.
  3. Add other components to the dough, mix everything well, you can even beat with a blender.
  4. Prepare molds, lubricate with oil and fill the mold with 1/3 dough. Bake in a preheated oven (180 degrees) for about 20 minutes.
  5. Remove the muffins, cool in uniform, then gently transfer to a flat dish.
  6. It is time to start designing a dessert: cut a hat from each muffin, and choose the middle with a teaspoon. We do not throw the hat, but what you have left can be eaten. We fill the inside of the muffin with a lemon kurd, cover with a hat. Almost nothing is noticeable! But you still need to decorate the top of the baking, so we turn on the oven again, only now 220 degrees.
  7. We make merengi: beat the protein with a small pinch of salt (to accelerate the whipping process), add sugar and beat to stable peaks.
  8. We put the mass in the confectionery bag, lay out a slide on the muffins and send it to the oven for literally 5 minutes! You can hold for 3 minutes, you can 5, look and compare the result.

Tart with lemon kurd

A delightfully delicate lemon dessert will refresh in the heat and warm with cold winter evenings if you serve it with a hot cocoa. Prepared in several stages, the process is not complicated and even interesting.

For work, prepare:

  • soft butter - half a pack;
  • sugar powder or sugar - 90 g;
  • large egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 250 g.

For mereng will need:

  • protein of one egg;
  • water - 50 g;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • lemon or vanillin zest on the tip of the knife.

How to prepare a delicious dessert:

  1. We make the dough: first beat soft oil with powder. Select this process for 7 minutes, then add the egg, beat for exactly a minute and for a second more.
  2. Pour the sifted flour into this mass, mix exactly half a minute and wrap the finished dough into a film. Cool in the refrigerator for an hour.
  3. During this time, we make a kurd of lemons, sugar, butter and lemon zest according to the recipe indicated above. We send to cool first on the table, then in the refrigerator.
  4. We make syrup based on water and sugar, measure the temperature. We need syrup to reach a temperature of 120 degrees.
  5. In the meantime, beat the protein +several citric acid crystals. In a whipped protein with a thin stream and constantly stirring, we introduce sugar syrup, we continue to beat until completely cooled.
  6. We roll out the layer from the cooled dough, bake a quarter of an hour at a temperature of 17 degrees, cool.
  7. Dessert decoration: we lay out a lemon kurd on the cake in an even layer, we put beaten proteins with a confectionery bag and serve immediately to tea. The meringue can be scorched by the burner around the edges to make the top more blush with a crunchy crust.

According to the same principle, a cake with lemon kurd and meringue is baked.

Chocolate cake with lemon kurd

Any baking, even a little unsuccessful, will be saved if the cakes are impregnated with a lemon kurd. Let's prepare a cake with a Lemon Kurd cream.

List of products for the test:

  • home yogurt - 300 g;
  • flour - a glass;
  • sugar - a glass;
  • vegetable oil - 150 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder - 3 tsp.;
  • cocoa - 60 g;
  • the zest is from one lemon (how much it will turn out).

Preparation of dessert:

  1. Beat the eggs with a mixer in a light foam, attach sugar, continue to whip.
  2. As the mass will increase and become lush, add oil, yogurt and without stopping, beat the dough.
  3. In a separate container, you need to mix dry components: baking powder and cocoa, enter into the egg mass.
  4. Using a regular grater, remove the zest from one lemon, enter into the dough.
  5. Mix, divide the mass into 2 equal parts.
  6. First we will bake one cake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for about half an hour, then the second cake. The cooled cakes must be wrapped in a food film (separately) and put in the refrigerator.
  7. While the cakes were baked, you can have time to make a kurd. But only this time take not 4 lemon, but 5, since you need a little more cream to impregnate the cake. Kurd needs to be set to cool, and when all the components are ready, you can start assembly.
  8. The cakes need to be cut into equal parts, it is advisable to cut off the upper hard layer from each cake with a sharp knife (hat), then the cream so faster the cake.
  9. The chilled chicken needs to be impregnated with cakes, decorate the sides and the top of the remaining chocolate biscuit crumb and put the cake to soak in a cold place for several hours.

A biscuit with lemon Kurds is even faster, the finished cake needs to be cut into 2 parts, soak with lemon cream or just decorate the top of the dessert.

By the way, any cake can be baked with lemon kurds according to such a simple video recipient:

Cheesecake with lemon kurd

Every mistress is sure that her cheesecake is the most delicate and the most delicious. Well, there is no point in arguing, let's and we will prepare a popular dessert of such ingredients:

  • scattered cookies - 200 g;
  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • ghee oils - 90 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • juice squeezed from lemons - 3 tbsp.;
  • sour cream (fat content of 25%) - 150 ml;
  • starch - 5 tbsp.;
  • vanilla to taste;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp Without a hill.

Ingredients for lemon cream:

  • butter - 45 g;
  • egg;
  • lemon zest - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp;
  • sugar - 110 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Cookies need to be chopped to get a baby. Add soft butter, mix well. You will get a crumbly mass that needs to be put in a detachable form and form a cake manually.
  2. We make the following soft and delicate curd layer: rub the cottage cheese through a small sieve, you can in a blender.
  3. To the cottage cheese, you need to attach yolks, juice, baking powder, starch, sour cream and vanillin. Mix everything well.
  4. Beat the proteins separately with a pinch of salt to get foam and carefully put the proteins into the curd mass.
  5. Pour this mass into the shape, smooth. Bake at a temperature of 165 degrees for 1 hour+20 minutes. To make the cheesecake delicate, put a baking sheet with sides on the lower floor of the oven and pour hot water into it.
  6. After the cheesecake prepares, leave it in the oven, only open a little door.
  7. We make the kurd like this: we melt the oil and while we put it on the side to cool a little. We drive an egg, sugar, juice and zest into the oil, mix. We put in a water bath on a slow fire and stir continuously. As soon as it starts to thicken - we remove, filter, cool.
  8. Cut the top of the dessert, put the shape in the refrigerator with cooled lemon cream, leave a minimum for 8 hours.
  9. How to infuse, carefully draw a silicone spatula along the edge of the shape, take out a cheesecake, transfer to a plate, decorate to taste and serve immediately to tea. You need to store such a dessert in a cold place.

How to prepare a lemon kurd. Video



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