
How to keep love

How to keep love
Basic principles and tips to preserve feelings

The most beautiful and not subject to love, which musicians and poets are inherent in every person for so many centuries in a row. However, keeping love in relationships is not always just both partners.

From the very beginning of the relationship, in the romantic period of love, partners feel euphoria, feel new experiences and recognize each other more. At this time, I would like to constantly be together, and no one thinks that after some time the relationship can become tense, and conversations will not be a romantic, but a reproaching and accuser.

Many couples notice that a turning point comes and, having learned, about each other everything that is possible, you want to move or change something in life without the second half. But this is the main mistake in the difficult issue of maintaining relationships - people want to escape from problems. Not many are wondering: how to keep love forever? Even less really wants to do this.

First of all, the pair needs to understand that in order to maintain love in marriage or in any other respects, efforts will need to be made and everyone should want to restore. Relations are always built on reciprocity, therefore their restoration should be mutual.

How to keep a man's love?


To solve problems, first of all, it is necessary to conduct discussions between partners. So, let's start by considering the main methods of communication and errors that women often make when trying to preserve the love of a husband or lover.

Discussion in an attempt to keep love

You want to share any problem or joyful news with the second half, but sometimes it is time to oversaturate with events and a partner may simply not show the proper interest in the conversation. You become a boring interlocutor and, noticing this, are annoyed, which leads to an unnecessary conflict.

Tender feelings in an attempt to preserve love

To preserve love in the family, manifestations of feelings are very important, but often with a passage of time they fade away or completely disappear from everyday life. It is very important for a man to achieve your attention constantly, this is his physiological instinct, and depriving him of this, women reject his feelings and lower his ego. If you do not answer him with attention, then he will try to find him from other representatives of the weaker sex.

Its own truth in an attempt to keep love

Do not try to prove your case too hard, this leads to quarrels, misunderstanding and isolation of the parties in the future. Women can afford to give the laurel of the championship in a dispute to a man, remaining with any opinion. The main thing is to avoid quarrels and make it possible to feel that you respect his opinion.

Accusations of trying to keep love

If the conflict cannot be avoided, then try not to blame the partner in vain. Try to look at the situation from your interlocutor or as a third party. Sometimes, having got excited, we can say offensive words, on which men often find a way out not in a conversation, but in actions. You should not make hasty conclusions and heat the situation, as well as try to remake another person.

Learn to stop conflicts


First of all, this is a female task, since men are more difficult for men because of their temperament. All representatives of the fair sex know very well what invisible tricks can be controlled by the situation. It is better to switch the emerging conflict to a more calm topic and return, if it is so necessary, to the question later for discussion in a calm environment or leave the question unproven for intrigue so that the man himself asked you.

Subjects with feelings

Do not make from his beloved God and devote to Him of His life and time to Him. From an excess of feelings, a man can get tired and constant attention may seem annoying. Do not care too much and do not become his mother instead of your beloved. Diversify your relationship with your time with friends or visiting some events.

Do not try to be the main

Stop being a “leading” in a relationship, a man must be a leader. However, do not change tactics for constant grievances, if something is not in your opinion. Let it be at least sometimes as a man wants. Stop indicating and listening to his desires, if not right, then admit your guilt.

Jealousy in an attempt to preserve love

Unreasonable suspicions are easy to reinforce with the meaningless signs of attention noticed by your well -aimed gaze. Do not suspect a man too much and blame him undeservedly. If you are not sure of treason, then do not quarrel about your suspicions.

Pay attention to your appearance and always remain attractive both for him and for other men. Let him feel that you like you not only to him, and that he can have opponents. Healthy jealousy will strengthen his confidence that he is with the best woman.

New and old


Surprise your man and experiment in bed. After all, you are the closest people and must completely trust each other. You can find out about his secret desires and help to reveal yourself, which will improve trust in relationships, but in no case do not joke and do not reproach the man for this.

In difficult times, always remember why you have chosen this person, probably in memory of quite unforgettable and only your personal stories that will help you understand that you still love him and want to establish mutual understanding. It is also worth understanding that your partner reflects you as in a mirror and, if he does not suit you, then rummage in yourself.

Work in an attempt to keep love

Any relationship is hard work, not a result. If something does not suit you, you need to understand yourself and try to understand your partner to solve the problem. Love requires growth and development, if no one wants to take part in it, then it fades away. Determine the goals and try to achieve them together in order to strengthen your love bonds.

Gratitude and preservation of love

Learn to appreciate what you already have and thank the person who helped you achieve this and has always been nearby. Do not blame the other of what you could not achieve. This is a senseless waste of time and effort. Tune in to what you can achieve together and combine your efforts, be grateful to your soul mate for what has been achieved. Even if something was wrong, be grateful for the invaluable life experience and learn from mistakes.

How to keep a woman's love?


Any man appreciates his freedom and does not like when he limits her or someone, but at the same time, he wants to find a friend of life, who will understand this. You need to know how to maintain relationships correctly and do not depend too much on the second half, that is, to be an independent person.

Your interests

First of all, decide on your personal interests in life. Understand what you want, what habits or hobbies you certainly want to save, and which interferes with you and your partner in relationships and you can refuse them. Discuss the issue of personal time and space with your beloved, as well as come to the mutual agreement of personal desires.

Interest in the life of a partner

Sometimes you can feel that you know everything about a person and you can no longer surprise you. From here there is indifference and interest in personality disappears, and subsequently in relations. All people are special and change in their own way. Interested in the life and problems of the second half, so you can learn something new about a person, and the relationship will be supported by the confidence that you do not care.

Correct distance

It is equally difficult to preserve love at a distance or in direct daily contact. It is very important to find a balance between personal interests and interests in a lover. Only having achieved harmony you can feel confident in reciprocity and fortress of relations. Do not control a person too much, but it is also important to show attention to his life.

Generosity in an attempt to preserve love


Women love gifts very much and this does not have to be something expensive. It’s just worth recalling that you love and remember about it always a small souvenir or a sweet surprise. A trifle from you will remind you of feelings and warm your soul. Believe me, a gift itself is not important for a woman, the act of attention itself is important. She will always like to like it and a pleasant trifle of this confirmation.

Caring for yourself

Do not forget that the appearance is also an important factor. Follow your body and clothes, a man must inspire a woman with confidence and provide protection. If you keep yourself confident and look, then any woman will want to be with you because she will see a reliable support in you. The sloppy look not so much repels in appearance, but creates the impression of unreliability and uncertainty, which will scare away any lady of the heart.

Sex in an attempt to keep love


Platonic love is beautiful, but real understanding is also achieved at the bodily level. For some reason, it is generally accepted that sexual satisfaction excites more men than women. However, both parties receive mutual pleasure, and most importantly, sexual relationships help to relieve tension, maintain shape and even resolve the conflict. Give women a pleasure and they will know that you need them.

True in an attempt to keep love

In no case do not count on the fact that a person will guess about something. All people are different, what you think about can never come to the mind of another, and you will wait in vain. Always say everything straight and do not hide anything. Any lie is always declared, and the consciousness of deceit is worse than the original truth. Trust even the unpleasant events of your life partner, together it will be easier for you to solve the problem immediately and peacefully. Hiding secrets will gravitate over you and wounds a loved one if deception is detected.

Choose the tone of the conversation


Intonations sometimes say more words, and the same phrase, said in different ways, can make a happy or offend a person. Do not throw indifferent words, especially if you do not feel anything. Talk about love with feeling, and sometimes show concern about solving problems. Let the woman know and feel that you do not care. Intonations in the conversation will help in the sincere expression of your thoughts.

Wish good

Take a loved one as a worthy partner, and not as a combination of shortcomings. Take the second half as it is, and appreciate the good, and try to put up with shortcomings, because everyone has them. Let the woman feel that they love her so imperfect, and she will strive to love her more and try to reduce the shortcomings.

Develop together

Each person tends to change over time and it is important not to forget about relationships with another. If you notice apathy in a relationship, then you should think about the fact that you have lost some purpose that you went together. It is necessary to find out why this happened and try to restore the partner’s interest in relations and general tasks.

How to keep love forever?

Do not believe a fashionable cliche or someone else's unsuccessful experience that love passes irrevocably. If you want to keep your feelings, then you need to make enough effort for this, and not wait for the relationship it will be difficult to return.

How to keep love in youth


Of course, at the stage of love and during romantic evenings with loved ones, we think that it will be different with us. Young people always believe that their marriage will be different from the examples of parents or acquaintances. In the process of relations, you can notice the opposite that you will unpleasantly surprise you.

First of all, reciprocity and understanding, as well as the addition of qualities and the ability to go to compromise solutions and concessions, unites people. You need to go together, help in difficulties and not fight each other, but try to understand and accept. Help in the mutual development of each other holds the lovers and their feelings grow into love.

How to keep love in adulthood


In mature relations, it is important to understand why you are with this person and relying not on flaws, but on the positive aspects of the partner. An important stage is the adoption of a person as he is, a rejection of attempts to change long -rooted habits. The contract and understanding in such relations will be prerequisite.

Do not move away and do not close from each other, but just find time for your personal classes that have nothing to do with a partner. You must develop as an individual person and then your relationship will grow and progress, and not lose interest for each other.

Keep love in old age


A dangerous period for relations, but with a mutual desire for partners, the problems are solved. A long period of relations is already an occasion for pride. Be a worthy partner for the qualities of which you can appreciate and envy a person next to you. Follow your appearance so that your old age is natural and worthy of respect and delighted views.

Children grow up, and you have freedom for travel and calm cohabitation and mutual respect. Spend time together, relax and visit interesting places. This is the time for the development of personality and relationships. Love and give joy to a person who has been next to you for so many days.

How to keep love. Video

Oksana Funder gives important tips to preserve love for many years:

In conclusion, I would like to say that any relationship at any stage and at any age of partners can be restored, and sometimes feelings even stronger after the crisis. You need to believe in yourself, a partner and have a mutual desire and desire to restore love feelings. Any crisis can be experienced and it is easier to do it together and through the agreement of partners.



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