
How to prepare a cake Zaher at home. Classic recipe for cake Zaher step by step with a photo. Home cake Zaher - recipes options

How to prepare a cake Zaher at home. Classic recipe for cake Zaher step by step with a photo. Home cake Zaher - recipes options
In this article, we will tell you how to prepare a delicious Austrian dessert - Zaher cake at home. The recipe for the classic cake Zaher step by step. How the cake is prepared by Zacher Julia Vysotskaya, Alexander Seleznev.

Zacher is a classic Austrian dessert that can be considered the most chocolate of all the sweets that exist in the world. In this article, we will tell you several recipes with a photo of the Zacher cake. It is not difficult to cook it, therefore, even if you do not have any culinary experience, you can prepare a treat tasty and quickly.

History of the Cake "Zacher"

In the first half of the XIX century, one of the Austrian diplomats-Klemens Vanzel Lotara von Metternerny-Winnburg-Baylstein schedule a very important event, which had to present a lot of honored guests. He was preparing carefully for this day, so he ordered his court cook to come up with an extraordinary sweetness that no one has tried in the world.

It so happened that the cook fell ill and could not fulfill the assigned mission. Instead of him, Franz Zahar coped with this task - a sixteen -year -old boy who could not imagine his life without conditioned. He decided to bake chocolate cake with apricot jam. I must say that no one of the guests of that event was surprised, and no one asked for a dessert recipe. We can say that it was generally forgotten about him.

In the second half of the 19th century, when Zacher became an adult, he opened his store with sweets in the capital of Austria. On the life path of his father, the son of Edward also went. He was fond of confectionery, so he carefully studied all the recipes that were developed by Franz. Once, looking through all the recipes, he stumbled upon a chocolate cake with an apricot jam and decided to cook it in a confectionery father. People liked this dessert so much that he quickly gained wide popularity and recognition. This cake began to be sold not only in the confectionery father and son Zacher, but throughout Austria.

Now the whole world knows about the Viennese cake "Zacher". Each high kitchen restaurant must have this dessert in the menu. If you want to try it too, use the following recipes below.

Zahar cake: classic recipe

You can prepare the Zacher cake at home for any holiday and not only. No supernatural processes and technologies are required for its preparation. We will share with you a step -by -step recipe for the Austrian cake "Zacher":

  1. Beat with a mixer of 170 g of flooded butter, mixing it with 50 g of sugar.
  2. Take 6 eggs - separate the proteins from the yolks and send everything to the refrigerator.
  3. Melt 60 g of black chocolate in a water bath. After it cools down a little (it comes to room temperature), pour it into an oil workpiece. Pour here ½ tbsp. Cognac and a pinch of vanilla sugar. Mix everything thoroughly to make a homogeneous mass.
  4. When you see that you got a smooth brilliant mass, pour 6 yolks into it and continue to beat further.
  5. Grind 50 g of almonds in a blender. You should get almond flour.
  6. See 150 g of flour, mix it with 35 g of cocoa and 2 tbsp. l. baking powder.
  7. Remove egg whites from the refrigerator, pour 100 g of sugar into them and beat everything to a cream state. When you see a magnificent mass in front of you, pour chocolate blank and flour into it. Mix everything together, and at the very end add almond flour.
  8. Pour the resulting dough into a form in which you are going to bake cake (it can be of any shape and size - according to the classic, the cake should be round). Heat the oven to 185 ° and send the dough in it. This process will last 60 minutes. When the cake is preparing, let him reach. Let it stand in the food film 8-9 hours.
  9. Cut the finished biscuit for a couple of parts. Lubricate each cake with abundantly heated apricot jam (you will need 200 g of this ingredient). Connect 2 cakes, and then coat with jam the entire surface of the cake.
  10. Make a chocolate icing: melt 140 g of black chocolate in a water bath, pour 4 tbsp into it. warm milk and 1 tbsp. melted butter. Cover the entire cake.

You just have to decorate the cake. According to the classic recipe, you just need to make the inscription Saher from the chocolate glaze using a confectionery bag. You can make this inscription in the center, or you can make them a few so that when serving, each person saw that you have prepared for him the Zacher cake.

Cake "Zacher" from Alexander Seleznev

There are several variations of the Zacher cake recipes, they are slightly different from each other. Only different impregnations and icing are used. We want to share with you one of the best variations of the Zacher chocolate cake from the popular confectioner Alexander Seleznev:

  1. First prepare a chocolate-oil biscuit:
  • melt in a water bath 135 g of black bitter chocolate and cool it;
  • separately beat with a mixer of 135 g of butter, which should be melted, with 45 g of powdered sugar, pour cooled chocolate into the resulting mass;
  • grind 100 g of almonds in a blender, the finished chips are slightly dried in the oven;
  • take 6 eggs and separate the proteins from the yolks, send the proteins into the refrigerator, and drive the yolks into the chocolate-ulcer preparation for the dough;
  • pour in here 1 tbsp. Cognac and a pinch of vanilla sugar, and then mix everything with a spoon;
  • beat separately egg proteins with 1 tsp. citric acid and 140 g of sugar (you should get something similar to protein cream);
  • pour the protein workpiece into a chocolate-yellow mass, and then mix everything;
  • see 100 g of flour, mix it with almonds, and then pour it all into the chocolate dough;
  • mix everything, and then pour it into a baking dish;
  • heat the oven to 185 °, send a cake for 60 minutes to bake in it.
  1. We collect the cake:
  • cut the chocolate biscuit into 2 parts, grease them with orange jam (you will need 400 g of this product);
  • lubricate the whole cake with the same jam;
  • pour the cake on top of chocolate mirror glaze (it is prepared in the same way as we described in a classic recipe, only gelatin will need to be added here).

You can decorate such a cake orange zest, coconut or chocolate chips. It all depends on your imagination. As for the impregnation for the cake, we note that in fact it does not matter which jam you will choose. You can take both cherry and raspberry, you can generally use a liquor or berry syrup.

Cake "Zacher" from Julia Vysotskaya

We present to you a step -by -step recipe for the Zacher cake from the famous Julia Vysotskaya. She prepares this dessert with the addition of coffee and white chocolate cream:

  1. Dissolve 2 tbsp. Coffee in warm water (3/4 glasses). Send 50 g of dark chocolate here and the same amount of butter. Send all this to the water bath.
  2. In a separate container, mix 150 g of sifted flour with 1 tsp. baking powder and from 180 g of sugar.
  3. Separately beat the protein cream based on 3 proteins and 3 tbsp. Sour cream with 100 g of sugar.
  4. Mix all of the above blanks into one mass. You should get a biscuit dough, which must be poured into a baking dish and sent to the oven preheated to 185 ° for 60 minutes.
  5. While chocolate cake is baked, prepare a white chocolate cream. Melt the tile of white chocolate in a water bath, mixing it with 1 glass of fat cream and 1 tbsp. hot water.
  6. When the cake is ready, cut it into 2 parts, lubricate each cake abundantly with white chocolate cream.
  7. On top of the cake is poured with icing from chocolate (here you can use not only dark chocolate, milk and even white are also suitable, because this is a variation) - it is prepared in the same way as we described in a classic recipe.

You can decorate such a cake with berries or pieces of white chocolate. You can make an inscription from white chocolate glaze. A piece of such a dessert with a fragrant cup of coffee is served. On the eve of the New Year holidays, this recipe can be very useful to you. He will brighten up cold winter evenings and cheer you up.

Zahar cake: lean recipe

The chocolate cake "Zacher" is one of the very satisfying and high -calorie desserts. However, sometimes you need to serve a delicious but lean treat on the festive table. You can try to prepare the Zacher cake according to a dietary recipe. Of course, its taste will differ significantly from the original, but it also deserves attention.

What needs to be done to prepare the lean cake "Zacher":

  1. Take 100 g of dark chocolate. Break it into pieces, pour 500 ml of almond milk (it should be warm). Put all this in a water bath so that the chocolate melts and mixes into a single mass of milk.
  2. After the chocolate mass is ready, add 250 ml of vegetable oil to it, the same amount of sugar, 5 tbsp. cocoa, 2 tsp baking powder, ½ tsp. salt, 600 g of sifted flour and 2 tbsp. lemon juice. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Pour the resulting dough into a form in which you usually bake a biscuit, send it to the oven, preheated to 185 ° for 30-40 minutes.
  4. While the cake is baking, prepare the icing. To do this, you need:
  • brew 270 ml of strong tea (use anyone you love);
  • melt in this tea 300 g of black chocolate (it should contain as much cocoa as possible).
  1. Cut the finished biscuit cake into 2 parts. Lubricate each cake with apricot jam (you will need 200 g of this product), connect them, and pour the resulting cake with icing on top.
  2. Decorate the cake with almond flakes.

Zahar cake: recipe for cooking in a slow cooker

For those who do not have an oven, you can use a slow cooker to prepare a chocolate cake "Zaher". In order to do this, you can use any of the recipes that we have listed. Here you need to take into account only a few nuances:

  • The container in the slow cooker must be well smeared with butter so that the biscuit does not stick to it and does not spoil its structure.
  • Pour a billet for the dough into it, and then turn on the “baking” mode. Within 60 minutes, the cake will be baked.
  • Do not get the cake right away, let him stay in a slow cooker for another 30 minutes and cool down.

Very often, not a hot drink, but vanilla ice cream are served to the Zacher chocolate cake. If you are preparing for an important celebration, then use this recommendation, it will give a highlight to your dessert.

Video: "Chocolate Cake Zahar"



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