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Combination of colors in clothes

Combination of colors in clothes
How to learn to combine different colors in clothes.

It is no secret that the appearance of a person depends on the color of clothing. A harmoniously selected combination of colors can improve the appearance, refresh any image and give it the desired mood. Having learned to combine tone correctly according to the rules of color perception, you will be able to need to emphasize the favorable features of your appearance, shade them and expand these accents.

Combine colors in clothing: color selection principles

To look "at the height", every woman needs to be learned to pick up colors and understand which of them are suitable for her. After reading the palette of shades, among the set of tones, the choice should be made consciously. It is known that each of the shades in clothing in its own way influences the owner of the outfit, people who are with her near, as well as on the psychological microclimate indoors. In order for your wardrobe to look always relevant, you also need to learn how to combine different colors and shades. It is worth noting that the monophonic selection of clothing can look somewhat boring, some modern stylists even indicate it as a sign of not too good taste. At the same time, a thoughtful combination of colors in clothing allows you to build the desired impression of the image.

Many women sometimes experience difficulties in combining shades. Surely, many have noticed that some combinations of tones are nice to watch, it's not too much - in such cases an impression arises that in the image "something is wrong." Separate disharmonious combinations are able to literally spoil the impression from the actual in general and quite thought-out bow. Thus, the correct combination of colors in clothing in many cases is a component that determines the intelligence of the other image. The combinations of colors in clothing must be selected with the details of individual data (color, and figures) - in this case, the details of the image will look quite harmonious, emphasizing each other. It is often difficult to achieve this goal. At the same time, you can go in two ways - try to penetrate into the subtleties of the theory of color combinations in order to understand the basic patterns, or combine shades in clothing according to templates. On the pages of fashion magazines and Internet sites, you can find many suitable examples for imitation.

Combination of flowers in clothing: basic concepts

In order to learn to best combine different shades of clothing, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe laws of color perception. These rules are not a dogma - take at least a fashion of different eras and decades, when some combinations of colors in clothes were literally considered a bad tone and were not allowed, and then entered the mass consumer. Nevertheless, there are basic patterns to make harmonious color combinations.


All colors can be divided into two main groups:

  • chromatic - characterized by color tone (a noticeable difference in color), saturation (brightness indicator), as well as light (degree of proximity to white);
  • achromatic - color data can be described by the only pronounced characteristic (solester). These include white and gray, as well as black.

The main colors of the spectrum are the most saturated (they are still called clean). With the addition of white color acquires a pastel (elected) shade. Due to the addition of black saturated shades become darkened. Gentle pastel tones are suitable for many, they are advised to add stylists to the casual wardrobe. Light shades emphasize the lines of the cut, as well as the texture of the fabric. In addition, they have a property visually add volume. As for dark shades, they grind shaped lines, as well as completeness, lead attention from the texture of the material. Clothes painted in dark tones seems more severe than light.


Combine colors in clothes: visual and emotional perception

Depending on the visual impact, color tones are divided:

  • on the so-called cold, causing a feeling of coolness. Many shades of blue, blue and some green are cool. Cold tones have a property to visually remove, as well as optically reduce objects;
  • causes of heat - warm tones. They are traditionally attributed to red and orange.

If you place a number of similar objects stained in warm and cold tones, then the first will seem visually closer and larger. It is worth considering that the visual effects also cause a background on which the items are placed. If there is a dark background, the light object seems closer than similar painted in a dark color item on a light background. Painted in warm saturated tones Things seem more voluminous and approximate on the background of objects in cool colors. These rules of color perception can be used in selection of clothing. Combining cool and warm tones, you can quite successfully adjust the figure, leading attention to its errors and emphasizing the dignity.


Combination of colors in clothes: Color proportions

In order to learn how to make a combination of colors in clothing, you need to understand which of them are combined, and which are incompatible. It is also necessary to figure out how to combine parts according to the color proportions into a single image, using the variety of shades of seven main spectrum colors. If the color data is placed in a circle, adding a purple magent for a smooth transition between red and purple, a chromatic circle is formed.

The following varieties of chromatic colors distinguish:

  • related;
  • additional;
  • contrast.

Stylists recommend using two or three colors in the image. One of them will act as the prevailing in clothing, the second - will emphasize and hesitate him. To make advantageous accents, depending on what is required to emphasize, the third color is applied.


To compile various images, the following main methods of combining colors in clothing are traditionally applied:

  • the monochromatic method - while only one color applies, but in various shades of one color row. For example, blue color is associated with shades of blue, purple, as well as green. Experimenting, you can apply the combination of blue in your clothes in shades close to the mentioned tones, from light to dark. In the monochrome selection of clothes, it is worth playing with brightness and saturation of shades;


  • achromatic method - at the same time, for the compilation of a single image, respectively, white, gray and black colors are applied. Some stylists offer to add dark blue to them, as well as the shade of genuine leather (beige). When using achromatic combinations, it is allowed to enter into an image of additional color inclusions in the form of bright accessories that arrange the necessary accents. Achromatic colors harmoniously look in combination with different colors. As a classic option, it is worth mentioning the traditional combination of black with white. This option may look quite relevant and at the same time not boring. The choice of the most suitable combination will depend on specific purposes. It should be noted that the white color gives the missing volume, while black attaches slightness;


  • the triad method - using three colors located at equal distances within the color circle. This combination method allows you to get a distinct contrast, at the same time this combination of colors in clothes does not look screaming. At the same time, it is possible to combine the main colors (yellow, red and blue) or their derivatives (green, purple and orange), as well as shades created by mixing the main colors with derivatives;


  • the complimentary method allows you to combine contrast tones in one form (for example, a combination of purple color in clothes with yellow tones, as well as blue with the addition of orange shade). Some such contrast combinations may seem too catchy and even vulgar. Despite this, they have long chosen creative nature. A similar way to combine colors in clothing allows you to make a brightness and energy, make it dynamic and attract attention.

Combination of colors in clothes: useful recommendations

In order not to look screaming in any clothes and tastelessly, it is important to competently combine the most suitable shades to each other. Stylists recommend abandoning the choice of equal proportions when using contrasting combinations - for example, a suit in dark shades can be balanced by a bright scarf. When drawing up a blocking chamber, one of the tones should be chosen less intense compared to a fairly bright second, otherwise the image may look rude and even to some degree caricature. In addition, when combined, you can choose a slightly muted or pale colors.

It looks very successful, a combination of bright saturated shades with neutral tones. It should be noted that although the black color is neutral, it is saturated. To obtain a harmonious color combination, it should not be used as the main (dominant) color - on the contrary, it should be largely diluted with other colors.


It is allowed to include several neutral shades in one image, and the rule "no more than three colors" can not be taken into account. Due to the combination of several neutral shades with a saturated color, you can make a bright and dynamic image that will significantly refresh appearance.


Light neutral shades (gray, as well as beige) are perfectly combined with pastel colors. For example, a combination of beige color in clothes with a pale gentle pink looks softly and harmoniously, there is no risk of obtaining a showroom image that resembles a cream cake. In addition, a combination of gray in clothing with bright (including neon) shades is allowed.


Combination of colors in clothing: basic color combinations

When selecting the most suitable color combinations, it is worthwhile to take into account the following recommendations:

  • the red color is very organically combined with the neutral tones of the classic gamut - gray, beige, as well as black, snow-white and dairy. In addition, the combination of red in clothing with blue "denim", chocolate, silver, as well as purulent and pink shades;
  • yellow color can vary from gentle light shades to bordering hoora and orange tones. Thus, you can choose soft and muted combinations of yellow in clothing with pastel shades (for example, with pistashkovy, celestially blue or pink). In addition, it is easy to make enough catchy contrast combinations with red, turquoise and black;
  • cold shades of green (for example, pastel mentholic or more rich green grass) are perfectly combined with light gray, cream, blue, as well as cold brown tones. The successful combination of warm green in clothing can be made with blue, plum, beige and brown shades, as well as peach, blue and apricot;
  • gentle warm shade Pink color is successfully combined with denim, amethyst, mint, as well as shades of lilac and bright green. For cold shades of pink color, a combination of clothing with neutral light tones is recommended, as well as chocolate, shades of mint and jeans;
  • brown color is quite universal. Most successful can be called combinations of brown in clothes with shades of blue and green, as well as yellow, sandy and warm red;
  • burgundy color is optimally combined with saturated tones - bottle-green, as well as intensively gray and olive. In addition, the combination of burgundy color in clothing with various complex shades of red, as well as berry tones (blueberries, blackberries, elderberry (blueberries, blackberries, elderberry)
  • for turquoise color, a combination of clothing with neutral white, as well as pale yellow, ultramarine, orange and a tinge of Fuchsia are recommended;
  • the coral color looks harmoniously with the tones of the beige-bodily gamut, shades of gray, as well as pink and lilac. In addition, you can pick up quite successful combinations of coral colors in clothing with medium and dark brown, khaki, pale yellow, golden and dark blue.


After examining the rules of color perception and combination of tones, each woman can practic, in order to figure out how to combine them among themselves. When choosing the most suitable shades, you can guide the table combination of colors in clothing. At the same time, it is not necessary to ignore your intuition, listening to the inner voice and your taste. I caught my wardrobe with things a variety of shades, it is quite realistic to learn how to make harmonious combinations of flowers in clothing. Similarly, it is easy to make the desired impression, while you will feel as confidently as possible in various situations.

Combination of colors in clothes - Photo








Combination of colors in clothing - video


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