
How to cook beef bififs. Rostbif recipes made of beef step by step with a photo. Rostbif Classic of beef in the oven

How to cook beef bififs. Rostbif recipes made of beef step by step with a photo. Rostbif Classic of beef in the oven
In this article, we will introduce you the best recipes for preparing Rostbif, which you can use in your home kitchen.

Rostbif is a traditional dish of English cuisine. Translated from English, it is called "fried beef." Previously, the British cooked meat only over an open fire to achieve a golden appetizing crust and an incredible spicy aroma of beef. The main thing is that inside the meat is pink, slightly damp, but edible. In this article, we will introduce you the best recipes for Zastbif from beef so that you can cook this exquisite dish for your home holidays and delight guests.

The history of the emergence of Rostbif

As we mentioned above, Rostbif arose in England in the Renaissance. It was during this period that the country reached the climax of its economic development. The whole world considered it not only better than a marine power, cattle breeding developed very successfully here, because the best climatic conditions developed for growing cattle.

That is why the British engaged in the breeding of cows, from which they received not only milk, but also meat. That is why the beef has become almost a national variety of meat for the inhabitants of Great Britain. Only now, the first time she still could not afford to acquire ordinary peasant people. Ground beef was frying exclusively for Sunday dinner to representatives of the aristocratic family. Court cooks were served with potatoes, vegetables and pudding to the meat. Potatoes were either boiled or frying. Also acted with vegetables.

But over time, when the beef ceased to be such an exquisite delicacy, commoners also began to buy it, although rarely. But the housewives were enough to experiment on cooking meat. They have created many unique Rostbif recipes that have become widespread around the world.

Beef -beef

Whatever the recipe for cooking fried beef you choose, you need to clearly learn a few secrets of processing and choosing meat:

  1. First, choose good meat:
  • culinary cooks recommend choosing pieces with fat layers, so that in the process of heat treatment the fat melts, and the meat is well soaked with its own juice;
  • for the preparation of Rostbif, it is not even important what part of the beef you take, but what it will be. The meat should not be frozen, but it is also better not to use fresh. Experienced culinary specialists recommend taking the aged meat. Veal for such a dish is not suitable;
  • if you need the taste of meat to be delicate, then you should store fresh beef in vacuum packaging for 3-5 days. By the way, it is this method that is widely used in all restaurants of European cuisine. If you want the taste of meat to be dry and concentrated, then you need to adapt a special room for exposure of beef, where you can hang it for 10 days and store it at a sufficiently high air temperature;
  • buy for the preparation of Rostbif beef brand "MIROTORG". Today, this meat is the best, it is used by all restaurateurs to prepare beef dishes in their establishments.
  1. Before you start cooking the Rostbif, make sure that the meat is at room temperature. Otherwise, the meat will turn out to be raw inside, since it will not bake inside correctly if you get it from the freezer and start cooking right away.
  2. Marinade can be used any. The main thing is that he does not overdry the appetizing crust of beef and does not spoil her taste. Here you can proceed from your personal preferences.
  3. Before sending the meat to the oven or in the pan, you need to wrap the meat with twine so that it preserves the form that you give it to it.
  4. Preparation time 1 kg of Rostbif - 45 minutes.
  5. After the indicated cooking time, you will take the meat from the oven or remove it from the pan. However, do not rush to immediately cut it into pieces. Let beef brew, soak in tastes and juices. Serve it to the table no earlier than after 20 minutes. This dish is served barely warm with different sauces and side dishes.

Rostbif recipes from beef with photo

Before we describe the recipes, how to cook a zeal bell from beef, we want to dwell in different degrees of frying meat in detail. After all, some love that it be with blood, others want the meat to be very fried. Be sure to take into account a few of the following features. If you cook meat without bones and want it to be with blood:

  • 900 g - are prepared for 40 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C;
  • 1.4 kg - prepared for 55 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C;
  • 1.8 kg - prepared for 65 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C;
  • 2.3 kg - prepared 75 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C;
  • 2.7 kg - prepared for 85 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C.

Important clarification! If you need to achieve the average fried roastbif, then add 15 minutes to all the above data, and if you need to achieve a very good fry, then add 30 minutes. For example, to prepare 900 g of beef of medium fried, you will have to spend 55 minutes, and a good fry - 70 minutes.

Classic zeal bifif from beef

Let's start with the simplest recipe - classic, which all the cooks know. The preparation process will consist of such stages:

  1. Take the desired part of the beef (preferably take the notch).
  2. Wash it and cut all the excess - neither tendons nor film - nothing should be on meat.
  3. Heat a frying pan greased with vegetable oil (it is better to choose olive). First, from all sides, fry the roast beef of beef in a pan so that it acquires a golden crust. In the process, water the meat with juice, which will stand out of it. Then send the meat to the oven at the time that you need (it depends on the degree of the roasting that you want to achieve).
  4. When the meat is ready and cool a little, cut it into thin slices.
  5. Melt butter, pour them meat, as well as boiled carrots, green peas and mashed potatoes. This is a classic feedbeth presentation in England.

Rostbif from beef in the oven

Rostbif can not be fried in a pan. There is a very good beef recipe baked in the oven. It is suitable for those who follow their figure or cannot afford to eat fried food in oil. What needs to be done to prepare a razbif in the oven:

  1. Cover the chosen piece of beef with vegetable oil, and with dry mustard and black ground pepper on top (some still sprinkle beef flour).
  2. Place the meat directly on the upper grate in the oven, and put a baking sheet on the bottom, in which the juice will drain from the meat.
  3. Once for the entire time of preparation of Rostbif, pour meat with this juice.
  4. To check whether it is ready to bug or not, use the culinary thermometer:
  • if you make meat with blood, then its temperature should be 55 ° C;
  • medium fried meat - 70 ° C;
  • well -fried beef - 80 ° C.
  1. When you take out the meat from the oven, give it 30 minutes to infuse, and then cut and serve.

If you want the meat not to be baked, then prepare the zeal bifif from the beef in the oven in the foil. Sprinkle it in the same way as the spices that we prescribed in the recipe, and then wrap it with foil. In this case, you will not need to put a baking sheet under it, since all the juice will be assembled in foil. Just keep in mind that the result may not be very pleased with you. Outwardly, the meat will look like boiled, but very healthy and tasty.

Pickled beef

The recipe for pickled zealing from beef suggests that it will need to be marinated after the roasting. We tell you step by step what and how to do:

  1. First, you need to properly treat the meat - cut all the veins, film from it, so that there is a beautiful juicy tenderloin.
  2. The meat is rubbed with pepper, garlic (dry) and pepper. You take all the ingredients by quantity.
  3. After that, the meat must be frying in a hot pan from all sides so that a beautiful golden crust forms on it. Then Rostbif is sent to the oven and is brought to readiness.
  4. While the meat is cooked, prepare the marinade. We will tell you a traditional way, but you can use any other:
  • chop in finely knife a bunch of parsley;
  • take 1 red onion and chop it with half rings;
  • mix onions with parsley, and then add rosemary to them with coriander, olive oil and soy sauce.
  1. The finished meat must be removed from the oven and coated it with a prepared marinade. After it cools down, cover the bowl with foil and send the Rostbif to the refrigerator for 4-5 hours.
  2. Before serving, the meat is cut into thin slices and served on the table.

This option of Rostbif can be used instead of sausage.

MARINADAS FOR ROSTBIF of beef: recipes

How to prepare a roast beef from beef is more or less clear. We offer to understand the options for preparing the marinade for beef, which will only complement or, perhaps, will differently reveal the taste of this unsurpassed meat:

  1. Caramel-horsepower marinade:
  • Drink 2 cloves of garlic in the crush, mix the resulting gruel with rosemary branches.
  • Add 500 ml of vegetable oil, 50 ml of soy sauce, 100 g of Woster sauce and a pinch of oregano to this mixture.
  • Separately prepare caramel. Just dissolve sugar in water in a hot pan. Pour the resulting sweetness into the blank for the sauce.
  • It remains only to add salt and pepper to the marinade. It is advisable not to regret pepper, it will only give the aroma of meat when you put it on.
  1. Cognac-honey marinade for Rostbif:
  • Take 100 g of Digon mustard and mix it with 1 tbsp. liquid honey.
  • After that, 2 tbsp is added to the honey-gorchic mass. Cognac, as well as salt with pepper to taste.
  • Immediately in it the meat is pickled before you send it to the oven or to the pan.
  1. Marinade for Zastyadina Rostbif from Julia Vysotskaya:
  • olive oil is mixed (its number is taken at its discretion), mixed with black pepper;
  • the meat is coated with part of the resulting mixture and immediately baked;
  • the remaining part needs to be mixed with juice, which will secrete meat during cooking;
  • in this marinade, Rostbif should stand for 2-3 hours, and only after that it can be served on the table (only it is advisable to heat it in the oven before serving).
  1. Marinade for Rostbif made of marble beef from Jamie Oliver:
  • mix 2 tbsp in one container. Woster sauce with the same amount of Dijon mustard;
  • add a few crushed sprigs of rosemary and gruel made from 3 cloves of garlic;
  • pour 3 tbsp into the marinade. olive oil and 2 tbsp. liquid honey;
  • at the end, pour salt and pepper into the marinade;
  • in such a marinade, the meat should be 2 hours before you send beef to the oven.

Beef zleadbif recipe in a slow cooker

A very tasty and healthy beef bifif can be made in a slow cooker. It turns out a dietary dish, which you can almost distinguish from the meat that is baked in the oven. Of course, there will be no baked crust on it, but the aroma from it will come incomparable. To prepare a zeal bifet of beef in a slow cooker, you need:

  1. As usual, treat meat - rid it of veins and film, as well as rinse.
  2. Grind it in white wine, olive oil, salt, pepper and dijon mustard (all ingredients can be taken in the amount in which you will consider necessary).
  3. 1 hour after the meat is marked, put it on the bottom of the multicooker container, and turn on the “Extinguishing” mode. The meat will be prepared for 90 minutes.
  4. Immediately after the multicooker gives you a signal that the cooking process is completed, do not get the meat, but let it reach for 30 minutes.
  5. Then take it out of the slow cooker, cut it into pieces and serve it to the table.

Beef bastard sauce

In order for a stake from Zealfy beefbifs to turn out like in a restaurant, be sure to prepare a special sauce for him. As we have already mentioned, in the classical presentation it is stipulated that the meat must simply be watered with melted butter. We suggest you cook a delicious gravy that will reveal the taste of beef in other colors:

  1. Drain the juice from the meat, which will definitely stand out in the process of preparing Rostbif.
  2. Mix it from 125 g of red wine (it is best to take port).
  3. Boil 500 ml of vegetable broth (it should be saturated - use less water and more vegetables).
  4. Mix all the liquids together, and then add 50 g of butter at room temperature to the resulting mixture.
  5. Put the gravy on the fire so that it thickens a little and boil. Before serving, pour it to the Rostbif.

We hope that our Rostbif recipes will come in handy in the kitchen. New Year's holidays are nearing, which never do without meat dishes. Let Rostbif become a worthy decoration of your New Year's table.

Video: "How to make a zeal bucket from beef?"



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