
How to cook chocolate brownie. Chocolate Brown Recipes step by step with photos. Filling for chocolate brownie. How to make chocolate brownie in a slow cooker

How to cook chocolate brownie. Chocolate Brown Recipes step by step with photos. Filling for chocolate brownie. How to make chocolate brownie in a slow cooker
In this article, we will tell you how at home to cook chocolate brows. You will learn not only the classic chocolate brownie recipe, but also variations that are widely used today in the best restaurants of European cuisine.

Brownie is a classic American dessert that has become popular around the world. Some believe that this is a chocolate cupcake, others use the basis for Browni as cortex for cake. Someone believes that Browni is a full chocolate candy. You can call this sweetness, as you like more, the main thing is to comply with the right technology of cooking dessert so that you have exactly Brauni, and not a banal chocolate biscuit or French fund. We will share with you the best chocolate brownu recipes with photos.

The history of the occurrence of chocolate brownie: how did the dessert arose?

Chocolate Brauni is a mystery of confectionery history. Until now, it is unknown, who exactly came up with the recipe for this sweetness and why. But there are several basic versions of the origin of the technology of making chocolate browni:

  1. The cake was invented by the Chefs of the Chicago Hotel Palmer House Brownie, where a Colombian exhibition was held in 1893. It was attended by a lot of rich people, including the capricious lady named Bertter Potter. It was she who turned to the chef that he quickly prepared an exquisite chocolate dessert for her, which she could eat in a small dose, but at the same time enjoy the taste of chocolate for the whole day. The chef fulfilled the whim of a woman, creating an amazing recipe for chocolate cake with nuts and an apricot jam.
  2. According to another version, the author of the recipe for Chocolate Brown is a simple American housewife named Maine. She baked a chocolate pie, but forgot in the cooking process add yeast to the dough. As a result, the cake did not rise, and his middle was wet. So that the households tried her culinary creation, she decided to cut the pie to pieces, pour it with chocolate and spray with nuts. Inside, he had a very beautiful brown color, which is why the woman called the dessert "Browni".

In the twentieth century, numerous recipes of chocolate brownow appeared in all culinary publications of the world. We will share the best of them with our readers in this article. Perhaps some kind of variation of American delicacy you will enjoy, and you cook it for your households.

Classic Chocolate Brown Recipe

To begin with, we will tell you how to prepare chocolate brows at home according to the classic recipe. To bake 12-15 portions of the cake, you will have to spend 90 minutes of your time for which you must do such steps:

  1. First you need to break 2 black chocolate tiles (it is desirable to use black chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa). It needs to be connected with pieces of butter (this ingredient will be needed 200 g).
  2. These 2 ingredients need to melt in a water bath. Put a bowl of products to a pan in which water boils, but make sure that the bottom of the container is where the oil with chocolate is located, the water does not concern.
  3. After the chocolate oil turns into a homogeneous mass without lumps (it must be constantly stirred in the cooking process).
  4. In a separate container, while the chocolate mass is cooling, scolding 3 eggs, immediately mixing them with sugar powder (it will take 180 g).
  5. In the sugar-egg mass, pour chocolate and mix everything thoroughly.
  6. Then, 125 g of sifted flour, a pinch of vanillin and 100 g of cocoa powder is added to the resulting mixture.
  7. Separately, fry 80 g of purified walnuts in a pan and turn them into the chips. In order for it to be homogeneous, use the blender.
  8. Pour nuts into the dough for chocolate brownie, and then what happened to pour into the baking shape, which you can smear in advance with a small amount of butter.
  9. Heat the oven to 180 ° and send to it the classic chocolate brownie for 40 minutes.

Remove the cake from the oven, cut it into pieces of the same size you consider it yourself, and serve the dessert on the table. Many housewives wate in chocolate cakes or some fruit jam.

Chocolate Brown Recipe with Nuts and Prunes

Chocolate Brauni fillings can be different. It all depends on your personal taste preferences. If you are a sweet tooth, but worry about your figure, then you will enjoy the recipe for a chocolate brownie with prunes. It can be considered dietary. To bake it, you need:

  1. Soak in boiling water 200 g prunes. It should ultimately for 10 minutes and swell up - to become soft. After that, it needs to shift him into a blender and thoroughly crushed to get a homogeneous mass.
  2. Fry in a pan literally 20 g of walnuts and also shredti them (you can do this at the same time when you crush prunes).
  3. 45 g of cocoa powder, 25 g of liquid honey and the same amount of orange zest are added to the mass of prunes and nuts.
  4. The resulting "dough" is mixed carefully, and then tampering into a mammary for baking. But the secret of this brownie is that it is not necessary to bake, it is cooled in the refrigerator.

Finished sweetness is cut into slices, sprinkled with chocolate chips or cocoa with nuts, and then fed to the table.

Chocolate Brown Recipe with Cocoa and Cranberry

If you want your chocolate browni to have a sour note, a juiciness and an interesting color combination, then you need to use cranberries as an additional ingredient, and instead of chocolate - cocoa powder. In the winter period, this product is abundant to find both on store shelves, and a food market. We present you a step-by-step recipe for cranberry brownie:

  1. Melt 100 g of butter on a water bath. Note that in this recipe chocolate is not used.
  2. In the resulting cream mass, add 80 g cocoa powder, 150 g of sifted flour and 8 g of soda, jammed in vinegar (you can not use soda if you have a dough breakner).
  3. 2 eggs with 250 g of sugar are whipped in a separate bowl. So that the mass is properly and homogeneous, use sugar powder instead sugar.
  4. Connect the egg mass with creamy, and then add 100 g of cranberries into it, which is not worth it, let it have a kind of berry.
  5. Pour the resulting dough into the form for baking and send the dessert to the oven (the temperature and time of cooking is the same as in the classic recipe).
  6. While Browni is a stir, you can cook for it. To do this, you will need to melt in a water bath 200 g of chocolate (preferably black) with 150 g of butter. To this mass, add 50 g of liquid honey, 25 g of vanilla sugar.
  7. When the pie will be ready, pour it with icing, cool and cut into the portion pieces.

You will have a cake that is enough for quantity to treat 8 people.

Recipe Chocolate Banana Brauni

Bananas and chocolate is a very tasty combination, from which adults and children are delighted. Since the New Year holidays are near, then you can use the chocolate brownie recipe with a banana to cover the refined table for its guests. What will you need to do for this:

  1. First we harvest the chocolate basis. Just as in a classic recipe, you need to melt in a water bath 200 g of chocolate with the same amount of butter in a water bath. However, in this recipe in chocolate mass you need to add 30 ml of any alcohol type of whiskey or brandy. If you have some kind of liquor, then this is the perfect option, because it will give the fragrance dessert.
  2. In a separate container, mix 3 eggs with 100 g demaras. If you do not have such an ingredient, you can use ordinary sugar. Note that these 2 products on this recipe are not hurt, but simply mixed.
  3. Connect the egg mass with chocolate, and then pour into the resulting mixture of 150 g of sifted flour. Mix everything so that you have a liquid dough for the American dessert.
  4. It remains only to add a filling in this dough. We will use 2 bananas that need to be cleaned from the peel and cut into slices, as well as the white chocolate tile, which you also need to crush into pieces (white chocolate can not be added - it is optional).
  5. Add the stuffing to the dough and send Browni baked into the oven preheated to 180 ° for 30 minutes.

When the cake is ready, get it out of the oven and decorate how you like. It will be enough to simply sprinkle it with pieces of white chocolate or powdered sugar, but for the New Year's mood you can come up with something more original.

Chocolate Curd Brown Recipe

Chocolate Brauni with cottage cheese is the perfect delicacy for children, which will not only like them to taste, but also bring them to the body much benefits. If you are interested in this option for the preparation of american dessert, then we offer you a step-by-step recipe:

  1. The first few stages of the preparation of Brauni on this recipe are the same as in classical. First cast on a water bath with creamy oil (200 g of each ingredient), 2 eggs from 150 g of sugar powder are selected, the resulting 2 masses are connected, 150 g of sifted flour and 8 g of baking powder are added to them. By the way, if you prepare cottage cheese brows for children, you can use white or milk instead of black chocolate. It turns out not brown dessert, but light.
  2. The cottage cheese filling is prepared in this way: you need to mix 150 g of cottage cheese with 3 eggs in a blender and 200 g of sugar powder (if you want, you can add 25 g vanillin here).
  3. Now you need to form Brauni:
  • at the bottom of the baking form, half of the chocolate test for dessert is poured;
  • from the top of it from the confectionery bag, cottage cheese filling is squeezed;
  • the remaining part of the chocolate test is poured on top of the filling.
  1. Send Browni to baked in the oven, heated to 180 ° oven for 30 minutes. Do not overcover the cupcake so that it does not turn into a banal biscuit. Make sure that its meaning remains always a bit damp.

By the way, if you do not want to use banal cottage cheese, you can use Muscarpone in the same quantity in this recipe for a chocolate cake. The taste will be gentle, pleasant. Your brownie will just melt in the mouth.

Chocolate Brown Recipe with Cherry

If you want to cook Brown chocolate cake, then we recommend using a frozen cocktail cherry as a filling. She will give juice dessert and at the same time a little eliminate his shower sweetness. To cook the cherry brownie, you will need to do the following:

  1. Melt in the water bath for 200 g of chocolate and butter. In the resulting mass, add 2 eggs, then mix everything with a whisk. Then just add sugar powder (150 g) and mix everything again. Note that in this recipe it is not necessary to knead the egg-sugar mixture in a separate bowl.
  2. Add to the resulting mass of 100 g of sifted flour, the same amount of cocoa, 10 g of a baking powder and as much vanillin (the last ingredient is added if desired).
  3. Pour the resulting dough for Browni into the form for baking, and put the cherry from above. Only then send the cake to the oven for 30 minutes. The oven must be warmed up to 200 °.

Put prepared cherry brows with sugar powder or cherry syrup.

Brown Chocolate Cake Recipe with Malina

Raspberry Browni is a real pleasure. This berry can be combined with cottage cheese, any chocolate and syrup. Moreover, it is not necessary to use fresh raspberries. You can apply frozen if you made such blanks for the winter. Canning better not to use, otherwise you will have an exquisite American dessert, but the simplest pie with raspberry jam.

So tell you a step-by-step recipe for making chocolate brownie with Malina:

  1. Immediately take 300 g of frozen raspberries, defrost it, pour 250 g of sugar and 50 g starch. Until you knew the dough, it must be broken.
  2. After that, proceed to cooking the test. It is preparing the same as for classic brownie.
  3. Pour the resulting dough for Brauni into a baking shape, and spread the raspberry on top. Send a cake to the oven, heated to 180 ° 35 minutes.
  4. While Brownie joins to prepare chocolate glaze or crimson syrup. Usually housewives just sprink off the cake of sugar powder and decorate Brown with fresh berries of raspberries.

Chocolate Brown Recipe in Multicooker

Those housewives who have at personal disposal in the Kitchen Multivarka are very lucky, because with the help of this device you can cook American dessert Browni. Of course, it turns out not as the original version of the chocolate cake - it does not have a crispy crust, but very soft and tender. But it does not spoil the delicacy at all. To cook Brown in a slow cooker, you need:

  1. Prepare dough for cupcake on a classic recipe. Here you can use any chocolate. Even if you do not find pure black, then buy tiles with additives, for example, with almonds. Your dessert will only win this.
  2. Lubricate the baking form in which you will pour the dough, butter. We advise to bake in a slow cooker to use either silicone devices or self-made foil.
  3. Put Brauni baked into a slow cooker and turn on the mode. Cooking time Set 30 or 40 minutes.
  4. When the cake is ready, it will need to cut it into pieces and decorate. Since the taste will be close to the classic version of Brows, it will be logical to pour it with chocolate and spray with a nut chip.

Brown Chocolate Cake Recipe with Pumpkin

Lovers of unusual desserts can prepare brownie at home with pumpkin and chili pepper. A rather unusual combination of ingredients, but many very much like a treat, which is obtained as a result. We tell you a step-by-step recipe for cooking Pumpkin Brauni:

  1. First, as usual, we harvest 2 individual masses - sugar-egg (based on 2 eggs and 150 g of sugar) and chocolate (based on 200 g of chocolate and the same amount of butter).
  2. In 1250 g of sifted flour, it is necessary to add a pinch of salt, 8 g of a baking powder and the same amount of ground chili pepper. All should be mixed, and then add to the chocolate egg blank.
  3. Add 30 ml of vegetable oil to the dough, and then 250 g of the pumpkin puree (boil the pumpkin and grind it with a blender with a blender) and 25 g of cinnamon. If you want, you can also add vanillin at this stage.
  4. Mix the dough for Brown, and then recover it into the baking form. Send dessert to the oven, heated to 180 ° 35 minutes.

Pumpkin Brauni is served cold. Decorate it before applying on the table, chocolate and powdered sugar.

Chocolate Brown Recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

Julia Vysotskaya - the favorite of all housewives offers chocolate brawn oven with chocolate inside. To do this, it uses not just black chocolate, but several varieties of this sweet product. We present you a step-by-step recipe for Browni with a chocolate filling:

  1. First, melt in the water bath at 290 g of black and milk chocolate on a water bath.
  2. Add the same amount of creamy oil to this mixture.
  3. Separately, take the mixer into a lush mass of 4 eggs with brown sugar (it will take 100 g of this product).
  4. Sail 150 g of flour, add 8 g of the baking powder into it, and then mix the egg mixture with chocolate and flour.
  5. In the resulting dough, pour 120 g of white chocolate. It is best for this to buy chocolate in drops. It does not melt, but will remain slices in the test.
  6. Pour the resulting dough into shape, lubricated with butter, for baking.
  7. Send Browni in the oven, heated to 220 °, just 20 minutes. You will result in a chocolate brownie with a liquid stuffing.

Based on the prescriptions described above, you can invent your own. Add any fruits, sweets to this dessert and share your recipes with friends. It is possible that it is you will become the author of the present confectionery art.

Video: "Chocolate Brown Recipe"\u003dlQKR8SY391O.


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