
What is psychological stress resistance, definition. How to develop stress resistance, techniques

What is psychological stress resistance, definition. How to develop stress resistance, techniques
What is the sensational stress resistance, which is considered important professional quality today? Is it possible to develop stress resistance if it does not have a person from nature?

Mad working rhythm, constant voltage, intensive change of modern conditions - topical trends in our time. Such a heat of events contributes to the accumulation of negative emotions. Over time, their number reaches the maximum, and the person enters the stressful state. Each responds to such an emotional storm in its own way, and his behavior at that moment displays its level of stress resistance. What you need to understand under this fashionable term, how to evaluate your abilities to control emotions and what techniques help to quickly develop high stress resistance?

Stress resistance - definition of concepts

Neither the high status in society, nor a service position, nor the marital status will protect us from negative emotions. Unfortunately, we are unable to completely extinguish themselves from stress, anger, discontent, insults, disappointment. But change your attitude to the negative emotions that arose for anyone. Such a skill of philosophically takes severely for the emotional perception of the situation and is called stress resistance.

In other words, a person with high stress resistance is calmly listened to the screaming monologue of the angry chef, and after leaving his office, quietly returns to his duties. Also calmly reacts a stress-resistant passenger in public transport to the rudeness of other people.

On a note! Under the concept of "stress resistance of the individual" means a set of personal qualities that help calmly worry a strong load (intellectual, psychological, volitional).

Stress resistance may seem very important only for work and career growth. But in fact, it greatly facilitates everyday life, protects health and relationships with relatives. To understand the role of stress resistance in a person's life, two basic functions help.

The first function of stress resistance - ensuring the health of the body by reducing the negative impact. It's no secret that experienced stress ends with a bout of headaches, sleepless night, tremor of hands, pressure lifting, poor well-being and even loss of vitality. Therefore, stress resistance in this situation is simply necessary.

Medicine explains this state of the ejection of the hormone of stress - cortisol. As a rule, poor well-being quickly passes, but health effects remain forever. Of the most serious consequences of the stress of doctors, the immunity, automatic pathology, cancer, viral infections, is distinguished.

The second important features of psychological stress resistance - easy perception of life situations and emotional independence in all spheres of existence. Such freedom gives a stress-resistant person many advantages:

  • He can do his job without restrictions, study, engage in hobby: he will not interfere with the noise around him, the head discontent, the problems in the family.
  • Such a person is always beneficial to stand out from the crowd, which significantly increases its professional qualities: it looks like a calm, self-sufficient individual. Such a person is an undisputed leader.
  • The tremendous development of stress resistance in humans allows you to always find a way out of the situation even when around fire, flood or earthquake. He is able to clearly evaluate the situations without leaving a mass panic. His main motto: "Why run and nervous if the train has already left."
  • Roughness, criticism, intrigue such a person just does not notice. It is difficult to sell, deceive, output.

Interesting! Psychologists have established that there are no more than 30% of people with congenital stress resistance in the world. It is they who become excellent rescuers, military, ambulance doctors.

Four stress resistance models: We are looking for their place in stressful situations

The human brain at the time of stress receives and processes a certain flow of information. This can occur on a specific scenario, and during the development of scientific theories, four categories of people were established:

  1. Stressing resistant. Operations that do not know how and do not want to adapt to the situation. They are told that they are "solid", their principles and life installations always remain unchanged. Any negative oscillations introduce them into a stressful state. At critical moments, they lose self-control, a panic or aggression is unable to clearly perceive the situation and find out of it.
  2. Stressotrans. People adequately perceive the gradual changes in their surroundings. But a sharply arose problem may entail a strong stress and even depression. With a focused placement of priorities and work on its problem, there is a gradual increase in stress resistance. With experience, such people become more balanced and can already adequately act in stressful conditions.
  3. Stress breach. Principal Operations, which are capable of disruption to sharp changes. But long-term emotional tension displays them from themselves. In other words, in emergency situations, they occupy a leadership position and solve the problem, and with a sluggish conflict, depressed.
  4. Stress resistant. Individuals, which, with composure calm, perceive unexpected or planned changes, are not amenable to emotional destruction, are not lost even in the most difficult situations. The only thing they don't die are personal tragedies in the family.

Why is the high stress resistance at work

Labor activity is an integral part of life. There we spend a big half of the day, we communicate with colleagues, we learn something new, earn bread. Therefore, we want difficult to fulfill our obligations well, but also to be in good spirits to go out safely.

Work always keeps in foot with stress: the contract broke down, did not have time to draw up a report, the computer broke down, reported by the head ... a lot of such example. And only developed stress resistance helps to survive such moments with irony.

On a note! Everyone without exception, the head is looking for employees with such a skill. Therefore, competent managers for recruitment and personnel agencies visually evaluate or even carry out diagnostics of stress resistance at the first employment interview.

We appreciate your capabilities: Test for stress resistance

To accurately determine the level of stress resistance of a person can a competent psychologist. But the ready-made source tests are very popular, which can approximately determine how much this quality is developed.

Carefully learn the test in the photo below, mark all the life situations that have been the last year of life. At the end, summarize the figures received.

Now you can estimate your level of social adaptation:

  • Less 150 points - the greatest degree of resistance to stressful situations. Good indicator for senior position. The respondent personality is experiencing minimal stressful loads, healthy evaluates any criticism, not lost in force majeure circumstances. Effectively works (learns) without harm to health.
  • 150-199 points - high degree. Stress resistance is well developed, which allows you to minimize the waste of strength to restore the emotional background. In emergency situations, the personality can collect themselves and quickly resolve the problem. This result allows you to take a high position.
  • 200-299 points - threshold stress resistance. A person can control only minor emotional experiences. The simultaneous appearance of several problems causes a strong stress to eliminate a lot of time and effort. Such people can play the role of the leader only surrounded by a small team.
  • From 300 and above - low stress resistance. The respondent is a vulnerable person, unable to make decisions. To improve psychological endurance requires a painstaking self-pressure and revision of life positions.

Stress resistance: how to develop emotional stability

Psychologists argue that it is quite realistic to curb their emotions in stress. And it doesn't matter whether you have a morally sustainable leader or not. The main thing is to determine for yourself priorities and tune in to success. To do this, they suggest mastering stress resistance techniques.

First reception - real assessment of what is happening. It is necessary to calm down and ask yourself three main questions: "How important is it for me?", "Will this situation affect my future?", And "Can I somehow change the turn of events?".

Consider two situations. In the first case, you were late for the train (aircraft, bus), and of course you can't change anything. The only thing that remains to wait the next train. What is the point have your experiences, anger, anxiety?

In another example, you are a permanent buyer in the supermarket near the house and each time encounter with unqualified employees. It annoys you, and you intersect the conflict, destroying your nervous cells. There is also a way out: Start going to another store with more professional staff.

These two examples show that there are two stressful situations: in the first - it is impossible to change anything, in the second - you can change the situation for the better. Thus, in the example with the train you need to safely take what is happening, and in the example with the store - change your actions and thereby eliminate the stress factor.

Second reception - release from negative emotions. Unpleasant moments are deeply penetrated into the brain and if they scroll through them for a long time in the head, then stress cannot be avoided. Therefore, you need to give will all bad emotions. You can do this in different ways:

  • Join Boxer Lava and Boxing Pear from time to time.
  • Walk to the forest and shook there before exhaustion.
  • Take a diary of the offense and write down bad memories into it.

Third reception - skill quickly think about their actions. Only confident person with well-developed attention can calmly respond to aggression from the side.

Training such a skill will help participate in the team games "Brey Ring" or "What? Where? When? ", Visiting the club of chess players, a game of tennis, football. Such a hobby will teach you to quickly make a deliberate choice, keeping calm and sound reason.

Fourth reception - maintain health. Only a person with excellent well-being retains the resistance of the Spirit. Therefore, it is necessary to treat chronic diseases in time, especially the endocrine system, to temper the body, always have a tablet from the head, pressure, dental pain.

How to raise stress resistance: psychological assistance

If you understand that adding panic attacks and aggression in nervous voltage conditions, you can use accessible methods of increasing stress resistance:

  • Relaxation Breath - Proper breathing allows you to strengthen the nervous system, harmonize the emotional background. You can use any technique. Basic exercise: through the nose deep slow breath, through the mouth sharp exhale.
  • Psychotherapy - Psychotherapy practitioners have long been studying this problem and offer optimized sessions to increase emotional adaptation. Several sessions will help to understand, in what direction you need to move and what psychological problems need to be eliminated first.
  • Yoga, meditation - Eastern practices can reassure even the most emotionally unbalanced person. Awareness of itself in this world and gaining harmony will help improve the quality of your life.

Now you know how to develop stress resistance. If you make maximum effort, you can find such a skill yourself. But when you have insufficient motivation, you are hardly achieving the goal. Fortunately, there are many group and individual trainings for the development of stress resistance. There will definitely help increase your emotional stability and teach live without stress.

Video "Develop stress resistance"


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