
A scrub for intestines from oatmeal for weight loss, recipe. Oatmeal

A scrub for intestines from oatmeal for weight loss, recipe. Oatmeal
A scrub for intestines from oatmeal is a safe and effective method of cleaning the body of toxins, as well as for weight loss. Scrubs recipes and reviews after their use.

A scrub for intestines from oatmeal is an effective treatment method that helps the body get rid of toxins and toxins, lose weight, regain beauty and restore the body from the inside. About how to clean the intestines and lose weight using oatmeal, as well as reviews after a cleansing procedure, read on.

Scrub for the stomach and intestines from oatmeal. When the intestines do you need cleaning?

The way we feel and look like it directly depends on the health and state of our large intestine. The older we become, the more the need for intestinal cleansing arises, because slags and toxins that accumulate over the years, poison our body, creating discomfort in the abdomen, worsen the appearance and overall well -being. In addition, as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, an improper diet, excess weight accumulates, the first signs of skin aging appear. Infutable nutrition, poor ecology, bad habits and a modern pace of life become the main causes of the clogging of the intestines and its slagging. Troll, toxins and other harmful substances from the intestines enter the bloodstream, poisoning the entire body.

Signs of slagging and intestinal intoxication:

  • Poor well -being for a long period of time, which is accompanied by chronic fatigue, insomnia, irritability, depression.
  • An increase in abdomen volumes, a set of excess weight, which is difficult to lose.
  • Swelling.
  • The presence of problems with the digestive system: frequent constipation, bloating, unpleasant odor from the mouth, white or yellowish plaque in the tongue.
  • Skin problems: the appearance of peeling, foci of irritation and rashes.
  • Unhealthy type of hair, falling.

If the listed symptoms of intestinal slash are familiar to you, it is time to take on the intestines cleaning the natural method - a scrub from oatmeal.

How is a scrub from oatmeal for the stomach and intestines

Oat scrub is an ideal natural method of cleansing the intestines of toxins, toxins, worked out substances that have accumulated over many years. Oatmeal fibers, falling on the mucous membrane of the stomach, absorb all toxins and harmful substances like a sponge, and then are removed from the body naturally, having a soft, sparing effect on the mucous membrane.

Thanks to the oat scrub, useful microorganisms and bacteria are not washed out of the intestines, unlike traditional cleansing methods: enemas, laxatives.

A scrub from oatmeal is used not only for healing, rejuvenation of the body, but also for effective weight loss.

What is the benefit of oatmeal for the stomach and intestines

According to many nutritionists, oatmeal or as we call it “oatmeal” - one of the most balanced and useful dietary products. Ovsyanka is a valuable source of vitamins of group A, B, E, fiber, complex carbohydrates, magnesium, zinc, iodine, iron, phosphorus and other trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines and metabolic processes in the body. Also, oatmeal is rich in proteins, contributes to the growth of muscle mass. Rough fibers and fiber that contain oatmeal, swelling in the stomach, create a feeling of satiety for a long time. Eat is especially useful for obesity and for those who want to lose weight.

Regular inclusion of oatmeal in the diet has a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin and hair. Oatmeal, enveloping the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, is a kind of soft natural scrub, removes toxins, toxins, harmful metabolic products from the body. Daily oatmeal in the morning - prevention of peptic ulcer, gastritis, oncological diseases of the digestive system. Another useful property of oatmeal is to charge the body with energy, vigor, and give strength.

Scrub for the stomach of oatmeal for weight loss: benefit for the body

Ovsyanka is a valuable nutrient product that, thanks to its unique composition, is able to normalize the digestive tract and return the skin to the skin, and make the body slim.

Every day, using a scrub for the stomach from oatmeal for weight loss, soon you will get the following results:

  1. The overall health will improve, since the scrub gradually removes all the toxins, toxins, heavy metals accumulated in the intestines from the body.
  2. A noticeable weight loss, a decrease in the volume of the abdomen, as metabolic and metabolic processes in the body improve.
  3. The tone of the skin is aligned, redness, peeling, rashes and abscesses on the body disappear. The skin looks young, radiant. The nails become strong, less brittle, the hair shines with health.

Contraindications to scruff from oatmeal for the stomach

Despite all the benefits from the use of oat scrub to clean the intestines, do not forget about contraindications. Excessive use of oat scrub can have the opposite effect and harm the body, for example, provoke leaching of calcium from bones. Doctors warn that too frequent intestinal cleaning will not lead to anything good, so they advise you to carry out cleansing procedures once every 3-5 months.

There are also a number of diseases in which the intestinal cleaning is contraindicated in an oat scrub. It is not recommended for people with gluten intolerance (celiac disease), those who suffer from diseases of the liver, gall bladder, as well as people with renal failure.

Recipes of oat scrub for intestines for weight loss

Hercules oatmeal - an excellent full diet breakfast and an excellent scrub for the stomach and intestines. Based on oatmeal, two types of scrub are prepared: cold and hot. Before eating a homemade skeleton from oatmeal, in the morning it is recommended to drink a glass of pure water or green tea without sugar.

How to make a hot scrub for intestines from oatmeal

For a hot scrub, crushed oatmeal are used. They should be ground in a blender or coffee grinder to a state of oatmeal.

  1. Take 3 tbsps of oat flour and pour them with boiling water so that the water slightly covers the oatmeal. Leave porridge to brew for about 5-7 minutes.
  2. After swelling, 20 minutes before breakfast, oatmeal in warm form needs to be eaten. Salt and sugar are not added to oatmeal. If desired, if oatmeal seems to you tasteless, you can add a little honey, nuts, dried fruits.
  3. Hot scrub - is not breakfast. Therefore, in 20 minutes, be sure to have a snack. It can be a slice of rye bread with butter, cheese. Thanks to the hot scrub, the extra pounds and volumes go gradually, the fat mass in the amount of 2-3 kg leaves in about 2 weeks.

How to cook a cold scrub from oatmeal for intestines

For a cold scrub, oatmeal are used, it is not necessary to grind them before use.

  1. A cold scrub is prepared in the evening so that it is infused, stored in the refrigerator. 3 tbsp. Spoon oatmeal must be poured with boiled water at room temperature.
  2. In the morning you can eat oatmeal, carefully chewing the flakes. For taste in porridge-scrub, you can add a little honey or nuts.
  3. A cold scrub replaces the morning meal, it is not recommended to drink it. A glass of water or green tea can be drunk before meals.
  4. Thanks to the cold oat scrub, the weight goes much faster than when using a hot scrub. It is recommended to undergo a course of intestinal cleansing daily for a month, and then take a break of 1-2 weeks. Next, include a cold scrub into the diet several times a week to support the result of losing weight.

Tips for effective weight loss when using a scrub from oatmeal

  1. If you have chosen a cold scrub to reduce weight, it is worth considering that this is a full breakfast, after which it is forbidden to consume water and other products within three hours. If hot - you can have breakfast.
  2. To use the Skyd, choose the morning hours from 6 to 8 in the morning, when the body is awakened, the digestive organs begin their work, and the food is better absorbed.
  3. For effective weight loss and cleansing of the intestines from toxins, you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Since with insufficient intake of fluid into the body, metabolic processes slow down, and weight loss occurs much more slowly.
  4. During the day, light snacks of fruits, vegetable salads are not prohibited, food should be varied and full, excluding fatty dishes, smoked meats and other harmful foods.
  5. If necessary, you can include in your diet an additional intake of polyvitamin complexes, which will replenish the lack of nutrient microelements in the body.

Ovsyanka scrub: reviews

To date, there are a huge number of Internet users who share their successes after the use of oat scrub to cleanse the intestines and weight loss. Judging by the reviews, the scrub is a really effective, affordable and safe method to lose extra pounds with health and beauty benefits.

Marina, 28 years old: “Ovsyanka works miracles - I not only quickly and comfortably lost weight in a month, but I also feel excellent. My sleep normalized, swelling disappeared, especially in my legs, feeling like a fluff. In the morning there is no breakdown and fatigue, as before, I am cheerful all day! ”

Katya, 35: “I read a lot about the amazing method of cleaning the intestines and now decided. I am very pleased with the result! A scrub from oatmeal helps to lose weight. In 2-3 weeks, the sides left and the waist appeared! Especially pleased with the nails and hair, became much stronger, acquired a healthy look "

Olga, 42: “Cleaning Ovsyanka’s intestines helped me get rid of several problems that prevented me from living. Firstly, I got rid of the feeling of gravity, discomfort in the stomach, the cause of which was the slagging of the body. After the course of cleaning the intestines with an oat scrub, I was rejuvenated again: digestion normalized, stopped to torment constipation, and lost a noticeably. Secondly, I began to look better-the pallor and grayness of the skin changed to a healthy blush, the nails became stronger and the hair acquired shine. This is the best methodology for healing and losing weight, which I recommend to everyone! ”

A scrub for intestines for losing weight is an ideal way to fight overweight, which simultaneously cleanses and rejuvenates the body, returning youth and beauty to it. Do not forget about the proper, balanced diet and drinking mode, which will help to fix the result and lose 3-4 kg per month. Use oat scrub regularly for a month and the result will pleasantly surprise you!



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