
Signs of treason in behavior - psychology. Signs of treason of wife. How to learn to treason husband - signs

Signs of treason in behavior - psychology. Signs of treason of wife. How to learn to treason husband - signs
The article describes how to learn about the treason of her husband or wife are characteristic features and signs in behavior.

Sometimes marriage resembles a defenseless boat, on the path of which underwater stones called "treason" suddenly occur. Betrayal, deception, disappointment by each other, treason, unfortunately, sometimes become part of the married life. Moreover, both women and men find themselves on the site of a deceived spouse. Understand why we change, and how not to miss the first sign of treason will help some psychologically techniques and observation of life satellite.

How to learn to treason husband: signs, reasons, practical advice

The betrayal of the husband sometimes becomes a real blow for a woman. At this point, she begins to wonder why it happened, because everything was just perfect? And if one-time change can still be justified and try to forget, then the presence of a permanent mistress leads to the final decay of the family. If you believe psychology, signs of treason attentive woman can notice right away, which will allow you to spit on time. Let's deal with what motivates the spouse to treason and how to expose the traitor.

What pushes her husband on treason?

Long-term study of this problem made it possible to psychologists to allocate the following causes of the treason of her husband:

  • Boring intimate life. Reducing the severity of sensations and loss of brightness in intimate relationships sooner or later processes into each marital bedroom. Life, kids and hard work do not really affect sex. Sometimes the workload and bad mood become the reason for its complete absence. As a result, the husband (fortunately, not everyone!) Begins to look at the colleague on work or a pretty waitress, not burdened with children and a meager family budget. In order not to reach such a point of no return, just buy beautiful underwear or periodically prepare a romantic dinner.
  • Lack of mutual understanding. Any man wants to feel himself the main minider, supporting, the best friend. But if he doesn't have this feeling, he intuitively look for the woman who will give him these feelings. This may occur, even if in the intimate sphere everything is in order and no visible reasons for concern. It is important to remember that the man needs to praise, to assist him, show care.
  • Instinctive polygamy. The fact that a man by nature is inclined to numerous sexual contacts for anyone no secret. But the man is not easy set of instincts, but also a reasonable man with moral values. Therefore, such behavior is simply impossible to justify. In such an event of events, numerous treason is neither associated with a woman or seed atmosphere, but simply are a consequence of a low behavior of a man.

Take note! These three reasons are leading, but not the only. Sometimes men open the most incredible causes of treason to at least somehow justify themselves.

Nine signs of treason husband

Now let's go back to the main issue, what signs of treason husband in behavior may indicate its betrayal. Here is what psychologists say about this:

  1. Time deficit or workaholic syndrome. If a man appeared another woman, he will need more free time. Cheating his wife, he will say, should stay at work or go on a business trip. In such a situation, the wife even reproaches her husband will not dare, because he tries to earn money. Of course, such behavior can really be associated with career growth. But if such delays arose spontaneously and the husband tries not to talk about work, there is a reason to think about treason.
  2. Strange behavior with mobile. Must cause suspicions the fact when before the phone could safely lie throughout the house unattended, and now always at her husband. If he has a love connection, the phone will always lie down the screen down (so that the wife does not see who is calling), the husband will have a long sms correspondence (with the "chief", "friend", etc.), a password may appear on Log in to the phone menu.
  3. Problems in the intimate sphere. There may be three physiological signs of treason: a long lack of sexual relationship with his wife, a sharp change in preferences in bed or the appearance of a sex infection.
  4. Cardinal change of image. Bad sign, if your man did not get lost in guesses, what to wear to work and calmly dressed an old T-shirt with rubbed jeans, and now suddenly turned into a fashionista. Perhaps he runs on dates with the lady after work.
  5. The emergence of new views on life. Changing taste preferences, new hobbies, strange habits, changing speech style (new revs, fashion words), uncharacteristic requests in bed. All this is classic signs of treason husband.
  6. Guilt. Anyway, but a husband changing his wife is feeling guilt. Men show it in different ways. Some husbands are trying to be as gentle with his wife, help her at the farm, make compliments. And others - rapidly and rigorously react to any question or reproaches, become aggressive and alienated.
  7. Unrecorded financial spending. If you earlier, you went with friends in a cafe without restrictions, we went to relax, bought expensive things, and now it began to miss the money, it means that the "hidden hole" appeared in the budget. Here, the main thing is not to be mistaken with the conclusions, because the husband may have problems at work, but his pride does not allow them to admit.
  8. Material material evidence. At this point, 7 signs of treason can be allocated at once. These are condoms in your pocket (if you do not use them), traces of someone else's lipstick, check for a gift, the fragrance of female spirits on the shirt, discharge from the bank, the appearance of her husband donated by someone's things without a reason (new tie, purse, perfume), female Things in his car (lipstick, bag, handkerchief).
  9. Signals about treason from your common acquaintances. It is very difficult to say a close person about what they change. Therefore, you can hint or openly talk about what you saw a husband with a stranger in a cafe, at the bus stop, in the car. But before making family disassembly, look for other signs, because a woman can be just a colleague.

Advice! Never draw conclusions on one basis, look at any trifles and only then open your suspicion to your husband.

What to do if treason husband confirmed

Making sure in the treacherous husband, women do in different ways: some ladies immediately serve on a divorce, others - try to return the man into the family. If you are in the number of the latter, do not begin to address the issue of the scandal and listen to the advice of professionals:

  • Calm down and start a calm conversation with your husband. Try to explain to him your position and ask him that it provoked treason, suggest an option to appeal to a family psychologist. If the husband goes to meet you, then he also wants to keep marriage. If the reaction will be aggressive, it means that he thinks about divorce. In this situation, it will be difficult to return confidence and save the family.
  • If a direct conversation is not for you, you can adjust the husband a trap to catch it "on the hot." For example, if it was delayed at work, you can no warning to call him to the office. Or, if he stubbornly hides his smartphone from you, you can say that your phone broke, and you urgently need to call from work.

Treason Husband is a complex blow for a woman. But very often suspicions are bullied. If you have any doubts, be sure to share the proof of treason, and then initiate a conversation with my husband to put everything in places.

Signs of treason of wife: how to find out what is cheating you

Expose a woman in treason is extremely difficult. She is able to think through everything to the smallest detail, and she has a lot more excuses than a man. Women change not so rarely, but men until the latter are trying to not notice this and very diligently hide it from the surrounding eyes.

Wife changes: who is to blame?

A man thinking about the question why a woman changes, trying on all scenarios for himself. But the psychology of female treason is somewhat different from male. In most cases, a woman is looking for a new love if her marriage is unfavorable if she is unhappy if she does not like her. But there are other motivators for hiking "left":

  • Frequent lack of husband at home. It happens that the husband loves his wife, she in turn watches itself and supports the warmth of the relationship. But her husband is a business and busy businessman or sailor, so there is rarely at home. And then a pretty and tinted colleague appeared, and the woman was carried away.
  • Lack of attention of her husband. Over time, feelings are cooled, the husband ceases to bring his wife to the rank of the goddess, and she has a feeling of unnecessary, loneliness, emptiness. Women need them to love and want to give their love in response. If within the family they cannot realize this need, they try to do it elsewhere. But if a man after treason quietly continues to live in a family, then the women are often often leaving forever.
  • Revenge husband. A woman speaking her husband on treason, rushes to extreme and also betrayed him with another. This is a very illuminated deed, which eventually injures the female psyche even more.
  • Search for new sensations. "Early married, besides, not for love ...". Such a phrase can be heard from women who have changed. Some women lack this violent, exciting burst of emotions and feelings from new love.

Interesting! According to statistical data, only 2% of women who have changed, frankly conflict in betraying their husband.

15 faithful signs of treason wife

If you are alarming a cardinal update of the wardrobe of my wife, her new fitness fitness, frequent trips to the salon, although before that she was not a fan of massage and manicure, read the signs of women's treason:

  1. Often misses calls from her husband. She does not raise the phone, and then says that the phone "blinded again", discharged the battery, scored the phone at home. Of course, these are excuses.
  2. To visit friends and a close wife wants to walk herself, leading a variety of reasons. And after the guests she refuses her husband to meet her.
  3. A woman does not have an initiative in family matters, nothing asks, does not defend his rights. She stopped annoying scattered men's socks, she doesn't care that the door in the closet is broken. She behaves, as if she does not live in the apartment, and just went to visit.
  4. The wife began to spend less time with his spouse. Something disappeared by cozy evenings together for a tea tea, the wife stopped interested in the work of her husband, avoid talking about himself and his affairs.
  5. Wife constantly quitting her husband, criticizes him, reproaches in insolvency, although before that he assured that he is the best.
  6. Frequent delays at work, corporate stands until night, business tripsAlthough there was no such thing before, it is real signs of treason of women. Returning, the woman is in high spirits, but very soon inspiration is replaced by irritability.
  7. The wife began to mess around with the permanent girlfriend's problems. If the wife is increasingly rushing to his friend to help her with cleaning, buy medicines, feed her cat, etc., it is worth checking if it really helps her friend or simply uses it as a cover.
  8. Diet, visit a fitness club, swimming. The woman began to actively care for her body, hair. If the perfect manicure is constantly banging in her hands, the wife lost weight, pumped up the press, wears fishnet linen, although quite recently it was not in her plans, these are obvious signs of the treason of his wife.
  9. New riddle in a woman. The appearance of thoughtfulness, mysterious longing in the eyes, alienation from reality - a hidden sign of a dream about a new beloved. A woman can be so captivated with his dreams that will forget to cook food, iron shirts, clean.
  10. Does not look into the eyes of her husband. The feeling of guilt does not allow openly looking into the eyes of the spouse.
  11. Inadequate reaction to bodily contamination. Hugs and even a harmless kiss rejected, but on all the reproaches of her husband, the woman begins to react sharply.
  12. Constantly talks about the lack of attention from her husband, Although actively stops all his attempts to spend time with his wife.
  13. Change of sexual behavior. The wife can either fully ignore the marital debt, or offer new poses, talk about new fantasies.
  14. With my wife it is impossible to agree. No matter how hard the husband tried to talk about her strange behavior, she will make fun or criticize his comments, without even thinking about the consequences.
  15. Lack of manifestations of love towards her husband. If earlier the wife could call her husband 20 times 20 times to say the cherished "love", now she doesn't even consider it necessary to spend it in the morning. Her behavior in relation to her husband became cold.

On a note! It is possible to understand that the wife changes, it is possible for a long famous signs: the smell of someone else's man, bruises on the body as a result of passionate arms, frequent calls from new people, hidden accounts in social networks.

What to do if you caught my wife in treason

Thus, the husbands who are not easy want to bring the spouse "on clean water", and try to find a common way out of this situation, you need to start with the knowledge of your mistakes. True, this Council is appropriate if it comes to a good wife, and not an adventurous woman who is in search of new feelings.

Most likely, the treason was preceded by the requests of the wife to be desirable, heard, beloved. And in most cases, it is husbands pushing a woman to betrayal. Only awareness of their common mistakes will help restore trust and save the family.

In conclusion, I would like to add that all mentioned signs of betrayal are only a guideline. With their help, you can confirm or refute all suspicions. And whatever signs of betrayal you see in your second half, do not make impulsive actions that you will regret. Just being completely confident in treason, start the conversation, and, regardless of your resentment, remain a balanced person, and not the angry special, which was betrayed.

Video "Causes and Psychology of Treason"


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