
Wind shempar: symptoms, signs, diagnostics, photos. Treatment and prevention of chickenpox in adults and children. How the windshield is transmitted, the incubation period. Vaccination from chickenpox, why make vaccination

Wind shempar: symptoms, signs, diagnostics, photos. Treatment and prevention of chickenpox in adults and children. How the windshield is transmitted, the incubation period. Vaccination from chickenpox, why make vaccination
In this article, we will deal with what symptoms are accompanied by a wind oil area in children and adults. Treatment of chickenpox and prevention measures. Need whether the vaccine from the windshield is needed.

A chickenpox, which is more known to us as a windmill is not only not aesthetic, if you can put it, but also a very dangerous disease. Many people, unfortunately, perceive the disease only from the point of view of aesthetic inconvenience - the need to cover certain parts of the body with green, but more attention should be paid to the possible consequences of the ailment and actually the course of the disease. Today we will talk about how the chickenpox manifests itself and what treatment must be carried out to combat the ailment.

Windshield: Symptoms and signs

Despite the fact that the word "windmill" is known to everyone quite well, few people know what is this disease. Therefore, we consider it appropriate to define this fear.

A chickenpox is a sharp infectious disease that manifests itself with all known rash, as well as fever. Little children and adolescents are ill and adolescents often suffer from this ailment, less often can be found in adults.

Now that we are aware of what a windmill is, let's deal with the sources of the disease and actually, its causes.

  • A person's illness is always playing as a source of illness. An air-droplet infection is transmitted, contacting or from mom to child. That is why it is forbidden to contact healthy people with those who sick by the windmill.
  • Regarding what the disease provokes. Provokes a disease of a chickenpox with a virus, which can also be found near the name Viocel Zoster. By the way, outside the human body, the virus in principle does not live, because it dies from the effects of the Sun, ultraviolet.
  • It should also be said that the causative agent of the wind smallpox is considered to be a grapes of the 3rd type.

Before moving to the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to consider its current and possible forms. So, for a start, let's talk about the windshield periods:

  • The incubation period on average takes 2 weeks.
  • Promotional period. This period may be absent. However, if it is, it takes a few days before the appearance of rashes. This period is more characteristic of adults sick with windmill. At this time, there may be severe headache and fever. Children most often simply do not notice any changes in well-being.
  • rash period. By its very name suggests a period that at the time the rash appears on the body, small bubbles that will burst through time.
  • The period of fever. It lasts about a week. At this time, on the body, as a rule, continue to appear rash.
  • Sometimes it is a period of complications. Complications are due to the fact that the body affects another infection. As a consequence of chickenpox may occur nephritis and myocarditis.

Now a little about the ways in which you may proceed chickenpox:

  • Mild form is characterized by the relatively good condition of the patient, taking into account the fact that it carries the disease. Body temperature for a given form may remain normal, rash usually not profuse, mucous membranes, and if damaged, the unit cells. The rash appears for about 3 days.
  • The average form is manifested somewhat differently. The body temperature rises, the rash is very significant, as well as itching. The rash appears in about 5 days.
  • Severe form of rash appears abundant as in the skin and mucous membranes. Temperature is high enough, the patient may feel nauseated, it may tear. Itching is very strong, due to which children and adults, comb eruptions, thus only worsen the picture of the disease. Eruptions occur during the week, and then 9 days.

Also, we should mention the following forms of the disease:

  • Bullous. It is more common in adults. In this case, the disease is transferred extremely difficult.
  • Hemorrhagic. Characterized by hemorrhagic diathesis. Disease manifests somewhat differently: there are rashes filled with bloody, nosebleeds occur.
  • Gangrenous. Most often affects people with weakened immune systems. A distinctive feature of the shape is that after drying of burst bubbles in their place appears a crust of black color with the inflammation process.

Well, now, let's see the direct manifestation of the disease in children and adults. Symptoms in children until about 14 years:

  • Intoxication. Most often the first signs of chickenpox are similar to SARS. Appears fatigue, irritability, the child may refuse to eat.
  • Increased body temperature. The temperature is generally kept near 38 degrees, but may sometimes rise up to 39 or vice versa, not exceed 37.5 degrees.
  • Rash. Rash is the most characteristic feature of the illness. As a rule, a rash appears in a couple of days after temperatures increase. At this time, well-being deteriorated sharply. The first pimples can be seen in the head and neck area.
  • Itching It is present almost always, differs only intensity. During new rash itching increases.
  • Increased lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are not always inflamed, but only if the pathogen fell into a human lymphatic system.
  • Sometimes the windmill manifests itself drowsiness, frequent breathing and frequent heartbeat.

In adults, a chickenpox appears somewhat differently, since the ailment is transferred at the old majorly much worse:

  • Severity in the whole body. Muscles and joints suffer.
  • Weakness.
  • The temperature rises to 37.6.
  • During the rash, the temperature sharply rises to 40 degrees, chills appears.

  • The rashes are also different from those who affect the children's body. In adults, pimples cover the whole body, including genitals. It causes such a rash not only an ugly look, but also painful sensations during the deurination.
  • Almost always increase lymphatic nodes.
  • If the disease proceeds extremely difficult, then convulsions are possible, uncertain gait.
  • The strongest itch.

Windshield: Diagnosis

Before proceeding with the treatment of wind sieves, it must be diagnosed. It is important to note the fact that only a qualified specialist should be engaged in the diagnosis of illness. Many people may argue, because the symptoms of the alend are quite obvious and understandable to all of us.

However, the windmill is a very serious ailment, the flow of which can be unpredictable. That is why, at the first, not quite obvious signs of illness, you need to go to the clinic, and with more pronounced - you need to call a doctor to the house. Already after the consultation, you will tell you all your further actions.

  • Many are wondering: "Why do you need an analysis on the windmill, if symptoms and so obvious?". The analysis is needed to finally confirm or eliminate the ailment.
  • Since the windmill virus is in the blood, then the blood is investigated.
  • The blood test during the windmill not only can confirm or eliminate the disease, but also shows whether a person had a previously sick.
  • Nothing particularly in the delivery of the analysis on the wind oil isp. The only recommendations can be: eliminating medicines on the eve of the delivery, also need to refrain from taking alcohol and smoking. Women, if possible, should donate blood not during menstruation.

What does the analysis show? Let's figure it out.

  • The essence of the analysis is that according to its result, the presence of antibodies to the windmill virus is detected.
  • Antibodies are immunoglobulins - M (Ig M) and G (Ig G).
  • If Ig M find in the blood, then it means that at the moment a man is sick with a windmill.
  • If Ig G is found, it is evidenced by this that the person has already had a windmill earlier.
  • It also happens that neither one nor the second antibodies shows the analysis. Accordingly, this means that a person did not hurt and does not suffer with a windmill.

Windshield: Treatment

After consultation with the doctor and the surrender of the necessary analyzes, the corresponding treatment is prescribed in the identification of the alend. Of course, treatment may differ depending on the stage of the disease and its shape.

  • The first thing you need to provide a sick windmill is peace and bedding.
  • There are no restrictions on food during the aless. However, the patient needs abundant drink, because it is precisely thus toxins are derived from the body.

Medical treatment is most often assigned to this:

  • Preparations that are struggling with viruses.
  • Antihistamine medicines that are prescribed to eliminate itching.
  • Nonteroidal anti-inflammatory funds. These drugs have an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and anesthetic effect. Completely different drugs can be prescribed, the exclusion is aspirin, since the reception of this medication at the same time may provoke complications in the form of Reia syndrome.
  • If the disease proceeds with purulent complications, antibacterial drugs are prescribed at mandatory.

Relevant in the windmill there will be care for the affected skin:

  • Most often treated with a sick skin with all the famous greenflash. You can also use potassium permanganate.
  • At the same time, it is very important not to touch the wounds and in no case to scratch them, tearing off the crust.

The following are most often prescribed from medicines:

  • Acyclovir - antiviral pills, which are used to treat simple herpes, chickenpox and herpes skewers. It must be said that they produce the drug not only in the form of tablets, you can also find a medication in the form of a gel, ointment. Pregnant and lactating women are not prescribed the drug, and the dosage is always determined by the doctor.
  • Interferon is prescribed as an antiviral drug. Release medication in the form of powder. Despite its effectiveness, the medication has a number of contraindications, so the doctor cannot be taken without appointing a doctor.

Preparations are prescribed from vegetable raw materials:

  • Flacoside - prescribed with herpes, windmill and hepatitis. Produced in tablets. It is impossible to take the drug to pregnant women, nursing women, children, as well as people with liver failure.
  • Helepin is prescribed for herpes diseases. Can be produced in the form of tablets and ointments.
  • Gossepol - refers to antiviral drugs. You can not apply with acute inflammatory diseases of the skin.

Sometimes a chickenpox can give complications on the body. Complications can appear as follows:

  • If the virus enters the respiratory tract, it is fraught with inflammation of the lungs, tracheite, laryngitis.
  • There are ailments of liver and kidney, for example, jade, liver abscess.
  • From the heart - myocarditis.
  • Often the windmill provokes the appearance of arthritis and synovites.
  • The impact of the virus on the nervous system can turn into an edema of the brain, the appearance of various cysts, meningitis.
  • If a pregnant woman sick with a windmill, especially on an early time, then this is fraught with miscarriage, fret of the fetus or pathologies in a child.
  • The most common consequences are the scars on the body, neuritis.

Windshore OPE: Prevention

Immediately discuss one question regarding the possibility of getting sick of the second time by this ailment.

Since there is an opinion that the windmill is sick only once, many people who have already surrendered the disease, are not particularly thinking about the prevention of the disease. However, the probability of getting over the 2nd time is still there, although minor.

So, if someone got sick in the house with a wind abscess, then it is necessary to follow these rules of home quarantine:

  • The patient needs to be isolated from all other residents of the house. Those who hooked the windmill, it is necessary much less than those who have not suffered.
  • Maximize the room where the patient is located.
  • Personal hygiene products, domestic instruments of the patient must use their own, and healthy people of these devices and things should not touch.
  • Also as a method of prophylaxis is offered to wear gauze bandages.

The best way to prevent the windmill vaccination is considered:

  • Making a vaccination from the windmill, a weak virus is introduced into the human body, which, accordingly, causes a parable in very weak form, and after the body can cope with it, an immunity is developing to death.
  • It is recommended to make vaccinations to weakened children and adults, for which the windmill can be extremely severe illness, up to death.
  • Sometimes the newborn babies are vaccinated. However, it is done only in cases where the mother began to hurt a chance a week a week before childbirth or for a month after them, if the mother's mother herself did not sick with a chickenpox, but had negligence to contact with a sick person, and also, if the child was born prematurely, and mom Does not know if she was sick before the ailment and in any case, if the baby was born weighing up to 1 kg.
  • Also, the vaccine against the windmill is sometimes used as emergency prevention. They argue that not later than the 3rd day from the moment of contact with the patient with a sick, can prevent alert or alleviate the form of its flow.
  • Most often from vaccines are as follows: "Okavaks", "Varylirix", "Vari-Wax".

In fact, the chickenpox is a serious illness that can even lead to a fatal outcome. At the very first symptoms of the disease, you need to immediately contact the doctor, call a specialist to the house or use ambulance services.

Self-medication in this case is absolutely inappropriate and dangerous. Treat your health and health of your children with all attentiveness, and then from the windmill, you will be left for memory, except that the funny photos you are in the green dot.

Video: chickenpox in children - symptoms and treatment


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