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Tantric massage

Tantric massage
The art of tantra is love and understanding between a man and a woman. Tantric massage is the first step towards harmony and proximity between partners.

Tantric massage is performed not only for the purpose of improving - this is a unique opportunity to express their feelings to a partner, since this massage is often used as a love game, prelude sex. It is worth noting that the tantric massage is not an erotic massage at all - he still has many rather characteristic differences. According to Tantra's teachings, the human body is one solid erogenous zone, and the most importantly focus of sensuality is "place inside the head and in the middle of the heart." Reviews about tantric massage only positive, because it is able to show what degree of trust exists between two partners.

What tantric massage?

Massage itself is a healing agent with a strong effect. Thanks to the massage, you can strengthen the muscles and nerves, to lose back pain and lose weight, and most importantly - relax and get a charge of cheerfulness. There is a huge number of a wide variety of techniques and techniques, thanks to which one or another effect is achieved.

The tantric massage is based on the interaction of two energies - female and male. Tantric massage lessons make more liberated sexual partners, as they will help to learn the erogenous zones and the capabilities of the human body. This technique will allow to disclose and liberate, as well as importantly, to get just unforgettable sensations.


But, most importantly! Tantric massage so that they did not speak there, is not something vulgar and dirty. The focus in tantric massage is made on feelings and spirituality. The tantric massage is similar to meditation, which is accompanied by caresses - this is on the one hand relaxes, and on the other, it aggravates all the feelings. Thanks to the slightness and gear of this massage, you can wake up the sexual potential of the partner, which will give both a man and a woman with a huge pleasure. There is a belief that tantric massage can cure frigidity in women.


Tantric massage: Stages

This massage will help you learn partner, as well as prepare for the new phase in the relationship. Tantric massage can not only excite - it perfectly accumulates sexual energy.

  1. Choose a place where a tantric massage session will be.
  2. Remove all the extra objects that can distract you or negatively affect energy.
  3. Light the candles - suit such flavors such as vanilla or sandal.
  4. Tantric massage is an energy massage, therefore, the contact itself should be smooth, slow and barely noticeable.
  5. Tune in to the fact that the tantric massage will take a certain time, as the longer process, the greater the pleasure.
  6. Seat a partner next to the floor. Acceptable positions for you, relax and close your eyes.
  7. Put your hands on the partner (best on the blades or on the sacroist area), feel your own and its energy.
  8. Tantric massage is simple, its technique is quite simple. Start smoothly slide on the body of a partner, spread your hands with oil so that the touches are more sensual and exciting.
  9. Lay a partner on the stomach, bend on your knees.
  10. Sit so that the head is between the knees from the massage therapist.
  11. Lubricate your hands with oil and obscure the longitudinal muscles of the back - along the spine.
  12. Movements should begin near the neck and end on the lower back.
  13. From the waist of the palm you need to dilute on the sides, and then - climb to the shoulders.
  14. Dissate the trapezoid muscles.
  15. Particular attention should be paid to the lumbosacral spine, as it is here, according to the teachings of specialists in tantric Thai massage, and there is a focus of sexual energy.
  16. The massage of the lumbar-sacrive department is performed by the pads of the fingers - draw a triangle with a top on the paddle, circle it several times with a large finger.
  17. Go around the partner and sit so that there are feet between your knees.
  18. Smoothly obscure your legs - from the stop to the buttocks.
  19. Do not forget for a lumbosacral department - Rise from the stop to the buttocks, and then connect the palms on the cock.
  20. Return to the footsteps - go to the massage of the toes.
  21. Massion each finger separately, do it gently and slowly.
  22. Tantric massage can be finished rapid and easy massage of the whole body - all movements should be arbitrary.

Do not worry if you do not get the exchange of energy from the first time. A little practice and everything will be fine!


Tantric massage for men

Tantric massage man, especially if it is a close and native person, of course, differs from the cabinet massage. Today, the prostate cancer happens very often, but tantrists claim that it is a special massage that is capable of presenting not only new sensations and a lot of pleasure, but also to become the prevention of such a terrible ailment.

To remove the tension of the prostate gland, after sex it is necessary to make a special massage. Since iron is inside the body, the massage must be done only through the anal hole. A man independently spend all the manipulations is pretty hard, so the woman will be best in this.

  1. A man and a woman lie on the floor - a man back to a woman, while men bent his knees.
  2. On the middle finger of the right hand, a woman puts on an attack (or ordinary medical glove).
  3. The finger is lubricated with oil or special lubrication and introduced a man into anal hole.
  4. A man must relax anus muscles.
  5. The prostate gland is necessary to massage very carefully - the woman should make the sending energy with exhalation, all this must be measured, but in the beat.
  6. If, during the massage of the prostate gland, a man is discomfort or even pain, then he needs to visit the urologist as soon as possible.

What is a prostate iron? To the touch, this body is similar to two lying near the urethra vocabulary. Iron itself is soft, but if she is tense - you will feel it.

The gland massage starts from the periphery to the center - as if you want to squeeze its contents in the urethra. Do not too diligent - you have to calm the gland and relax a man. It should be noted that the tantric massage for men should begin after a small learning - talk to the partner, prepare it and yourself.


Tantric massage for women

Tantric massage for women is performed by other technology. By the way, all these procedures are indispensable in those moments when sexual intercourse is impossible for a number of reasons, since it is possible to achieve discharge with the help of non-acceleration actions. Tantric massage for women, by the way, can be done both in clothes, and without it. At the same time, do not forget that the nude body is best massaged with hands, lubricated oil.

  1. Woman lies on the floor on the stomach.
  2. First stage: A man sitting on a chair, begins to massage a woman in the footsteps of the buttock and lumbosacious department.
  3. Second Stage: A man on his knees massifs a woman lumbosacral her hands, and then the elbows.
  4. Very carefully knead the pelvis area.
  5. We use force on the points, located symmetrically from the spine (starting from the site where there is on the body of the hole) - go up and down from the lower back to the pad and back.
  6. Click on the pits with thumbs. Keep 10 seconds. Release and repeat again.
  7. Shoot your fingers to the pelvis, go back to the smoking.

Tantric massage topics and it's good that every time you can add something to it: whether more intimate stroking, or more intense elements: more than more, rougher - exclusively what your partner likes. It is very useful for a relationship!


Tantric massage: regulations

  1. During the massage, there should be silence - to give up noise and music, otherwise you will not feel a partner, and the partner is you. Surround yourself with harmony, as the tantric massage is very sensual, then you need to create a beautiful picture - for example, as in the photo.
  2. Create heat indoors where you will spend a massage session.
  3. Sharp. Get rid of clothes to feel and your partner.
  4. If you are afraid that it will be cool, prepare a soft cloth - it will cover those parts of the body that will flaw after massage.
  5. Try to ensure that there is no discomfort during the massage or your partner.
  6. Ask the partner to be sincerely with you - if suddenly the sensations do not bring joy and pleasure, it is best to stop the session.
  7. Remember that tantric massage is performed by mutual consent and desire - nothing can be performed against the will.
  8. Tantric massage is the unity of the soul and body, so it is better to refuse conversations: listen to feelings and listen to the body. Words will be superfluous, as the state of Nirvana violates.
  9. Watch out for the movements and sensations of the partner - perhaps some touch will need to repeat several times, and from some one should refuse to further.
  10. All movements on the partner's body must be sliding. Tantric massage implies constant touch of a partner - hands at all should not be broken from the body.
  11. During the massage, it is necessary to use only natural oils. And as a basis, you can take children's creams. To create a massage cream, add a few drops of essential oil to the children's cream.
  12. The beginning of the massage is a back, and only then you can proceed to other parts of the body.
  13. Refuse electricity during a massage session. Replace the lamp with candles - thanks to them you can create a different lighting in saturation - it all depends on how much you use the candles.
  14. You can carry out tantric massages and in complete darkness - it will give new sensations, and the partner that is shy to liberate.
  15. Pass your love with the help of touches, feel love and unity with a partner - only then you will understand that the massage session managed, and you did everything right!


Video: tantric massage for newbies


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