
How to raise and strengthen immunity to an adult and a child. Currents that strengthen immunity. Products that strengthen immunity

How to raise and strengthen immunity to an adult and a child. Currents that strengthen immunity. Products that strengthen immunity
In what ways to raise and strengthen immunity in adults and children. Effective folk recipes.

The immune system is the foundation of good health, a barrier and reliable protection of our body, which helps it withstand various microbes, viruses and infections. With a decrease in immunity, we begin to get colder or viral diseases more often, we feel chronic fatigue, a decrease in vital activity. The topic of raising and strengthening immunity is especially relevant in the cold season, during the period of exacerbation of colds and viral infections. What are the methods of strengthening the immune system in adults and children?

Signs of immunity reduction

The immune system is a complex internal system of the body, which is affected by many factors. Some people already have strong and strong immunity from birth and rarely get sick even during the period of epidemics and exacerbations of seasonal colds, while others, on the contrary,, with the slightest hypothermia, get and “pick up” all kinds of viruses and infections. But, even in the presence of congenital strong immunity, under the influence of adverse environmental conditions, an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, the immune system can fail and become vulnerable to microbes and viruses. The fact that it is time to think about strengthening immunity, many recall only when they have already got sick of a cold. A decrease in immunity can also be facilitated by improper, monotonous nutrition or strict diets, lack of vitamins or antibiotics.

Signs of a weakened immune system:

  1. Frequent colds. If you are sick with SARS, ARI, influenza more often than 4-6 times a year, you have a weak immunity and the body is not able to protect itself from viruses.
  2. Fast fatigue, chronic fatigue. These are obvious signs of weak immunity, exhaustion of the body's defenses. The weakened organism is an “open gate” for viruses and infections.
  3. Emotional stress, depression.
  4. Headache.
  5. Lomota in the muscles, joints.
  6. Sleep disturbance (insomnia or drowsiness).


How to increase immunity with folk remedies

To strengthen immunity, an adult needs to start with simple preventive measures. First of all, you should reconsider your habits and strive for a healthy lifestyle. Doctors distinguish four basic rules, observing which will help to quickly raise immunity:

  1. Completely abandon bad habits (alcohol and smoking).
  2. Physical activity, which includes daily walking in any weather, playing sports. Useful swimming, skiing, active games on the street.
  3. Rational nutrition, rich in vitamins and foods that increase immunity. Compliance with the water balance.
  4. Hardening the body using a contrast shower and observing stable and low temperature in the room (especially in the bedroom) up to 18-20 degrees.

Products that strengthen immunity

To strengthen immunity, a person needs to use only natural quality food products and abandon preservatives and semi -finabicats (sausages, sausages). Exclude or reduce the use of smoked, salted and fried foods.

  1. Include in the menu products rich in protein. Every day it is recommended to eat meat, fish, seafood and legumes, peas, lentils, beans are especially useful. Morning is useful to start with a protein breakfast. For example, chicken eggs, cottage cheese casserole, milk porridge. It is better not to consume meat dishes in the morning.
  2. Pay special attention to plant foods, red or orange natural color. These are pumpkin, carrots, red pepper, tomatoes. Minerals and vitamins (A, beta-karatin) that are included in these products contribute to the strengthening of the immune system and serve as a kind of shield from various viruses, microbes and infections.
  3. In strengthening and raising immunity, vitamin C is very important, which is contained in fresh vegetables, fruits, greens. A lot of vitamin C contains such fruits that strengthen immunity as: lemons and other citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, rosehip, black currants, cranberries, grenades, as well as sauerkraut, parsley. Cook vegetable, fruit salads, season them with lemon juice, yogurt or olive oil.
  4. In strengthening the immunity, the polyunsaturated fatty acids of omega 3, which are contained in fish, seafood and seaweed, provide an important role.
  5. Among the vitamins that strengthen the immunity, the important place is occupied by vitamin D and group B - the main defenders of the immune system. In large quantities, vitamin D is contained in butter, fish, fish oil, seafood, and vitamin B - in nuts, seeds, rough bread, buckwheat, legumes, cheese products.
  6. Also, our body is very useful for potassium, which is contained in buckwheat, nuts, potatoes, welded "in the uniform."
  7. You can strengthen immunity after antibiotics and improve microflora in the intestines with natural yogurt, kefir, yogurt, ash -groaning - sources of lactic acid bacteria, contributing to the normalization of the digestive tract. Doctors are recommended to undergo a course of taking probiotics.


A list of the most useful products and drinks that increase immunity

  1. Garlic is a leader among products that helps strengthen immunity. Garlic is actively fighting with all bacteria, viruses and infections. It is recommended to eat garlic tooth daily during meals.
  2. Wheat sprouts are an incredibly useful product, which is a storehouse of vitamin B. Vitamin salads, smoothies and drinks based on wheat sprouts are useful.
  3. Citrus fruits are sources of vitamin C, a powerful activator of the immune system.
  4. Ginger tea. An excellent remedy for the first signs of a cold.
  5. Bee natural honey and beekeeping products (propolis, royal milk). Natural honey is a healing product that supports the protective functions of the body in the winter. You can use both an independent means to raise immunity and in combination with other products (lemons, garlic, dried fruits, nuts).


How to strengthen immunity with honey

Honey is a unique product that allows you to strengthen immunity with frequent colds. Based on honey, the most healing recipes are prepared for raising immunity. Bee honey is rich in folic acid, vitamins A, B, C, E, K. To strengthen the healing effect of honey on the body, it is recommended to take mixtures based on honey at the beginning of the cold season, for prevention, without waiting for a weakening of the body and colds.

Healing mixtures with honey for immunity

Recipe 1:  This mixture is suitable for both adults and children. To cook it, you will need:

  • apple;
  • dry fruits, crushed walnuts of 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • honey - 1 tbsp;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs;
  • oatmeal - 3 tbsp.

Pour the flakes with boiling water, it is necessary to give them time to swell. Add chopped apple, lemon, dried fruits to flakes, they can be passed through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Take a delicious medicine before meals three times a day.

Recipe 2: This is a very tasty and healthy medicine. To cook it will be needed:

  • kuraga - 1 cup;
  • walnuts - 1 cup;
  • raisins- 1 cup;
  • lemon - 2 pcs;
  • honey - 1.5 cups.

Skip the products except honey through a meat grinder. Pour them with liquid honey. The finished tool is taken for 3 tbsp during the day, for children - 3 teaspoons. When the medicine is over, you should take a break for a week, and then make it again and continue taking it.

Recipe 3: Honey with lemon and garlic.

This mixture will not only strengthen immunity, but also cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, it also stimulates the functioning of blood vessels.

To cook it, grind 5 heads of garlic and 5 lemons, add honey (0.5 liters) to the products. Insist the tool for 10 days in the cold. Take 5 ml before meals, drinking water.

Healing drinks based on honey for immunity

No less tasty and healthy drinks with honey to strengthen immunity.

  1. Boil compote from apples (3 large apples per 1 liter of water). After cooling, add honey to the compote to taste.
  2. Make a decoction of rosehips (20 grams of fruits per liter of boiling water), the ideal option is to brew the infusion in the thermos for 6 hours. Eat a drink with honey to taste.
  3. Ginger immunity is perfectly strengthened with honey. Brew the crushed ginger root.
  4. Green tea with honey is a simple and affordable way to strengthen immunity in the cold season.
  5. A glass of kefir, in which a spoonful of honey is added, will be of great benefit to the body. Drink kefir before bedtime. So you not only strengthen the immunity, but also cleanse the body.


How to raise immunity at home with herbs

To prepare decoctions to raise immunity in folk medicine, medicinal herbs are used. The most famous recipes for raising immunity with herbs.

  1. Vitamin decoction of rosehips. To prepare it, take 100 grams of rosehip fruits, pour them with 1 liter of boiling water and set to cook for 20 minutes. After that, strain the vitamin broth and pour into a thermos. To a decoction in a thermos, add 2 lemons chopped in a meat grinder and 5 tbsp finely crushed raspberry leaves. Insist this tool for about 3 hours in a thermos. Take a vitamin tool in the morning and in the evening with a course of 2 months, repeat this course twice a year.
  2. Healing balm with aloe. This tool is not recommended for pregnant women and children, as it contains alcohol in its composition. It is necessary to take a glass of vodka and add 100 grams of freshly squeezed aloe juice, half a kilogram of purified walnuts, juice of 3 lemons and 250 grams of natural honey. Mix all ingredients, take the product every day, 3 tbsp. Before eating. The reception course is 10 days.
  3. St. John's wort tincture. In 0.5 liters of wine (Kagor, Sherry, Madera) add 50 grams of dry St. John's wort grass and leave in the room a dark place. Then strain the tincture, take 15 ml three times a day before eating. Thanks to the tincture of St. John's wort, you can not only strengthen and raise immunity, but also normalize the functioning of the nervous system, as well as you will relieve stress and nervous stress.
  4. Herbal mixture with sage. It is necessary to mix 1 tbsp. l. Herbs: dry sage and nettle nettle, add 1 teaspoon of dry chicory to grass, pour everything with boiling water (1 cup). Let the decoction brew, then strain and take 60 ml after eating, 3 times a day.
  5. Tea with chamomile. In 200 ml of boiling water, add 3 tbsp cakes of medicinal. Put the container in the water bath for 20 minutes. Then cool, strain, bring to the total volume of 200 ml, adding boiling water to the decoction. Drink tea with chamomile 2 times a day.


How to strengthen the child's immunity

It is noted that modern children suffer from colds and viral diseases much more often than peers 20 years ago and the fault of all reduced immunity, which cannot cope with the protection of the child's body from various viruses, infections and microbes. Therefore, it is so important to take care of strengthening the child’s immune system before the coming of the cold season and take preventive measures.

Enter products such as:

  • fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits, necessarily without nitrates;
  • home dairy products or store, but of good quality;
  • include natural meat, rabbit, chicken in the menu;
  • home chicken or quail eggs;
  • bread from whole -grain flour.


It is useful to accept: as preventive products:

  • chamomile tea;
  • rosehip tincture;
  • black currant drink. You can use dried berries, or you can currants, dull sugar.
  • all children adore sweets, so sweets from dried fruits will like them. To prepare them is needed: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, figs and 1-2 lemons. Grind all products with a meat grinder, add 2 tbsp to the mixture. honey. Give the form of sweets.

In addition to a balanced nutrition and the inclusion of vitamin products that strengthen immunity in the diet, it is important to accustom the child to comply with the correct regime of the day. Children should spend a sufficient amount of time on the street, actively playing sports. Sports and swimming are ideal for hardening a child.


How to strengthen immunity after antibiotics

If, nevertheless, the baby was ill with a viral or infectious disease, for the treatment of which antibiotics were used, each mother is faced with how to raise and strengthen children's immunity after taking them.

There are medications that can strengthen the body, the so -called interferons - capable of blocking infections. Such as Grippferon, Viferon, Arbidol, Anaferon. You can also use vegetable drugs - immunal, ginseng, lemongrass. Do not forget about an additional source of vitamins in the form of multivitamin preparations (dragees, chewing tablets, syrups). Not always with food, the child receives a sufficient amount of vitamins.


Folk remedies will help to raise immunity, here are a few effective recipes that are suitable for children:

  1. Brew 200 grams of rosehip berries with 1 liter of boiling water and cook them for about 2 hours. Then add sugar to the broth, kiss and let the baby drink like tea during the day.
  2. Grind one kilogram of cranberries and two lemons on a meat grinder or blender and add 1 tbsp. Take this mixture 3 times a day for 2 tablespoons.
  3. Heat milk (100 ml) and add a few drops of propolis to it. The required number of drops as many as a child. The reception course is 30 days.

How to strengthen the immunity of often sick children?

A child with a weakened immune system is often subject to attacking infectious and viral diseases, so such children are sick much more often than their peers. The task of adults is to strengthen children's immunity using safe and very effective folk remedies.

One of the natural immunostimulants is tincture of echinacea, which is sold in any pharmacy. It is added to warm tea or compote. How many years to the child, so many drops of tincture and add daily.


Another product is propolis - a bee product with antiviral and antibacterial properties, it is given with warm milk in the same dosage as the echinacea.

Ginger tea with honey and lemon is an effective effective tool that restores the child’s immunity.

How to strengthen the baby’s immunity before visiting a kindergarten or school

In the children's team, the child will have to face a huge number of microbes and viruses, if the immunity is weakened, the child will quickly “pick up” the next virus or infection. Therefore, before going to kindergarten or school, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures aimed at strengthening the protective functions of the body.

Hardening. The daily rubbing of the body is useful with a damp sponge, massage, contrast shower, morning charging in a ventilated room.


Compliance with the diet, inclusion in the diet of products rich in vitamins:

  • A (carrots, dairy products, liver, vegetable and cream oil).
  • Group B (cottage cheese, oatmeal, buckwheat, cheese, beef).
  • C (citrus fruits, currants, rosehips).
  • Exclude products containing dyes, taste supplements from the children's menu.


Provide the child with an active lifestyle, write down the baby for swimming, gymnastics, dancing, more often in the fresh air, arrange active games.

Immunity is a reliable obstacle to microbes and viruses. Strengthening the immune system, we help our body prevent diseases and provide him with strong protection.


Lyudmila 06.04.2017 Answer

I generally believe that folk methods in the modern world are not always relevant. They can be cured, but it will take a lot of time. I prefer to take Esberox tablets at the first signs of a cold. With them, you can cure faster and do not need to take sick leave.

Irina 04.09.2017 Answer

“If the baby was ill with a viral disease and antibiotics were used” ... But do viruses treat antibiotics? And how can anferon or arbidol help after antibiotics if the main problem after antibiotic therapy is a damaged intestinal microflora, in which about 80 % of immune cells is located? It is necessary to take probiotics and probiotics again! Bifidumbacterin, Bifidum-Bag, Threelact, etc. Most of all I love the immuno Bakzdrav for its rich composition, nowhere else has you met a large number of beneficial bacteria, and its price is affordable. And then, on a healthy intestine with echinacea, ginger and what you want to drink.

Julia 25.09.2017 Answer

I make lemon oil) and drink tea with butters with the whole family))) The small truth is still Bubisan d3 give droplets))
