
How to cook Khinkali in Georgian. Classic recipe for Khinkali in Georgian step by step with a photo. Recipes of dough and minced meat for Khinkali in Georgian

How to cook Khinkali in Georgian. Classic recipe for Khinkali in Georgian step by step with a photo. Recipes of dough and minced meat for Khinkali in Georgian
The article presents a step-by-step recipe with a photo preparation photo in Georgian. How to prepare the dough, filling and sauce for Khinkali in Georgian. Features of the recipe for Georgian khinkali.

Khinkali belong to Georgian cuisine and this is not just an ordinary dish, although it consists of a minimum number of ingredients. Its preparation is considered a whole art, which can only be mastered with experience. Of course, real khinkali can only be tried in Georgia. But at home you can prepare them if you observe not only the recipe and technology, but also some tricks.

Features of cooking khinkali in Georgian and the secrets of the recipe

Khinkali is considered a weekend dish that does not like haste. The classic recipe for Georgian food is prepared by the whole family, passing its energy to the test and stuffing. Before you start modeling, study all the features of the preparation.

  • The main condition of the dish is the sequence of actions. First, a tight dough is kneaded, but only the stuffing is prepared with a top. So you give a flour mass to relax before using it. At the same time, the filling must also be left to soak. This time will take dough rolling and preparation of molding forms.
  • So that the Khinkali dough according to the Georgian recipe does not work out loose, all the ingredients for him should be at room temperature. But the broth or water for minced meat, on the contrary, is ice.
  • Also, for juiciness, water is replaced with milk or cream, but the fat content of the product is important to regulate depending on the amount of lamb. Otherwise, the dish will turn out to be fat.
  • For those who first prepare a Georgian chinkali dish or do not manage to make a lot of folds on the test, there is one trick of collecting a bag. Raise the edges of the circle, “grab” the thumb and forefinger, put the meat in the center with a spoon. Then bend your fingers in a circle. So your bag will drag on. Now hold the dough well so that the filling remains inside during cooking.
  • It is customary to chop meat for filling, and not grind in a meat grinder. To facilitate this process, it is cut into large pieces and sent to the freezer for a quarter of an hour.
  • The minced meat with spices and broth must be thoroughly and mixed for a long time for about 15-20 minutes. During this time, the meat is nourished with liquid, and all the ingredients are evenly interconnected.
  • For one welding, you need to prepare 5-7 pieces of khinkali. Do not sculpt them too much, otherwise the dough will break from the liquid filling without having time to get into boiling water.
  • With the advent of modern equipment for the kitchen, some housewives wonder: “How to cook Georgian khinkali in a slow cooker?” You can cook them in the usual way in the "soup" mode or use the "steam" function. Only in this case, the bowl must be lubricated with vegetable oil and increased cooking time to 30 minutes.
  • It is also allowed to fry the finished chinkali in vegetable oil. To get a flat crust, there should be a large amount of oil so that the dish is completely immersed in it.

Ways to prepare dough for khinkali in Georgian

  • The dough for the preparation of Georgian khinkali is prepared based on 3 ingredients. This is flour, water and salt. Additionally, you are not recommended to use any spices, since they will be rich in minced meat. Otherwise, the filling will not be felt for the taste of the test.
  • When kneading the dough, it is important that it turns out to be dense, but elastic. To do this, it is important to take into account the ratio of fluid and flour, in which ½ part of the water is taken into two parts of the flour. But since the gluten of the flour is different, you can add it to the already mixed test. Just do it in small portions so that the dough is not scored.
  • The classic recipe for Khinkali in Georgian does not provide for the addition of eggs. Or it must be used in small quantities so that the flour mass does not lose elasticity and elasticity. An excess of the yolk in the dough will make it similar to the pasta.
  • Also, add the usual or sea salt. Exclude various additives, especially iodized salt. If you are not sure how the components in salt with filling will interact, then it is better not to use them.
  • It is best to use hard wheat flour for the Georgian dish for the Georgian dish. It should be enriched with oxygen, for which the powder is sifted several times through a small sieve.
  • To ensure the test of the necessary elasticity, it should be kneaded in three stages. After each time, it is necessary to restore the mass at room temperature. To exclude the appearance of a healing crust on the dough, it should be covered with a kitchen towel or wrapped in a food film.
  • The finished dough can be stored up to 3 days. To do this, wrap it with cling film and put it in the refrigerator. Thus, you can knead it in advance.

A recipe for lean dough for Khinkali in Georgian

According to the classic recipe for Khinkali in Georgian, a lean dough is kneaded. Despite simple ingredients, it is important to observe the cooking technology.

Prepare such products:

  • film flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • purified water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • stone salt - 1 tsp.

Cooking recipe:

  • Measure the flour and sift it 2-3 times. This process will not only enrich it with oxygen, but also eliminates large particles and possible impurities with garbage. Pour it into a deep container and make a recess in the center. Add salt.

  • Water for the dough should be warm. Therefore, pre -boil it and cool it slightly. Add with a thin stream and small portions to the flour mixture. Focus on the consistency of the dough, if necessary, reduce or increase the volume of fluid.

  • Place the dough with your hands. Check its readiness as follows. Take a small piece of mass in your hands and pull in different directions. Khinkali dough should be elastic and not to break. This quality of mass will preserve the filling inside the bag.

  • Do not use the dough right away, but cook it in stages. Remember that the mixtures should be given to rest, every time after kneading. During the rest, cover the container with a kitchen towel or cling film.

Test recipe with the addition of eggs for chinkali in Georgian

For the recipe, Khinkali in Georgian with meat filling is often prepared by egg dough. If you add them in the correct proportion in relation to flour, then this will increase the elasticity of the flour mass.

Ingredients for the test:

  • film flour, taking into account rolling - 1.4 kg.;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • warm water - 450 ml.;
  • sea salt is a pinch.

The course of work:

  • Pour the sifted flour into a container for kneading. Make a recess and drive 2 eggs into it, which should have room temperature. Do not forget to wash the shell in soapy water before.

  • Immediately pour warm water to flour, but try to do it carefully so that it remains in the center of the mass.

  • Start kneading the dough with your hands. First mix the eggs with water, then gradually mix the flour.

  • Form the finished dough in the form of a ball. If it sticks to your hands, then add a little more flour and knead the dough thoroughly again.

  • Cover the container with cling film, then after 15-20 minutes, again knead the dough and let it rest for another 30 minutes. Repeat this procedure once again and start rolling.

A recipe for dough with vegetable oil and milk for khinkali in Georgian

The dough for homemade khinkali can be prepared based on milk or cream with the addition of vegetable oil. In this case, the oil does not need to be additionally added to boiling water for cooking khinkali, since it is already in the test.

Ingredients for the test:

  • large chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk or cream - 200 ml.;
  • vegetable oil without smell - 50 ml.;
  • salt is to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash the eggs, wipe with a napkin so that the excess fluid does not get into the dough. Pull them into the bowl, pour the salt. Mix the mixture thoroughly with a fork.

  • Vegetable oil, like milk, should be at room temperature. Pour the ingredients to the eggs and beat the mixture again, but only with a whisk, and not with the help of a blender.

  • Start the sifted flour gradually introduced into the egg mass. First knead the dough with a spoon, then transfer it to a cutting board and continue to knead with your hands.

  • Wrap the finished dough with cling film and put in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. For this recipe, its phased preparation is not necessary, you can start modeling after one relaxation of the test.

How to prepare a meat filling for a Khinkali in Georgian

  • Traditionally, a lamb with beef in equal proportions is used for filling. One lamb will make it not only fat, but also dry. Although Khinkali is served in warm form, the fat on it quickly freezes, which can make the dish heavy.
  • It is important not only the choice of meat, but also its preparation. Carefully inspect the cutout, cut the veins, film and large pieces of fat with a sharp knife. It does not need to be cut completely, so the filling will remain juicy.
  • Hinkali meat is customary to cut into small pieces and grind with a knife. If you use a meat grinder, then install a large grate and do not grind the product several times. In the filling, pieces of meat should be felt, not a continuous mass.
  • The bow plays a large role for minced meat in Khinkali, it should be a lot of calculation: one part of the onion and 2 meat. If you cut it with a knife, then before adding onion to the meat should be crushed with your hands. When using a meat grinder, the juice itself leaves the vegetable, which is also added to the filling.
  • A separate role is given to spices. Georgian cuisine differs from the majority of the rest with a spicy and spicy taste. Traditionally, a mixture of peppers, garlic, hop-sunels, kumin, zira and, of course, salt are used. It is best to add large sea salt, as its grains slowly give their salinity, thereby gradually saturating the taste of the filling.
  • But the use of greenery in the minced meat is controversial. Most Georgians do not like to use cilantro, parsley or dill in the filling. But there are adherents of fresh seasonings, so adding them to minced meat only to your taste.
  • The finished filling must necessarily be nourished with meat broth. It is necessary to add it only in cold form. Therefore, weld it in the usual way. To give aroma and taste, add vegetables with spices in boiling water. But only correctly calculate the number of seasonings in the filling so as not to make it too spicy.
  • The ideal amount of liquid in relation to the filling: 50 ml. for 500 g. meat. If the indicated volume is not enough, then gradually add the broth for 1 tbsp. spoon. Keep in mind that the filling should not “swim” in water, but be liquid. The broth can be replaced with water, but the taste will suffer from this.
  • Pay attention to the number of fillings. She should be freely in the bag. So the broth with meat is nourished with tastes, and hot air inside will accelerate the cooking process.

Classic recipe for the filling for Khinkali in Georgian

Khinkali in Georgian cuisine is prepared according to a traditional recipe, which provides a minimum of ingredients. So for the dough, only water with flour and salt is used, and the filling consists of meat, onions and spices.

Necessary products:

  • beef and pork in equal parts - 1 kg.;
  • large dry bow - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 tooth.;
  • ice water - 210 ml.;
  • salt and spices are at your discretion.

Preparation of the filling:

  • Rinse each piece of meat in running water. Then dry with paper towels or a napkin. Cut the veins with the film and the main part of the fat. But do not cut everything, leave it a small amount. This will make the filling more juicy.

  • The main piece of meat is cut into several parts of a smaller size. Then cut the meat with a cube.

  • For khinkali, it is customary to use meat in ruble form. So it is cut, not choke. This technique allows the meat to preserve the juice inside, from which the filling will become more juicy.

  • Peel the onion with garlic from the husk and also cut into small parts. Adjust their amount to your liking, but there should be many onions.

  • In a separate container, combine the meat with onions and garlic. At this stage, it is necessary to season the filling and salt. The classic recipe does not provide for the use of eggs in minced meat.

  • Add cold water and mix the mixture thoroughly with a spoon. Put the minced meat in the refrigerator for 40-60 minutes so that it is fed. Do not forget to cover the capacity with a lid.

Filling with chopped meat and greens for Khinkali in Georgian

In some areas, Georgia prefer to add greens to the filling for Khinkali. It can be parsley, dill, and of course, cilantro. You can also use basil. This ingredient is added to your taste.

Supply products:

  • beef with lamb - 450 gr.;
  • meat broth - 1 tbsp.;
  • dry bow - 2 pcs.;
  • cleaned garlic - 3 tooth.;
  • different greens - 1 beam;
  • spices - salt and ground pepper.

Preparation instructions:

  • Boil a rich broth on the meat that you plan to use in the filling. In this recipe, this is pork with beef. To enrich its taste, add vegetables. But be careful with spices, as they are also added to the minced meat.
  • Strain the finished broth from the remnants of the products, measure the required volume and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

  • Wash the pieces of meat, dry and cut into steaks, each of which chop into pieces.

  • Prepare the minced meat by cutting, not twisting in a meat grinder. Use two sharp knives for this. You should get a homogeneous mass.

  • Peel the onion and also chop into pieces. Moreover, the form is not important, the main thing is that the parts are the same size.

  • Grind the garlic in any way convenient for you. Rinse the greens in running water and chop with a knife. She, like Luke, should be a lot in the filling.

  • Transfer products into a separate large container. Add salt. But from spices, use only ground black pepper or a mixture of peppers. Since greens in itself have aroma and taste, it may not be combined with other seasonings.

  • Mix the filling with your hands. At the same time, try to press the mixture so that the bow releases its juice and mixes with the rest of the ingredients.

  • Then take out the broth from the refrigerator and enter the minced meat in small portions. So you can regulate the thickness of the fillings. Mix again and leave to eat for 15-20 minutes.

Meat filling through a meat grinder for Khinkali in Georgian

Some housewives use a meat grinder to cook the filling in order to save time. In this case, it will only be enough to thoroughly interfere with the mixture.

Prepare the such ingredients:

  • beef clipping - 500 gr.;
  • onions - 1 goal.;
  • chilled water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • parsley and spices.

Squeare of actions:

  • Prepare the meat and cut it in small pieces. Peel the onion, cut into 4 parts. Greens can not be grinded. Put water in the refrigerator.

  • On a meat grinder, install a large grid so that the minced meat has pieces, and not a continuous mass. Twist the filling into a separate container.

  • The second time move the meat with greens and onions. But you can immediately add them during the first chopping of meat or ground them separately.

  • Steam the minced meat with other products with a spoon. Since the bow was processed in a meat grinder, the juice from it was leaned, and there is no need to crush the vegetable with his hands.

  • When the filling acquires a homogeneous consistency, pour in the water and mix the mixture again. Put it in the refrigerator while you roll out the dough.

How to sculpt khinkali in Georgian

  • The thickness of the dough rolling has its own feature. If you make it thick, then the filling will not be cooked, and too thin layer can break during cooking, and the juice will flow out. Therefore, the ideal size of the dough for khinkali is 3-4 mm.
  • Khinkali have a large size, which is much exceeding the usual dumplings. Therefore, a cake for it should have a large diameter of at least 15 cm in size. Therefore, it can be cut out with a saucer or rolled out in a special machine.
  • There are several techniques for collecting dough in a bag for cooking khinkali. But the main trick is to carefully seal the top and cut it. This will not let the juice leak out of the bag during cooking.
  • The number of folds on the test is considered to be a special art in preparing khinkali. Experienced housewives make up to 36 folds on one bag, but 16 pieces are allowed. Beginners can start with 10 bends.

The traditional method of sculpting khinkali in Georgian

You can roll out the dough the required thickness only when using special kitchen equipment. This process is greatly facilitated in restaurants. But at home you can use the kitchen nozzle to roll out the dough.

  • The flour mass first must be rolled out by car with a thin layer.

  • Then turn it on a flat surface. So you will make several layers of dough, which will increase its strength during cooking and make elastic.

  • The finished roll of the dough is squeezed on the sides. This is how the mass for Khinkali is prepared.

  • Then the dough is cut into the same pieces of 40 g each.

  • All parts must be rolled into a thin layer and sprinkled with flour.

  • Now there is an important point in the formation of the bag. Apply a little flour to the table, put one cake and fill it with a filling.

  • The edges of the circle should be lifted and started to collect with folds. Make bends as close to each other as possible.

  • Twist in this way the dough throughout the circle.

  • Here is such a workpiece for Khinkali in Georgian should you succeed. Look at the photo.

  • Now take the bag with two hands and press the place of the folds on the test well.

  • Cut the tail with a knife. So you get an even slice. But you can also just tear it with your hands.

  • Transfer the finished khinkali to the plate and boil it right away.

Home method of sculpting khinkali in Georgian

  • Khinkali is considered more a home dish than restaurant. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare it at home in a calm environment. Divide the rested dough into 2 parts. Each of which prepare in a special way.

  • Sprinkle the kitchen table with flour. Roll the ball from the dough, then press it and knead the mass well.

  • In this case, it is necessary to fold the dough in half, forming layers. So it is necessary to do until the mass becomes elastic.

  • With the help of a rolling pin, roll the dough into a layer with a thickness of not more than 1 cm. Try to make the same thickness over the entire surface of the layer so that the cakes have the same size.

  • Cut circles with a glass or mug. Since the dough is elastic, it will be very difficult to roll out a thin cake right away.

  • Take out the excess dough and knead again, then roll out.

  • From each circle, make a thin cake. Use a rolling pin for this.

  • Prepare all parts of the dough with the described method. Fold them together, just do not forget to sprinkle with flour so that they do not stick together.

  • Take one circle from the dough and put it on an even saucer or plate.

  • Put 1 tbsp in the center of the workpiece. l. filling. Take the minced meat with the liquid.

  • Raise one edge of the circle and start wrapping the dough with folds. It is convenient to do this with two hands using the thumb and forefinger.

  • Gradually move around the circle of the cake, connect the last row with the first.

  • When you formed all the folds, click the dough with your fingers to close the bag.

  • Tear off the tail. The finished khinkali should look like this.

  • Blind several bags at once, as much as it will fit in a pan for one cooking. At the same time, do not forget to sprinkle the surface with flour. So the bottom of Khinkali will not stick to the board.

A simple option for forming a bag of chinkali in Georgian

  • For those housewives who do not succeed in such a chinkali modeling technology, you should try the easiest option. Cut a small piece of dough and start rolling it with a rolling pin.

  • In this case, you need to immediately make a thin layer from which the bags will be formed. Its thickness should be 0.3 cm.

  • With a small container or plate with a diameter of 17-19 cm. Cut circles for khinkali. Pour them with flour. Collect the rest, take it out and roll out again.

  • To form the bags, you will need a deep bowl. Put one circle of dough on it.

  • Put the filling on top with a spoon. She should not be many.

  • To determine the volume of minced meat, you can navigate the degree of filling the dishes.

  • Form the folds on the bag in a circle, while you can twist the container, and you will not need to raise the dough.

  • Gently wrap the last fold and attach to the rest.

  • Now you need to press the top of the bag. To do this, raise it, so the dough will stretch slightly, and squeeze your fingers.

  • Cut the top or tear off the excess dough.

How to cook Khinkali in Georgian

To prepare the dough, filling and tighten the bag for Khinkali in Georgian-this is only half the recipe. The final taste of the dish will depend on how correctly you will boil them.

  • Khinkali love space during cooking. Therefore, prepare a large container and pour a lot of water. After boiling the liquid, salt, add bay leaf, pepper with peas and reduce the fire.

  • Sprinkle a plate or cutting board with flour. Transfer all the prepared bags to it at once and put it near the stove.

  • Spoon carefully make a funnel in the water. This is necessary so that Khinkali does not stick to the bottom of the pan during cooking.

  • Take the bag by the tail and lower it into boiling water. Try to quickly shift all the chinkali at once. So they will have the same degree of cooking. Cook khinkali 5-6 pieces at a time. But do not allow a complete boiling of water, otherwise they will open and the filling will result in.

  • Also, do not mix the khinkali during cooking, otherwise you will touch the shell. If you did not make a funnel, then it will be enough to slightly shake the pan after the bags drop to the bottom.
  • Carefully follow the Khinkali cooking time so that the dough does not digest. This process usually takes up to 20 minutes. But there is a little trick by determining the degree of readiness of the dish. As soon as the bags rise up, boil them for another 10 minutes.

  • 3 minutes before the end of time, pour a glass of cold water into a pan. This will cool down Khinkali slightly, and you can eat them immediately after cooking. In addition, so the filling will acquire a more saturated taste.

  • Ready -made bags must be removed with a slotted spoon so that the excess glass liquid back into the pan. Try to capture as much as possible at a time so as not to digest the dish.

  • Khinkali after cooking are laid out in a plate for serving. Black ground pepper sprinkles on top and sauce is served.

How to cook a heck sauce in Georgian

Although the dish can be served simply with spices or butter, sauces can improve taste. In their preparation, the main thing is to observe the proportions of spices with seasonings in the filling.

Sharp sour cream sauce to Khinkali in Georgian

One of the simple sauces that will give the dish a delicate taste. You can cook it in just a few minutes.


  • fat sour cream - 150 g.;
  • tomato paste - 20 g.;
  • water - 50 ml.;
  • garlic, greens, spices - to taste.

Cooking recipe:

  • Peel the garlic, cut into slices. Wash the greens under running water. Boil water and cool. Transfer all the ingredients for the sauce into the Blender bowl.

  • Beat the mixture in a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Add salt with other spices to taste and mix the sauce again.

  • Serve the sauce in a small bowl that you can put in the middle of the plates.

Tomato sauce with spices to Khinkali in Georgian

To shade the severity of Georgian spices, prepare the sauce based on fresh tomatoes. Their acid will slightly block the excessive burning of seasonings.

Recipe products:

  • fresh tomatoes - 0.5 kg.;
  • cleaned garlic - 3 tooth.;
  • butter - 150 g.;
  • greens and spices - to taste.

The course of work:

  • Wash the tomatoes and pour boiling water. So you can easily remove the skin. Clean all the fruits and chop finely. Add chopped garlic to the mixture.

  • Heat the pan with a thick bottom well, melt the butter until a transparent color appears.

  • Pour the tomatoes with garlic into the container, mix the mixture thoroughly.

  • Stew the sauce for about 30 minutes or until half the liquid evaporates.

  • Rinse the greens under running water, chop with a knife. Add it to the tomatoes. Now the sauce can be salt and seasoned with spices. Cook it for another half hour. During this time, the sauce will thicken.

  • Set aside the pan and cool the mixture to room temperature. Then beat in a blender until a homogeneous state.

  • Serve in a separate sauce in cold form.

Garlic sauce with lemon to Khinkali in Georgian

Tomato acid can be replaced with lemon juice. So the taste will turn out to be thinner. Garlic sauce according to this recipe resembles the consistency of mayonnaise. Therefore, it can be used not only to Khinkali.

Necessary ingredients:

  • vegetable oil without smell - 1 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice - ¼ tbsp.;
  • cleaned garlic - 1 goal.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • spices and seasonings to taste.

How to cook a khinkali sauce:

  • Put the garlic into the blender, immediately add salt and spices. Grind, but often stop the equipment and remove the product from the thicket walls. So pieces of garlic will have the same size.

  • Do not turn off the blender, pour half the vegetable oil. Do this in small portions so that the mass has time to beat.

  • Stop the equipment and pour in lemon juice. Use only freshly squeezed fruit juice and strain it before use.

  • Continue to beat the mass, then add the rest of the oil. Beat the sauce until the mixture increases in volume and acquires white.

How to eat khinkali correctly

Traditionally, Khinkali are served in warm form, from above with spices. A sharp cream and tomato sauce with the addition of garlic is also prepared for this dish. But you can simply pour chinkali with sour cream or melted butter.

  • If you ordered this dish in a restaurant, then you will be served on a separate plate at once several pieces. Do not be surprised if you do not find cutlery near you. Khinkali is customary to eat with hands.

  • Take one bag by the tail and transfer to your plate. You can take several pieces at once.

  • Then bring to your mouth and bite a piece of dough near the base. But do not lower the khinkali on the plate, but continue to keep in this position.

  • The broth, which is located inside the bag, must be drunk all at once so that it does not result in a plate.

  • After that, proceed to eating the filling with the rest of the test.

  • The ponytail of the bag for which you took it cannot be eaten. It must be put on a plate.

  • Khinkali is customary to drink with beer or other strong drinks, for example, vodka.

What is not customary to do in time of consumption of khinkali:

  • The cold dish is completely tasteless, especially if the filling is made of lamb. Fat freezes quickly and gives the taste an unpleasant taste.

  • It is considered indecent to eat khinkali with ketchup, as a special sauce is prepared for the bags with filling. Also, you should not seize the dish with bread.

  • The juice from the bag must be drunk, and not pour on the plate.

  • Even if you were given a fork and a knife, put them aside when they bring you khinkali. If you cut the dough, then the entire broth will remain on the plate.

  • From all the test, only the tail is left. It is not customary to eat it.

  • Although a lot of wine is produced in Georgia, Khinkali is not washed down with this type of alcoholic drink.

Only by mastering the technology of cooking khinkali, you can prepare a real Georgian dish at home. But, to repeat the original taste, adhere to the advice in the article and these tricks. Bon appetit!

About how to cook Khinkali in Georgian watch on the video



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