
How to prepare an Italian dessert of a panookota at home. Recipes Dessert Panakota step by step with photos

How to prepare an Italian dessert of a panookota at home. Recipes Dessert Panakota step by step with photos
Thanks to this article, you will learn to do at home the Italian dessert of a panookotte with a creamy taste. The article presents panacot recipes with photos.

Who does not like a gentle and air dessert, such as a panicota. It is often ordered in the restaurants of Italian cuisine. It is possible to enjoy its taste at home, if you cook a panacot yourself. But to give a dessert of the original taste you need to know small tricks of his recipe.

Italian dessert panna cotta - what is it

  • First of all, panna cotta - it is a cold dessert that is eaten with a spoon. He refers to dishes with exceptionally creamy taste. Therefore, the use of chocolate and cocoa is unacceptable. But at the same time, there are many recipes with chocolate flavor.
  • The basis are the panna cotta cream. Precisely because of this ingredient dessert gets its name. If you translate it literally, it would sound like "cooked cream". Creamy taste improving additive ingredients.
  • Do not confuse the panna cotta with jelly. This is a very different dessert. Italian course like many of the delicate milk flavor and an air base. Some panna cotta seems complicated gourmet meal. But this exquisite dessert is a very simple recipe, which can be repeated any hostess.
  • The classic version of panna cotta is prepared without sugar and gelatin. Dense texture it receives due to the broth of fish bones. It is a dessert you can taste in Italy. As for us, there are several options for the preparation of cold delicacies with a variety of flavors and conventional gelatin.
  • Even those who follow a healthy diet, can find a diet recipe for panna cotta. In this case, reduce calorie dessert can be, if not to use heavy cream or yogurt to replace them. So, instead of high-calorie fruit extracts are added.
  • Despite the simple ingredients in the dessert, it is like many of the supply elegance and unique taste. That is why it is so popular in many countries.

Secrets of cooking Italian dessert - panna cotta

Panna cotta recipe only at first glance seems simple due to the small number of ingredients. But in the preparation of technology should be considered minor tweaks, so that you get a unique taste.

  • To get a true Italian dessert, you must use only high-fat cream. Best of all, if it is the product of domestic production.
  • Furthermore panna cotta creamy taste different from other desserts saturated vanillin flavor. So do not regret it for a prescription.
  • Traditionally, gelatin is used in the panna cotta. But modern recipes include it. Just add the gelatin needed in small quantities, as a dessert only need to shape, rather than the foundation.
  • A panookota must have a homogeneous consistency. Therefore, if you got jelly lumps in the mixture, then strain it through the sieve.
  • It is categorically impossible to boil cream. It will only spoil the taste. The liquid is adjusted to a boil and then the divorced gelatin is added.
  • If you do not like the taste of greasy cream, then during cooking a panatic dilute them with milk. The taste of the dessert will not change, but it will become less fat.
  • The dessert is pre-calcined by molds and cooled. Then removes from them and is served on the dish. You can also pour it right into portion glasses and eat from them.
  • To easily get a panacot from the form, put it for a few seconds in warm water. Then turn over the dish and slightly shake the container.
  • Cold dessert is made to decorate fresh berries, mint or fruit jam and syrup. Traditionally, Panacot is served with raspberry and strawberry. But you can also use red currants, cherry or blueberries.

Panachota - Classic Cooking Recipe

The traditional Italian dessert of the panookota looks very simple. But do not let it fool yourself. With the first spoon of delicacy, you will feel the aroma of a dairy cream and a thin taste. Such a gentle dish can be prepared at home.

Ingredients for dessert:

  • large cream - 400 ml.;
  • white sugar - 80 gr.;
  • gelatin sheets - 1 pc., 2 gr.;
  • vanilla essence - 2 drops.


Step 1. In this dessert, gelatin sheets are used, but you can add ordinary gelatin as a powder. But only correctly calculate the proportions in relation to cream. You will need 1 sheet, the total mass of which is 2 gr.

Step 2. The gelatin sheet is soam in cold water for 10 minutes. Be sure to plunge it into fluid. In this form, the ingredient does not melt, but only changes the form. While powder gelatin is completely dissolved, so use a small amount of cream or warm water.

Step 3. In a sauper, pour cream, pour all sugar immediately. Put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Often stir the liquid to make the tanks of sugar completely melted. Then remove the container from the plate, slightly cool down and add a vanilla essence.

Step 4. The gelatinist is removed from the water and squeeze well to remove the extra liquid. Put it into warm cream and take care of the wedge. For this dessert, a dense consistency is necessary, so do not use a blender. It will make a mixture of air.

Advice. If gelatin did not dissolve evenly and you have lumps in cream, then skip the mixture through a sieve or use the gauze.

Step 5. Prepare Panacot Movings. They will only be used to give the form dessert. Fill them with cream cream and put to stick in the refrigerator. For 4 hours the dish will be ready. But this time may change depending on the gelatin that you used. Therefore, carefully examine the instructions for the product.

After the panachota is frozen, the color will slightly change, it is considered the norm.

Step 6. To facilitate the process of getting a dessert from the form, lower it in hot water for a few seconds depending on the size of the container. So the panakota melts slightly and it will easily fall out of the form.

Step 7. Place the dessert on the plate and before feeding with honey. You can also decorate the dish with fresh berries or fruit syrup.

How to prepare a dessert of a panookotte with coconut and blueberries

Based on a classic recipe prepares dessert with additional ingredients. So cream taste perfectly combined with coconut. Instead of caramel or syrup, use inheriek sauce.

Recipe products:

  • fat cream - 2 tbsp.;
  • gelatin in powder - 1 pack;
  • coconut milk - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 0.5 Art. + 2 tbsp. l;
  • salt - ¼ h. l.;
  • vanillin - ½ tsp;
  • coconut extract - 2 h.

Products for blueberry sauce:

  • red wine - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • sugar - ¾ Art.;
  • any berry jelly - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • berries Blueberries - 1 tbsp.

Cooking process:

Step 1. In this recipe, the usual gelatin will be used instead of leaf. In a small container, take some cold cream. Pour the powder gelatin to them.

Step 2. Well stir the mixture. She will appear lumps - do not be afraid, gelatin melts over time. Give powder to swell about 5 minutes.

Step 3. In the Schillina, pour the rest of the cream, add sugar with salt and bring to a boil. Constantly stir the mixture, so sugar completely dissolve.

Step 4. Reduce the fire on the stove to the minimum mark. Add vanillin and coconut extract to the creamy mix. Mix the cream with a spoon to dissolve evenly.

Step 5. In the container, pour coconut milk and immediately add the gelatin mixture. Continue to warm the liquid, constantly stirring it, until it dissolve lumps. But at the same time, watch the cream do not boil.

Step 6. Ready cream strain through fine sieve. So you will have a panakota with a homogeneous consistency without grazing.

Step 7. Conventional glasses or glasses can be used as a dessert tank. Fill out with a cream cream for three-quarters of the total volume.

Step 8. Gently transfer the glasses in the refrigerator. Make sure that the glass is not dirty. Therefore, do not tilt the dishes. Leave the mixture to cool for 2-3 hours.

Step 9. For the preparation of the sauce, pour the wine in a saucepan, add sugar. Stir the liquid and bring to a boil. Then get the fire, negotiate the mixture before thickening.

Step 10. Fresh Blueberry Berries rinse and add to the guilt. If you use frozen berries, then before use it is necessary to defrost them and drain the water. Immediately put in the tank jelly.

Step 11. Sauce must be slapped another 10-15 minutes. So he will be poisoned by juice of berries and will be thick. Turn off the stove and leave the syrup cool.

Step 12. When a panookota completely freezes, get it out of the refrigerator and pour the berry sauce from above.

Step 13. Place the dessert again in the refrigerator so that the syrup thickens even more. Serve Panacot in the chilled form.

Panakota - Dessert Recipe with Mango and Figure Layers

  • Italian dish is prepared not only with berry sauces. Often, fruits are used as an additional taste. In this case, they need to give the same consistency as the cream cream.
  • Since the panakota with mango is fed by layers, they must be prepared separately. You can also use transparent glasses as a form. Make the layers in it diagonally for the original feed.

Ingredients for the first layer of dessert:

  • mashed out of fresh mango - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • condensed milk - 0,5 banks;
  • purified water - 1 tbsp.;
  • gelatin - 5 gr.

Ingredients for the second layer of dessert:

  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • purified water - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • gelatin - 5 gr.

You will also need pieces of mango pulp to decorate panacotes and color dragee.

Instructions for work:

Step 1. The gelatin is soaked in cold water for 10-15 minutes. Then boil the water, cool down and put the swollen powder into it. Stir it carefully and put the mixture to cool.

Step 2. Mango rinse under running water, clean the peel and remove the bone. Cut the pulp slices and put in a blender. Add sugar. Take the mixture to the condition of the puree.

Step 3. Mango mashed potatoes Press into a saucepan and put to boil on medium heat. When the mixture only boils, immediately remove from the plate and proceed to another container.

Step 4. To mango pour condensed milk and gelatin. Went up the mixture slightly so that the ingredients are mixed with each other. Then the cream with mango is cool to room temperature.

Step 5. To make curly layers at Panacotes, take a large dish, stuck it with a kitchen towel, but turn it around the circumference of the dishes. So you will have a high side. Put the glasses at the angle on it. Fill them on half a mango cream.

Step 6. Carefully stop the plate into the refrigerator so that the panicota froze. You may need from 2 to 4 hours.

Step 7. Pour milk into the pan, put on the stove and warm. Put sugar sugar into warm milk, boil the liquid to the complete dissolution of grains. Then turn off the fire, and cool the milk.

Step 8. Prepare gelatin as for the first layer. To the dairy mixture, pour oily creams together with gelatin. Using a whisk, stir cream cream.

Step 9. From the refrigerator, get glasses with the first layer of panacotes. Turn them into normal position.

Step 10. Pour the second layer of dessert into the shape of the second layer of the dessert. The glass fill in a completely creamy cream.

Step 11. In the vertical position, put the dishes in the refrigerator. A panicota should thicken, only after that serve it to the table.

Additionally, you can decorate dessert by mango cubes and sprinkle on top of color dragee.

How to make a dessert of a panookot

The pasta with forest nuts and cocoa love not only children, but most adults. Although the classical panookota does not have a chocolate taste, it can be added using the novella.

Ingredients for dessert:

  • cream with large fatty - 400 ml.;
  • white sugar - 24 grams.
  • sheet gelatin - 14 gr.;
  • mint syrup - 10 ml.;
  • strawberry syrup - 10 ml.;
  • nuttella pasta - 60 grams;
  • vanilla - to taste;
  • strawberry and mint for decoration.


Step 1. Prepare cream cream. Pre-soak the sheets of gelatin in cold water. Cream pour into the saucepan, pour sugar to them and throw vanilla pods. Heat the mixture, but do not boil. Remove from the stove, cool and add gelatin. Mix the cream thoroughly. Shared mass divide into 3 equal parts.

Step 2. Pour one of the pieces of cream in forms. Fill the glass for a third and place it cool into the refrigerator for 2 hours. Then the second part of the cream mix with mint syrup. When the first layer of panacotes will freeze, fill in a mixture with a mint taste another third of a glass. Put on a couple of hours again. After that, mix the remaining cream with strawberry syrup and completely fill in it with a glass. Then stop the dishes with a panacota in the refrigerator.

Step 3. Nuttella put into the confectionery bag. When the top layer of the dessert is frozen, decorate it with paste. You will need about 16 grams for one portion.

Step 4. Strawberry wash and dry well. Then cut to 4 pieces slices and decorate the panacot. Add to berries Add mint leaves.

How to make a dessert of a panookota in eggshell

In order to interest the children with dessert, it is necessary not only to prepare it delicious, but also to apply original. For example, use an ordinary egg shell instead of a panatic form. But the dessert itself makes the egg.

Ingredients for unusual panacotes:

  • cream fatness of 30% - 300 ml.;
  • milk - 70 ml.;
  • vanilla extract - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • gelatin - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water - ¼ Art.

Products for Mousse from Mango:

  • mango - 0.5 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ground ginger - ½ h.;
  • gelatin - 1.5 h.;
  • water - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking a dessert of a panookotte with step-by-step photos:

Step 1. Prepare eggshell. Eggs first wash well in soapy water. It must be done, since you will contact the egg, and bacteria can remain on it. Put the egg in the stand stupid side upstairs. The knife is slightly hit by the shell.

Step 2. You have to get a fairly large dent. If necessary, then hit the knife again.

Step 3. Clean the top of the shell. At the same time, the edges of the opening may be uneven, as it does not matter for this dessert.

Step 4. Turn the egg over the container and pour its contents. You must completely free the shell. Prepare in this way all eggs.

Step 5. Each improvised form must be rinsed inside. Then put the shell in the oven for 60 minutes. Dry it at a temperature of 100 degrees. This procedure not only disinfect the inner surface of the egg, but also makes it more elastic.

Step 6. First prepare a manga panacot that will act as a yolk. Gelatin soak in cold water. Mango flesh and put in a blender. Add ginger to it and lemon juice. Watch the fruit to the state of the paste.

Step 7. Purchase mashed potatoes in the saucepan, put on fire and warm. As soon as the mass begins to throw, turn off the fire. Cool and add gelatin. Mongo mix and put to stick in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

  • You don't need to pour the mixture into a special form, since you will make yolk from this panakota. After the frozen, you should get this such a panicot.

Step 8. While the eggs are heat treatment, and mango is frozen, prepare a panacote in the usual way. Cream and milk with sugar warm up to dissolve the grains, cool down, pour swollen gelatin and mix the mixture thoroughly.

Step 9. When a panookota will be a little glance, reclix it into the confectionery syringe. At the bottom of the shell pour a small amount of creamy mixture. Give her to frozen in the refrigerator 20-30 minutes.

Step 10. Spoon for frozen from a mango panacot. Cut the ball in the size of the egg hole.

Step 11. Carefully place the improvised yolk inside the shell on the top of the white panacot.

Step 12. The rest of the space fill the creamy mixture. Use a confectionery syringe for this.

Step 13. Eggs in a cool place until the cream of cream is completely frozen.

  • Such a dessert must be eaten by a special way. To feed the finished panacotes, use the Egg Stand. Put the dessert on it, but only upside down. So you have a hole on the shell hits, and the egg will look entire.

  • Ask a child to break the shell from above and clean it from the protein (creamy panacot).

  • When the baby begins to eat the dessert, he will definitely get to the yolk (mango panacotes). In this way, you can not only surprise your child, but also play friends.

How to make a lemon panacot in chocolate molds

For lovers of chocolate taste should not be upset. Italian dessert can be prepared in an unusual way - in chocolate molds. So you will feel the taste of real panacotes and cocoa.

Ingredients for Panacotes:

  • clean cream or diluted with milk - 650 ml.
  • flesh and juice from 2 lemons;
  • sugar - 100 gr.;
  • sheet gelatin - 4 pcs.;
  • water - 400 ml.;
  • vanillin is to taste.

For the molds, you will need any chocolate and silicone shapes with a culinary brush.


Step 1. Cream Put into the container, add juice and lemon flesh. Pour sugar, stir the mixture with a wedge to a homogeneous consistency.

Step 2. Put the dishes on the stove, set the minimum temperature. Constantly stirring, bring the cream to a boil. When the first bubbles on the surface of the liquid begin to appear, immediately turn off the fire.

Step 3. The sheets of gelatin must be soaked in cold water for a couple of minutes. Then press them and shift them into the cooled cream cream. Stir the cream again to dissolve gelatin.

Step 4. Pour the mixture into a mixer and slightly sweep so that the mixture becomes homogeneous. Panacot to the refrigerator for 1 hour. During this time, dessert cool, but will not freeze.

Step 5. For molds, break chocolate into pieces of the same size. Pour water into the pan, boil, install a small container from above. Melt chocolate on a water bath.

Step 6. Pour chocolate into a silicone shape, turn it into different directions. So the fondant is evenly spread over the inner side of the form. If necessary, you can use a culinary brush for chocolate distribution.

Step 7. Put in the refrigerator until complete hardening of chocolate. Then get chocolate blanks from forms. Due to the fact that silicone has a soft base, you can easily make it.

Step 8. Slightly frozen cream cream in the confectionery syringe and fill them chocolate forms. Put the dessert to stick in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Before feeding Panacot, decorate berries and syrup.

How to cook a tiramisu taste panakot

To prepare a classic panacote, it is not customary to use coffee or cocoa. But modern recipes have several variations of dessert. One of them is a panicotus with a taste of tiramisu, in which the cream mitigation uses cheese mascarpone.

Products for the basics of dessert:

  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • muskarpone Cheese - Glakana;
  • coffee soluble - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • coffee liqueur - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • brown sugar - 1/3 of Art.;
  • agar-agar powder - 1.5 h.;
  • cocoa powder for decoration - 1 tbsp. l.

Syrope preparation products:

  • strong coffee - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • brown sugar - 0.5 cent.;
  • vanilla essence - 2 h.

Creamy cream and syrup recipe:

Step 1. Measure all the necessary ingredients. In the bowl, pour soluble coffee and brown sugar.

Step 2. Add 1 tbsp. l. Water, mix the mixture and put on a slow fire. As soon as sugar is completely dissolved, remove the container from the fire.

Step 3. When the mixture cools, pour the liquor. In addition to alcoholic beverage with coffee taste, you can use any other.

Step 4. In a separate container, pour milk to it, hurt the agar-agar. Spoon thoroughly mix the mixture and give the powder to swell.

Step 5. After 10 minutes, lay out mascarpone cream. Cheese has a high fatty, so cream is necessarily divorced by milk, as it is necessary to reduce the fat content of the dessert.

Step 6. Cheese Frost to a spoon. The mixture thoroughly take care to split all the lumps.

Step 7. Connect the milk with cream. Stir the cream to a homogeneous consistency.

Step 8. Put the capacity on the stove, turn on the slow fire. Heat the mixture to boil.

Step 9. When the fluid just starts to throw, pour the coffee. But at the same time leave a saucepan on fire and constantly stir the panacot.

Step 10. Continue to cook the cream as long as it starts thick. It will you understand when the mixture will begin to stick to a spoon.

Step 11. Mix the mixture to room temperature and run through the molds. It will be stuck much faster, as cooked on the basis of agar-agar.

Step 12. Forms not necessarily put in the refrigerator, leave them on the table. So that the panoccuit is not covered with a crust, cover the molds of the food film.

An hour later, the dessert will take the necessary consistency. He completely thickens.

Step 13. To remove the panakota, find it with a knife. Gently draw them between the dessert and the walls of the form. Then put it in boiling water for 2-3 seconds.

Then sharply flip panacot over a plate.

Step 14. For the preparation of a coffee syrup, connect the cooked coffee with sugar. Boil the mixture on fire before thickening, add a vanilla essence. Mix caramel thoroughly and pour to a plate. Decorate the dessert with cocoa powder.

Prepare in the home atmosphere, the real Italian dessert of the panookota is very simple. But to repeat the original taste of the dish, it is necessary to strictly follow the recipe. Bon Appetit!

You can make a panacote not only with the use of gelatin, but also agar-agar. About how it is right and how much to add it to the cream cream, look at the video:


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