
How to cook delicious homemade cookies on brine. Step-by-step cookie recipes on brine with photo

How to cook delicious homemade cookies on brine. Step-by-step cookie recipes on brine with photo
The article presents several recipes of cookies on brine with step-by-step photo of baking: lean, oatmeal and using cucumber and tomato brins.

Do you like low-headed cucumbers? Then probably you have a brine from them. Do not rush to pour it out. Marinade can become an excellent base for cookies. But do not worry, it does not have taste and smell of conservation. Baking gets crumbly with a golden crust. Prepare it at home is quite simple, as you need the minimum amount of ingredients.

Homemade cookies on cucumber brine

There are many baking recipes on the brine. But a cucumber marinade gives a mint with a small salinity of the liver. It remains mild for a long time and the appearance resembles a baking baking.

Ingredients for 30 servings:

  • cucumber brine - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar sand - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - ½ tbsp.;
  • top grade flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • melel cinnamon and ginger powder - for 1 tsp;
  • food soda - 1 tsp.


  • Ross take off banks and be sure to strain from spices. If he was in the refrigerator, then heat the liquid to room temperature, since all products must be warm.

Advice. Take only fresh brines you just discovered. If it is too salty, then reduce the marinade volume up to ¾ of the glass.

  • Marinade pour into a large container, pour sugar and add vegetable oil. Butter is best used only refined, as it does not have a pronounced smell and not so bitter taste. Stir the ingredients.

  • Melt honey on a water bath, but do not allow its boiling. Or use honey in liquid consistency for the recipe. Pour it to the marinada.

  • At this stage, you need to add spices in crushed form. Their number determine depending on the taste, but take into account the seasonings that you added to the brine. Otherwise, the taste of cookies will be oversaturated.

  • Squeeze the soda and add to the dough. Additionally, the soda is not necessary to guess the vinegar, instead it will make a brine. Since it contains acid as a preservative.

  • After adding the powder, you can observe how the dough begins to foam. This is a normal reaction of soda and vinegar and let it not alarming you.

Advice. Some hostesses prefer to add soda to flour. At the same time, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the mixture so that the soda is evenly distributed over the entire mass of flour. If this is not done, then the ash remains in the test pieces and give a bad taste in the liver brine.

  • Sift the flour several times. Since the recipe does not provide the baking powder, then it must be enriched with oxygen. Biscuit in this case air and will rise during baking.
  • Small portions enter the flour into a brine with sugar and then carefully knead the dough. It should have a flexible and dense to form held during baking.

  • After the dough is ready, cover the tank with the food film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. So all the ingredients will "fool" among themselves and baking will become more delicious.

Advice. If you have a liquid dough, then add more flour. It is impossible to calculate the exact amount of product, since flour can have a different degree of gluten.

  • Plush the table with flour, get the dough from the refrigerator and roll in a thin layer. So that it proceeds well, the layer thickness should not exceed 5 mm. But at the same time, you should not roll the dough too thin, otherwise it will quickly nourish the edges.

  • With the help of forms or ordinary glass cut cookies. Excess the dough, remove, wash and roll one more layer.

  • Heat cabinet to warm up to 220 degrees. Baking shape with parchment or lubricate vegetable oil. Put the dough on the sheet. The distance between the cookies should be about 4 cm. Since it will rise during cooking, it will exclude sticking along the edges.

  • Bake cookies for 10 minutes at the middle level in the oven. Readiness Check the toothpick. If it comes out of the dry dough, then baking is ready. Cookies are fed to the table in the cooled form.

Cookie recipe on tomato brine

When there is almost nothing in the refrigerator, but so you want delicious, prepare cookies on the marinade from canned vegetables. If the cucumber brine acquires a mint taste, then on a tomato - cookies becomes more spicy and gentle.

Recipe products:

  • tomorrow tomorrow - ½ tbsp.;
  • bold mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream large fat - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • white sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • medium-sized egg - 2 pcs.;
  • refined vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • food soda - 1 tsp;
  • ovened flour - 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  • Ross Sale in a glass, strain from unnecessary spices and greens. Marinade from canned tomato can be diluted with cucumber or cabbage brine. Therefore, act on your taste.

  • Sugar Measure and add it to the brine. You can use ordinary white sugar or brown. But only in the second case, reduce its number up to 2 tbsp. l. Sugar must be completely dissolved in the liquid. To do this, put the container in the microwave per minute.

  • Food soda should be added to the marinade. The mixture will begin to foam. So that the soda evenly affects, mix the brine thoroughly.

  • For light test, use the flour of the highest grade. Other varieties will make cookies darker. Flour must ask and put the entire volume into the deep bowl.

  • In the center, make a deepening, pour the prepared liquid.

  • In a separate tank, we drive one egg, add mayonnaise and sour cream. Take the mixture by a blender to a homogeneous consistency.

  • Connect flour, brine and eggs. Slowly mix the dough with a spoon.

  • At the end, add refined vegetable oil and thoroughly knead the dough.

  • Give the finished test to stand for 15-20 minutes. Leave it on the table at room temperature.

  • To the dough did not stick to the table, pour it with flour. Make a cake from the ball, then roll the rolling pin into the layer with a thickness of 0.5 cm. Cut the cookies with special figures.

  • Leaf for baking lubricate oil or sprinkle with a thin layer of flour. Gently shifted the dough on it. Second egg break and separate yolks from the protein. Silicone brush applies yolk on the top of the cookie layer.

  • Heat cabinet Preheat up to 200 degrees and put cookies baked. Cooking time will depend on the size of the cookie.

Oatmeal cookies on brine with cherry stuffing

Cookies with adding brine is prepared not only by a simple recipe. It can be baked with any filling or additional ingredient, for example, such as oatmeal. At the same time, the main thing is to observe the test technology of the test.

Recipe products:

  • any brine from canned vegetables - ½ tbsp.;
  • sugar sand - ½ tbsp. + 1 tbsp. l. For filling;
  • wheat flour - ¾ Art.;
  • oatmeal - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • refined oil - ¼ st.;
  • food soda - ½ tsp;
  • crushed cinnamon - to taste;
  • frozen cherry - 100 gr.;
  • sugar powder for decoration.

Preparation formulation:

  • First you need to cook a stuffing so that it will be cooled before adding to the test. Put the cherries in the container, pour sugar and put on the stove.

  • Install a slow fire. Wait for the sugar completely dissolve, slightly add the fire and put the cherry no more than 5 minutes. Remove from the stove and completely cool. Then drain the syrup, lay out the cherries on paper towels. So it will take extra moisture from the fetus.

  • Prepare marinade (strain and heat up to room temperature). So that the sugar is best dissolved in oil, it must be crushed. If you have sugar powder, then use it. Add sugar, spices and soda. Then thoroughly stir the mixture.

  • Oatmeal shredded in a blender, so the grains will be large. For a smaller consistency, move them into flour on a coffee grinder. Mix with flour and sock a mixture 2 times. So it will enrich oxygen.

  • In the dough, pour the oil, mix and pour all the flour at once.

  • Check the dough. It should have a sticky consistency and not be too thick.

  • Preheat oven to 170 degrees. Sheet for baking is made by bakery parchment. Water your hands, bring off a piece of the dough, twist into the ball and lay out on the form. Then press and make a deepening in the middle.

  • Put all the dough in such a way. Put in one cherry in the deepening. From the specified number of ingredients you will have about 15 pcs. cookies.

  • Bake it in the oven for 20 minutes or before readiness. Cookies Sprinkle with sugar powder. But do it only on the cooled dough, otherwise the powder melts.

How to bake lean cookies on brine

For those who fasten or do not like to add eggs into the dough, there is a recipe for lean pastries. It is also ready to prepare on the brine. Additionally, you can add flax seeds, withdrawal or bran. But at the same time, you correctly calculate the amount of dry ingredients in the recipe.

Products for lean pastry:

  • top grade flour - 400 g.;
  • toll - 100 g.;
  • white sugar - 150 g.;
  • olive oil - 120 ml.;
  • cucumber marinade - 1 tbsp.;
  • dough breakner - 10 g

Progress of work:

  • Measure all the necessary products. The dough on this recipe can be kneaded in the kitchen process. Pour the brine in the bowl and pour out all sugar. Mix the liquid thoroughly before dissolving the grains.

  • Do not turn off the mixer, pour the vegetable oil with a thin jet. Instead of olive oil, you can use sesame or replace refined sunflower.

  • Busty Mix with flour in a separate container. Satch up the mixture and add it to the entire portion at the dough.

  • Then pour your detox, and mix the dough thoroughly. It is not necessary to sift it, you can immediately add from the pack.

  • Get ready-made dough from the bowl and knead well. Roll into the ball and place a break for 20-30 minutes. So that it is not covered with a film, wrap the dough with the food film.

  • The dough should be elastic. Since it has butter, it is possible to roll it right on the table without flour.

  • Cut the cookie to any form, put on a baking sheet with baking parchment and put in the oven. Bake the flour product at a temperature of 190 degrees until readiness. For the test with the addition of Tolkna, you will need about 40 minutes.

  • Use baking is necessary in the cooled form. If desired, decorate it with a powder or berry jam.

Homemade cabbage brine cookies

Frequent dish on the table in winter is sauerkraut. He remains a lot of brine. Do not rush to pour it out. Baking prepared on the basis of cabbage marinade is no less tasty than on brine from cucumbers or tomato.

You will need such ingredients:

  • brine from sauerkraut - 150 ml.;
  • prostokvash or kefir - 100 ml.;
  • vegetable oil - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • food soda - 1 tsp;
  • top grade flour - how much will be born;
  • sugar sand on the powder.


  • Capported pickle strain through the sieve. Acception product, like marinade you need to heat to room temperature. But do not do it on the stove, just leave the ingredients on the table for an hour.

  • Kefir and Marinade will burst in different tanks and add half soda to each. Mix thoroughly, wait until the reaction to the acid will cease to act. Then connect two liquids together and mix again.

  • For the test, it is best to use vegetable oil without smell. Pour it into the bowl. I ask for flour and in small portions add to the dough. Check it first for a fork.

  • When it acquires a thick consistency, continue to knead hands. Give the test to relax. To do this, cover the tank with a towel or food film and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours. You can also leave it to cool overnight.

  • Dough roll in thick layer. Too thin cakes will make biscuits tough, and it will quickly nourish the edges. Any shape cut out the blanks, suck sugar.

  • Additionally, you can accommodate from above another layer of the test, just attach it tightly to the base. Do not worry - both forms will be thrown away.

  • Baked cookies very quickly. You will need 15 minutes at the outflow temperature of 200 degrees. Additionally, a leaf for baking can not be lubricated with oil, as it is already in the test.

  • If you do not want to use sugar with grains, then sprinkle ready-made cookie with sugar powder. But it is necessary to do it on the cooled pastries, otherwise the powder melts.

How to cook cookies with brine in a pan

If you do not have an oven, then this is not a reason to abandon the preparation of baking. Since the dough on the brine is to prepare quickly, then it can be simply frying in a frying pan. But only after that, cookies should be postponed on paper towels so that excess fat absorbed.

Foods for cookies in a frying pan:

  • any marinade from canned vegetables - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar sand - 1 tbsp.;
  • wheat flour - 2.5 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil without smell - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • soda - 0.5 h. l.


  • Warm brine pour into a large container, pour sugar and add vegetable oil. Mix the mixture well.

  • Flour must be sifted and mixed with soda. Instead, you can use a baking powder, which also needs to be connected with flour before adding to the liquid. Pass the dry mix in the bowl and knead the dough.

  • It must be dense. If you have got a loose mass, then add more flour. Just raw it with small portions so as not to score the dough.

  • Be sure to give the test to lie down a couple of hours in the film or package. During this time, the soda will enter the reaction with the brine, which will make biscuits with air and crumbly.

  • Put a bit of flour on the cutting board. Roll the dough with a thickness of no more than 0.5 cm. Since cookies will have several layers, then thick dough may not succumb to the pan.

  • Cut out the mass of round shapes. To do this, you can use any comfortable dishes for you, such as a mug or a glass.

  • In the circumference of each form, make a drawing fork. But at the same time strongly do not press the dough to remain whole.

  • Click the circle in half, then wrap it again in the middle. Do not press the dough, it should keep shape.

  • Before sending cookies to the pan, hard warm it with butter. Put the dough to roast first one way.

  • After a golden crust appears, turn the cookie and continue to fry it on the other side.

  • With this method of cooking baking you will not be able to check the readiness of the match. Therefore, break cookies and look at. If the dough is still raw, then continue cooking it.

How to make ginger-honey cookies in brine

For those who do not like simple cookies, use additional ingredients in the test. Lenten baking becomes much more tastier with prunes and walnuts. You can add spicy, adding spices. To make dietary cookies, replace sugar with honey.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • any flour - 30 g.;
  • toman marinade - 100 ml.;
  • vegetable oil - ¼ Art.;
  • ground ginger - 1 tsp;
  • honey of any consistency - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • prunes and walnuts - for 50 g.

Instructions for work:

  • In the bowl, pour the vegetable oil first. You can replace the usual sunflower oil to any other, but not but a creamy.

  • Add ginger with honey to oil. For this recipe, you can use any honey and not necessarily put it on a water bath. To the mixture of the wold marinade. He can also be cucumber or from zucchini.

  • Mix the liquid to a homogeneous state. It is important that the ingredients are evenly distributed in the mixture.

  • I ask for flour, so the baking will become air and crumbly. Add to the test. You can also replace part of the flour to replace cocoa powder, which will give the baking chocolate taste.

  • Well wash the dough. It should not stick to hand. Depending on which flour you use, adjust its quantity. So in the flour of the first grade gluten is higher than in the highest or second grade.

  • Walnuts are removed from the shell, dry on a dry pan and grind. Prunes should be twisted in boiling water, then lay out on the napkin. Dry fruit cut into small pieces.

  • Additives must be made in the ready-made dough. So dried fruit and nuts are evenly distributed over the flour mass. Mix your dough with your hands.

  • Then put it in the fridge for the night. In the morning, smear the mass again.

  • On a flat surface, roll the layer. Its thickness will depend on your taste. So if you want crispy baking, then make the dough thinner. Of the thicker dough it will get soft cookies.

  • Press the shape of mass and shift to the parchment for baking. But you can not use it, as in the test a lot of vegetable oil.

  • Baking time will depend on the thickness of the cookie. You will need 15 minutes at a thin pasting at a global cabinet temperature of 180 degrees.

How to cook biscuits on the brine

There are many baking recipes in brine. In most cases, this is a flat cookie, in the best - an option in the form of nuts and dried fruits. But such dough is perfect for the preparation of horns with filling.

Cookies products:

  • marine with cucumbers - 1 tbsp.;
  • white sugar - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • refined oil - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • top grade flour - 0.5 kg;
  • vanilla - to taste;
  • soda or baking powder - 1 tsp .;.
  • tea leaves of black tea - for lubrication.

Cooking process:

  • All ingredients should be at room temperature, so that they can interact. Marinade pour into a container for dough. Immediately pour it into a mixture of sugar and stir until dissolved grains.

  • Add oil and vanillin into the liquid. You can use any spices for the dough, but they must be combined with filling in the bagels. Also mix the mass to a homogeneous consistency so that the oil is evenly distributed over the test.

  • Measure the flour, add soda to it or dough dough. Stir the spoon and ask the mixture. Pour it to liquid.

  • Check the steep dough that should not stick to hand. If necessary, add more flour. Give the mass to relax.

  • After a couple of hours, smear the dough and roll it with a layer. Since the bagels will be from several layers, its thickness should not exceed 0.5 cm.

  • Mass cut into two rectangles. On each cut triangles, as shown in the photo.

  • Put the stuffing on a wide part of the workpiece. Do not use it too much, otherwise, when baking, the jam bores. Roggle from the bottom of the triangle to its vertex.

  • Prepare in this way the cookie from the entire volume of the test and gently decompose on the surface. Give the mass a little approach.

  • The baking tray is made by parchment and lay out horns on it. Place them at a distance of 2-3 cm. From each other, since during cooking they will increase in size. Above the tough tea with tea with tea and suck sugar.

  • Oven warm up to 200 degrees and bake cookies about 20 minutes before the formation of a golden crust.

  • Finished cookies get out of the oven and let him cool. If you do not want to use sugar from above, then sprinkle with sugar powder.

  • Baking does not have a lift of brine. But it is best to use marinade with just open banks. Since over time, he changes the taste.

Cooking homemade cookies on the brine is very simple. It will help you such detailed step-by-step recipes for which the minimum of products and any marinade from conservation will be required. Bon Appetit!

Another recipe for simple cookies on the brine without the use of eggs, see the video:


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