
How to make raspberry jelly at home. Raspberry jelly dessert recipes

How to make raspberry jelly at home. Raspberry jelly dessert recipes
The article presents recipes for making raspberry jelly at home. How to make raspberry jelly for the winter - secrets and cooking technology.

Raspberries are a tasty, fragrant and healthy berry that is widespread in our country. One of the options for using the delicate raspberry berries is to prepare raspberry jelly. This dessert is loved by many for low calorie content, light weightlessness and a pleasant dense texture. The dish turns out a beautiful, rich pink color, with a thin pronounced aroma of berries.

Raspberry dessert is prepared very easily and quickly, it takes only time for subsequent hardening. How to prepare raspberry jelly so that the dessert does not turn out to be too liquid or, conversely, rubber-tagging. Consider the best step -by -step recipes for making raspberry jelly at home: from fresh and frozen berries; from jam and raspberry juice; As a homework for the winter or in combination with other fruits and berries.

Raspberry jelly, general principles of preparation

Raspberry jelly is a delicious and light dessert that is easy to cook at home.

  • France is considered the ancestral home of the dish, and the recipe has not changed much since then. The classic jelly was based on all the same key components: juice or berries, sugar and giving substance (most often gelatin).
  • Malina jelly is a cold dessert, which, as a rule, is prepared on the basis of an affordable and cheap natural thickener - gelatin.
  • The berry component of raspberry jelly can consist of fresh or frozen berries of raspberries, jam, juice or compote.

  • Jelly can also be prepared on the basis of ready -made, purchased bags of jelly with favorite tastes, including raspberry. This method is the most easy to prepare, but, alas, such a dessert will not be useful. Homemade jelly is prepared a little longer, but it can be safely eaten not only by adults, but also to children. The delicacy is much tastier, and most importantly - more useful than a store’s store.
  • Raspberry jelly can be homogeneous (from raspberries) or multi -layer (from other fruits, milk, cream, chocolate, etc.).
  • The finished jelly is decorated with fresh berries, mint leaves, pieces of fruit, nuts, chocolate, dried fruits, whipped cream, etc.

  • Sugar in recipes can be replaced with honey, gelatin-agar-agar or pectin.
  • The main condition for a successfully prepared dessert is that the jelly froze well and turns into dense glass -shaped mass. To do this, it is important to clearly observe the proportions of the geling base in the recipe. An excess of gelatin, like its drawback, will negatively affect the taste of the sweet dessert. With the excess of gelatin, the jelly will turn out rubber, with an unpleasant flavor of glue, interrupting the berry aroma of raspberries.
  • The coined jelly prepared, the refrigerator is placed in the refrigerator for further hardening. In no case should you put jelly in the freezer, since gelatin can crystallize, while the dish will lose its taste.
  • The thickening time of jelly based on gelatin is, on average, 40-60 minutes, but for maximum solidification it will take several hours.

How to prepare the basis for raspberry jelly?

One of the main stages of preparing berry jelly is the preparation of a gelatin base. Consider step by step how to work with gelatin and other geling products at home.

  • The contents of the gelatin bag are poured into the container, poured with cold water and mixed thoroughly. The mass is left for about 30 minutes for swelling. At this time, it is necessary to mix the contents of the container several times. The container with a swollen gelatin is placed in a water bath and, stirring, dissolve all lumps until a homogeneous mass is formed. Dissolving gelatin, it cannot be brought to a boil. A slightly cooled gelatin base is ready for further preparation of jelly.

  • In addition to the usual gelatin, which needs preliminary dissolution, there is also a rapid -soluble gelatin on sale, which can significantly save time. Such gelatin is poured with warm water, stirred and almost immediately used for further cooking.
  • An other natural thickener, for example, Agar-Agar, can be an alternative to gelatin. The inconvenience of its use for the preparation of jelly is a long time for soaking (up to 12 hours).
  • Another natural and useful galling substance is pectin contained in berries and fruits. But, unlike, for example, from gelatin, pectin will not be able to provide fruit jelly with such a desirable dense structure.

Raspberry jelly at home, preparation of products and utensils

Preliminary preparation of berries and choosing the necessary dishes is an important criterion for the correct technological process of preparing raspberry jelly.

  • To prepare raspberries at home, you can use any dishes except aluminum. This will prevent a possible appearance in the dessert of an unpleasant taste and color.

  • From the dishes you will need a deep container where jelly, sieve will be prepared, if necessary, filtering and separation of bones, spoon, dessert bowls or cremes.

  • The finished jelly can be served in special glasses, cups or pels, or on a plate. To do this, the shape with frozen jelly is lowered for several minutes in boiling water. After that, the dish separated from the walls is turned on a plate.
  • As for the preliminary preparation of raspberries, they should be sorted out by removing all the spoiled specimens, twigs and leaves. Then raspberries are washed under running water. It is better to do this in a colander in small portions, since raspberries are very soft and delicate, they quickly injure and let the juice.
  • If in the collected raspberry the larvae of the May beetle were seen, the berries are immersed for several minutes in salt water, where all parasites pop up.
  • For the preparation of raspberry jelly, both fresh and frozen berries can be used.

The benefits of raspberry jelly

Raspberry jelly made of natural products is not only a delicious treat, but also very useful for the human body, a product.

  • Gelatin, natural thickener, is obtained from the connective tissue of animals. Despicious dishes have a beneficial effect on joint diseases, a cartilage and the entire bone system. Doctors recommend using more gelatin products for bone injuries, spine. Glycine contained in gelatin is an excellent preventive agrite. Gelatin refers to natural collagen, which helps to maintain the youth of the face and the beauty of the hair.

  • Another thickener, Agar-Agar, is a derivative of brown algae. The product is characterized by the presence of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Its use improves intestinal motility, normalizes the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pectin, which is also often used in the manufacture of jelly, has an adsorbing ability to bind and remove heavy metals and radionuclides from the human body.
  • Raspberry is one of the most useful berries, which has an antitoxic, antimicrobial, antipyretic property. Vitamins, micro- and macro elements that are part of a healing berry are able to benefitly affect the human body. The benefits of raspberries are invaluable for hypertension, intestinal diseases, anemia, a decrease in immunity and other problems.
  • Fruit jelly is considered an easily digestible food product, useful, light and low -calorie.

Raspberry jelly recipes

How to make raspberry jelly so that the dessert turns out to be tasty, fragrant, with a dense jelly structure?

Malina jelly can be an independent dessert, and can become a component of a cake or cake. Different components are added to improve taste in jelly: the zest of orange or lemon, liquor, and other fruits.

Consider the most popular recipes for raspberry jelly: from the classic version to complex multi -layer sweet treats.

Recipe 1: raspberry jelly with gelatin

  • This is the most common classic recipe for raspberry jelly, when gelatin is used as a thickener.
  • To prepare such jelly, you can use both fresh and frozen berries. The amount of sugar can be varyed to taste.

Necessary products:

  • 200 g of raspberry berries;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 25 g of gelatin;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara.

Method of preparation:

  1. Prepare a gelatin base. To do this, dissolve gelatin in a small amount of water (about 50-100 ml) and leave for half an hour for swelling, periodically mixing the mass. If the gelatin is poorly dissolved, to heat the mass in a water bath until the gelatin particles are completely dissolved.
  2. Pour 400-450 ml of water into the saucepan, add sugar and put on fire.
  3. As soon as the syrup boils - add the washed berries of raspberries to it. Cook the mass for about 15 minutes over low heat.
  4. Strain raspberry syrup through a small sieve, pour a thin stream of dissolved gelatin, constantly mixing the mass.
  5. The resulting jelly is poured into forms and left to cool. The cooled dessert is put in the refrigerator for solidification.

Recipe 2: raspberry jelly for the winter

  • Malina jelly is prepared for the winter without any geling substances: gelatin or agar-agar. The berry contains a small amount of natural thickener - pectin, and although the jelly is not very thick, it can be stored for a long time in jars.
  • Step -by -step instructions for making raspberry jelly for the winter will make it easy to make delicious conservation with your own hands.

Necessary products:

  • 2 kg of raspberry berries;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 2 kg of sugar.

Method of preparation:

  1. Malina berries to sort and rinse.
  2. Add water to the berries, according to the recipe, bring to a boil and boil everything over low heat for about 10 minutes.
  3. The next step is to grind raspberries. For these purposes, a blender or an ordinary “fly” is suitable.
  4. The dull raspberries are thrown back into a small sieve and wiped with a spoon to remove the seeds.
  5. The resulting raspberry puree is connected to sugar and boiled over low heat, stirring constantly, for about 40-50 minutes. The foam during cooking is necessarily removed.
  6. To check the readiness of the dish, you need to drop the jelly on the plate: if the drop does not spread, the jelly is ready for the winter.
  7. Hot jelly is poured into sterile jars, rolled and turned upside down, wrapping the conservation with a blanket or an old blanket.
  8. When the raspberry confiture has cooled, it will turn into a delicate raspberry jelly, a delicious winter treat.

Another option for making jelly for the winter can be a combination of raspberries and red currant juice. Berries are the same in color, and red currant contains a larger amount of pectin, which means it is well chewed. For such a recipe, 1 liter of raspberries, 300 ml of red currant juice and 1 kg of sugar are taken. Preparation technology is identical to the described above. Only instead of mashed mass is used juice. The finished dish is boiled by about 1-3 part.

Recipe 3: Frozen raspberry jelly

  • This recipe for the preparation of jag provides for the use of previously frozen raspberries. Although this option is also suitable for preparing a dessert of fresh berries.
  • For this recipe, jelly is a rich, raspberry taste, very fragrant and tasty. The texture is delicate and light, not rubber.

Necessary products:

  • 400 g of raspberry berries;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 1.5 tbsp. gelatin;
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara.

Method of preparation:

  1. Dissolve gelatin in water (measure about 100 ml from the total amount of water according to the recipe). If the gelatin is rapidly soluble - it is poured with hot water and mixed thoroughly. If ordinary, pour cold water and leave for 40 minutes, after which they warm up on the stove until all the grains are completely dissolved. You can not bring the product to a boil. In the case of the remaining small grains of gelatin, it is better to strain the solution.
  2. The thawed berries are wiped through a small sieve, removing all the bones and part of the pulp. The resulting “cake” is not thrown away. Puffed raspberry mashed potatoes are set aside.
  3. Prepare the syrup: bring to boiling water with sugar. Add “raspberry cake” to the syrup and boil for 2-3 minutes.
  4. The resulting raspberry syrup is filtered, squeezing the “cake” with a spoon to get a more concentrated solution.
  5. The dissolved gelatin is added to the raspberry syrup and everything is mixed well.
  6. Combine raspberry-wewatin syrup with dull raspberry puree and mix everything thoroughly. You can boil the mass for several minutes, not bringing to a boil.
  7. The yelch mass is poured into cremes and the cooled dessert is placed in the refrigerator.

Recipe 4: Malina juice jelly

To independently make raspberries, it is necessary to pour clean berries with a small amount of water, boil for 5 minutes and strain through gauze or sieve. Ready -made juice for the preparation of jelly.

Necessary products:

  • 400 ml of raspberry juice;
  • 4 tsp gelatin;
  • 4-7 tbsp. sugar (to taste).

Method of preparation:

  1. Prepare a gelatin base. To do this, dissolve gelatin in a small amount of water and leave for 30-40 minutes for swelling, periodically mixing the mass.
  2. In a deep container, connect the juice and gelatin, add sugar and put everything on fire.
  3. Heat the raspberry-yellow mass until the gelatin particles are completely dissolved. The mixture must be constantly stirred and not brought to a boil.
  4. Pour hot jelly in shape and put to cool. The cooled jelly is placed in the refrigerator.

Recipe 5: Jelly Assorted raspberries without gelatin

  • Using the fruits with a high pectin content as fruit-companons, you can prepare raspberry jelly-Assort without gelatin. Such fruits and berries as apples, gooseberries, plum, aiva, currant, pear, strawberries, etc. are well chewed.
  • In order for the jelly to freeze, it is important to take pectino -containing "partners" in equal proportions with raspberry berries.

Necessary products:

  • 500 g of raspberry berries;
  • 500 g of pectino -containing fruits;
  • 700-1000 g of sugar.

Method of preparation:

  1. Short the berries and rinse.
  2. Mix raspberries with other fruits, add sugar and boil the mixture over low heat until thickened. To accelerate the process, you can grind the mixture using a submersible blender.
  3. The finished traction jelly is ground through a sieve, removing the seeds, and poured into creamy. In the container, you can first put fresh berries, which are poured on top cooked jelly.
  4. The cooled jelly is put in the refrigerator for solidification.

  Recipe 6: Raspberry and Dry wine jelly

An unusual dessert with a bright taste can be prepared from fresh or frozen berries.

Necessary products:

  • 1.5 tbsp. raspberry berries;
  • 3 peaches (sweet, well -ripened);
  • 1.5 tbsp. water;
  • 1.5 tbsp. gelatin;
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1.3 tbsp. white dry wine;
  • mint leaves (for decoration).

Method of preparation:

  1. Raspberry berries are covered with several tablespoons of sugar to secrete juice and set aside.
  2. At this time, the syrup is prepared: connect water, the remaining sugar and a glass of wine, bring the mass to a boil and let it boil for no more than 2 minutes.
  3. Cut peaches are added to the syrup and boil for another 3 minutes. After that, the peaches are taken out, the skin is removed and put in a separate plate to cool.
  4. Raspberry with sugar is poured into the syrup and a mass is boiled for about 5 minutes.
  5. The boiled raspberries are ground through a small sieve.
  6. The gelatin is poured with wine, let it swell and dissolve.
  7. A gelatin solution is poured into the hot raspberry syrup puree and everything is thoroughly mixed to completely dissolve gelatin particles.
  8. The cooled pieces of peach are beautifully laid out in creamy and pour them with raspberry jelly. On top, the dessert is decorated with pieces of peach and raspberries.
  9. The cooled dessert is placed in the refrigerator for complete solidification.

  Recipe 7: Malin jelly jelly

  • Jelly from jam is prepared quickly and simple. The treat can be interesting, alternating in layers with milk or yogurt jelly.
  • In jelly, sugar does not need to be added from jam, because it is already contained in jam.

Necessary products:

  • 1 tbsp. raspberry jam;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 20 g of gelatin.

Method of preparation:

  1. Soak gelatin with the method indicated on the packaging and leave for 30-40 minutes for swelling. Use water for soaking from the total amount of water, prescription.
  2. Dilute jam with boiled water, strain through gauze or sieve. The syrup will turn out to be pink, without bones.
  3. The swollen gelatin is slightly heated on the stove until it is completely dissolved. Do not bring to a boil.
  4. Strain the gelatin solution and add to raspberry syrup. Everyone is thoroughly mixed.
  5. The jelly is poured into glasses or cremes, allowed to cool and placed in the refrigerator for 3-6 hours.

Recipe 8: raspberry jelly with lemon juice and cognac

Delicious raspberry dessert with the addition of lemon juice and cognac is characterized by a sophisticated taste and exquisite aroma.

Necessary products:

  • 150 g of fresh raspberries;
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice;
  • 10 g of gelatin;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 1 tsp Cognac.
  • mint leaves (for decoration).

Method of preparation:

  1. Raspberry berries to sort, wash and grind to a puree state.
  2. Prepare a gelatin base. To do this, dissolve gelatin in a small amount of cold water (about 50 ml) and leave for half an hour for swelling, periodically mixing the mass. If the gelatin is poorly dissolved, to heat the mass in a water bath until the gelatin particles are completely dissolved.
  3. Pour 200 ml of water into the saucepan, add sugar and put on fire, boil for 5 minutes until completely dissolved.
  4. Add raspberries to the syrup and boil for about 10 minutes over low heat.
  5. Add lemon juice, cognac and gelatin to the mass, boil a few more minutes.
  6. Strain the jelly mass through gauze or sieve, pour it in shape and cool.
  7. The cooled dessert is placed in the refrigerator for complete solidification.

  Recipe 9: Multilayer raspberry jelly

  • The highest level of culinary art is the preparation of multilayer jelly. Multi -colored contrasting jelly layers attract sweat with originality and appetizing appearance.
  • Such jelly must be prepared in transparent glasses or cremas, so that the beauty of the shades of sweet dessert can be seen.
  • Another option is to cook jelly in shape and, lowering the already frozen dessert in hot water for a couple of minutes, put a treat on a plate.
  • For the preparation of jelly, fruits and berries are used in stock (raspberries, cherries, currants, strawberries, etc.).
  • It goes well and looks raspberry jelly with milk or yogurt gland layers.

  • Emphasized components of any jelly and thickener - gelatin remains indispensable components.
  • The technology for preparing any layer of jelly is made by analogy with a recipe 1. Just instead of raspberries, a similar amount of other fruits, berries or yogurt is taken.
  • To make a multi -layer dessert you need patience and time. It is possible to pour each layer of cooled jelly only on a completely frozen previous layer.
  • For decoration in jelly, you can lay out pieces of fruits and berries.
  • It is better to alternate the layers of jelly, for example, raspberry, white (yogurt), cherry, apricot, etc.
  • In order for the layer, for example, in a glass, it is not even, a glass for solidification is placed obliquely, setting some support for it. Such "oblique" layers look especially beautiful on the festive table.

Recipe 10: raspberry jelly for decorating homemade baking

  • Raspberry jelly can be not only an independent dessert, it is often used to decorate home cakes or cakes.
  • A layer of jelly can be an additional layer for a cake or cheesecake. For example, a finished creamy jelly is poured on a biscuit cake or a layer of chopped cookies and put in the refrigerator for hardening. Then, pieces of fruit are laid on the frozen layer and poured with a second layer, but already bright raspberry jelly. In this case, the detachable form for cakes is used. A similar sweet dessert is very beautiful, light and tasty, without fatty heavy creams and glaze.

  • Another option for using jelly for decorating homemade baking is cut figures from jelly, which decorate a sweet dessert.
  • For these purposes, jelly should be denser than in ordinary recipes. Therefore, you can use any recipe for making raspberry jelly with gelatin, but increase the dosage of gelatin by about a third.

Malina jelly is a tasty and healthy homemade treat that refreshes and invigorates. Fruit dessert, prepared at home, does not contain harmful dyes or flavorings, so it is suitable even for young children.

A sweet dish is cooked quite quickly and easy. An additional time is needed only to solidify jelly. A selection of recipes and step -by -step preparation instructions will allow anyone to surprise relatives and friends with a delicious raspberry treat.

Video: "How to cook raspberry jelly"

Video: "How to cook raspberry jelly for the winter"



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