
How to like people

How to like people
How to make a good impression. Receivers

Probably, every person wants to make a good impression on others and like people later. It is always pleasant to realize that close, friends or just familiar and colleagues are positively responding about you.

In any team or company there is a person with whom everyone is easy to come to contact and which has to itself at first glance. To enjoy people not necessarily possess an attractive appearance of a movie actor. You just need to have charisma and charm, which are some of the nature from birth.

However, many people are not given a memorable impression from the first day of dating. Then there is nothing easier than simply learn to some secrets of attracting and arrangement of people who enjoy people in informal communication, business and politics. Then you will make sure that many have not been "coming on clothes" today, but appreciate the charm and attractiveness of the mind and soul in people.

How to like people: basic ways of location

Each person is purely individual and to please all, you need to use an individual approach to each. Nevertheless, there are several universal methods, with which you can make a posing with yourself.

How to like people: conversation with people about themselves


As the studies of psychologists show, a person gets the same satisfaction from the story about himself, as from the consumption of food or the joy of the money received. So if the girl liked you very much, then you should not talk about you all evening, but it is better to translate the conversation to her personality and ask her life. Lovers chat this your reception will have to do.

The same effect will work and the girl if he wants to like the guy or girlfriends. People always want to "remove the stone from the soul" in a conversation and worth it to give them this opportunity. Note that many people go to a psychologist to talk about their problems and pay considerable money for this service.

How to like people: ask

If you do not agree with a person, then he should not say that he is not right to directly, so that your advice is not accepted as a humiliating criticism, which no one loves. Drive dialogue and try to ask questions to a partner, with which he will come to the necessary conclusion, and you will not have to spoil the relationship. After all, much more pleasant to realize that you yourself came to the right decision than just listening to someone's advice.

Also, if you want a man, ask and interest it with his hobbies, show attention to problems. It is often the strong floor that it is often more difficult to reveal, and after all, each person needs psychological unloading. Believe me that manifesting interest and care, you will become closer and relative to him.

How to like people: ask the Council


Great way to like a girl or familiar is the request of the Council. So you will show a person that his opinion is important to you, he is an authority for you, and also that you trust him. It increases the self-esteem of the interlocutor and makes you closer to each other.

The request for the Council helps to arrange to themselves as a boss and subordinate. A person always wants to feel an important link in the chain of society, and the consciousness is that his opinion is not an empty sound to anyone. The question of the opinion of others can lead to a useful exchange of information and a prominent dispute of a positive character.

How to crash people: two questions

This tactics can be safely used if you want a woman. First ask the question associated with positive emotions for the correct positive destination of the interlocutor. Next, ask a question that can cause negative emotions, but already softened by the first effect.

For example, you say sweethearts that you want to make her a pleasant evening and invite her for dinner at the restaurant at the end of the week. Then say that on Thursday you would like to watch football in the bar with friends. As if your lady, I did not want to let you go on such a bachelor party, she will have to give way, as she will expect a pleasant evening with you.

How to like people: Three words

No, this is not the cherished "I love you!", Although this phrase does not dispract to yourself. The last two or three words spoken by the interlocutor can be repeated with a soft, confident or doubting intonation. This shows the partner that you listen carefully and are interested in continuing the conversation.

This method of communication is very effective for negotiating. However, everything needs to know the measure. Too overgoing with the recent phrases, you can create an excess voltage in the conversation and alert the interlocutor. This technique can be performed by intermediate in a conversation.

How to like people: opinion about other


Your opinion about others contributes to the formation of a general impression of you. Good reviews about others affect your overall image. The two people on a subconscious level will necessarily associate you with your opinion about the other person. As a result, good gossip can spread to you.

If you positively characterize your family and friends, these qualities will be assigned to you. Bad gossip is better not to make up for discussion, as it creates a dishonorable opinion of you. Hearing from you bad reviews, people instinctively will be less open with you, but a bad impression to be remembered longer than good.

How to like people: smile

In business, all the coaching coaching trainers have always put a smile and friendly look. A person of any profession, often contacting people, will tell you that a smile solves any conflict. After all, it is much more difficult to conflict with a person who is not aggressive, but has a good-natured appearance.

If you are in the gloomy mood and pessimistically configured, you will not want to communicate with others. Note that people who use popularity always smile, cheerful and everything is easier for them. This does not always talk about luck, and often a positive attitude just helps to cope with problems easier.

How to like people: bright emotions

Note that you always want to communicate with people who emit energy and are full of positive emotions. This is manifested in both the psychological setting and in appearance. No one wants to communicate with the well-tuned interlocutor, and even more so listen to his regular problems, but with glowing energy and joy of man I want to talk and recharge him with a positive.

Of great importance for the mood of a person and surrounding has an appearance. If you feel depressed, you should not dress in dark tones. It is better to put something bright and bright, which will help you tune in to a good wave and attract the attention of others. Be careful in choosing too bright and eccentric clothes and accessories, if your working dress code does not allow this. It is better to give preference to calm, but light shades.

Do not be afraid to surround yourself with pleasant trifles, for example, bring a family photo or a beloved teddy bear to the office. A fleeting look at these things will remind you of good and raise the mood, and colleagues will show that you can have fun and relax. Even if you take a high post or you have to be strict with subordinates.

How to like people: initiative


For timid and non-conscious people, being initiated, of course, quite difficult. However, in such a manifestation of communicative abilities, people see positive parties. Take the first step to communication and do not think about the possibility of refusal, and if your initiative has not taken, do not perceive it as a personal insult.

In any way, the initiative is encouraged, whether it is a job or relationship with the opposite sex. The proposal made by you will allow others to remind you about you and pay attention. It is better to take a chance and do not regret the lost chance than to doubt the negotiated. It is necessary to be guided by the fact that life and luck loves brave, and unreasonable shye feelings have not been in trend for a long time.

How to like people: restraint

Talking the conversation should stick to the golden middle and participate in the conversation as well as listening to. Do not talk yourself throughout the time, since no one loves tolotunov. The constructive dialogue will be only with the participation of the minimum of two partners, and if you keep a monologue, you will simply stop listening.

Even if you are talking to subordinates and talk about the specifics of work, it is worth periodically to focus on some aspects, asking questions to listeners. This allows you to switch attention, gives the brain in another direction. After such a break, attention will work better, and the information will become more affordable.

How to like people: self-esteem

Adequate self-esteem, first of all, depends on personal attitude towards himself. It is not worth extracting yourself too much about people, but also should not be made a pitiful impression. Be sure that you are not worse and no better than everyone else, because all people are original. Therefore, it is not necessary to constantly compare ourselves with others and make hasty conclusions about personalities.

External appearance can also convey your self-confidence, so align your back and shoulders (which is useful for both health), lift your head and look straight, not down or up. Also should not shift with your luck and boast the luck that you can change tomorrow. Take a good as a gift of fate, because boasting will lead to repulsive envy of others.

How to like people: names


Do not call the person you plan to interest and place to yourself, nicknames or smear words. "Kisi and Zaui" - for loved ones or "brothers and kents" for friends and colleagues subconsciously humiliate the person with whom you want to establish contact. The best compliment for a person will appeal to it by name.

The fact that you remember is the name of a colleague or subordinate will make it unique and make them respect you. Favorite you will show all the seriousness of intentions and feelings, calling them by name. Even if you make a purchase and see or hear a person in the first and last time, pay attention to the name and consult it so. None of what you say does not have the word as your own name of a person.

How to like people: non-verbal communication

Language of gestures has not yet canceled and many people have themselves to themselves, it would seem, not meaningful touch. For example, reinforce your request to touch the hand of the interlocutor, and you can express support and approval by holding a partner for the elbow. Also worth paying attention to facial expressions when talking.

Control over the movement of the face can be trained in front of the mirror during telephone conversations. Refuse closed finger crossing poses, hands and feet and wandering during a conversation. Control the increase in intonation and voice volume, which makes an outdown impression.

How to like people: appearance


Take care of your appearance. It does not mean at all that it is necessary to dress fashionable and expensive, wearing decorations and paying attention to accessories. Too many details in clothing will distract the interlocutor from you and will prevent you from knowing you better. Also do not look too extravagant.

Simplicity and neatness are the main factors attracting outwardly. Clothing may be not expensive brands, but just clean and swallowed. The same principle applies to makeup, which should be moderate, not screaming. It is worth not to forget about the elementary rules of hygiene and clean the shoes. No well-groomed appearance always pushes people.

How to like people: be interesting

With a person who has hobbies and a hobby is always nice and interesting to communicate. Reading develops memory and thinking, and also replenishes our knowledge. An read book and impressions about it will help to start a conversation. Music helps us to distract and relax, which allows you to find common interests in tastes.

Sport will be an excellent pastime for both health and mood, will help make new acquaintances. Start going to the gym or pool, on yoga class or dance, and you will not notice how to find people loved ones, and colleagues and friends will be, to tell about themselves.

Video about how to like people

Live a full life and rejoice in every day, and for the location of those around others, follow the advice from the video.


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