
Skinny diet menu

Skinny diet menu
About how with the help of a skinny diet you can get rid of 7 kilograms in just a week.

To date, there are many different methods for weight loss. The more serious problems with weight, the more extreme measures are preferred to resort to women. One of these measures is a skinny diet.

Skinny diet, features

This diet has established itself among the fair sex due to its effectiveness in a record short time. However, it should be understood that she has quite rigid restrictions, which, firstly, are hard to follow, and secondly, they can cause serious damage to health. Therefore, before proceeding to it, the real scale of the “disaster” should be assessed (we are talking about the amount of kilograms necessary to reset). Real means that if a girl weighs 58 kilograms and wants to drop 8, then, most likely, she is all right, and we are talking about aesthetics and personal wishes. If a girl weighs 80 kilograms and wants to lose 20-25, then, apparently, there are real problems with weight and you can start more radical measures. The second point. Any rapid weight loss can be fraught with health, but this is not worth it. Therefore, it is better to consult with a specialist first and adhere to a skinny diet exclusively under his sensitive guidance.

So, they appreciated the scale, consulted, came to the conclusion that they were ready. Next, we choose which diet should adhere to - for 7, 14 or 20 days. It depends on the willpower and the amount of kilograms necessary to take. They are described in more detail below.

Before sitting on such an extreme diet, it is important to understand something else. If it is wrong to enter and get out of it, you can earn a rather serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and the rapidly discarded kilograms will return just as quickly and possibly in more quantities.

Before you begin to observe a skinny diet, you should prepare for it, gradually removing from your diet a sweet, fat, flour. You can start in 3-5 days, depending on the diet. It is also better to reduce the usual portion a little so that the stomach decreases in size and gets less stress when switching to a new diet.

Similarly, you need to build a way out of the diet. Eat in small portions, gradually introducing cereals into the diet, light soups and so on. To consolidate the result and maintain the desired shape, it is better to adhere to the basics of proper nutrition, excluding and minimizing the use of sweet, fat and flour.

A skinny diet implies contented meager nutrition, and therefore limiting the intake of beneficial substances in the body. Therefore, it is better to take a complex of multivitamins during this period and often take hiking. But it is better to refuse excessive physical exertion.

During the diet, you can drink any liquids without restrictions, with the exception of sweet soda and packaged fruit juices. Water in its pure form is recommended to drink about 2 liters.


Skinny diet for 7 days

Expected weight loss: 5-7 kg.

Skinny diet menu for 7 days:

  • 1 day: 1 liter of milk with a maximum fat content of 2.5%.
  • 2 day: 200 g. Cottage cheese and 1 liter of vegetable or fruit juice (except for banana, grape and peach).
  • 3 day: 1 liter of mineral water. This is in addition to observing the usual drinking regime.
  • 4 Day: 4 medium -sized potatoes without salt, cooked in a uniform, or baked without oil and 0.8 liters of juice (as on the second day).
  • 5 day: 5 medium apples.
  • 6 day: 200 g. Chicken fillet or beef (you can bake or boil) without salt and 0.8 liters of juice.
  • 7 day: 1 liter of kefir with a maximum fat content of 2.5%.

This diet should not be repeated earlier than 1.5 - 2 months.

Skinny diet for 14 days

Such a diet is not designed for beginners. To hold out for two weeks in such extreme conditions, you need experience and a kind of hardening of the body.

Expected weight loss: 7-9 kg.

Skinny diet menu for 14 days:

  • 1 day: Green tea in unlimited quantities.
  • 2 day: 800 ml of kefir with maximum fat content of up to 2.5%.
  • 3 day: Again green tea without restrictions, you can add mint to it.
  • 4 day: Mineral water without restrictions.
  • 5 day: 1 green apple.
  • 6 day: 1 liter of milk with a maximum fat content of 2.5%.
  • 7 day: Green tea in unlimited quantities.
  • 8 day: 1 liter of milk with a maximum fat content of 2.5%.
  • 9 day: 2 green apples.
  • 10 day: 1 l.  kefir with maximum fat content of up to 2.5%.
  • 11 day: 600 g. Fresh cucumbers.
  • 12 day: Green tea in unlimited quantities.
  • 13 day: 1 liter of milk with a maximum fat content of 2.5%.
  • 14 day: 3 green apples.

1 time a year will be enough to adhere to this diet.

Skinny diet for 20 days

The most extreme diet.

Expected weight loss: 10-15 kg.

A skinny diet menu for 20 days:

  • 1 - 7 day: a seven -day skinny diet is repeated.
  • 8 day: dairy products up to 2.5% fat in small amounts and stewed vegetables.
  • Day 9: 1 liter of vegetable and fruit juice (remember which juices should be excluded) and 200 g. Cottage cheese up to 2.5%.
  • Day 10: 200 g. Boiled low -fat fish and freshly squeezed juice.
  • 11 day: 4 boiled in a uniform or baked potatoes and freshly squeezed juice.
  • 12 day: 5 green fresh or baked apples.
  • 13 day: 200 g. Low -fat boiled meat and 1 liter of juice.
  • 14 day: 1 l.  kefir with maximum fat content of up to 2.5%.
  • 15 day: a small respite, you can eat everything, but in reasonable quantities.
  • 16 day: 5 green fresh or baked apples.
  • 17 day: 200 g. Low -fat boiled meat and 1 liter of juice.
  • 18 day: 1 l.  kefir with maximum fat content of up to 2.5%.
  • 19 day: 200 g. Cottage cheese with maximum fat content of up to 2.5%.
  • 20 day: 1 l.  Kefira with maximum fat content of up to 2.5% and 1 green apple.

Also, this diet should not be repeated more than once a year.


Skinny diet: reviews and results

The results of a skinny diet

That for which everything was started will certainly be achieved. Extra pounds will blow out as wind, the main thing is not to give up and not allow yourself the slightest concessions! Even if you break only once, everything can be started again. Such harsh rules, otherwise there will be no result.

The first days of getting used to the new diet is possible to deteriorate well -being, nausea, dizziness. This is normal, because the body is subject to severe stress. However, this condition should not be launched, consultation of a specialist will not harm once again. In the future, the body adapts to the new rhythm of life, but, nevertheless, it should be protected and not allowed special loads.

After a diet, complications from the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) are possible, and this is another significant argument in favor of a doctor’s consultation.

Skinny diet: reviews

A skinny diet in the Internet has quite conflicting reviews. In general, everyone is unanimous in the fact that for its observance, a remarkable willpower is necessary! And this is not given to everyone.

Who could stand claim that the result is obvious! A skinny diet for a period of 1 week guarantees getting rid of 7 kg!  Someone was less fortunate, and without waiting for the end of the diet, the stomach was blown up with all the ensuing consequences.

So this is purely individual, because if kilograms do not leave, and well -being is worse and worse, then this diet is not for you! You can establish the work of the stomach by switching to proper nutrition. That is, you need to eat only useful food in small portions 5-6 times a day. Do not allow a hungry condition, use low -fat broths, dairy products and so on.


We will summarize

In fact, a skinny diet is a kind of hunger strike.  Imaging the health on it, most likely, will be provided. Therefore, it is worth proceeding to it wisely and only people with remarkable health. And it is best to start with a seven-day diet, if necessary, by moving to the option of 14 days in a couple of months.

Every girl dreams of a beautiful figure, but whether it should be decided by everyone. There are other, more sparing, but no less effective methods. Although the implementation period, of course, is much more. It is better to think several times and consult a doctor before deciding on such extreme measures. A beautiful figure with undermined health, constant walking around doctors and wild pain in the abdomen, probably, is not worth it.

On the other hand, if the health is excellent, and the problems with excess weight are really obvious, and nothing helps, then why not try? After all, the result is guaranteed!

Video Skinny Diet: before and after



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