
How to choose hair varnish - review

How to choose hair varnish - review
How to choose hair varnish: types and properties of varnishes, types and popular stamps, recommendations for choice.

Hair varnish is a familiar and indispensable tool for modern fashionistas. Make a hairstyle above, the hair is more magnificent, make the styling stay longer - this is its main purpose.

Hair varnish: Evolution


  1. A few centuries ago, in the era of tight corsets, languid looks, tight curls and high hairstyles, the young ladies justified the saying “Beauty requires sacrifice” using the stems of dried grass, wigs, shinions and even metal rods to fix the heavy and intricate structure on their own head.
  2. But the fashion of the 1950s, chanting the famous favorite of the public Presley, was finally able to offer a revolutionary tool for fixing the styling, which was easy to use and quite effective.
  3. An previously unknown scientist by the name of Schwarzkopf was invented by a liquid substitute for the old device to maintain the shape of a hairstyle, which later acquired a more familiar rumor of the name - hair varnish.
  4. For a long period of time, the function and the possibility of varnish has undergone many changes. His purpose has changed, and he learned not only to give the hairstyle the desired shape, but also to take care of his hair, to protect from the environmental harm, to nourish them with vitamins and minerals.
  5. In addition, using varnish, you can give the hair the desired shade or shine, and the tool itself can be found both in the form of aerosol and in dry performance.

Choose an accurate hair varnish


Looking at the endless variety of means of fixing the hairstyle, you can get confused for a long time and fall into thoughtfulness. Manufacturers offer a large selection of products, so you need to navigate in the topic in order to come to the conclusion which is still better varnish.

The chemical composition of the varnish

  1. First of all, experts advise paying attention to the content of the substances that consist of varnish. The absence of alcohol is very desirable, because it is he who harms the hairline. The varnish is a complex mixture of chemical and natural elements, the content of which should be balanced.
  2. Special substances - plasticizers, film formators provide softness to the hair, provide well -groomed appearance and obedience of styling, the propellate allows you to evenly spray the varnish.
  3. To give the hair health and strengthen their structure in the varnish, glycerin, panthenol, betaine and other components should be in varnish. It is also desirable to the presence of group B and E, extracts of useful plants, such as aloe juice. Such assistants will provide your hair with the necessary protection and care.

Decide with the power of fixation

  1. It is worth deciding on the goals of using the hair fixation tool. If the complex hair styling has to be preserved as long as possible, then of course the varnish should be selected appropriate, that is, strong or superpower fixation.
  2. In another case, you may need to emphasize a small accent and unobtrusively beat certain strands or bangs. Lacques of medium fixing force will easily cope with this task.
  3. Fixing should pay attention to the power of fixation, given the thickness of your hair, as well as their length. If the hair is hard, then the varnish of weak fixation can not cope with it, and if the hair is thin, then loading it with a powerful agent is not necessary. Therefore, delicate soft hair is best fixed with a means of light or medium strength.
  4. Naturally, the longer the hair, the harder the hairstyle, and the stronger the fixation of the styling should be. A short length can be shocked easily with an easier tool.
  5. The thickness of the hairline also plays a role in choosing varnish. The thicker the hair, the stronger the tool should be, and vice versa.
  6. Consider the characteristics of your hair to avoid mistakes when choosing varnish. Otherwise, you can be disappointed even in a good and high -quality tool, not suspecting that your incompetence is to blame for everything.

The secondary properties of varnish

  1. If you used to dye your hair, then it will come to the rescue of their ability to restore color. If the hair has a violation of the structure due to adverse factors, support them with a restorative varnish.
  2. In summer, it is worth protecting the hair from the overdusive and losing brightness of the scorching sun, because the new series of varnishes can do it, you just have to look for and not get hung up on the price.
  3. Pay attention to the aroma of the product. It should not be strongly pronounced, otherwise your favorite perfume may be out of work.

Liquid hair varnish


  1. Conventional varnish can strongly fix the styling only when using a large amount of means, which also often leads to excessive hair rigidity and to stick it.
  2. Liquid hair varnish fully copes with a similar task, while maintaining their soft lines and relaxed movements. It does not cause pollution, does not give the hair sensation of severity. Its consistency, rather reminiscent of gel spray, is consumed very economically.
  3. If you are in a hurry, then liquid varnish can bring you, because it dries for a long time. Therefore, stell up and time and get an excellent styling recorded by a liquid.

Dry hair varnish


  1. Dry hair spawns perfectly with daily styling, it effectively stores the shape of a hairstyle all day. Its use does not lead to sticking hair, as sometimes happens with a conventional tool. If necessary, it can be used more than 1 time per day, applying both wet and dry hair.
  2. It does not irritate the scalp and cares for the hair, its use does not lead to excessive rigidity of the hairstyle. After applying dry varnish to wet hair with subsequent drying, and then re -applying to dry hair, this tool gives the hairstyle a healthy look.
  3. Dry varnish for fixing hair is distributed on the hair by spraying from the spray can, as well as a conventional remedy. If it is necessary to give the volume to the hairstyle, it should be applied to wet hair at the roots themselves, lowering the head down. After that, combine combing and drying of the hair with a hairdryer.

Mark "Professional" in hair varnish

Hair varnish marks “Professional” has more powerful properties than a conventional tool. It not only perfectly fixes, but also heals his hair. It also has improved characteristics that allow the hair to look great, do not glue them, and do not make them heavy.

Professional varnish is produced in any kind. It is dry, liquid and giving a shade to the hair.

Colored hair varnishes


  1. There are hair varnishes that give a shade of hair. This is a very interesting field for experiments, because after washing hair, their color will again become the same.
  2. In addition, having decided to paint, you can choose the varnish of the right shade before that to make sure of your choice. After a varnish test, you can safely proceed to a more thorough change in the image with the help of paint.
  3. The tinting varnish will help to hide the flaws of recklessly colored hair, if this happened.
  4. Well, to create an eccentric image for a holiday or a thematic party, he has no equal. In this case, colored hair varnish can focus on individual strands or throughout the hairstyle, settle in your curls a whole half -packed golden, silver or multi -colored sparkles.
  5. However, it is still worthwhile to approach color experiments over your hairstyle. Do not forget that blue, red, green curls will be able to harmoniously decorate blond hair, and sparkles can be used boldly to both brunettes and blondes if the event corresponds to a bright mood.

How to avoid side effects


  1. If you apply the hair varnish too often, then you can harm their structure and appearance. From the regular exposure of chemicals, the hair gradually dull and split.
  2. Therefore, the varnish from the hair must be washed regularly. If the product was laid in small quantities, then simple combing of the hair, as a result of which the film is destroyed, and the hair is freed from the influence of the product.
  3. The head should be washed with ordinary shampoo, in most cases this is quite enough. But sometimes, if the varnish is super -resistant, or too many products were used, you can add a little baking soda to the shampoo. Such a mixture should be washed with hair up to 3 times.
  4. It eliminates the traces of the use of varnish, as well as dandruff, a mixture of water and vinegar, most importantly, do not overdo it. Such a homemade rinseum makes the hair more well -groomed.

The most famous stamps of hair varnishes

In the area of \u200b\u200bhair care and laying, there are also their favorites, which are used both at home and in fashionable beauty salons.

Mark Schwarzkopf


  1. One of these famous brands is Schwarzkopf hair varnish. It was his use that caused many positive reviews. It is noted both the ability to fix the styling and aesthetic type of hairstyle after its use for a long time. This brand produces many varieties of hair polish marked Professional, which speaks for itself.
  2. There is an abundance of various hair varnishes in the Schwarzkopf brand market. They take into account both the need with varying degrees to fix the hairstyle and the need to care and protect the hair from irritating factors. The cost of Schwarzkopf varnishes is usually higher than the price of less high -quality analogues, but the difference in price is compensated by a spectacular hairstyle and confidence in its impeccable form.
  3. Taft varnishes of the manufacturer Schwarzkopf also meet high quality indicators. The creators of the series were able to withstand the combination of reliable fixation of styling and the natural type of hair. Also, the plus of the brand is a more democratic cost of products.
  4. Taft Power's “Cashmere Tenderness” has earned good reviews. In addition to the main functions, he also cares well about damaged hair, restoring their structure.

Syoss brand


SYOSS hair also has high quality indicators. Many hairdressers recommend and use these varnishes themselves. The Syoss brand has achieved the effect of long -term styling and almost inconspicuous use of varnish on the hair. Moreover, all SYOSS varnishes are able to withstand the irritating effects of the sun and atmospheric phenomena.

Mark Estel


This brand also produces products marked Professional. The relatively low price and the declared characteristics of manufacturers make the trend quite popular. Products have passed dermatological samples, therefore, it is classified as hypoallergenic. The reviews note a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma of this tool. Estel hair varnish is a good budget analogue of more expensive and promoted firms.

Mark is lovely


  1. Hair varnish is inferior in quality to leading manufacturers of hair care products, but attracts attention with a low price. To find a suitable varnish from this series, it is worthwhile to be sure to take into account the type of your hair, and carefully read the characteristics of the product.
  2. Varnishes from the “Memory effect”, which protects from ultraviolet radiation, humidity and additionally cares about hair with the help of bamboo extract, proven themselves well.
  3. The varnish of the Organic Power is also aimed not only at laying styling, but also to hair health. It contains the natural extract of Roybush, which restores and nourishes hair.
  4. So, in order to determine which hair varnish is suitable for you, you need to know the type of your hair, determine the duration of the action necessary to maintain your image, and take into account the additional capabilities of the product.

It is important to understand that the best hair varnish is not the one that stands on a friend’s shelf or constantly flashes on the TV screen. It is most suitable for your hair and meets your requirements.

A reliable and useful advice in a difficult situation will be for you the opinion of a specialist you trust, so do not hesitate to seek help. In this case, your experience with the use of hair varnish in order to fix the styling and to give volume to the hairstyle will only be positive.


Kira 23.11.2017 Answer

I absolutely disagree that lovely is inferior in quality to popular means. For changing this is the best styling, especially when such a large selection 🙂
