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Overview of the best facial serums

Overview of the best facial serums
Facial serum is an amazing product that can improve the condition of the skin after the first use. How to choose a decent agent, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the review of the best cosmetic drugs for facial skin

Facial serums are a relatively new drug that has established itself as the best skin care product. This tool can be called an energy cocktail, because the concentration of substances useful for the skin in a small bottle exceeds the content of 2 times in ordinary creams. Let's find out how to use serum and consider the top of the best serum for the face.

What is the skin serum? This is a cosmetic product of a directed action: for the body, arms, legs, face and neckline. The drug contains a double portion of nutrient components, which are almost completely absorbed by each cell of our skin. This is due to the unique formula, since the molecules of nutrients in serum are much smaller than in other cosmetic drugs. This means that serum helps to solve the problem much more effective than even the most expensive and advertised cream.

Read more about the serum for the face

Most women believe that if the cosmetologist recommended using serum, then this means that it is time to intensively care for the skin. No, we are not talking about any age care, this drug can be used by girls, starting from the age of 25, to moisturize young skin, relieve traces of fatigue, saturate with oxygen, and strengthen the effect of night or day cream.


The difference between whey of the face and cream

Let us dwell on this issue in more detail, because not all beauties know that serum is not a cream, and this drug has a slightly different task.

Serum is a highly concentrated drug that contains ten times more beneficial and nutrients than in a normal cream. By the way, if in a standard face cream there are more than 20 different components, then the serum is much “lighter”, it consists of only 7, a maximum of 10 useful substances that help the skin solve many problems.

The main or leading component is acids paired with vitamins and minerals. Acids can be different: standard hyaluronic, as well as milk or glycolic, and as for vitamins, plant components (extracts), as well as vitamins A and E, plus minerals may contain the means.


The remaining components are conductors that deliver the main active substances to the deep layers of the skin.

If we compare the result from the use of serum with cream (even the most expensive), then you will see the result immediately, because the skin will receive more nutrients.

It is worth noting that the face-class cream for the face is not a universal drug, but solves a specific problem. Therefore, purifying cosmetics (tonics, lotions, milk) cannot be excluded from daily care.

If we compare the face cream and serum, it can be noted that some useful components that are part of the cream are not preserved for a long time and soon after opening the jar evaporated. Even preservatives do not always help. And the serum of preservatives is contained at a minimum.

What are the advantages of the face serum

It is necessary to immediately learn that the serum (or sulfur, which means “concentrate”), is never selected, given the type of skin. Choose this drug, taking into account skin problems, paying attention to the composition and concentration of active substances. If there are rashes, then one sulfur is needed, if the skin is dehydrated, but a serum for the face with hyaluronic acid is necessary.

If you choose sulfur, you can harm your skin. Suppose sensitive skin with a weak protective barrier will negatively react to a highly concentrated drug. Redness, irritation and even a rash is possible.


What problems will help to solve the serum:

  • rejuvenate the skin, improve the appearance;
  • establish the production of sebum;
  • improve the condition of dry skin;
  • bleach the skin with pigmented areas;
  • remove inflammation;
  • saturate each cell with useful components;
  • smooth wrinkles;
  • tighten flabby skin;
  • strengthen the vessels.

How to use a serum for a face?

Serum should be applied only to pre -prepared skin. In the morning and evening, before you lie down in the bed, you need to carefully cleanse your face from pollution, remove makeup and the remnants of sebum. In the morning you can limit yourself to a tonic, and in the evening you will have to spend more time to cleanse the skin of makeup. Before applying a tonic, you need to wipe your face with a cotton pad moistened in the lotion. It is very good if sulfur is applied immediately after peeling.


Rules for applying Serum:

  1. On cleansed skin, rub with light movements, strictly along the massage lines. We start from the middle of the forehead, slowly move to the temples and gradually go down. Do not forget by the neck.
  2. When you apply sulfur on your nose, first treat the wings, then the skin closer to the corners of the eyes. Next - to the middle of the nose.
  3. Is it so important to adhere to the gold rule and use the cosmetics of one company? Yes, preferably, cosmetologists advise. The serum is applied to the cream to enhance its effect. There are serums that need to be mixed with cream in order to enrich its composition, for example, collagen concentrate.
  4. How long can you use serum to see a good result? You can find out the course of application by reading the instructions or read the description on the package. Serum is usually used in courses, 1 time in 3 months, then a break. If possible, then sulfur can be used constantly, only consult a cosmetologist to choose another tool and improve the result.
  5. About the dosage of the drug: do not forget that the oversaturation of the skin is fraught with negative manifestations. Each bottle of Serum is equipped with a dispenser, it is not necessary to exceed the concentration of the substance. For your skin, 2-3 drops of a highly concentrated drug are enough.
  6. Before using Serum, be sure to study the information on the package, because some drugs recommend applying, rubbing into the skin.
  7. It is also very important to maintain a pause between the application of 2 cosmetics. The sulfur was first distributed, they waited for 3-5 minutes, then you can apply the cream to the skin. This applies to serum with active substances. If point application is recommended, then you do not need to break the instructions.
  8. Sulfur is applied no more than 2 times a day-in the morning and evening before going to bed. The course is 10-15 days, then a break. For a year, you can do no more than 4 courses, this is if we are talking about anti-aging serum for the face. It is allowed to use several serums of different actions, but then you need to apply these drugs to different areas of the skin. It will not be superfluous to consult with a cosmetologist about all the nuances of use.


  1. If you use serum regularly, then this gives a good effect. If you use the drug with anti -aging effects, then in no case can you use sulfur for young skin.
  2. If you bought serum to improve the oval of the face, then you need to use it, starting from the age of 35, but not before.
  3. Contraindications: for girls with dark skin, it is undesirable to use sulfur, since this drug has a mild bleaching effect.
  4. With papillomas and vascular stars, it is undesirable to use sulfur, since these neoplasms will increase, receiving maximum nutrients.

Overview of the best facial serums

To choose a good remedy, we offer to familiarize yourself with the 8 best serums for the face and neck:

  1. The unique tool of Babor-Antistress serum will help improve the appearance. After the first application, you will look as if you returned from the resort and have a good rest. Fresh, shining skin - these are the promises of the company, and it really works. The composition includes amino acids sunflower oil, echium. Such a cocktail simply leaves no reason for doubt. If you live in a metropolis, do not get enough sleep and often in a state of stress, then this drug is literally created for you. It is produced in ampoules, 1 ampoule is designed for 1 use, this is very convenient. The course is 1-3 weeks. It is not recommended for persons with sensitive skin, as it causes irritation.


  1. Clarins cosmetic brand is also popular. The sulfur of this brand is in a well -deserved 2nd place. Light gel -like texture, the drug is instantly absorbed, without leaving stickiness and shine on the skin. Result: delicate velvety skin, as after the use of powder. Literally after use, you will be surprised, the skin becomes elastic and radiant. “Sérum Capital Lumière”, as planned by developers, fights wrinkles and pigmentation. Despite you are a high concentration of active substances, does not weight, does not leave a sticky film. The radiance gives pigments, hyaluronic acid flips the skin, making it soft and velvety. This unique product-lifting-serum for the face will help solve age-related problems, ensuring the smoothness and freshness of the skin. You can not use powder now.


  1. Clinical serum “Active Serum from IS” is a unique tool suitable for skin of any type, but especially for combined and oily. The entire line of serums of this brand is presented for use in beauty salons. You can purchase a popular “Active Serum” serum for yourself for yourself freely, grab it for a long time, literally a couple of droplets are needed 1 time. After application, a slight tingling is possible, which quickly passes. This serum smoothes the face from wrinkles. Now even the deepest wrinkles are not a problem. The design is laconic-nothing superfluous, a dark blue glass bottle and a dispenser-pipe.


  1. The Dior brand serum was first released at the end of the last century in 1986. This year she celebrated her well-deserved 25th anniversary. The line is extensive, starting from moisturizing serum for the face and ending with the anti -aging series. Serum "Capture" was loved by many representatives of the fair sex. From the first application, a magnificent result can be noted: the skin becomes radiant, moisturized (but without oily film), wrinkles are noticeably smoothed.


  1. The most popular face for the Internet on the Internet on numerous positive reviews is the IDEALIST sulfur from Estee Lauder. This is a world bestseller, which is not losing popularity every year. Suitable for both oily and dry, as well as combined skin of any age. Instant matte effect, radiance, smoothness - all this can be noted from the first application. The product is ideal for skin care in the heat. The composition contains seaweed (extract), as well as dwarf palm extract. Experts recommend applying sulfur in the morning, the skin needs to be cleaned first, there is no need to apply the cream on top, serum and alone perfectly copes with the tasks. The tool also has a slight exfoliating effect, improves skin color and noticeably narrows pores.


  1. The sulfur of the Lancome company Genifique Youth Activating Concentrate is a sales leader in the world market. The age of use is from 25 years, radiance, elasticity and velvety, plus real work on age-related imperfections of the skin. A month after use, you can enjoy the delightful effect of the face serum: the skin becomes smooth, the relief is aligned, wrinkles disappear, it literally glows from the inside. The product is well absorbed and distributed through the skin, one bubble is enough for a whole year of use, because for 1 use is enough just a few drops (not more than 3).


  1. A budget option, not inferior in quality to luxury means, is a serum from the company "Olay". Hyaluronic face whey was created in order to solve age -related problems: in the composition of hyaluronic acid with vitamins, glycerin, green tea extract. The result is promising: elastic and toned skin after 1 use, sulfur is not felt on the skin, it is ideal for oily skin. After only 5 days of use, noticeable improvements can be noted: wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes smooth, without oily shine. It works well paired with a cream of the same brand to improve the result and protect the skin from the negative manifestation of the environment.


  1. The famous Avon company also did not stand aside and introduced its drug on the cosmetic product market. The Anew Cenics concentrated serum really works - minus 10 years is guaranteed! It is consumed economically, it acts almost instantly, the skin becomes smooth, wrinkles disappear.


You can also pay attention to these drugs: these are serum from the brand "Recipes for the beauty of the grandmother of Agafia." Of the numerous reviews on the Internet, we can draw the following conclusions: Serum works, despite the funny cost (if compared with luxury products). If the skin is not too neglected, then the visible result is observed a few days after use. There are no silicones in this drug, there is no alcohol and paraben, as well as mineral oil. Depending on the type of skin, it can create a sticky film on the surface.


Serum from the Black Pearl brand - the cost is low, the promises are numerous. Result: Small wrinkles disappear, the complexion improves, the skin literally blooms. The minus is one and it is huge: silicone is present in Serum, and this tool is not suitable for constant use. If you use serum as a “lifting stick” after a stormy party and not often, then it is possible.


Homemade serum for face

At home, you can make an excellent tool for the skin yourself - a milk serum for the face.

It is known that milk serum is a natural antioxidant that solves a number of problems:

  • improves complexion;
  • eliminates dryness;
  • restores fat balance after a long stay in the sun;
  • moisturizes;
  • cleanses.

Serum is used for washing and daily skin care at home.


The easiest and most effective way is the use of homemade milk whey for washing. You need to wash yourself in the morning, you can strengthen the effect of this component - make cosmetic ice. Such frozen serum helps improve complexion, tighten the skin, smooth out small wrinkles. Each time when washing, use fresh serum. This home remedy is not applied to damaged skin, also avoid the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyelids and eyes.

Recipes for the preparation of serum for the face:

  1. The easiest way: you need a package of kefir, it must be put in the freezer, wait for it to completely freeze. Remove kefir from the freezer, put a gauze folded in several layers on a colander, put the frozen mass from the package, leave to defrost. This is the best way to prepare serum, because the maximum of beneficial substances is preserved.
  2. The next method: milk should be poured into a container, put a piece of black bread, leave on the table for sour. After a few days (if the room is warm, then faster), you need to warm the liquid over low heat. When heated, the milk will curl up, you will get cottage cheese and serum. It needs to be filtered and wiped.
  3. We put a saucepan with fresh milk on the fire, add lemon juice (half of the lemon), stir. During boiling, the milk will curl up, you need to strain the serum, separate the cottage cheese.

Now you know all the secrets of beauty and you can independently choose the best “dish” for your skin.


Darina 16.02.2017 Answer

An interesting article, but I don't know how to choose in such a variety ..)

Elvira 20.02.2017 Answer

From the whole pre -itssed list I tried the Evonovsky serum and the ANEW line maximum youth, for me so wonderful serum, really smoothed small wrinkles and the skin was markedly rejuvenated, of course, the effect is accumulative, so I think it will only be better! Here I am not a lover, the only one sometimes just wiping my face with a kefir, after such a procedure, the skin is very pleasant to the touch!

Dominica 02.03.2017 Answer

I did not know about the difference between the cream and the serum.) I recently tried the maximum moldness on myself. Impressed me, wrinkles in a month have significantly decreased. And the face has become more beautiful, fit and fresh) Now I want to try different things from a series of serums)
