
How to make jelly at home. How to make gelatin jelly is a recipe. How to make jelly made of juice, compote, jam, berries

How to make jelly at home. How to make gelatin jelly is a recipe. How to make jelly made of juice, compote, jam, berries
How to make homemade gelatin jelly. Recipes how to make jelly at home. How to make jelly made of juice, jam, compote, berries, cola, fruits, sour cream, jelly, milk.

Bright, cooling, delicious and very, very tasty jelly is one of the most beloved desserts of both adults and babies. The infinity of imagination and the availability of products allow you to prepare the most incredible jelly of chocolate, fruits, milk, condensed milk, jelly and other goodies. It is very simple to create this dessert, so we will consider the most top recipes in order.

How to make delicious jelly, cooking secrets

The key to delicious, healthy and beautifully decorated jelly is to know the most important culinary secrets. So, so that your jelly turns out to be delicious and inimitable, remember such tricks:

  • For preparation, use one of the Zheling agents-gelatin, agar-agar or pectin. Only with their help can the desired consistency of the dish be achieved.
  • Never cook jelly in aluminum dishes. It contributes to the darkening of jelly and the appearance of an unpleasant taste.
  • In order for jelly to seem special to taste, add a pinch of vanilla or a couple of drops of citrus juice.
  • So that lumps do not form in the jelly, pour it into warm dishes. It can be pre -heat with warm water or held over the steam.
  • To make the jelly homogeneous, let him freeze in the refrigerator. The freezer is not suitable for these purposes.
  • No matter how easy and simply it is to cook jelly from a bag, cook it yourself. The finished semi -finished product is absolutely useless from the point of view of dietetics and rational nutrition. In addition, the presence of dyes and synthetic flavors makes such a jelly harmful.
  • Do not be afraid to experiment. Prepare jelly from improvised products-cream, juices, coca-kola, pieces of fruit, alcohol, compotes.
  • Do not spare fruits and berries, they can be added to any jelly. The addition of pieces of chocolate, marshmallow, cottage cheese souffle is also welcome.

How to make jelly at home

Preparation of jelly begins with the dilution of gelatin. At first glance, this seems a complex and long -term process, but this is not so.

How to dilute gelatin:

  1. Always adhere to the proportions: 5 g of gelatin powder with 50 ml of water.
  2. Pour the powder with boiled and necessarily chilled water.
  3. The duration of the swelling of the gelatin is 30-45 minutes.
  4. After swelling, gelatin is heated with a water pair until final dissolution.
  5. At the end, gelatin mixes with the basis of your dessert - sour cream, juice, jelly.

Make jelly from jelly

A delicate structure, a feeling of coolness on a sultry day and the aroma of berries in your kitchen ... Such sensations causes a delicious jelly made of jelly and sour cream. The recipe for this jelly is simply obliged to know every housewife. It is incredibly simple.

You need to take as a basis:

  • sour cream-torn mass-400 g of cottage cheese+ 200 g of sour cream;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • sugar - 175 g;
  • packing jelly with the taste of berries - 1 pc .;
  • water - 0.4 l.


  1. Grind gelatin according to the instructions.
  2. Dissolve the jelly at 0.4 liters of boiling water.
  3. Mix sour cream, sugar and cottage cheese in a blender.
  4. Add gelatin and jelly to the curd mass, pour it into forms.
  5. The duration of solidification is 4-5 hours.

How to make jelly without jelly

There is only one of many giving agents, so gelatin, so you can easily prepare jelly without its help. Many berries and fruits contain special substances - pectins that can turn liquid into real jelly. The leader in the content of pectin is currant. It is she who will be required to prepare jelly according to the following recipe.


  • red currant - 0.4 kg;
  • sugar - 0.4 kg.

How to make jelly from berries without gelatin:

  1. Wash the berries, remove the legs, leaves.
  2. Turn the currant in mashed potatoes in any way.
  3. Add sugar, stir.
  4. If the mashed potatoes are too thick, pour 40-50 ml of boiling water.
  5. Pour the berry mass into a shallow container, let it freeze.

Or use another recipe for how to make jelly without gelatin:

  1. Send the same amount of currants to the pan with 100 ml of water.
  2. When everything starts to boil, take the potato -eater and remember the berries.
  3. Then add 400 g of sugar, cook until it dissolves.
  4. Strain the mass with gauze, and let the resulting liquid freeze.

How to make jelly from milk

Under the guise of simple milk jelly, the exquisite dessert “Panna Cat” is hidden. To prepare an interesting treat, find out its recipe.

The required ingredients:

  • gelatin - 25 g;
  • sugar-30-40 g;
  • water - 65 ml;
  • milk - 220 ml;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • raspberry is a glass.

How to make milk jelly:

  1. Pre -soak gelatin in the water.
  2. Turn raspberries in mashed potatoes or leave it whole.
  3. Pip milk with sugar. You can add either vanilla sugar or a small vanilla pod.
  4. Cool milk, pour gelatin, mix the ingredients well, add the raspberry.
  5. Let the jelly froze.

How to make jelly from jam

In the kitchen there is always a remainder of delicious jam and a package of gelatin, so why not prepare a great sweetness. She will please your domestic and suddenly arrived guests.

For dessert, take:

  • water - 180 ml;
  • favorite jam - 50 g;
  • gelatin - 10 g.

How to make homemade jelly from jam:

  1. Jam needs to be divided into syrup and berries/fruits. To do this, throw it in a colander, and wait until the syrup is draining. Add water to the resulting syrup.
  2. Dilute the gelatin in the usual way: pour 100 ml of water, let the gelatin powder, then finally dissolve on fire.
  3. At the end, combine the syrup and gelatin mass and pour it into shape.
  4. After a couple of hours, the jelly will freeze and will be ready.

How to make jelly from compote

Making jelly made of compote is very simple and convenient, because the compote is almost always at hand. In addition, a variety of compote recipes allows you to make different jelly all the time with an incredible firework of tastes and colors.

The required ingredients:

  • compote - 800 ml;
  • food gelatin - 2.5 tbsp. L.;
  • water - 160 ml;
  • citric acid - on the tip of the knife;
  • sugar - 30 g.

How to make jelly at home:

  1. Prepare the ingredients on the list.
  2. Pour gelatin with water for half an hour. Then, heating, let him dissolve.
  3. Heat the compote slightly, add sugar, citric acid. Then pour the gelatin mass.
  4. Bring this mixture to light boil, remove from the stove.
  5. If desired, put the berries from the compote to the bottom of the shape, pour the cooled gelatin mass.
  6. Send jelly to the refrigerator for 4 hours. Bon appetit!

How to make fruit jelly

Great jelly is made of fresh fruits.  In this way, you can diversify the menu and fill the body with vitamins. For jelly, any fruits that you love are suitable. It can be kiwi, apricots, melon, bananas, apples.

For jelly dessert you need:

  • food gelatin - 6 tsp;
  • any sweet juice - 0.6 l;
  • fruit mix to taste-150-200 g;
  • sugar - 30 g.

Step -by -step instructions on how to make jelly with fruits:

  1. Dry the gelatin 40 ml of cold water and leave for 30-45 minutes.
  2. When the gelatin swells, send it into the saucepan, pour juice, pour sugar (if you use nectar, sugar can not be added).
  3. Cook the mixture, stirring, until gelatin dissolves.
  4. Then pour ½ gelatin mass into the shape, put the fruits (if they are large, cut them into pieces), pour the remainder of the mass.
  5. Send the dessert in the refrigerator until hardened.

How to make jelly from juice

Jelly made of juice is especially tasty and healthy. And if you sprinkle it with sugar, a delicious marmalade will turn out.

To prepare a jelly dessert from the juice, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fruit or berry juice (can be used) - 1 l;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • smaching gelatin - 4 tsp.

How to make jelly is a recipe:

  1. Pour dry gelatin into the enameled container, pour it part of the juice so that gelatin crystals are completely covered.
  2. After 25 minutes, when the gelatin begins to swell, pour in the remainder of the juice.
  3. Send the dishes with gelatin to the fire, stirring, bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Pour the liquid into molds, wait for the solidification.
  5. Then you can sprinkle with jelly with sugar, chocolate, almond flakes or decorate with berries.

How to make chocolate jelly from gelatin

If you do not imagine a dessert without chocolate, you will definitely like the chocolate jelly based on milk.


  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • chocolate - 110 g;
  • sugar - 75 g;
  • milk - 0.75 liters.

How to cook:

  1. Soak the rapidly soluble gelatin in 45 ml of warm water.
  2. Melt the chocolate with 250 ml of milk in a steam bath or in a microwave.
  3. Pour the remainder of warm milk (350 ml) into the swollen gelatin, heat the mixture with a steam bath until smooth.
  4. Add 1/3 part of the gelatin to the chocolate mass.
  5. Pour the milk and chocolate layers into the prepared container in turn, allowing each of them to freeze.
  6. Or combine the milk and chocolate mass together and make jelly without layers.
  7. At the end, decorate the dessert with grated chocolate or nuts.

How to make jelly layers

To make the dessert bright and appetizing, you can use jelly of different colors.

For cooking you need:

  • cream - 250 ml;
  • dry fruit jelly of different colors-3-5 bags;
  • boiled water - according to the instructions on the package, but not more than 250 ml of water per 100 g of powder.

How to cook:

  1. Dilute one package of fruit gelatin powder in hot water, observing the instructions on the package. Pour jelly into a prepared form and let it freeze.
  2. Heat the cream of 125 ml of cream, dilute the contents of one bag with dry jelly in hot water.
  3. Mix half of the jelly received with cream, pour into a shape with frozen jelly. Pour the second half of the prepared fruit powder on top. Send the refrigerator again.
  4. Next, experimenting with layers, use all the prepared products. But do not forget to give each layer to freeze.

Advice! Fresh berries can be added to each gelatin layer - raspberries, currants, blueberries.

How to make jelly from cola

Coca-Cola can be not only a sweet drink, but also the main component of an unusual jelly. And if you use Coca-Cola Light, you can enjoy a rather dietary dessert.


  • cola - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • citric acid - ¼ tsp;
  • gelatin - 25 g.

How to cook:

  1. Dvivatin pour 300 ml of cola, mix.
  2. For 20 minutes, stir the gelatin periodically so as not to stick together.
  3. Then heat the liquid (do not bring to a boil), pour sugar, citric acid, and the rest of the cola.
  4. Remove from heat, pour into creamy, let it freeze.

How to make jelly from agar-agar and strawberries

Agar-Agar is performed on the basis of seaweed. He, just like gelatin, turns any liquid into jelly. In addition, it does not have a specific taste, very useful, quickly dissolves in water.

Jelly from agar-agar can be prepared on the basis of any berries, juice, milk. But especially tasty strawberry jelly.

What is necessary to make strawberry jelly with agar-agar:

  • strawberries - 450 g;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • sugar - 75 g;
  • agar-Agar-8 g (2.5 tsp).

How to make jelly with a photo:

  1. Wash strawberries, remove the stalks.
  2. Pour the agar with water, stir it so that it dissolves.
  3. Leave 1/3 of the berries, put the rest in a pan, add sugar and 150 ml of water.
  4. Bring the strawberries to a boil, after 5 minutes remove from heat, cool.
  5. With the help of a colander, separate the syrup from berries, add agar-agar to it, bring to a boil and set aside.
  6. Fresh strawberries (the one that was cooked in syrup is no longer needed) cut into slices, put on the bottom of glasses or creamy.
  7. Pour the berries a little agar-agar and put in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. This is necessary in order to fix the strawberries at the bottom of the dishes, otherwise it will pop up.
  8. While the dessert freezes, Keep Agar-Agar on a warm stove so that it does not begin to thicken.
  9. Then pull out the containers from the jelly, pour the rest of the agar-agar and send for half an hour to the refrigerator.

Decorate the finished jelly with strawberries and mint leaves.

How to make a jelly made of sour cream

Sour cream - a universal product for delicious desserts. If you add gelatin and juicy fruits to it, you will get a unique, hearty and tasty treat.

List of products:

  • sour cream 20% - 380 g;
  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • kiwi - 3 pcs.;
  • berry jelly (it is better to take cherry or raspberry) - 2 packages of 100 g.


  1. Pour jelly from the bag 300 ml of boiling water, quickly stir with a whisk, add sour cream. If desired, you can add a little sugar powder.
  2. On the bottom of the form, lay out chopped fruits.
  3. Pour the gelatin mass on top and let the dessert freeze.
  4. After two hours, decorate with berries or chocolate jelly and serve.

How to make coffee-cony jelly

Multi -colored jelly is perceived as a children's recipe, but if you add coffee and a little alcohol to it, it becomes a real low -alcohol dessert.

For jelly you need:

  • milk - 0.25 l;
  • gelatin - 50 g;
  • ground coffee - 1 tsp;
  • cognac - 50 ml;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch;
  • sugar powder - to taste.


  1. Pour coffee and cinnamon with boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes, filter.
  2. Dissolve sugar in warm milk.
  3. Grind gelatin in accordance with the instructions.
  4. Mix milk, coffee, gelatin, pour in alcohol.
  5. Pour into forms, let it freeze, decorate with grated chocolate.

How to make a jelly for a cake

With the help of jelly, you can decorate any cake. The jelly is poured along with the fruits as the upper final cake, make the jelly layer in the middle or add pieces of multi -colored jelly to the cream.

Use any option to make jelly-milk, coffee, fruit-berry, cottage cheese and others. The jelly is prepared according to the selected recipe, then poured onto the cake in uniform and waiting for solidification.

If you need to cook colorless gelatin to fill the berries and decorate the cake, do it like this:

  1. Prepare sugar syrup: cook 200 ml of water and 2.5 tbsp. l. Sugar until it is completely dissolved.
  2. 25 g of gelatin pour 50 g of water, add to the syrup after half an hour. Heat it again for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Leave the cake in baking, lay berries or fruits on top.
  4. When the jelly cools down a little, pour it into a mold with a cake.

How to make jelly, video

Jelly can be prepared from almost any products, so do not be afraid to try new recipes, because each of them is unusual and very tasty in its own way!



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