
The best eyelash oil oils

The best eyelash oil oils
What oils are for growing and strengthening eyelashes and how to properly apply.

Beautiful eyebrows and eyelashes - pledge of expressive and bright look. Today, the services for building eyelashes and eyebrow modeling are gaining increasing popularity. The procedure for extension of eyelashes is expensive (if you do, then do good quality). It must be repeated periodically, while it is still seen that the eyelashes are not their own. And just at the same time can suffer greatly.

That has always been and will be in fashion, it is natural beauty. And the beauty of both eyelashes and eyebrows will help to emphasize natural oils.

Eyelash growth oil

Undoubtedly, the length, degree and the degree of ciliation bend is a genetic heritage. Someone from the birth of gorgeous fluffy cilia to the eyebrows, someone is straight and short. But even if you are lucky with eyelashes, you should not think that it will always be. Genetics with genetics, but without the appropriate care cilia over time they can change for the worse. There is a mass: bad ecology, incorrectly selected cosmetics or care products, continuous extension of eyelashes and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to care for eyelashes and eyebrows, as well as face, and for the body as a whole.

To achieve thick and long eyelashes, you should act in two ways: outside and from the inside. Proper nutrition and periodic course of reception of vitamins is an action from the inside. And the outside can be used all sorts of cosmetics, or a more budget, but no less effective option - oil for eyelashes.

Why is the oil really able to strengthen eyelashes and make them longer? The fact is that oils contain amino acids, polynaturated acids and vitamins that feed the gentle skin of the eyelid, improve its blood circulation. They penetrate the skin directly to the hair on the bulbs, feeding them and stimulating further growth. Minerals that are part of the oils act on the structure of each cilia, feeding them and making more dense and thick.


How to apply oil on eyelashes

  1. The first and most important thing - the face must be clean, without any makeup.
  2. Ideally, there should be an empty shrivemark from under the carcass. It is necessary to rinse it thoroughly and dry it, then pour the selected oil to strengthen the eyelashes into it. With the help of a brush from under the carcass, it is possible to evenly apply oil.
  3. Mandatory before applying oil on the eyelashes, remove all excess! Too large oil can get into the eyes and cause an unpredictable reaction, both simply mechanical and heavy allergic. It may be redness of the eyes, tearlessness, tumor, feeling of burning and so on, so this is a really important point!
  4. No need to apply oil along the entire length of the cilia for the reason described above. From the middle of the cilia and the tips will be optimal. The oil still rolling down slightly and the right amount will fall on the skin of the eyelid.
  5. To improve the efficiency of action, the oil must be warm.
  6. Absolutely any business should be done regularly to feel the effect of it. You can apply oil on the eyelashes every day before bedtime during the 1st month, but at least 3 times a week.


What oils are suitable for eyelashes? In principle, almost everything! We will give a list of oils with the most active actants and therefore the most popular to date.

Castor Eyelash Oil

The undoubted leader in the market oils, besides the most famous for eyebrows and eyelashes. Its action is directed mainly to strengthen the hairs themselves, and therefore it is possible to alternate with the oil of grape bones, for example, directed to food and the growth of hairs. You should avoid hitting and especially in the eye to avoid the strongest irritation or even echoes!

On the eyebrows can be applied by an ordinary cotton wand, paying special attention to sites where I would like to germinate a bit. These sites are better to determine with eyebrow correction specialists, so that you correctly picked up the type of face and figure.



The second in order, but in no case is not the value! The burial oil is known since time immemorial when it was used as a hair mask to strengthen and stimulate growth. It is no less effective for both eyelashes. Its active components glue scales (yes, hairs have a scaly structure - see photos under a microscope), strengthening them and making much stronger. Beneficially affects gentle eyelid skin, having a property to output harmful toxins.

fox-Hair-Coloured-SEM-Power and Syred

Almond eyelashes

Also a good option for stimulating the growth of cilia, enters many well-known hair care products, as well as body and face skin. It can be used both in a pure form, heated in a water bath and mixing with other active components. For example, you can mix a few drops of almond oil with a glass of warm mineral water, causing analogously with a grip from under the carcass.

almond oil

Wheat Eyelash Oil for Eyelash

It has a sufficiently dense consistency that somewhat complicates the application. Best oil mix with any other oil that is suitable for eyelashes. The oil perfectly feeds the cilia, making them more comprehensive and stronger.


Elaim oil for eyelashes

An interesting option can be found in the Russian market - Elma Oil (ELMA), which combines castor and burial oil, as well as vitamins that contribute to the growth and strengthening of cilia.

The remedy feeds, "stirring" dormant follicles and thus making the cilia so far. Hyaluron, which is part of the oil, protects eyelashes from ultraviolet, due to which they are not so strongly exposed to the sun. Therefore, the cilia becomes a bit darker, because oil protects them from burnout.

The manufacturer does not promise eyelashes to heaven, and you should not believe those who promise. But the fact that eyelashes will be thicker and stronger, it is guaranteed.


Eyelash oil, reviews

You should not believe all reviews on the Internet. In fact, all these results "before and after" are solid photoshop + cosmetics "after". From here the network has many negative reviews that people did not receive a long-awaited result! Understand, butter will not do so that "clapping eyelashes and take off"! Recall, everyone has its own genetics and has its own limit. But correctly selected oil for eyebrows and eyelashes is guaranteed to "wait" from the hairs everything that is possible! To correctly understand what kind of result is waiting for you, you should not believe in like pictures:



This result of using eyelashes oil in the photo is below:


From the above example, it can be seen that the result really is - the cilia is darker, thick, longer and thicker. For those who have such a result, it remains only to advise the eyelashes or regularly use ink. But remember about the consequences! Its cilia can seriously suffer after constant influence. When building, for example, an artificial cilia is attached with its own. Weight increases, the load on the hairpiece increases. The risk of cilia falling repeatedly increases.

In general, reviews for the use of eyelash growth are positive. The result is all who regularly uses oil. Moreover, absolutely anyone! The only thing, many had an allergic reaction to castor oil, less likely to others. Very favorable respond to Russian oil Elma. It is optimally in terms of price / quality ratio, it is not necessary to invent with the place of storage and the way of applying. The oil is already in a special tube and has a brush for applying in the kit. In short, use experiment, the result will be 100%! And you will not be disappointed if you know exactly what to expect from use.

Best eyelash oil

According to reviews on the Internet, castor and burdow oil can be distinguished, as well as Elma oil. All of them are affordable, any oil for eyelashes can be bought at the pharmacy. The prices for them are low, and the result will not wait long for a long time!


Let's summarize

So, we disassembled in detail what oils for eyelashes should be used. As they act, what to expect from their continuous use. You now know exactly how to smear eyelashes by oil. The oils we considered are sufficiently common and have a low cost, and therefore today you can begin to take care of our weakened cilia.

Regular use of any oil for eyelashes and eyebrows, and in just 30 days your look will be brighter and expressive!

Video " Castor Eyelash Oil«


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