
Energy diet for weight loss

Energy diet for weight loss
How easy it is to lose weight with Energy Diet.

A wide variety of all kinds of diets can be found on the Internet today. Energy Diet is a product proposed by the Russian market by NL International. Its peculiarity is that it not only helps to reduce weight, but also normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, replenishing the balance of all necessary nutrients. It enriches your daily diet, transferring it to another, better level. Depending on the chosen power program, the energy cocktail diet can also contribute to the set of muscle mass, which in the current realities is very difficult when visiting the gym without additional power.

Energy diets, features

The creators of the power of energy diets took into account the three main problems that humanity faced in the 21st century:

  1. "Poor food." The harsh realities are such that even if a person complies with the principles of proper nutrition as accurately as possible, then still in his daily diet there is a lack of necessary nutrients.
  2. "Dangerous food." It is difficult to find food in which preservatives and dyes that are already familiar to us were already used. They are necessary only to enhance the taste and increase the shelf life of the product. Hence the decrease in the quality of food and clogging the human body with an excess of a portion of toxins and toxins. Fact-food owners are chasing profit without thinking about the quality of the food presented. In addition to obvious harm, a stretched stomach, gastrointestinal disorders and constant desire, such food is again and again, such institutions do not carry anything.
  3. "Food habits." We forgot about the main function of food - to survive. We must eat in order to live. But we live in order to eat. Food is just fuel. And we erected a cult from it and seize her stresses, or stuffing the stomachs at the next holiday.

There are two ways to solve these problems:

  1. Reception of dietary supplements - special additives for ordinary food.
  2. The creation of a product in which all the elements necessary for life are connected in the correct ratio.

And they created such a product. This is Energy Diet: cocktails, soups, porridge and so on.


Energy diets: composition

Energy Diet contains all the necessary components for human life:

  1. Squirrels. There are both animals and plant in different proportions depending on the chosen product. The composition contains 18 necessary amino acids, the absence of even one of them can stop the formation of proteins. Hence the digestive disorder, weakness.
  2. Fat. Soyous oil contains a huge amount of vitamin E, is perfectly absorbed by the body. It contains over 30 trace elements.
  3. Carbohydrates. There are “fast” and “slow” carbohydrates, they are completely absorbed primarily by the brain and muscles, not deposited in the form of fat, since their number is calculated in one portion of the diet energy.
  4. Food fibers. Fiber provides a feeling of saturation, at the same time improving the digestive tract.
  5. Vitamins and minerals. A sufficient amount of these substances not only contributes to the full achievement of the power balance, but generally improves well -being, levels the complexion, makes the hair and nails much stronger.
  6. Acourola and royal jelly. Acerola or Caribbean cherry is a source of vitamin C, which is necessary to restore strength for weight loss. In addition, it perfectly supports immunity, protecting the body from colds and viruses. The royal jelly or milk of young bees regulates the psycho -emotional background, protecting from undesirable stress and upheavals.
  7. A complex of enzymes. Promotes rapid breakdown and effective absorption of beneficial substances.


Energy Diet Energy Program

International Energy Diet is a product containing a balanced amount of necessary food ingredients. Special enzymes in its composition provide complete assimilation and easy digestion. Thanks to proteins and dietary fiber, a feeling of saturation comes, while the product does not have excess calories.

Depending on the chosen goal - a decrease or increase in weight, increasing muscle mass, creating a power balance - it depends on how to take energy of diets.

For weight loss, it is necessary to replace food meals with an energy product of diets. Three programs are offered for correction of weight in the direction of reduction: start, consolidation and control.

Regardless of the program, you need to drink 2 liters of water per day, plus you can eat about 2 plates of vegetables. In addition to water, liquids such as tea, weak coffee or caffeine coffee, vied grass are allowed. Vegetables are basically allowed by everything except potatoes. It is better to use them fresh, or steamed.

A glass of any allowed fluid for 20 minutes after eating enhances the feeling of saturation.

Start program

The daily calorie content of the diet will be up to 1,500 kcal per day. It is estimated that a person on average spends about 2700 kcal per day, which means that the body will take the necessary difference from its fat reserves.

The duration of the program is 3-5 days, depending on the amount of overweight. So, if the weight is less than 10 kg, then the recommended course of the Start program is 3 days, if overweight is over 10 kg, then 5 days.

So, the first option - you need to reset less than 10 kg:

  1. 3 days we drink Energy Diet 5 times a day.
  2. Or 1 day - 5 doses, 2 and 3 days - 3 receptions.

The second option is to drop over 10 kg:

  1. 5 days - 5 Energy Diet techniques.
  2. Or 2 days - 5 tricks, the remaining days 3 doses.

Experts recommend daily not only to weigh, but also to measure the waist and circumference of hips. Because there is such an effect that weight is in place, and the volumes go away.

Five Energy Diet techniques do not mean that it should be five full -fledged portions. Options are provided that in the 2nd and 4th reception you can reduce a portion to half.

Program "consolidation"

When passing the Start program in the body, the mechanism of weight loss has launched. Now the most important thing is not to stop it, but to support it as much as possible, increasing the calorie content of the daily diet, while continuing to lose weight. It is precisely the purpose of this program.

A day provides for 1-2 reception of Energy Diet functional nutrition in addition to conventional balanced food. As a rule, the desired weight is achieved in 3-4 weeks-this is the average duration of the program.

Scheme 3-5 meals:

  1. Breakfast - energy diets or allowed vegetables.
  2. The second breakfast is at will. 1/2 - 1 portion of energy diets.
  3. Lunch - meat, fish or chicken with vegetables.
  4. The afternoon snack at will. 1/2 - 1 portion of energy diets.
  5. Dinner - only 1 portion of energy diets is necessary.

Program "Control"

It's no secret that it is not so difficult to get rid of unnecessary kilograms, as you can’t get them in double quantities later. It is for this that the program “Control” was invented. She weanes us from a cult of food, accustoming to relate to food only as a fuel for the body.

The length of the course depends on how many kilograms you managed to throw off with the help of two previous programs. 1 dilated kilogram \u003d 1 month of the Control program.

Carbohydrates and fruits are added to the former diet, the energy of diets are used only 1 time - for dinner.

In fact, this program resembles ordinary proper nutrition. That is, you can’t eat sweet, flour, fried and fat. Everything else is moderately allowed. The most important thing in the last meal is to use a cocktail for weight loss of energy diets, or any other products.


The results of the energy diet

As a rule, if the goal was to lose weight, then this manages to achieve. Moreover, this is not very difficult, because there are no significant restrictions in food and a constant companion of any other diet - hunger. In addition, the digestive tract is normalized, there are no uncomfortable sensations. This diet, unlike others, does not undermine the stomach, on the contrary, healing it.
It happens that on the Start program the weight, instead of falling, suddenly went upstairs. This is possible if the power balance was broken before, and a person, say, ate only once a day. Of course, if, after such disorders, trace elements begin to enter the body in more quantities than before, instead of losing weight, the exact opposite effect can be achieved. In this case, it is better to reduce the portion offered by specialists.
One food bank from ED costs 2200 rubles. There are 15 servings in it, that is, enough for the three -day course of the Start program. But the variety for the sake of it is still worth acquiring 3-5 different tastes, especially since the diet is not limited only to the Start program. It is important to achieve the result, and then fix it, and this is not one month. Such a high price and minus, and plus for this diet. The minus is obvious - costly. The plus is that having thrown out such money and seeing the first results, you are unlikely to quit everything and break. Moreover, with regular use of Energy Diet cocktails, there will simply be no hunger.

Is it possible to use energy diets without exception?

It is desirable, before the purchase of a particular product of the energy diets, to carefully study its composition. So, some tastes contain caffeine: coffee, cappuccino. And caffeine is contraindicated in children, older people and people with high pressure.

Allergies should also carefully study the composition, because the reaction can cause one or another component of the power. If there are problems with the thyroid gland and it is strictly that you can not eat iodine for food, then the diet energy is prohibited, as well as it is possible to eat seaweed.


We will summarize

Definitely, energy diet is suitable for almost everyone. With its help, you can lose weight, gain weight, and build up muscle mass. Whatever purpose you choose, 100% food will become balanced, the digestive tract will work out. Enriched with vitamins and other beneficial substances, the products of energy diets with proper observance of the regime will teach you how to eat right, efficiently and without making a cult from the process of absorption of food.

On the Internet there are a large number of revealing videos that carry these products to fluff. But, at the same time, there are many positive reviews about her. Therefore, it is better to try it yourself in order to endure your verdict. It is possible that these are just the machinations of competitors.

The nutritional composition of the products will not be hungry on such a diet, and the price of one jar will make you think more than once if you suddenly come in jumping off it. In general, there are definitely more pluses than minuses. If there is money and desire, then why not try?

Video “How to cook diets? How to lose weight with Energy Diet? "



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