
How to prepare pancakes from zucchini. How to make pancakes from zucchini - step-by-step recipes with photos. Dranians from zucchini in the oven and in a pan

How to prepare pancakes from zucchini. How to make pancakes from zucchini - step-by-step recipes with photos. Dranians from zucchini in the oven and in a pan
Golden collection of prescriptions of pancakes from zucchini with step-by-step recipes and photos. Preparing delicious dishes quickly and simple!

Such a dish as dusky is always associated with a grated potato, fried pancakes in a pan. But it is not always the case! In this article, "break" stereotypes and tell me how to make pancakes from zucchini, which will not give up to potato.

Basic principles of preparation of pancakes from zucchini

Initially, it is worth noting that the zucchini is a low-calorie vegetable, ideal for those who adhere to the diet. Kabachkovy Dranians (recipes are shown below) can be a second dish for lunch or due to its low-calorility replace a full dinner. Since 24 kcal per 100 g of product is in the cheese zero. But no matter how good there was a vegetable, the preparation of Dianks from it has its own principles and approaches.

  1. For the preparation of the dish, a medium-sized vegetable is needed with a gentle flesh, in which seeds have not yet been formed.
  2. The zucchini is fast in preparation, so when frying should not be left from the plate for a long time.
  3. After the zucchini is grated, it should be salted and wait for 10 minutes. Since the vegetable is very juicy, then the resulting fluid should be merged.
  4. Zucchini and Patsson, these are "direct relatives" zucchini, so they can be safely used in the preparation of delicious pancakers from zucchini.
  5. So that the mass is homogeneous, part of the zucchini zucchini is recommended on a large grater, and a part of small.
  6. Distas from zucchini in a pan is not the only option, since the dish is not less tasty and in the oven. Dewuns from the oven less calorie, as they are prepared without sunflower oil.

Master class of preparation of classic pancakes from grazers step by step with photos

For our readers, we have prepared a master class of preparation of pancakes with a cabbage step by step with a photo of instructions. Before starting work, we prepare the products:

  • Two young zucchini or zucchini.
  • One egg.
  • One bulb.
  • 150 g of flour.
  • Salt, pepper taste.
  • Half of the beam of greenery (optional).

Now about the cooking process. To get pancases with a golden, crispy crust and a gentle inner part, follow these steps:

  • Zucchini wash and remove the fruit. Grate them on medium grater.

  • Allotted mass squeeze your hands, so that all the excess liquid of glass.

  • Leek crush. There should be small cubes.

  • In the pressed mass of the zucchini pour onions, knock the egg, salt.

  • Cut the greens and send it to the total mass. Gradually introduce flour.

  • Knead enough thick dough.

  • Spoon the zoccacket mass decompose on a hot pan, and fry pancakes on both sides.

  • Serve with different additives in the form of sauces, sour cream, mayonnaise or ketchup.

Gold Collection of Cooking Drackers from Zabachkov - Recipes

Do not know how to make pancakes from zucchini? It is not surprising, because the recipes of this Kushan have many. In different countries, the CIS is called deununs, sorcerers, kabachkov pancakes and many more different interpretations. Prepare them in the same way differently. You can meet pancakes from zucchini with cheese, potatoes, garlic or meat. All of them have amazing taste and differ from each other, although the main product in them is unchanged. Below we will tell how to prepare Dranians from Zabachkov Stephavo.

Recipe number 1 - Dianci from zucchini and potatoes

Dranias were nasty made from potatoes, but over time the recipe was adapted to other products. One of the best combinations are dranky from potatoes and zucchini. The tenderness of the zucchini gives the classic potato deunimes of softness, and they simply melted in the mouth. For cooking, needed:

  1. Potatoes clean, wash and grate on a shallow grater.
  2. Wash the zucchini, remove the fruit. Rub on a large grater and squeeze.
  3. Mix vegetables. The difference in choosing a grater is due to the fact that potatoes and zucchini have different times for cooking. Therefore, this embodiment of vegetables is considered ideal.
  4. Onions in finely peel or beat the blender.
  5. Garlic through the press.
  6. All mix to attach salt, pepper. Drink eggs.
  7. Sambee in the resulting mixture of flour and replace the dough.
  8. On the hot oil, fry pancakes, imposing them with a tablespoon, until readiness.

Recipe number 2 - Draisians from zucchini in the oven

The dishes from the oven are much more useful to those cooked on the oil, in a pan. They are also more juicy and soft. Such a variant of the preparation of dusks is perfect for those who follow the correctness of the power supply. After all, the low-calorie zucchini itself, and the absence of oil, which is used during frying, makes it "perfectly dietary". For cooking you need to prepare:

  1. Zucchini washes and based on the degree of maturity, cleaned from the peel.
  2. Half of the zucchini must be gratened on a large gradder, the rest in shallow.
  3. Dry excess water, throwing a mass on the colander.
  4. Onions finely cut down, send to the zucchini mixture.
  5. Pour milk, enter eggs, attach spices and small flour portions.
  6. When the dough is ready, bait with oil.
  7. Spoon lay a peak lumps on a baking sheet, leaving a sufficient space between them.
  8. Bake in the oven 25-30 minutes to a golden crust at 180 C.

Recipe number 3 - Draisians from zucchini with minced meat

A dish will become a dish if you prepare defunition with meat (minced meat). This dish can be called "plagiarism" of Lithuanian sorcerers that are made from potato test. But the option with the zucchild is not inferior to the classic version. So, for the cooking process you need:

  1. Zucchini must be washed and grate finely. Alternatively, you can skip it through the meat grinder.
  2. Give to stand for a few minutes to get juice and drain excess liquid.
  3. Add salt and pepper to mass, drive the egg. Mix.
  4. Introduce the flour and let stand min 5-8 so that she blossoms.
  5. While the dough "rests", make a minced meat. It is necessary to add salt, pepper, finely chopped onions.
  6. Pour the water and wash the elastic minced meat.
  7. In the pan split the oil. Having collected half a spoon of the dough, lay it out in boiling oil, to dissolve.
  8. On top of the fork to lay mince.
  9. It is covered with another portion of the test, so that it is completely covered.
  10. Prepare dianki on slow fire on both sides.

Recipe No. 4 - Distas from zucchini without eggs

Such a recipe occupies a worthy place in the menu at the vegetarians, but also on the table of myxedes it will be appreciated. Despite the scarcity of the ingredients used, the dish is delicious, fragrant and very gentle. Such dietary datars from the zucchini are perfect for those who follow weighing and figure. To prepare deuna needed:

  1. Wash the zucchini, remove the skin. If the vegetable is young, then this action is worth skipping.
  2. Out of excess moisture from the mass.
  3. Pour spices and flour. Mix.
  4. In case the dough is a liquid, the amount of flour used can be increased.
  5. Preheat pan and fry such pancakes.
  6. They can be baked in the oven. To do this, it is heated to 180 s and withstand laying 25 minutes.

Recipe number 5 - Draisks from cheese zucchini

Zucchini deuna with cheese have an amazing taste. It is simply impossible to tear away from them. When cooking, the cheese is melted and stretched fine threads. Such "fun" very much like children who sometimes simply cannot be formed to eat anything. Having treated your relatives with such yummy, and for cooking you need to get:

  1. At the zucchini remove the fruit, the onion cleaned. Wash everything and separately skip through a meat grinder with a large grid.
  2. When the zucchini leaves juice, merge it, attach the bow and missed through the press garlic.
  3. In the mass to drive eggs, put sour cream and spices.
  4. Large solid cheese on a large grater, send it to a common mixture.
  5. Gradually introducing flour, wash smooth dough.
  6. On the hot oil to fry squash pancakes on both sides.

Recipe number 6 - Dianki from zucchini and carrots

It is perfectly combined with a carrot zucchini, and the Dianks from these vegetables are obtained with a sweet notch, which gives the dish of some charm, forcing the addition of the additive. Carrots are prepared from such products:

  1. Clear carrots, wash together with zucchild.
  2. Grocery vegetables and leave for the release of fluid.
  3. When it appears to discard them on a colander. Give a track of excess water.
  4. Attach all other ingredients to the mass, knead the dough.
  5. The frying pan is administered and frying the defense on both sides until a beautiful golden crust appears.
  6. Since the carrot is preparing a little longer than the zucchini, then readiness should be checked with toothpick or taste.

Recipe number 7 - Dranians from zucchini with a semi

If it happened that there is no mankey at hand or on our own considerations you do not want to use it in the preparation of Drank, then the "to the aid" will come to the help. The dish using Manka is more crumbling and lush, since large particles of this cereals are absorbed by the zucchini moisture much better than flour. Such deunions are prepared from the following ingredients:

  1. Zucchini wash and grate on a large grater.
  2. After they break the juice, press.
  3. Pitch the semolina and leave for 10-20 minutes for swelling.
  4. After attaching all the spices. Optionally, you can add your favorite greens.
  5. Drink eggs. If the dough is liquid, it is necessary to add a little more manca.
  6. Frying such manual pancakes from zucchini in oil under a closed lid. So they will prepare well.

How to submit dianki from zucchini - photo ideas

The people "go" such a truthful saying "knew how to cook, but could not file." After all, if you look at the just roasted deunions from the zucchini, then the appearance of them is really non-primable. And as you know, the person first appreciates the dish with his eyes, and after tastes. Therefore, in order not to be like in the saying, we offer interesting options for feeding pancakers from zucchini in the photo below.

Distasi from zucchini - Secrets and tricks of preparation and feed

  1. To get lush dianks from zucchini, you need to add some soda to the dough. She contributes to disintegration. Just do not overdo it with her, since in the final result it will be possible to get dark dough with a clearly sensitive taste of soda.
  2. The satisfying dish becomes if you add potatoes in the ratio of 1: 1 or prepare zucchini diana with meat.
  3. For the piquancy of taste in raw dough, you can squeeze 1-2 cloves of garlic. Then sauces served to the finished dish will not need to refuel garlic. Such an option is suitable if you are cooking children or people who are acute contraindicated.
  4. It is no worse than Dianki, if in the absence of fresh greenery you will notice it to dry or frozen.
  5. Served Dranians from zucchini with garlic, but not in its pure form (although lovers are so "putting"), but add it to sauces, sour cream or mayonnaise. It gives the dish of special piquancy, emphasizing all the gastronomic advantages of the zucchini.

Be sure to try to cook a prescription. And enjoy your appetite!


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