
Laser biorevitalization of hyaluronic acid - feature of the procedure

Laser biorevitalization of hyaluronic acid - feature of the procedure
All women want to stay attractive. To stop the time, experts have come up with many unique techniques, one of them is laser biorevitalization. More information about the biorevitalization method with a laser you can learn from this article.

All women know that to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin every year it becomes harder and harder. The natural process of aging is impossible to stop, but you can maintain the skin and get used with the useful substances. It is known that hyaluronic acid is responsible for the level of humidity and elasticity of the skin. Every year its concentration in cells decreases and the skin gradually aging. To prevent this process, it is necessary to fill the missing reserves, resorting to the method of laser biorevitalization.

Biorevitalization or procedure aimed at rejuvenating skin cells occurs in this way: a small amount of the drug is introduced under the skin, which gradually rejuvenates the cells, the skin becomes more touched and shining. If earlier, just a few years ago, this procedure could be done only by introducing a substance through the puncture of the skin, then at present women are available less traumatic procedure, which has been named laser biorevitalization of the face.

What is better: laser or injecting biorevitalization?

Now opinions are divided into and against these 2 procedures. Some experts believe that mesotherapy (it is also biorevitalization) is most effective, because through the puncture of the skin, you can enter more than the drug, which is delivered to the right place. This is on the one hand correctly and well, but on the other hand there are disadvantages: after numerous punctures of the skin, its damage is not excluded, the injection of infection, the development of an allergic reaction, the appearance of the hematoma. In addition, the procedure is very painful and you can not get anywhere. Also immediately after administration under the skin of the drug, the recovery period will be needed. Therefore, immediately after the procedure, it does not work out of the office, it does not work, women have to sit at home and wait for swelling, hematomas and bruises. It is impossible after the introduction of hyalurons to go to the sauna, sunbathing on the beach, use cosmetics (only with special reducing drugs). As you can see, there are a lot of nuances and every woman should decide herself, which procedure suits it more.


As for the new method, when the medicine (i.e. hyaluronic acid) is introduced under the skin with a laser apparatus, then all of the above negative moments can be omitted, there is neither pain nor the appearance of hematomas or swelling. The procedure can be safely called absolutely painless and comfortable.

A little story

The subcutaneous administration procedure of hyaluronic acid is relatively young, for the first time it was tested in 2001, at the proposal of Dr. Pietro. Together with his colleague, he proved that the intradermal injection method by hyaluronic unmodified acid allows you to stop aging processes and improve the skin condition.

Since then, the technique gradually improved, and now we have the opportunity to get rid of small wrinkles and improve the complexion with the help of a new procedure - leather biorevitalization.

On indications for laser biorevitalization of hyaluronic acid and not only

As soon as we hear about new products in the beauty industry, so you want to try on yourself the magic effect of the drug and immediately see the result. But first you need to figure out how it works, and learn about the testimony and contraindications.

Let's start with the main one - hyaluronic laser biorevitalization is the method of transportation under the skin of a substance that is delivered without a puncture, and with the help of a laser apparatus. Hyaluronic acid is used low molecular weight, and the laser should work like electrophoresis, that is, by athermichny (or cold) radiation, disclose skin covers, thus ensuring the delivery of the drug to the intercellular channels. There will be no thermal burn, because the density of the laser energy is not high, it does not exceed the permissible norms - 85 MW / cm 2. So during the procedure there will be no burning path.

You can not tell about the magical action of hyalurons in detail, it smoothes wrinkles, eliminates the rashes, moisturizes the skin. As for the laser, this unit is also capable of improving the condition of the skin, namely, enhances blood circulation, activates the exchange processes and the production of own collagen, has a light lymphatic effect.


What are the advantages of this procedure:

  1. No painful sensations - during the procedure you will be absolutely relaxed, sensations are pleasant and comfortable.
  2. After the first session, you can see the result: the moisturized and shining skin will delight you, it is verified.
  3. All exchange processes are activated: the production of elastin, collagen and natural humidifier - hyaluronic acid.
  4. No restorative period, after the procedure, boldly go to work, because the skin remains the same, there is no redness and swelling. You can plan a course of laser biorevitalization procedures even at lunchtime.
  5. There are no burns, and hyaluronic acid is distributed under the skin evenly, which is very important. And if you compare with the injection method, the uniform distribution of the drug allows you to achieve the best results.

To whom is recommended laser rejuvenation or biorevitalization:

  • women (and men also) with skin photos;
  • before the summer period and season of vacations to prepare the skin to the dose of ultraviolet rays (a hike into a solarium is no exception);
  • in front of plastic operations;
  • in order to correct the scars and scars;
  • if the skin has become a flabby, not elastic, dehydrated;
  • treatment of skin after acne rash ("Package");
  • "Goose paws" in the area around the eyes and removing the swelling of the eyelid.


Aged restrictions are available, laser biorevitalization of hyaluronic acid to people who have reached the 25th age is allowed. There are exceptions when the laser adolescents are prescribed to eliminate problems such as Package and cure neurodermatitis.

Laser biorevitalization. Contraindications

As for the contraindications, they are available, and they are divided into 2 types: when it is impossible to introduce hyaluronic acid, and when the use of the laser is strictly prohibited. Consider both options.

In which cases cannot be administered under the skin hyaluronic acid:

  • when there are viral or fungal diseases;
  • on the skin there are fresh wounds, scratches, glasses, herpes, furuncula, with psoriasis, lichen and eczema;
  • with individual intolerance to the drug;
  • pigmentation and big moles;
  • thyroid diseases (need consultation and resolution of a narrow specialist).

The laser can be contraindicated in such diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • blood and oncology diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • physical and nervous exhaustion;
  • with colds and viral diseases accompanied by high body temperature;
  • no exception and individual intolerance;
  • when receiving photosensitizing drugs.

Features of the laser biorevitalization of hyaluronic acid

This procedure consists of only 3 stages:

  1. Preparatory: The skin is cleaned from excess skin and contamination. Hyaluronic acid is applied.
  2. Laser processed skin cover.
  3. The remnants of the drug are removed. A mask is applied, which enhances the effect of hyaluronic acid.

If the beautician says that you need to perform a procedure out of 4 stages, this means that you have a laser apparatus that works in 2 frequencies: constant and impulse. Then the skin is first processed at a pulse mode, then even with constant.

By time, the duration of the procedure will depend on the apparatus and the drugs used. The minimum time the procedure takes 15 minutes, the maximum - to 50. The course from 3 to 7 procedures, depending on the condition of the skin and age of the patient.

As for the result, it is enough for a couple of months, and maybe a little more. It all depends on the lifestyle of a person. If smoking, abuse alcohol drinks, drink plenty of coffee, it is wrong to eat and take a little rest, as well as attend often a sauna or bath, sunbathe in a solarium or on the beach without protective funds, then after a month later you will have to resort to the services of the cosmetologist.

Preparation for the procedure:

  1. Before you decide on a biorevitalization with a laser, you need to visit the therapist, to be examined and surrendered.
  2. If there are no contraindications to conduct the procedure, then you need to come to a cosmetologist for a consultation to discuss all the nuances.
  3. The cosmetologist will prescribe a session date and the number of procedures.


If you follow yourself and follow the recommendations of a specialist, then it is enough to perform 1 or 2 times a supporting procedure 1 or 2 times, depending on the skin condition.

What to expect from laser biorevitalization?

Of course, first of all, all women dream faster to get rid of unattractive wrinkles. This procedure will help to smooth out small and even mimic wrinkles, as well as remove "goose paws". In addition, the skin becomes smooth, elastic and elastic. The color is improved, facials are pulled up, the production of sebum is normalized. If the skin was dry and dehydrated, it becomes moisture, if fat, it will become normal.

By the way, after the first session, the result you will notice with each new procedure (effect on increasing) is noticeable. At the end of the month, after a course of treatment, the skin will become beautiful and velvety.

It is clear that it may not continue so forever, so you need to tune in to the repeated course. All nuances and the number of procedures need to be discussed with their cosmetologist.

Laser biorevitalization. Photo:



Combining laser biorevitalization with other procedures

This question worries many beauties, because they want to see the result faster and resort to the integrated effect on problem areas.

Combining other procedures:

  1. Radio wavelength skin. After the radio frequency lifting, biorevitalization is allowed, since these 2 procedures enhance the effect of each and contribute to the acceleration of the production of its own hyaluronic acid in the cells of the body.
  2. Injecting the introduction of hyalurons is an integrated method, with which it is really at the same time to achieve good results, affecting separate problem areas.
  3. Cleaning the skin with ultrasound and peeling - with the help of a laser you can speed up the skin update, and get rid of rashes.

Are there complications?

Studying the reviews of women who did laser biorevitalization, it is worth noting that the positive feedback is much more than negative. Everyone likes the painlessness of the procedure and the visible effect from the first time. But there are also such patients who claim that after this procedure they have noted side effects in the form of redness on the skin and edema edema. Yes, this may also be, this means that the patient has an individual reaction to drugs. Krasnut and edema pass on their own without interventions on the 2nd day after a session.

It is worth taken to note that the side effects are often noted with unbearable contraindications, as women hide their diseases from a specialist. Remember that when using quality preparations and a good laser should not be.

Photo before and after:



Preparations for laser biorevitalization of hyaluronic acid

The main active substance is hyaluronic acid, it is sold both in pure form and with additives.


Let's find out what drugs are specialists to conduct a laser biorevitalization session:

  1. "IAL-SYSTEM", "ACHYAL", "RESTYLANE VITAL", "HYALIAPHASE" (needed integrated use with the drug "Nucliaphase") - only hyaluronic acid, there are no additives.
  2. "Meso-Wharton P199" - the composition includes vitamins and amino acids. It is resolved for patients aged 40 years and older.
  3. "Jalupro" - a lot of amino acids useful for skin.
  4. "Juvederm Hydrate" - a "Mannitol" substance has been added, which slows down the decay of the hyaluronki and enhances metabolic processes.
  5. "Princess Rich" - acid in a pair with glycerin to also stimulate cells.
  6. "TEOSYAL MESOEXPERT" - a lot of hyaluronic acid, trace elements, vitamins and amino acids. All you need for the skin.
  7. Meso-Xanthin F199 is a popular drug, a carotine complex, vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants.

When choosing a particular drug, an experienced specialist should take into account not only the condition of the patient's skin and age, but also sensitivity to drugs. Before starting a course of procedures, it is necessary to make a sample on an allergic reaction.

Biorevitalization with a laser at home

This is quite realistic, just first need to understand all the responsibility of this procedure, because independently, without experience it is difficult to control the intensity of the rays and the depth of penetration of the drug.


What will be needed for home procedure:

  1. Purchase the preparation of hyaluronic acid in the pharmacy.
  2. Buy a compact laser device for home use.


  • read the instructions carefully, you need to learn how to adjust the depth and frequency of the rays on the machine;
  • it is desirable to test the apparatus on the table or the flaps of the fabric, and then you can substitute the back side of the palm. If everything is in order and no discomfort, you can proceed to the execution of the procedure;
  • as for hyaluronic acid, buy in a pharmacy. Pay attention to the shelf life and packaging - it should not be broken. Good reviews from the Italian drug "DIBI LASER";
  • preparation for a session: Perform the skin demaciament, permitted 1-2 days before the procedure is performed to make a peeling, and before the procedure - to hold the face over hot water or chamomile decoction;
  • wipe the skin with a disinfectant;
  • apply a gel conductor on the face (it is sold in a pair in hyaluronic acid). This is a very important step that cannot be passed, otherwise you can get burns;
  • apply a layer of hyaluronic acid on top of the gel;
  • turn on the device and according to the instructions, you need to keep the laser nozzle at the desired distance;
  • after 5 or 10 minutes, the remnants of the means should be removed from the skin with a cotton swab;
  • leave your skin for half an hour, and then apply a mask.

As for the efficiency of the home procedure, it is somewhat inferior to the salon, because the experienced specialist knows the dosage and power of the rays. In any case, the result will be visible and you will like it.

Watch the video to know how to make such a procedure in beauty salons. Experienced cosmetologists:


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