
How to hold a man

How to hold a man
How to choose a key to a beloved man so that he is always there.

Such an expression is often mentioned that men love with their eyes. Partly, this is true. But if a beautiful well -groomed woman will sit impregnable in the most popular place in the city, without expressing any emotions, there are hardly men who want to meet her and continue communication.

How to fall in love and hold a man

Therefore, in order to attract and keep a man near him, it is not enough to be beautiful, well -groomed and mysteriously impregnable.

Men, as well as we, love to pay attention to them. But very often they are afraid to take the first step out of fear of getting a refusal. After all, it is possible that the object of desires is already busy, she has a friend, husband.

Therefore, in order to attract the attention of a man, and then fall in love with yourself, it is necessary to show that you are interested in them, ready to start acquaintance, open and configured positively.

If it turns out that your chosen one does not show any emotions, it does not matter! There are many worthy men in the world who are waiting for your attention!

So, you are already in a romantic relationship and realize that this man is dear to you. Let the man understand how you appreciate him. And it doesn’t matter that you have known you only for a week or for 10 years. It’s never too early and it's too late to say this. You will see how your relationship will change for the better.

In order for the man to continue to be interested in communicating with you, it is necessary to show a little female cunning and understand the psychology of men.

Several female tricks to hold a man

In order to keep near you a man you need, you need to show female wisdom or, if you want, even a trick.

  • Avoid relationships with frivolous frivolous men. If this is a man of “rolling-field” or womanizer, you should not start a long relationship with him. And then hold it. He will still be carried away by another object, because he is not configured for a serious relationship. In order not to be abandoned, it is better to immediately choose a responsible and positive person from your gentlemen.
  • At the initial stage of the relationship, understand what attracts your partner. If your man loves parties and nightclubs, he will hardly attract cozy home dinners. Or vice versa, he dreams of home comfort, and you pull him on hikes. It is better to figure out what time of pastime everyone prefers.


  • Let a man do what you love: have an interesting lesson, hobbies. Each person, in addition to mandatory affairs, should have some kind of outlet where you can change the sphere of activity.
  • Be the most interesting person, have your own individuality. Perhaps this is a desire to learn some language or learn to embroider, draw, achieve any sports success. You cannot completely dissolve in the desires of your beloved man.
  • To be different, even slightly bitchy, unpredictable and changing. Such women attract all men, they are not boring with them. It is in such women that they often fall in love.


  • To be feminine, fragile and tender. Femininity is implied not only in appearance, but also in actions.
  • Give a man to feel loved by a man. A man needs to feel that you want to be with him not because of material considerations or fear of loneliness, but because you love him. A man intuitively always feels the love of a loved one, so if you want to hold a man, love him and show your love.


  • Be a mistress for your man. Know what attracts him in sex. It is no secret that sometimes, due to good sex, caring and beautiful women are thrown on the side.

How to keep men of different zodiac signs

How to hold Aries man

Aries man is a naive child who believes in ideals and miracles. But on the other hand, this is an adult, independent, proud man who does not tolerate any advice.


To keep the interest of Aries man, a woman must be stylish, elegant and a little unearthly. The ideal of a woman for a man Aries is a Korolev woman. She should not criticize him, give advice. Be sure to praise. But the praise should not be fake, not false, but real. Otherwise, the deception will be revealed instantly.

Aries is a conqueror, so give him the opportunity to conquer you. Be a slightly impregnable, smart, romantic and elegant.

Aries cannot be provoked to jealousy. He will not sort things out, he will translate his attention to another, more worthy object, another queen.

Aries does not tolerate a nearby suffering, bearing, dissatisfied with life and groomed women, so be optimistic and unpredictable.

How to hold a man of Taurus

To conquer and hold the man of Taurus is not a very simple task. The man Taurus is balanced and reliable, he always knows exactly what he wants from life and from your relationship in particular.

Naturally has a subtle psychological instinct. Therefore, the future chosen one will scan at the very beginning of the relationship. Very appreciates, except for appearance, spirituality, intelligence, the ability to compromise.


The man Taurus loves that at home it was beautiful, clean, smelled of home food. Above all values \u200b\u200bcomforts and comfort. Sexual relations should also be stable. The man Taurus is stubborn, so he often makes decisions himself, he cannot be argued.

The man Taurus is the owner, so he will not tolerate betrayals in the house.

How to hold a twin man

The twin man appreciates freedom most of all. It is very attractive to the opposite sex, unpredictable, amorous and windy. In order to keep such a man near him, you must be so different that it seemed to a man that there were several women next to him.


It will not work to re -educate and remake in his own way a twin man, he is touchy and stubborn.

Therefore, if a twin man is dear to you, you should not limit his freedom, but try to let him go as much as possible. Be patient and condescending. This will maintain relations for a long time.

Try to arrange surprises, be unexpected, passionate. It is very important to constantly develop his erudition, since a twin man loves communication, interesting interlocutors with whom you can discuss different topics.

How to keep a cancer man

A man of cancer has subtle intuition, he is a very observant, sensitive person who remains a dreamer all his life. He loves a cozy house very much, loves family holidays and home -made home -made households. Therefore, in order to keep a man of cancer, you need to be a good mistress who can create mental comfort in the house.


To keep the man of cancer, a woman must have a well -developed maternal instinct, to love a man very much and constantly remind him of this, to patiently relate to the attacks of melancholy.

How to hold a lion man

The lion man is very strong and courageous, which does not prevent him from being proud and extremely emotional. A woman next to such a man should always remain in the shade, since only he will make decisions.

The Lion man loves to talk about his successes and achievements, so he needs a woman who can listen, without inserting comments, admire and not react violently if they criticize her.

A woman next to the man Leo should be stylish, well -groomed, elegant and sexy. He must admire and admire his chosen one.


How to keep a man of a girl

The maiden man has a slightly cold, aristocratic nature. As a rule, he loves to work and knows how to keep his word.

To keep the man of the virgin, one must be well -groomed, there must be an absolute order in the house, no scattered things and unwashed dishes. It is necessary to have patience and punctuality.

The man does not like guests, secular receptions of the house are not welcome. The companion of the man of the Virgin will have to learn to adequately perceive criticism in his address, take care of the family budget, avoiding unjustified expenses.

How to keep a scales man

The scales man are very polite, courteous, developed aesthetically and intellectually. Therefore, in order to keep and interest such a man, it is necessary to constantly develop spiritually: read, visit museums and exhibitions.

In order to hold the man's scales, it is necessary to provide at home a calm friendly situation, no stormy scenes and clarification of relations.

The scales man constantly stare at women, but this does not mean that he is looking for another partner. It is just enjoyment in a beautiful look, so it is important not to arrange a scandals because of this scandal, but to praise its exquisite taste.

How to hold a scorpion man


The Scorpio man has a contradictory and deceptive nature. He is a sophisticated manipulator, a passionate seducer and lover, he lives according to his rules and does not tolerate pressure.

Therefore, in order to keep the beloved man of Scorpio, you need to be closed, mysterious and constantly changing, be able to be a passionate mistress, intrigue, fascinate and captivate.

How to keep a Sagittarius man

To keep the man of Sagittarius, you need to love freedom as he loves, be active, share his interests, play by his rules. One must be a friend, a mistress and just a person who understands him.


The Sagittarius man does not like to go to relatives and family assemblies, so do not burden him with such events.

How to hold a Capricorn man

To keep the Capricorn man, the woman must be prudent, calm and balanced. Capricorn’s man will attract a good practical mistress who knows how to create a calm home environment. Capricorn does not like frivolous women inclined to go into adventure.

How to hold a man of Aquarius

Can a man of Aquarius be kept if he loves freedom most of all? To keep the man of Aquarius, we must remember that he does not tolerate disputes, appreciates justice, loves to receive gifts and make surprises himself.


Aquarius is only interested in extraordinary, mysterious and unpredictable women.   Therefore, in order for the alliance with Aquarius to be long, it is necessary to be constantly changing, incomprehensible and slightly inaccessible.

How to hold a man fish

The fish man is somewhat passive in decision -making, he is constantly in his invented world, does not like conflicts.


To hold a man of fish, you need to be a strong woman on which everything rests, to be a leader in the family. At the same time, outwardly, a woman should maintain softness and compliance, because it attracts fish so much.

How to keep a married man

There are situations in life when we are going on contrary to our beliefs. She promised herself not to meet a married man, but now it turned out that he has been married for a long time. But I really want to maintain a relationship with him. In order to keep a married man, you must adhere to the rules:

  1. Do not forbid how to see a former family.
  2. Trying to cook deliciously and varied, even if he does not really like all sorts of exquisite dishes. There will be a reason to evaluate efforts.
  3. Not to demand attention and money more than he provides.
  4. Do not "saw" for any reason.

You can try to keep the man with a child, but this is not always suitable. Sometimes a man does not want to have children or he already has children in the past marriage.

family in Bed

It is necessary to try to be better than his wife: more positive, brighter, more affectionate.

But at the same time, one should not be imposed, puzzle it with your problems and arrange scandals. This behavior will only push the man.

How to hold a man. Video

The psychologist will talk about how to hold a man.



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