
How to use hydrophilic oil oil

How to use hydrophilic oil oil
How to use hydrophilic oil to remove makeup from face. Review and reviews of popular funds. Recipes of hydrophilic oil at home

Proper skin cleansing is your attractiveness and youth. Not all girls know that the skin of the face needs to be cleaned of contamination and remove the remnants of makeup every day. You can use different means for this procedure, but the best use of hydrophilic oil is best with these tasks. This cosmetic product deserves praise, and you will learn why.

For the oriental beauties daily ritual of cleansing the skin - it is a mandatory procedure. Asians pay this stage longer than the European beauties. And it should be noted that the skin of the eastern women elastic and longer stays attractive. Of course, the important role played by the environment, lifestyle, habits and taste. But we do not rule out the fact that Asians very scrupulous in the matter of cleansing the skin. They assign to this procedure for 30 minutes every night. What they can do with the skin for so long? This question is raised by many girls who want to have the same beautiful skin, as in oriental beauties. The secret is simple: several stages of cleansing the face and choosing the right equipment.

How to clean the skin with a hydrophilic oil

As we know today, how to use a new product - a hydrophilic oil to remove makeup, you have to dwell on all the stages of the proper cleansing of makeup and impurities.


The secret of Asian women is simple - they first take off the makeup, and then thoroughly clean the skin of makeup residue, sebum and dirt.

The secret of the Japanese wash:

  1. The first stage - remove makeup. To remove makeup residues from the face, Asians use a special cosmetic product - face hydrophilic oil. Apply it dry with your fingers directly on the skin. Pre-wash is not needed, the face should be dry. Apply cosmetic product you can with your fingers or with a cotton pad, as you prefer. Asians do it and fingers, and with a cotton pad. They clean the eye make-up residues and lips, wiped thoroughly, without stretching the delicate skin with a cotton pad soaked in a hydrophilic oil. You can not use a cotton pad, apply a few drops on fingertips and gently massage walk the lines around the eyes first, then just as gently cleanse lashes and eyelids makeup, and apply a little oil on the lips to cleanse the delicate skin from cosmetics. Surprisingly, only a few drops of oil will help dissolve make-up and gently cleanse the skin. But this is not all secrets: once you have a little bit wet hands a little water, it literally will play in a new way - by interacting with water emulsify. She gently cleanse the face of dirt.
  2. This part of the purification of Japanese is not passed and believes that the skin should be ready to apply cosmetics. They use any means that are well a penalty. This effect is achieved in a pair with auxiliary devices, which provide a thick foam. It can be like a sponge or brush, mesh and silk cocoons or balls made from horseback root. As practice shows, the cleaning agents for the skin are best replete. It is necessary to drop on the grid a little means, lose a free end and get a small lump of tender foam for washing. If everything is done correctly, in your hands you will have an elastic ball, which will help carefully remove the remnants of pollution, wash off the oil and perform a light massage of the face. Foam well cleans the pores from pollution and closes them, preparing them to the next stage - applying nutrients. Wash the hydrophilic oil only by foaming means! Good facial fans: "Naniwa", "Shiseido".


Hydrophilic oil for washing. What's the secret?

From the name of the cosmetic product it is not difficult to guess that the oil when interacting with water is emulsified. In order for the skin, a fat film remains, when using such a product, another substance is added during production - this is an emulsifier. Then you can achieve stunning success when cleaning the skin and wash off makeup. Soft cleansing without cutting - this is what many women dream of.

Hydrophilic oil well cleans the skin from pollution, ideal for removing tonal creams and popular explosives. After a delicate cleansing of oil, the skin becomes like velvet.

Used hydrophilic cleansing oil and to remove water-resistant makeup. As for the popular current Creams, according to cosmetologists, buying this unique means, do not forget at the same time to immediately purchase hydrophilic oil, because only it can remove this cream from the skin.


The owner of the sensitive and dry skin of the face will also be pleasantly surprised, now you can wash with butter in the morning and no unpleasant sensations, like dryness and pulled skin, will not.

Oil can be used not only to purify the face from cosmetics and pollution, but also as soap or instead of a shower gel. It takes care of not only your body, but also the intimate hygiene zone, without causing irritation.

A brief overview of popular funds

If you want to clean the skin from pollution efficiently, read the use of hydrophilic oil before purchased:

  1. I ordered a popular hydrophilic oil "hipitch" on the Internet. Everyone advised him to try. It came, I tried to wash off makeup by this oil, but it turned out to be too dense. The oil was not foaming and washed off his dense fatty film from the face turned out to be very problematic. Asked the seller's question, presumably the problem is that the company has issued a defective party. Chose another tool and bought an Etude House Real Art.. Super! It copes perfectly with the task of purification. I used blue oil in miniature 20 ml, enough for a whole month! Although I paint practically every day, I use bbuses. Olga, 23 years old.



  1. Enjoyed the oil company "SHU UMURA", excellent. Very economically used, easy, perfectly washed off. The only drawback is the high cost. For a bottle of 150 ml will have to pay about 25 dollars, and this is a lot. Elena, 28 years old.


  1. I have a Japanese olive "Kose Deep Cleansing Oil": a large volume (230 ml), there is a dispenser with a fuse. Liquid oil - did not expect, the smell is pleasant. You need to apply a little, only on dry palms, distribute the face and then wet your hands to emulsify the oil. When in contact with water, it becomes white, like milk. Well wash off pollution, suitable ideal for BB-cream. It is necessary to observe the 2 phases of purification: oil, then foam for washing to remove oil residues from the skin. Removes the waterproof mascara, special Korean production. The eyes are not a pinch, grabs for a long time. Milena, 36 years.


How to make hydrophilic oil with your own hands

The cost of Korean hydrophilic oil on the European market begins from 7 euros per tube. You can find a cheaper remedy, but what will be the quality, no one can say. We will only have an experienced way, trying to determine the best hydrophilic oil on its skin.

Hydrophilic oil recipe:

  • basic oil;
  • mixture of essential oils;
  • emulsifier.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. Dosage You will learn a little later, but for now let's stay in more detail on choosing basic oils, taking into account the type of skin.

Such oils are suitable for dry skin:

  • avocado;
  • peach;
  • almond;
  • castor.

If the skin is fat, then you should stop your choice on the oil of grape bones. It is also considered basic.

If there are rashes, you need to add a slightly essential oil of a tea tree. To smoke wrinkles and refresh the complexion of the face, the oil of the Ylang-Ilanga (Divine fragrance!) Or the oil of neroli. Universal essential oil that is suitable for any type of skin is a lavender.

Remember that it is better before mixing the main components to carry out the test of each component on the skin sensitivity to eliminate the manifestation of an allergic reaction.

And more important information:

  • castor oil itself is very dense, so do not overdo it, pour the minimum amount;
  • for problem fatty skin with rashes, it will not be superfluous to add some salicylic acid. But only then wash the makeup from the lips and the eye this oil is impossible;
  • any essential oil must be tested in advance on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin;
  • olive oil - exclude, in it a lot of oleic acid, which is poorly washed off from the skin. It can be mixed with other base oil in proportion 30 to 70 or 20 to 80%;
  • lecitin in small quantities (only 5%) will help to declorand the minor wrinkles.


Universal recipe:

  • vegetable grape seed oil - 50 ml;
  • wheat germs oil and sweet almond oil - 20 ml;
  • emulsifier - 10 ml;
  • vitamin E - 5 capsules.

If everything is clear with the base oil, the next mandatory component is an emulsifier or polysorbat. This is a natural product, it is obtained from basic oils: olives, palm or coconut oil. You can buy it in specialized stores or order in the online store. The number of this substance (20 or 80) indicates the degree of emulsification. Suppose Polysorbat-20 needs to be added if you use essential oils to prepare a cleansing agent, and higher - with a number 80 suitable for vegetable oils.

The main purpose of the polysorbate is to bind 2 substances: water with butter. They are not mixed with each other. Upon contact with water, the oil is converted into a light product - milk gentle consistency.

What you need to prepare in order to make oil yourself:

  • water, emulsifier and basic oil suitable for skin type;
  • comfortable container with dispenser.

Read more about choosing a bottle: it must be glass (perfect) from dark glass. The lid is tightly twisting. If such a bottle was not found, the usual plastic with the dispenser is suitable.


Capacity before mixing all components, it is necessary to rinse thoroughly and suck it well. Even better - if you succeed in a glass bottle in boiling water.

The oil is made simply: pour the base oil first, add the rest of the components and do not forget about the vitamin E, it is responsible for the youth of the skin and extends the shelf life of the hydrophilic oil. The last ingredient is an emulsifier. Close the bottle cap and shake it so that all the components are mixed. Now you can spend a test drive to learn how the oil works, which you have done yourself.

Photo 1:


In this photo you see traces from a pencil, lipstick, etc.

Photo 2:


The second stage - on dry skin we apply a little oil, massaging. It turns out a light weight resembling cosmetic cream.

Photo 3:


Wash off the water - the skin is absolutely clean! For the flushing of cosmetics, 60 seconds were allocated.

Recipe for hydrophilic oil for oily skin

The main task of this product is to clean the face with fat and contamination. Only this cosmetic product is capable of cleaning the pores. If the skin is glad, there are rashes, try washing the oil. You'll like it!


  • essential lemon oil - 3 drops;
  • emulsifier - 1/7 part;
  • saleber oil - 6/7 pieces.

You can go along the path of least resistance and make oil for such a basic recipe:

  • grape oil - 60 ml;
  • emulsifier - 10 ml;
  • vitamin E - 5 capsules;
  • essential oil of tea tree, rosemary - 5-7 drops.


This hydrophilic oil recipe is suitable for problem skin. But the dry can be purified by oil, which includes little olive (85g), 15 g of polysorbate-80 and 10 drops of mixes from essential oils: almond, jojoba, avocado or orange oil. By the way, do not forget about Vitamin E, it will keep the youth and beauty of your gentle skin.


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