
What is Tredlifting facial and body. How to spend tredlifting 3D mezzanites - reviews, photos before and after the procedure

What is Tredlifting facial and body. How to spend tredlifting 3D mezzanites - reviews, photos before and after the procedure
Do you want to make a face or body suspender, but are afraid of the operation? There is a way out, treadlifting of new generation mezzonities effectively smoothes the deepest wrinkles.

The non-operational suspension is absolutely real. With the help of the procedure, you can easily eliminate gravitational ptosis, deep skin folds, eyebrows. Are there any contraindications? You will learn this and other useful information from the article.

What is tredlifting facial and body mezzenites

The suspended procedure is carried out with absorbing polydioxane yarns. They are placed at various levels of dermis. Thus, it turns out on the problematic area of \u200b\u200bthe skin the so-called 3D frame. It is connected to the dermal matrix and does not cause unpleasant sensations. After administration, Maisonate is separated from the conductor.

The procedure gives an instant effect. You can appreciate Tredlifting in the photo.

Remode contours of the face and other parts of the body. Effective result is achieved due to the stimulation of non-agolategenesis.

The chin tredlifting and other problem areas is able to completely replace facelifting, but for this you need to additionally use other minimally invasive means.

Timely injurious of the threads and periodic correction (at least once every two years) will help to avoid surgery. Especially popular, for example, treadlifting of the abdomen. The effect is achieved due to the elastic properties of the Maison. To enhance the efficiency on one problem area, several threads are installed.

Tredlifting threads are also actively used in other parts of the body. Consider the cost of its performance:

  1. The impact of the thread helps to collect a decay skin on the inner surface of the hands.
  2. Effectively pulls up buttocks without cuts and the use of implants.
  3. Painless 3D Breast Treadlifting.
  4. Tightening of the inner part of the hip.
  5. Improves the condition of the skin.
  6. Increases elasticity.
  7. Eliminates age and structural wrinkles.

Tredlifting - video

Indications for the use of Tredlifing

The procedure will have an effective impact in several cases:

  1. Folded folds and wrinkles on the face.
  2. It is necessary to get rid of nasolabial folds, as well as inter-heavy wrinkles.
  3. In the frontal part of pronounced horizontal wrinkles.
  4. A nasal groove is clearly drawn.
  5. Folds in the near-dry zone and / or periorbital wrinkles.
  6. The omission of soft tissues of the upper part of the orbit, balls or chin.
  7. Alopecia.
  8. Tredlifting breasts and neck will also suit the sorcement.
  9. Brush wrinkles around the mouth.

Contraindications of Tredlifting faces and other body zones

It is forbidden to carry out the procedure to patients who, who:

  1. Acute stage of infectious disease - ORVI, flu, and so on.
  2. Inflammatory and purulent processes of soft tissues.
  3. Severe form of somatic pathology.
  4. Oncological diseases.
  5. Blood coagulation is broken.
  6. Individual sensitivity to the constituent mezzonites.
  7. Passing autoimmune therapy.
  8. Period of pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  9. Age up to 18 years old.

As a result of the study, it was proved that the introduction of mesonites does not cause a strong side effect. A reaction appears, typical of minimally invasive intervention. Small swelling, hyperemia, skin sensitivity and itching passes, as a rule, within 3 days. Additional therapy will not need.

Doctors recommend abandoning visiting a solarium, saunas. It is also impossible to sunbathe under the right sunlight. A month after the procedure, by appointing a doctor, you can proceed to the plasmolifting course, mesotherapy.

How to carry out the procedure of Tredlifting 3D MEZONITY

  1. Before implantation, experts must disinfect the skin.
  2. Then an anesthetic cream is applied.
  3. On average, after 15-20 minutes begin to enter the threads.
  4. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the amount of material used. For example, about 20 yarns are enough for the forelifting of the forehead. For complete processing of the face (Afas), not less than 100 mezzanines will be needed.

For the introduction use special acupuncture needles. They are very thin. Be sure to introduce raw materials upwards. The doctor gently pulls the skin. Thus, the sagging is eliminated. After that, it is attached to meson.

For fixation, pressed at the end point on the skin and take out the needle. At the same time, synthetic fibers are separated. As a result, the skin pulls up in the right place.

The effectiveness of the Tredlifting procedure

The effect occurs immediately after the introduction of Maison People. But a visual patient can see the improvement of no more than 30%. The elasticity of the skin will appear immediately after decreasing the swelling - in a few days. The maximum result will appear on average after 2.5 months. Persists for 3 years.

Special instructions and advantages of Tredlifting procedure

The procedure takes no more than half an hour. But it depends, of course, on the amount of fibers used. Additionally, by appointing a doctor, about 3 sessions may be required. The interval between implantation should be at least a month. After 2 or 3 years, you can carry out a surgical suspender of the treated zone.

Advantages of non-operational suspenders:

  1. You appreciate the absence of scars, as after surgery.
  2. The procedure is absolutely safe. The risk of HIV infection and hepatitis is reduced to a minimum.
  3. LEAD FINE LIFT MEONIDES Tredlifting does not take much time.
  4. Fast recovery.
  5. The result is noticeable immediately.
  6. You can combine with other cosmetology procedures.

Negative reviews about Tredlifting

But, in addition to explicit advantages, the use of mesonites is also fraught with severe consequences. For example, in the US, the procedure is no longer carried out. Five years of experience showed that the impact of synthetic fibers does not provide due results. After all, the threads were satisfied after 6 months. By the way, it is so much time and will be required for their "disappearance".

According to the results of the survey, less than 30% of patients were satisfied with the result. The effect was not at all noticeable or the price of tredlifting in this case is strongly overestimated.

In addition, there appeared bumps and not passing bruises at the place of implantation of the threads. "Beauty victims" outraged the re-sagging of the skin and uneven absorption of fibers. Complications after treadlifting manifest as an asymmetry of the face. There are also cases of long-term soreness and numbness of skin sections. Such signs remained more than three months.

Tredlifting Maisonites - an innovative procedure. It will help to pull the problem areas and cope with other flaws of the skin. But the introduction of synthetic fibers is fraught with strong side effects. Be sure to consult several specialists and go through the survey. Changes in any area, even the lip threadlifting, can change the appearance strongly.


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