
How to interest a guy

How to interest a guy
Women's secrets of seduction

Life in such a speed rhythm of our cities leaves its prints. Long male courtships with paper letters and secret meetings have long sunk into oblivion. Many girls do not want to wait for the moment when the guy he liked will pay attention, sometimes this risk that someone else will take him away. It has long been not news that the girls learned to take the first steps towards. But to arouse the guy’s interest in himself, this is not just the first step is the whole art.

How to interest a guy: we attract attention

Before attracting a guy, you should pay attention to yourself. Beauty in our life is not the main thing, but it is imperative to take care of ourselves. There is no ideal of beauty and, as they say, tastes and color all felt -tip pens are different. You can’t like everyone, the most important thing is that you like you. The opinion of others depends on your perception.
There is not enough self -confidence - come more often to the mirror, smile yourself. Repeat every morning that you are the most beautiful, charming, delicate, etc. Do not forget about posture.

The signals that we send to the surrounding people

  • A friendly attitude to the world. If you have no mood, and you are angry with everyone and everything, this will help little in attracting a guy. He is simply afraid to come up and the reasons for your aggression are not important to him.
  • Self -confidence. People reach confident, no trouble should affect your self -esteem. But do not forget that confidence should be in moderation, a “star in the forehead” is not the best remedy for attracting the attention of a guy.
  • Sincerity in feelings. Falsh is determined by people at an intuitive level, do not curl with your soul and listen to your true feelings.
  • And most importantly! To interest the guy, remember - you are an individual. You have your opinion, your principles, your desires. Do not strive to be “like everyone else”, develop your originality.
  • How to interest a guy with a look


    Wisdom reads the “Eye of the Mirror of the Soul”, and this is one of the mechanisms of attracting attention. It is not so difficult to interest the guy with the eyes, it all depends on your ability to use them.
    When they caught his gaze on yourself, smile shyly and look away. After a couple of seconds, look at him again, otherwise you will lose his interest. Smiling sweetly, lowering your eyes.

    Errors in the look that repel

  • Do not look point blank. The gaze scares away, it is not the most pleasant to feel like an “object” for consideration.
  • A generous smile in all 32 teeth. He will think that you are annoying and easily accessible.
  • Women's eyes are an ocean in which you want to drown. They reflect your "highlight" and originality.

    How to interest a guy in a conversation

    Sincerity, and once again sincerity. In gestures, facial expressions, intonations, it is read how interesting the conversation is. Do not deceive yourself and do not deceive your partner. Do not embellish yourself, do not attribute false qualities or achievements - perhaps this is your person, and from the very beginning you form a false idea of \u200b\u200byourself.

    • Be yourself, appreciate your individuality. It is important to like what you are, with all the pros and cons.
    • At the first acquaintance, do not say too much, the guys like it when they are interested. Be an attentive listener.
    • Follow your speech, take your time and do not raise your voice. A new person needs time to get used to your speech and your voice.
    • Follow emotions. An excess of active bursts in speech can lead to the fact that a new person will consider you impulsive and prone to hysteria.

    Learn as much as possible about its interests, for further communication, common points of contact are very important. Do not tell everything about yourself at once, you are not in confession, and it may not be at all interesting to him. Keep your mystery, but do not overdo it.

    How to interest a guy by phone

    A telephone conversation, of course, cannot convey all your interest, he hides facial expressions, gestures and your languid views. But on the phone you can interest the guy, the main thing is to have imagination and remember that the voice also plays an important role. Namely, the timbre and intonation. In order to interest a guy by phone, you must be on one wave. If your interlocutor does not speak loudly and slowly, do not scream into the phone or chattering.

    • Speech should be smooth and melodic, then it will be pleasant to the interlocutor.
    • Interesting topics for conversation are very important. You can ask about his hobbies, plans for the future, which he dreams about. If before that he told you about some kind of event, ask how the story ended.
    • Be careful in the conversation. If you really listen to the guy and you are interested, then it will not be difficult to support the conversation.

    How to interest a guy in correspondence


    The prevalence of social networks and mobile communications makes correspondence not a little important element in communication. Modern people are increasingly acquainting in networks, on forums and less and less lively. Virtual communication erases psychological barriers, you can not be afraid of a refusal or pour out the soul to a stranger (you were not seen live).
    If you want to transfer virtual communication to real life, then approaching correspondence is quite seriously.

    • So, do not be afraid to write first. There is no framework on the Internet and it doesn’t matter who will write the first. Most guys will be happy to answer, provided that your letter interested him.
    •   Do not spray. For the first letter, uncomplicated phrases or reviews, of course pleasant, about his social page are suitable.
    •   You are not a bath sheet. After the first letter, wait for the answer, if he does not answer, do not continue to write. A person can be in love or he is simply not up to you. Save your dignity and do not get into your eyes.
    • After waiting for an answer, ask about his hobbies and interests. This is valuable information that will then need to be used. Take a hurry to tell about yourself, the guys are proud and they are flattered by interest in them.
    • Watch what you write, grammar is very important. Do not forget about punctuation marks - they not only decorate, but also explain your speech.
    • Do not forget about a positive attitude. It is always nice to communicate with a person in a good mood and with a positive outlook on life. The whiners are not attracted.
    • The tact in the correspondence plays an important role. Do not climb with questions about personal life, material prosperity and religion. These are not topics for first acquaintances.

    If everything went successfully at the communication stage on the social network, you can proceed to the exchange of mobile numbers. Beware of quick transitions, guys who, from the first letters, are dusty in their feelings and invite for further acquaintance for themselves to visit. The guy is also a man and he is no less scared to admit his sincere feelings. If he is in a hurry, think, maybe this is a trap!

    How to attract the attention of a guy by SMS

    How to interest, a girl-by-SMS

    SMS in relationships are very important at any stage, be it the first month after meeting or 10 years of married life. An important role is played not only by the presence of SMS, but also by its content.

    • The combination of tenderness and sense of humor.
    • Use affectionate words, for example, “cute” - it warms and causes a smile.
    • Do not be afraid to ask. The guy wants to feel like a knight, he is pleased to fulfill your request. If you know that he was already going outside, ask if it is cold there and what is better to wear.
    • Write small verses. It's nice to get a sign of attention in poetic form.
    • Do not forget about sincerity. Write what you feel what you think about - this will bring your communication closer.
    • Wishes for the night. Light, gentle, with a slight note of romanticism, for example: "May I become a piece of your sleep." Do not write “I cannot fall asleep without you” if you are recently familiar or your relationship at the very beginning. This can frighten, or he will think that you are frivolous and ready for intimate relationships.
    • If you are married, please your husband SMS about how you missed, and not another list of what you need to buy in the store. Erotic SMS will help to diversify your sex life and bring bright colors to your family.

    There are many ways to interest the guy, we examined some of them. But do not forget that the most important thing is that you have to be interesting for yourself. Expand your horizons, go to the theater and to exhibitions, read books. The richer your inner world, the easier it is for you to interest a guy and the more you have for discussion. Only interesting communication can develop into a warm relationship, and then, who knows, can in love.

    How to interest a guy. Video



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