
Is it possible to cut and paint hair during pregnancy. Hair paint during pregnancy. Hair care during pregnancy

Is it possible to cut and paint hair during pregnancy. Hair paint during pregnancy. Hair care during pregnancy
The article will be useful for future mothers who want to remain beautiful and well-groomed throughout the period of pregnancy. You will learn about whether you can cut and paint your hair with pregnant women, how to care for hair in a "interesting position"

Pregnancy is an important and very responsible period in the life of a woman. Hear a healthy and strong kid is what every future mom wants. But during this beautiful and exciting period, the woman faces a huge number of superstitions and prejudices. The ban on a haircut and painting of hair is one of these prejudice. But after all, after all, it's so I want to look beautiful and well-groomed, and not to turn exclusively into an object that carries the baby. In this article we will collect all the arguments of "for" and "against" haircuts and painting hair during pregnancy, and also learn about the safest hair dye during pregnancy.

Why you can not cut hair during pregnancy - folk signs

Where did the thoughts come about that it is impossible to cut hair during pregnancy? Since the time of ancient Russia, there was faith due to hair and their ability to concentrate vitality in themselves. Long hair was considered a kind of "carrier" of information, vital wisdom. That is why people with a short haircut in those times were considered not too smart. Signs smoothly moved into real times. It is worthwhile to inform his family about his interesting position, as representatives of the older generation immediately rush to remind all rules and taboa for 9 months ahead. As a rule, most modern girls are not perceived seriously similar signs, but there are also very impressionable pregnant women who "stand at the crossroads." The origins of the folk signs of whether the hair can be cut during pregnancy, are as follows:

  • hair keeps human strength, vital energy. In ancient times, hair tried not to shorten both women and men;
  • hair is able to accumulate life experience, mind and wisdom of man. Slicing hair, you shorten your mind. That is why people with short hair in ancient Rus were considered fools. People from rich families wore long hair;
  • long braid for women has a special meaning. This is a symbol of femininity, youth, the ability to give life to the future child. It was strictly forbidden to shorten the hair until the girl would marry. So she could put "cross" not only on the future family, but also to perseve themselves in infertility. It was believed that such a girl "tied himself a whistery";
  • the hair for a pregnant girl was equated by the meaning to the umbilical cord, through which the baby received a connection with his mother. The hair served as a kind of conductor between the mother and the baby, the way to transfer her vitality wisdom;
  • the length of the hair in pregnant lasted also the length of the life of the future child. Crocheting braid during pregnancy, Mom "cropped" years of child's life;
  • hair haircut during pregnancy by beliefs could affect the mental abilities of the child. Future mothers deliberately never decided to shorten the length of the hair, so as not to harm the child. Moreover, it was even believed that children born with a large number of hair on the head, will already be incredibly intelligent and developed by year;
  • strike hair in the early period of pregnancy was also considered a very bad admission. People believed that the child could get any vices, ugliness or perhaps in the womb;
  • our ancestors believed in harm hairstyle during pregnancy and for the woman herself. A woman together with the oblique could lose his vital energy, could begin to "fade" in front of the eyes, get sick, etc.;
  • nothing good foreshadowed hair haircut in late pregnancy. The woman deliberately encouraged himself for long and painful childbirth.

As you can see, in ancient times, the attitude towards the hair was very trembling. Men and women tried to face as much as possible. Suspended strands necessarily needed to burn in the fire of a homely focus, which was attributed to the cleansing and protective forces. Crane calery could have been a girl on her wedding day. It was believed that it was on this day "dying" for her family, and "born" in the family of her husband. One of the most terrible and humiliating punishments for a woman was public cutting off the braids. Extremely bad admission was also considered to hit a single hair or a whole strand of hair to a detractor. People believed that with the help of such a "gun" easily could be damaged or the evil eye. Of course, over time, it was all with great distrust. But for a woman, and even more so pregnant women, bans and restrictions on hair haircut remained for a long time. Therefore, in the ancient times, the question of having hair during pregnancy or not, even could not be.

Is it possible to cut hair during pregnancy - the opinions of doctors

Currently, all prejudices about hair haircut, faith due to hair for a person look a little funny. Few of modern people seriously perceives such signs from the past. But pregnant women are in a special state. All their world converges at one point - a safe tooling the child. There are girls who did not believe in any signs to pregnancy, and also continue to believe in them during pregnancy. But some future mothers do not know how to treat such instructions to grandmothers and birds. What if there is some truth in them? What if you can harm the child really? Does hair talk during pregnancy other women? It is for such doubting pregnant women who can be the opinion of specialists. What do doctors think about it?

  • There is no scientific evidence of harm hacking during pregnancy.
  • Doctors obstetrician-gynecologists do not know a single medical contraindication so that the pregnant woman cares for his hair during the battery of the child.
  • There are many evidence that thanks to huge changes in the hormonal background of a woman during pregnancy, positive changes for hair, skin and nails occur. Perhaps the need for haircuts in this period will disappear by itself.
  • Hairdressers also have their own point of view on the cut hair during pregnancy. When a woman bears a child, hair growth can be enhanced, and after childbirth can begin an intensive hair loss. To reduce the load on the hair, it is recommended to cut the ends of hair during pregnancy.
  • Proof that cutting hair during pregnancy is not in any way affect the prenatal development of the child, are many examples of beautiful young mothers who visited beauty salons during the gestation of the child.

As you can see, there is absolutely no reason why, to look after themselves, the condition of your hair, for precise results. The choice is only for you. In China, for example, generally there is a rather interesting tradition. Once a woman learns about her family way, she must shave their hair as short as possible. Thousands of happy moms in China are not aware of any prohibitions and taboos, which are so popular in our countries.

Haircut hot scissors during pregnancy

This procedure, like cutting hair with hot scissors, appears only in the beauty and hair salons. Doctors do not have any objection to carrying out a haircut pregnant women. And even professionals strongly recommend to cut hair during pregnancy in this way. What is the benefit of such a haircut for a woman awaiting the appearance of the baby?

  • Haircut hot scissors has one very significant difference from the usual haircut scissors. The cut hair after the usual scissors remains open. Hot like the scissors hair is sealed at the end to prevent the loss of moisture and vitamins from the hair.
  • Haircut hot scissors - this is one of the best means of combating split ends hair. The high temperature cut hair sealed, flakes tightly adjacent to each other, not allowing the hair to exfoliate.
  • Pregnant women experience tremendous strain on all body systems. The child inside the mother consumes a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Hair pregnant women may respond differently to this state. Someone's hair condition improves, and someone on the contrary. Sealing the tips of the hair with hot scissors haircut is capable of holding a maximum of useful substances inside the hair to prevent shortages.

Coloring hair during pregnancy - a taboo or not?

Dye your hair during pregnancy, according to the doctor, you can, but be careful. Arguments experts were divided into two camps:

  • some doctors relate to sufficiently skeptically to such procedures during the toddler period. They believe that harmful substances can fall into the blood of a woman. But it is worth noting that there is no accurate scientific evidence of this fact. Some paints when painting can have a pretty resistant and caustic smell, inhalation of which can harm the well-being of a pregnant woman. In such cases, of course, staining will be undesirable;
  • another category of doctors relates more loyal to hair coloring during pregnancy. But they advise you to choose high-quality coloring compositions without a caustic chemical smell. Those harmful substances that are contained in the paint, if they enroll in blood, then in a very small quantity. The placenta does not miss this meager amount of coloring substances, speaking a protective barrier for a child.

Opponents of hair painting during pregnancy as their arguments lead a list of those hazardous substances that may be contained in resistant hair colors:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia;
  • resorcin;
  • paraphenylenediamine.

Hairdressers do not give any prohibitions or restrictions for hair dye pregnant girls. If the future mother gets a tremendous pleasure from the care process, its desire must be performed. It is stupid to believe in the old signs and look like a zamuchshka. Permanent disappointment when looking at himself in the mirror, discontent with its appearance, hairstyle, nails will bring much greater harm to the well-being of a pregnant woman, and with her a child. After all, the emotional state of the future mother is transferred to the baby. It is possible to paint hair during pregnancy, but good and safe paints.

Safe paint for hair coloring during pregnancy

On the store shelves there is a simply incredible assortment of paints, tint balsams, skeleton shampoos. If a pregnant woman still decided to paint the hair, then she should know what their hair paints, and what their difference. Of course, you can trust the professionals and go to the beauty salon.

Tips for pregnant women in hair coloring

When painting the hair of a pregnant woman need to take into account the following recommendations:

  • paint hair during pregnancy is better than non-ammous paints that do not have a sharp chemical smell;
  • the room where the staining procedure will be carried out should be well ventilated;
  • during pregnancy, it is better not to change the cardinal hair color. Such procedures are usually carried out using very aggressive paints that have a caustic chemical smell;
  • if a pregnant woman decided to paint hair independently at home, then you need to comply with all precautions. Be sure to carefully examine the instructions. All producers of hair paints are advised to conduct a test for the detection of an allergic reaction 48 hours before the staining procedure;
  • if a pregnant woman came to face hair into a beauty salon, then you must warn the hairdresser about my "interesting position". This is necessary in order for the master to make the most sparing method of staining;
  • coloring hair in the early pregnancy is very careful. If possible, it is better not to do. The fact is that the hormonal background of women during this period is very much changeable. You may encounter an allergic previously unusual for you to some paint components.

Pregnant woman can give preference to one of the following coloring compositions:

  • natural hair dyes;
  • hair paints without ammonia;
  • tinting balsams, shade shampoos, foam, hair tonic.

Natural dyes for staining hair during pregnancy

Of course, natural dyes of hair look most secure from this list. The substantial minus of this method of staining is a fairly poor palette of shades. You can choose for yourself the following natural hair dyes:

  • Henna. A fairly popular remedy that is obtained from Lavsonian leaves or alkanes. The natural color of the henna can be yellow or carrot.

  • Basma. The second most popular natural dye, which is obtained from the leaves of the Indigifera. The natural color of the bass is a gray shade with greenish notes. Basma is often also called Iranian henna.

  • Chamomile. This plant in a crushed form can easily be bought in each pharmacy. But its staining hair abilities are not known to everyone. Chamomile will give a delicious golden shade with light hair, help disguise her hair.

  • Linden. Linden flowers are also an excellent natural hair dye. They give a beautiful chestnut-golden hue.

  • Long husk. The simplest husk from Luke is a great way to get steady golden, chestnut, red hair. The intensity of the shade depends on the time of staining.

  • Green peel walnut. With the help of chopped peel of walnut, you can achieve brown hair brown.

  • Coffee, cocoa, tea. Such products are in every home. With their help, the owner of chestnuts, blond hair will be able to get different shades of hair. You can achieve excellent home coloring by natural means.

As you can see, there are a lot of staining options with natural and completely safe means. It should be borne in mind that such natural dyes "work" only on hair that are not painted with paints. Otherwise, you can get a rather unexpected color. The staining procedure as such natural compositions should also be carried out on absolutely clean hair, on which there is no trace of laying. Folk methods of hair coloring though are the safest, but are both very resistant. Remember that you will use the usual hair paint after henna, for example, you can not immediately.

Hair dyeing paints without ammonia during pregnancy

The use of non-ammatic paints for hair coloring during pregnancy has controversial moments. There is information. What ammonia is simply replaced by another dangerous substance that is the same harmful. But the undoubted advantage of such staining is almost complete absence of a caustic chemical smell. Choose paints of proven manufacturers who have long deserved confidence in their quality. Among such colors can be listed:

  • ESTEL SENSE DE LUXE. Paint may well be used for staining during pregnancy, because Does not contain ammonia in its composition. Moreover, the paint is rich in various caring components. Keratin, avocado and olive oils, Panthenol will provide reliable hair care during staining, give gloss and silkiness. Future mothers will surely delight and rich color palette and relatively low price.

  • Garnier "Olia". Future mothers who decided to refresh the color of the hair, give them a new shade, appreciate this paint. Its main advantage is the presence of a huge amount of oils in the composition. Paint 60% consists of oils that deliver coloring pigment into the depths of the hair. Tender cream texture is very easy to apply, paint is simple for home use. Find your suitable shade out of the rich palette will be the owner of hair of any color.

  • L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss. Despite the fact that the paint does not contain ammonia, the color is last saved. In the palette there are modern shades for blondes, brunettes, red. Paint has long been using deserved love among amateurs changing hair color. It can well be used for hair dye during pregnancy.

Tinting balsams, shade shampoos for hair coloring during pregnancy

Tinting balsams, tonic, shade shampoos and foams are the perfect option for those pregnant women who want changes in appearance, but they are still embarrassed by people's warnings. These funds will not change your hair color dramatically, but only give a new shade. It keeps color not as long as I would like. The range of tint balsams and shampoos is very diverse:

  • Tint balms from Concept. Balms can give a new look of natural hair color and revive the color of previously colored hair. The composition has many conditioning additives, castor oil, which makes the use of these balms with a pleasant hair treatment procedure.

  • Color Lux Towel Balms from Bielita. Balms have an excellent effect on the hair. In addition to the new and fashionable shade, you will get a healthy shine, radiance and softness of the hair. Olive and Carite oils are present in the composition. Balms have a pleasant fragrance.

  • Tonic hair balms tonics. One of the most famous and most budget ways to safely dye hair for a short time. Pregnant women may well take advantage of the hair to update the hair color and giving it gloss.

  • Fara shade balms. The Russian manufacturer is also quite popular. Balm does not have ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in its composition, which makes it use absolutely safe for pregnant women. You will get a beautiful shade of hair that will wash off in 4-5 weeks.

Hair care during pregnancy

Starting from the moment you learned about your pregnancy, prepare for numerous "surprises" by its body. This applies to hair. Why during pregnancy the hair became "others"? Why did the hair after pregnancy begins to intensively fall out? The wines of the Women's hormonal background, which is so much changed that it is reflected in the chapel. Dry hair can become fat, oily hair to pregnancy can become dry, etc. Of course, your habitual hair care can be not quite suitable. You may have to change your favorite shampoo to another, start using additional hair masks. Among the most general guidelines for hair care during pregnancy are the following:

  • start every morning with careful hair removal. You will need a minimum of 2 calculations: a comb with rare teeth and a massage brush. Outleep hair in different directions, starting with the ends. Repeat such a calcination in the evening;
  • in order to always look well-groomed, wash your hair as they are contaminated. If with the onset of pregnancy, the hair began to very quickly become "fat", then you will have to wash your hair more often. If you used to have enough 2 times to wash your head a week, then it may be necessary to need 3, or even 4 times. Shampoo in such cases should become more easy and gentle;
  • do not use too hot water for washing hair. Especially this should be avoided by the owners of oily hair;
  • during pregnancy, the importance of hygiene is increasing several times. Always use only pure and fresh hair towel;
  • during pregnancy, hair can experience the same stress as the whole organism. After all, a huge number of important vitamin and trace elements are "sent" to the child. Do not overload your hair with additional loads. If possible, avoid the use of a hair dryer for drying hair, hair removal in wet;
  • hair masks for pregnancy will be very helpful. You can prepare them yourself or buy ready-made funds in stores. Such a "feeding" of the hair will be very beneficial to affect not only the appearance of the hair, but also on the emotional state of the future mother.

The woman should remain as beautiful, well-groomed and charming even during pregnancy. Continuing to follow their appearance in this magical time, you will provide yourself with a good mood and positive emotions that are so important for future mommy. Each woman who is waiting for the appearance of the baby to the light, now let him answer the questions: "Can you cut your hair during pregnancy?", "Is it possible to paint your hair during pregnancy?". Happy mom - happy kid in tummy! Be beautiful!


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Alla 24.11.2017 To answer

You can still cut and paint with natural paints - why not? Life does not end! And about drugs - some children can, the same rim, why not use if the asterisk does not go anything?)
