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What can be eaten after six

What can be eaten after six
What is possible and what can not be eaten after six in the evening.

For those who declared war on excess weight, there are many restrictions and one of them - this cannot be eaten after six in the evening. But what to do if it is not always possible to adhere to this rule? Nutritionists say that you can sometimes deviate from the principles and eat something easy. It is impossible to get into a hunger at all, so let's find out which products are allowed to eat in the evening before going to bed.

Is it possible to lose weight if not eat after six


So, let's first figure out the question of why all the losing weight attracts the number 6 so and why, after six in the evening, you should not load your stomach with something tasty? In fact, this figure is not an indicator that you need to eat strictly by the clock and stop me to eat, as soon as the watch arrow stops at the treasured mark. Everything is much simpler, nutritionists simply recommend the last meal to plan 4 hours before bedtime. If we adhere to a healthy lifestyle, follow our health and eat right, then we must sleep no later than 10 o’clock in the evening, respectively, dinner needs to be planned for 6 hours, or a little earlier.

By simple mathematical calculations, we draw such conclusions that if you go to bed at about 12 in the morning, then specifically you can have dinner no later than 8 o’clock in the evening.

It is advisable to observe this rule not only to those who want to get rid of extra pounds, but also to gain strength overnight. If you are not in the know, we remind you that during the night the human body produces a hormone that answers our youth and gives a person strength.

Therefore, it is so important to give your body to rest at night, and not spend energy on digestion of heavy food.

What to do to those people who cannot do anything with themselves and calmly fall asleep on an empty stomach? After all, after 4 hours, just when we go to bed, the food is digested and the person feels a feeling of hunger. For this, there are permitted products that can be eaten after 6 pm.

So is it possible to eat after six?

If you don’t eat at all after six, then you can not fall asleep or sleep anxiously, constantly waking up and thinking about breakfast. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to consume permitted products that will not contribute to the recruitment of excess body weight. What can be eaten after six in the evening: these are protein products and fiber. Fatty foods and rich in carbohydrates cannot be, because they slow down the processes of losing weight and contribute to the set of mass.

For women, an ideal product that can be consumed after 6 pm is milk food, as well as fiber. It turns out that a glass of low -fat kefir is just what the body needs before bedtime to quench hunger. If this is not enough, then you can eat a couple of spoons of low -fat cottage cheese together with kefir. Well, if this is not enough, then it is allowed to add to kefir 1 tbsp. fiber. It is necessary to put a spoonful of bran in kefir, wait 5-10 minutes, mix, then you can eat and go into bed immediately.


And a few more products allowed for consumption in the evening before bedtime: these are vegetables that do not contain starch (tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, pepper, zucchini and any cabbage). You can also eat a handful of fresh berries and a little greenery. In addition, if you lay on protein food, then it will not be superfluous to an omelet made exclusively from the proteins alone, low -fat fish and seafood.

Let us dwell in more detail and list the permitted products:

  1. If you don’t want to cook anything, then an apple is suitable as a snack. You can eat a half of the apple along with the peel. But be more careful if you have stomach problems, because this fruit increases gas formation.
  2. Bandarines-mandarins-grapefruit-all this is allowed to eat before bedtime (to choose from), because these citrus fruits do not contain a lot of calories. And there is enough vitamin C in them (good digestion is provided!) And there is fiber. You can eat from 1 to 4 lines. Citrus fruits are contraindicated at night to those people who have stomach diseases.
  3. Celery is an ideal product in which there are practically no calories, so you can eat it at night. You can make a salad with carrots or frees from celery. There is a lot of fiber in such a product that helps to remove all excess from the body. You just need to know that during pregnancy and the period of lactation, such juice is contraindicated. Also, it is impossible to get involved in celery and people suffering from gastritis and other diseases of the stomach, as well as those people who have expanded veins on their feet.
  4. Fish - if it is a flounder, then it is possible, because it is quickly absorbed and does not contain a lot of fats. This fish has thiamine, many trace elements, vitamin E and A.
  5. Sour -milk products are kefir and low -fat cottage cheese. In addition to kefir, you can ferment or homemade yogurt. These products contain a lot of calcium, which is amazing, but best absorbed in the dark (when it is dark in the room). Kefir helps to fall asleep faster and acts well on the digestive system. You need to be more careful with sour -milk products to those people who have increased acidity of the stomach.
  6. Banana is not a low-calorie product, but the figure certainly will not hurt the 3rd part of the banana (even half) at night. The bananas have a hormone of joy - serotonin, which has a positive effect on the nervous system. The banana helps to fall asleep faster and get rid of snoring. If your blood sugar exceeds the norm, then it is better to refuse this fruit. If the banana is unripe, then it will strengthen the formation of gases.
  7. Raw beets. It is good to eat a light beet salad seasoned with olive oil at night. Salt is not necessary. Betain (fat burner), pectin (derives toxins and toxins), curcumin (responsible for the health of blood vessels) - this is how many useful substances in this vegetable.


What else can you eat before bedtime to get enough? There is also a list of permissible products that can eat, but in minimal quantities.

These are such products:

  • chicken breast (boiled);
  • whole grains of whole grain flour;
  • oatmeal on water (2 tbsp);
  • baked potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • dry fruits are a handful.

By the way, if you are not at all after six, then it is still unknown whether you will lose weight or not, because it all depends on the lifestyle, proper nutrition and physical exertion. After all, you can eat a lot of prohibited products 3-4 hours before bedtime, and then hope for a miracle that the body will accelerate metabolism processes and cope with heavy foods.

And an interesting point, if the break between meals is 12 hours or more, then you cannot hope for a miracle with such a hunger strike. On the contrary, the body begins to make reserves more and more actively, so those girls who suffer hunger and do not eat anything after 6 pm, it is necessary to start the first meal with the onset of a new day at 6 in the morning, or even earlier. If this is not possible, because I want to soak in bed, you need to force yourself to eat at least one of the allowed products before bedtime. It can be an apple or a glass of kefir. Then the body will not postpone fat reserves just in case.

So, we remember that for those who want to see the result and lose extra pounds, it is not even harmful after six. Therefore, choose the right products and please yourself with light snacks before bedtime.

What can not be eaten after 6 pm?

With the list of permitted products, everything is clear, but what is strictly forbidden to eat before going to bed? Let's talk about this in more detail. According to nutritionists, 4 hours before going to the bed, it is undesirable to eat flour and sweet food. A slice of chocolate is not the best option for a snack. Also, you can’t eat white bread, sweet pastries, all fried (for example, pies). All carbohydrates cause fermentation in the stomach, a person wakes up tired, feels weakness and apathy. Lights on the skin may appear.

At night, it is also undesirable to eat meat, because it will be digested almost all night. So those who want to lose weight should not eat even chicken white meat at night.

Of the dairy products, completely solid cheeses should be excluded, because this product is too fat for evening meals.

From fruits - only half of the apple, because all other fruits contain carbohydrates.

Salt and spicy food is banned. If you could not resist, there will be swelling in the morning.


How to choose food so as not to harm yourself? Here you just need to navigate and listen to your sensations. If you eat a plate of fried potatoes at night, then the night will be restless, and you will wake up with a heaviness in the stomach. Therefore, you need to approach your diet with all responsibility, because not only well -being depends on this, but also the appearance.

For dinner, you can cook protein food - for example, cook 2 chicken eggs and eat only proteins. Or another option: a steamed omelet cooked with greens, or several tablespoons of low -fat cottage cheese with a handful of berries. As an option: an omelet of 2 eggs and a small bowl of salad made from fresh vegetables (cabbage, cucumber, greens).

If even after such food there remains a feeling of hunger (and it does not leave immediately), you just need to brush your teeth.

About the diet "after six"

Such a diet really exists, and adhere to the principles of power “you can’t eat after six”, as you understand, there is no point. It is better not to starve the body with hunger, but to select the right products that will help the body accelerate metabolism processes.

Check out the simple power rules to know how to find the desired forms faster:

  1. You can not cut calories. On the day of 800-1300 kcal is critical for the body, it begins to lay fats and even produce them from low-calorie products. It is more difficult to get rid of the accumulated in this way.
  2. Try to eat everything you want, only a small teaspoon. As soon as they felt saturation, they stopped.
  3. Eat sweets, cutting off each piece with a knife. Even if it is standard candy dimensions. It needs to be cut into 4-5 parts and eat every piece. Thus, you can deceive the taste receptors, it turns out that we have not eaten the entire candy (1 time), but as much as 5. Thus, you can eat all the sweets. The feeling of saturation comes faster and there is no need to eat everything to the end.
  4. Try to eat food with sticks, instead of a fork. It is difficult at first, then a person gets used to it and gets pleasure from the process. Saturation comes faster than if you quickly ate the same pasta, only with a fork.
  5. You need to learn how to replace harmful products with useful ones. If the morning without a sandwich is impossible for you, then instead of white bread we go to the store and buy grain, sausage can be replaced with beef baked in foil.
  6. Do not refuse at all from potatoes, instead of boiled (and your favorite "puree), you can bake it in your own peel. Just such a product is very useful for everyone, even losing weight.
  7. After 6 you can and even need! At least a little bit, at least a half of an apple, cucumber or tomato, you can drink a glass of kefir or low-fat yogurt. It is impossible to starve, since the body puts off reserves for later. And even the next day, if you were starving for more than 10 hours in a row, all the correct and food you eat is synthesized into fats.


And remember that you can’t eat at night, just eat a small piece of fish, a half of the apple (if large) or allow you to eat a whole apple, drink a glass of kefir. That's all, the next meal - in the morning. Be slim and healthy!



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