
How to deal with stress

How to deal with stress
Human stress. Causes, symptoms and situation management

Almost everyone is familiar with stress today. This is understood as a series of events that a person perceives as a threat to his well -being. The word "stress" is translated from English as compression, depression and pressure. This condition leads to the stress of the nervous system, and this, in turn, can cause problems with physical and psychological health. If a person experiences stressful situations, then this should be a signal to the fact that something needs to be changed in life. In this article we will tell you how to deal with stress.

The effect of stress on the body


Everything is interconnected in man. Emotional problems lead to physical diseases. So, if we are desperately trying to cope with life difficulties, applying all efforts to this, then this naturally affects our body. He is constantly in suspense, which, in turn, leads to some biochemical changes. In particular, stress exhausts the immune system, which is why a person begins to get sick more often.

Stress affects a person differently. Moreover, at first, emotional shocks are displayed precisely at the level of intelligence, thoughts and emotions. At the physical level, the processes are fixed by the last. In some people, part of the muscles are constantly in tension, and for no reason. Therefore, they do not know how to relieve stress and often suffer from various cardiovascular diseases. Due to the fact that a person often experiences negative emotions, the so-called muscle clamps may appear in him. They, in turn, contribute to the development of pain with cervical osteochondrosis.

Symptoms of stress


Before fighting stress, you need to know its symptoms. These include:

  • a state of anxiety,
  • insomnia,
  • unreasonable apathy,
  • fear of loss,
  • a feeling of loneliness
  • sharp mood shifts,
  • lack of desire to do something,
  • a stable feeling of depression.

These are the main signs of a state of stress and if you have them, then it's time to fight them.

Causes of stress


The development of stress can be caused by many reasons. They need to be known in order to effectively fight stress. So, they can be both external and internal. The first group includes various unpleasant events. So, a person can worry about some incidents that happened in his life, due to conflicts, any changes. For many, severe stress develops, for example, due to prolonged loneliness. In a word, there are a lot of reasons and they are diverse.

It is worth noting that not only negative events can cause stress, but also positive. So, for example, some people are subjected to nervous shock when they are raised in the service. Stress may well arise when changing their place of residence. After all, a person needs time to adapt to new conditions.

As for internal or psychological reasons, an example may be a person of inability to achieve some goal due to the fact that he lacks faith in himself. Many are nervous because of a constant sense of haste, which often create for themselves. Such people want to do everything as quickly as possible, because of which they are nervous.

Types of stress


  1. Chronic emotional stress. It occurs with prolonged emotional stress. For example, with a long search for work, with constant conflict situations in the family, etc.
  2. Acute stress. A sharp shock caused by an important event (quarrel, stress at work, sad news, etc.).
  3. Psychological stress. There is a consequence of internal factors - low self -esteem, unrealism in life. Otherwise, it can be called it as nervous stress.
  4. Physical stress. It occurs when overloading the body (training, increased level of noise in the room, etc.).

How to deal with stress: where to start?


Many people understand that they need to fight stress, but because of their laziness or fear, they put it off for later. In fact, it will be easy to get rid of stress. The most important thing is to have a desire. First you should identify a source of shocks, this will help to control your emotions in the future. If it is difficult for you to keep all the possible reasons that caused a stress situation, then write everything on paper. This will help to realize what exactly the problem is. If you go on this list, you will find imaginary problems that do not really exist, but you simply did not realize this before. In addition, there are also serious difficulties that have to fight.

They say that an optimist sees opportunities in any problem, while a pessimist is just difficulties. After all, a person’s attitude to a particular situation largely depends on himself. Therefore, the more positive the mood, the less the probability of conflicts and stress is present. A person who is accustomed to a negative mood will almost always be in a state of nervousness.

How to deal with stress: identifying stress factors

Stress Being Washed Away

It is necessary to know that the stress factor is only an occasion, and the cause of stress is a person makes it himself. That is why, under the same situation, different reactions are manifested.

All stress factors can be divided into three main categories:

  1. One of these groups includes the reasons for which we can not affect. For example, government decrees, taxes, weather, prices, as well as external events and characters of other people. Due to the fact that a person cannot affect these factors, his nerves and stress will not correct anything. You can only get health difficulties, for example, increased pressure. In order to cope with such stress, various techniques of muscle relaxation, special breathing exercises and meditation will be effective.
  2. The other category of stress factors includes those that we are able to influence. For example, the inability of a person to prioritize, set important goals in life, etc. Also, such factors include difficulties in interaction with other people.
  3. The third category of stress factors includes phenomena and events that a person personally turns into problems. So, some people can be nervous because of unpleasant events that were already in the past, others, on the contrary, are too worried about the future.

How to deal with stress: simple ways


  • Yoga can help to fight stress and find mental peace. With the help of meditation, you can relax. Sometimes in a couple of hours of yoga you can relax more than 8 hours of sleep. In any case, you need to know how to do it correctly. The main thing in this matter is to practice more. You can come up with goals that can be achieved using meditation. For peace of mind, this is very useful.
  • Try to do more your favorite business, find a hobby for yourself. Violation of mental harmony occurs due to fatigue and nerves. According to some psychologists, a person cannot get tired of mental and physical labor, if he brings him the joy of what he does. Therefore, in order not to get tired at work, find anything that you can please you and make bright colors, for example, come up with a competition for yourself in something. It is best to find a matter that you would like to devote your whole life. It will not bother you, and, therefore, you will not get tired of it.
  • You can alternate your favorite business with physical training. Nevertheless, it is sport that is one of the best ways to deal with stress. There are many varieties. Choose the sport that, like your favorite business, will bring you pleasure.

Young Woman Reading Cookbook in the Kitchen

  • For your peace of mind, try to start reading books. You may not even believe that they will somehow help you. It is enough to read half an hour a day. You will be surprised that this activity can relieve stress and help gain mental balance.

Many people think that the main reason for a violation of mental equilibrium is strong psychological stress. In fact, the reason is that the majority simply cannot get rid of restless thoughts correctly. Someone is trying to relax with the help of alcohol, someone with a cigarette, and someone with extreme sports. In fact, in order to gain mental balance, it is not at all necessary to harm your health and endanger yourself.

How to deal with stress: psychological attitudes


Sometimes it happens that some events knock us out of spiritual balance, make us nervous. When this happens, you need to quickly eliminate your internal conflicts. This will help solve many spiritual torment and cure diseases.

If it is hard for you in your soul, you have stress and depression, then you should not look for who could "cry". It is best to look around yourself well and find a person you can help. Perhaps this is one of your friends or acquaintances. Take care of him and the same will return to you. In your soul will come peace and peace. This will be the best treatment and prevention of stress.

It is also recommended to ask for less for yourself. If you demand a lot from other people, you will always be in a state of nervousness and stress. Therefore, you need to learn how to forgive and stop demanding something from the surrounding people and from circumstances. If you want peace for your mind, then forget all the complaints. Otherwise, you will always be accompanied by quarrels and conflicts, which, in turn, can lead to heart malaises.

If you wondered how to deal with stress, understand that life is not a cause for disorders. Most people believe that the factors surrounding us in life cause poor health. In fact, every person perceives life the way he himself wants it. That is, our thoughts are simply projected onto real life. Therefore, if they are negative, then everything will be bad. If the soul is good, then life will seem to you in bright colors. Thus, your spiritual balance depends on you. Therefore, in order to find it, you need to be stronger than life circumstances. Then in your life there will be no negativity, no matter what events happen in it.

In order to fight stress, you need to learn how to look at life differently. Some people believe that nothing good is waiting for them and everyone around is tuned against them. Due to such thoughts, they become aggressive to all others. Moreover, such a negative is transmitted to other people. If you need peace in your shower, then give up bad thoughts, do not let gloomy colors in them. Remember that only you are responsible for their content.

How to deal with stress: exercises

In order to fight the stress of a person, you can use various exercises that are based on the creation of images. They are quite simple and affordable. An important point is that these exercises should be performed in a state of light trance.


  • "Shelter." With this exercise, you can control stress, achieve a state of comfort and inner peace. In order to fulfill it, you need to mentally create the image of your refuge, i.e. The place where you will be calm and no one will disturb you. Thus, anything can be in your imagination. For example, a hut in the mountains, a room, a hut in the forest, a sea shore or even a place on another planet. Whatever it is, there you should feel comfortable and safe. With this exercise, you can feel a pleasant feeling of confidence and peace. Presenting yourself there, it will seem to you that there will be more time than in fact, but this should be enough to calm down and gain strength. When you are sure that you rested and calmed down, you can mentally get out of your refuge in the real world. To do this, it is usually easy to take a deep breath and open your eyes.


  • "Photo album." This exercise can help cope with negative memories. In the life of any person there were unpleasant moments and experiences. It is such events that must be represented in the form of a sequence of photographs. They should mentally fill the figurative album, after which it is placed on the distant shelf. Then you need to imagine how photographs in this album gradually fade and, in the end, completely disappear.
  • "Thoughts". Inhale deeply, hold your breath a little and exhale slowly. Then take the pen and use it to write down your thoughts on paper. Admit to yourself that life is beautiful. Then write down the three most, in your opinion, successful events in life. Do not forget to tell a friend or loved one about what he means to you.
  • "Flight over the clouds." Get out as often as possible, sit on the porch and do nothing. Allow yourself for some time to mess around. You can look for a few minutes on the clouds. It is useful to mentally fly over your life. It is also recommended to simply defocus your gaze and try to notice everything that happens around you within a few minutes. During a walk, give several coins to charity.
  • "Bubble". You can imagine that you are in a large transparent soap bubble that protects you. It’s great just to put your hand on the heart and feel how it beats. In the morning, give yourself a promise that you will save a positive attitude throughout the day, no matter what events occur. Thank you fate when you get what you want. Sometimes you should think about how you would live your life, knowing that you will never have a lot of money.


Additional recommendations:

  1. Go out the city, walk in the fresh air, inhale the aroma of flowers. It is useful to give your body a will, i.e. To do what he wants (in a reasonable framework, of course). Consider your best friend is your inner critic. Listen to him.
  2. When you are nervous, try to determine the part of the body that is most tense. Concentrate on it with all your might for a few seconds, after which you completely relax.
  3. When you go out, find something "natural". It can be a tree or sheet. Touch this and feel the texture. Do not be afraid to smile, let this smile be the most stupid in the world, while imagine how you look from the outside. Think about the problem that is most concerned about at the moment. Think about her as if your close friend addressed you for advice. Look at the problem from the other side, and you will definitely find the solution.

To overcome stress is most often quite real only on your own. Sometimes, of course, you may need the help of a specialist, which cannot be dispensed with, but this is quite rare. Therefore, you should first try to cope with stress without it. In addition, various folk remedies should not be used, which, at best, can only muffle the problem.

Most often, it is enough to remember a few necessary points. First of all, we must not forget that stress is a completely normal reaction to increased voltage. In addition, to combat it, use your hidden capabilities, because everyone has them. The stress that occurs during stress is best to use somewhere somewhere.

How to deal with stress: video


Anna 13.05.2019 Answer

Yoga is of course great, but think for yourself, if a person is nervous, sleeps badly, do you think he can take up yoga? I doubt very much. For example, I need to calm down at first, and then I will turn the mountains and the mountains. I still drink Vitango, and my condition returns to normal.
