
The best hygienic lipstick for the lip - the rules of choice

The best hygienic lipstick for the lip - the rules of choice
Individual selection of hygienic lipstick. Lipstick for the child - we select carefully.

Hygienic lipstick is a modern cosmetic lip remedy that has a therapeutic, protective and caring effect. Currently, there are many varieties of hygienic lipstick, which are excellent in composition provided by action and purpose.  Of the large number of the offered brands, lipstick should be chosen taking into account the purpose of use, season and individual characteristics.

The purpose of using hygienic lipstick. The composition of the product

Depending on the purpose, the composition of hygiene lipsticks may vary significantly. However, the basis is usually: wax (bee or palm), various oils and plant extracts.  The main goal of the use of wax in the composition of lipstick is the protection and retention of moisture. Bee and palm wax can be used, each of which has useful properties and has a positive effect on the skin of the lips. Plant extracts and oils are nourished and moistened with the skin, have an antiseptic and healing effect.

When buying hygienic lipstick, each consumer wants to get a certain effect of its use, the correct choice of cosmetic products also depends on this.

The purpose of using hygienic lipstick can be as follows:

  • the fight against very dry skin of the lips. In this case, you should choose a hygienic moisturizing lipstick, which includes: wax, all kinds of oils (coconut, castor, olive, oil from avocados, etc.), as well as aloe extract. The composition should not have salicylic acid, since it has the exact opposite effect, drying the lips;
  • prevention of premature aging of the skin of the lips. The sun has a very strong effect on the skin, drying it. To protect against the destructive effects of sunlight, you should prefer hygienic lipstick with UV filters. Such a tool will protect against ultraviolet radiation, and vitamins A and E included in the composition will provide an anti -aging effect and smoother lip skin;
  • protection against viral diseases. In the presence of a tendency to frequent herpes and infections, the best hygienic lipstick is antiviral. This is a specially designed tool containing antiseptics in its composition, and enriched with components that contribute to rapid regeneration;
  • creating the effect of delicate, well -groomed lips. A beautiful and radiant look of the lips will give the nutritious hygienic lipstick, thanks to such active components as: lanolin, retinol, as well as avocado and shi oil.

The time of the year. The choice of hygienic lipstick. Popular brands

In addition to the purpose of use when choosing a hygienic lip remedy, weather conditions should be taken into account, as the factors affecting the skin change. The wrong choice in this case may not improve, but rather worsen the condition of the lips. In summer, the skin needs moisturizing and protecting from the sun, so moisturizing lipstick and a remedy with UV filters are perfect.

In autumn, from cold and wind and epidemics from colds will protect nutritious and antiviral lipsticks. In winter, you should not moisturize your lips, but you need to choose a good nutritious lipstick. In the spring, moisturizing and nutrients enriched with vitamins are suitable for the fight against vitaminism and the consequences of winter.

You can choose a remedy for a certain time of the year, for example, among a series of hygienic lipsticks. A reliable and long -known brand.  The composition of the lip products uses wax, vitamins, minerals. But, it should be noted that hygienic lipsticks have color and smell. Therefore, those who prefer lipsticks without smell and color, you can see other, no less popular brands.

For example, hygienic lipsticks Belvedere, the most famous of them protective-regenerating, which is ideal for winter. If the sponges managed to weathered, redness appeared, the lipstick of this company will bring relief, accelerate the healing of the lips, regenerate delicate skin. Having formed a delicate film on the lips, it will protect them from the effects of winter factors.

Individual features when choosing hygienic lipstick

Each has its own preferences by the type and smell of the product, skin features and possible allergic reactions to components. A variety of color design and taste shades allows you to choose a cosmetic product to your liking.

Fruit hygiene lipsticks that are of different colors and the smell of various fruits are in greatest demand. There are more exotic options, for example, hygienic lipstick Spivak, with the taste of Mohito. For skin prone to various inflammatory processes, lipstick with jojoba oil and vitamin complex is suitable.

A great assistant will be hygienic lipstick with panthenol, contributing to deep regeneration and healing of small cracks. If there is an allergy, there should not be a lip remedy:

  • bee wax (very strong allergen);
  • fragrances and dyes (a large number of chemical additives in the product can cause itching, peeling and rashes on the skin);
  • extracts of plants that cause allergies.

Hygienic lipstick for a child

Especially carefully, you should choose such a cosmetic product for the child. The skin of the baby’s lips is very delicate and any aggressive components can harm. The composition of children's hygienic lipstick should not include:

  • salicylic acid,
  • fragrances and dyes (a large number of chemical additives in the product can cause itching, peeling and rashes on the skin);
  • extracts of plants that cause allergies.

These substances can lead to severe drying of delicate skin and an allergic reaction. It is best to choose a tool from a special series developed directly for children, or to make such a lipstick yourself. In this case, the composition will include only natural components and this will be the best hygienic lipstick. You can easily learn how to make hygienic lipstick at home. There are many different recipes, and the necessary ingredients are in any pharmacy.

Hygienic lipstick at home

Reviews of hygienic lipstick prepared at home are only positive. The components are selected individually, so the risk of allergies is minimal, and the price is quite acceptable. Look at the easiest way to make lipstick at home:

Thus, choosing lipstick or lip balm, the purpose of the product, the current season and the specifics of the skin should be taken into account. It will not be superfluous to study the composition and reviews about different brands or brands. With proper attention to these things, you can always have a beautiful and well -groomed look of the lips.



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