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Makeup 2017, fashion trends

Makeup 2017, fashion trends
Fashionable makeup trends 2017.

Fashion can be treated differently, following the implicitly her advice or referring to them with a certain share of healthy skepticism. It is impossible not to listen to fashion trends, because the image of each woman includes many details that develop in a certain style. Popular designers are not always in a hurry to open their latest creative developments. Nevertheless, fashion shows provide us with the opportunity to trace makeup trends, which will subsequently gain widespread in the future. Based on their analysis, experts make forecasts regarding fashion so that we can stock up on new ideas and implement them in practice.

Makeup 2017: Main directions

Fashion trends in 2017 are very democratic, as they embody various types of popular makeup that have ever met at the top of the fashionable Olympus. Fashion 2017 clearly demonstrates to us the change of various eras and the continuity of generations. Modern designers provide us with complete freedom of choice and offer us to apply the best techniques that make up the classics of the cosmetology industry in the new adaptation - thus, you will need to add current details based on modern time trends. Adhering to the directions of fashionable fundamental trends, one should approach them creatively, guided primarily by individual data and personal taste. When applying fashion makeup 2017, makeup artists recommend being a little bolder in their creative choice.

The main trends in makeup 2017 are:

  • healthy and well -groomed skin with a light glow effect;
  • the maximum maximum maxima in the style of nude;
  • monochrome make-up;
  • familiar to everyone, the technique of sucks in a modern interpretation;
  • the use of arrows, as well as a circular eyeliner to create the effect of "cat eyes";
  • graphic makeup - is the main trend for evening makeup;
  • festive makeup in the style of "metallic".

Makeup 2017 - photo


Fashion trends in makeup 2017: Skin radiance

Not so long ago, they tried to get rid of the brilliance of the skin, using matting cosmetics and napkins, as well as powder. Nevertheless, at present, the list of fashion trends has been replenished with “wet skin” with a light glow effect. This trend looks very natural and stylish, and gradually filled the catwalks and spread to the masses. Shining skin allows you to emphasize natural beauty and grooming. Such makeup is universal, and is suitable for both evening and everyday exit.


At first glance, this beauty trend in spring makeup 2017 is easy to implement-nevertheless, there are several rules that must be adhere to to achieve the effect of radiant skin.

These include:

  • competent care of the epidermis - for this you should choose the right cosmetological agents. In order for the skin to feel and look healthy, you should provide her attention and systematic care. Sometimes, in accordance with the skin type, it is necessary to pamper it with soothing, softening, moisturizing and caring masks;
  • a full rest and the use of a sufficient amount of fluid;
  • the skin massage in the morning when applying a moisturizer will improve blood microcirculation - and, accordingly, complexion of the face;
  • it is recommended to abandon the use of a tinting agent with a dense consistency, preferring lightweight, transparent textures of the base for makeup and concealer;
  • achieving the effect of radiance, it is important not to overdo it - for example, using transparent scattered powder, you can get rid of oily shine, while the skin does not acquire excessive dullness, maintaining the effect of glow and light radiance;
  • if you are a happy owner of perfect healthy skin, it is not recommended to get involved in imposing a significant amount of makeup, what is available should be appreciated. To maintain it in optimal condition, you should consider and provide the necessary care.

In the presence of radiant skin, a few noticeable accents will be enough. Spring makeup 2017 In this case, it may be reduced to applying a lip balm, as well as to several waves with a brush with mascara applied to it for eyelashes of natural dark shades. The lips can be arranged with the help of translucent or matte lipstick, or applied a little shine on them. This approach is the fastest, logical and inexpensive way to be in a fashionable trend.

Fashion trends in makeup 2017: Nude

For several seasons, designers show a rare unanimity, agreeing that well -groomed healthy skin, as well as long eyelashes and slightly tinted lips decorate any girl. Shining eyes and soft lips look as natural as possible in the makeup of spring-summer 2017 in Nude style.   In many fashion shows, the models looked as if recently returned from relaxing on the sea coast, and did not need to apply cosmetics at all.

It is worth noting that to create a similar effect of maximum naturalness, you need to do a lot of work.  A similar make-up will look perfect if there is smooth skin and well-groomed eyebrows. This effect is not easy to achieve - this will require careful care of the skin of the face, as well as the use of tinting products and primers. Non -aesthetic circles under the eyes, small redness and pimples will need to be carefully masked, otherwise you can make a completely impression that I would like to count on. For the warm season, it is recommended to choose an almost transparent tonal remedy for delicate natural shades in accordance with the color type (for this you can use new products of well -established manufacturers of cosmetics). Many stylists for summer makeup 2017 offer to combine natural eyebrows in a fashionable image (they are left quite wide) and slightly tinted eyelashes. In this case, you will need to carefully work out the tone of the face, as well as apply a little peach or pale pink blush.

The mobile eyelid is covered with shadows in the natural range (beige-sand, pinkish, peach, as well as light brown shades are suitable for this). For lips, it is recommended to use shades close to the tone of eye shadow.  Some makeup artists advise adding a brighter accent when applying such a make-apa-for example, a little golden gloss on the middle of the lower lip or dark sparkles under the lower century, as well as pearly shadows selected to the skin, or carefully drawn arrow in pastel colors.

Fashion trends in makeup 2017: Smokey ice


This classical technique for applying a make-up, which involves obtaining the effect of “smoky eyes”, is widely in demand in modern realities. With its popularity, Makeup 2017 Smokey Ice is obliged to unchanged spectacity in various conditions.  This technique of making makeup is constantly being improved, and now it can be noted that the gamut of the color palette for smoking ice has expanded significantly, while any combination of tones suitable for a particular color type is allowed.  In addition, the shadows are gradient, you can not only in the horizontal direction on the surface of the upper mobile eyelid, but also in the vertical, as well as to the sides of its center.  It is worth noting that, despite the freedom of choice provided, most makeup artists offer to use smoky-gray and brown shades for Smokey.


Fashion trends in makeup 2017: Cat's Eye

It is not difficult to create a characteristic “look of predator” by applying arrows. Apparently, in the 2017 makeup season, it will become more aggressive and bright.  To do this, you can use various techniques for applying arrows.


The arrows wide and raised towards the temples can be both single and double. In the presence of a circular eyeliner, as well as the design of their shadows of dark tones of a saturated color, a significant dimming of the area around the eyes can be observed.  Many makeup artists of fashion houses presented in their shows various options for such makeup.



It is worth noting that in makeup 2017 it became possible to combine fairly bright “cat eyes” with catchy emphasis on the lips using lipsticks using wine, plum and red-brown shades. For understandable reasons, it is not recommended to combine such make-up options with blush.  To create an independent effect of cat eyes yourself, you can use a significant number of techniques, showing an individual and creative approach.

Fashion trends in makeup 2017: Graphics

Graphic make-up, which appeared recently, is a laconic, but at the same time a very spectacular and provocative option of makeup 2017. In recent fashion shows, models with carbon-black strokes could be observed along the eyebrow line or at the top, as well as the likeness of the raven of the wing on the eyelids . To some extent, this type of makeup resembles the Japanese Kabuki Theater with its peculiar aesthetics.


It is not difficult to achieve a similar effect of strokes on the face using a liquid eyeliner, as well as a flat brush, a coal-black pencil and the same shade of the shadow. In addition to the monochrome version, graphic makeup can also be performed in color - in this case, colored shadows are applied between pre -outlered contour lines. In makeup 2017, some shading of individual lines is allowed - nevertheless, its boundaries should remain clear (the appearance of vague contours should not be allowed). The tone of lipstick for such an evening make-up is easy to choose according to its desire in any suitable range of shades.


To create an everyday or business image, this makeup application technique is unlikely to be suitable. Nevertheless, it is an actual choice for outdoor activities - for example, for going to a party.

Fashion trends in makeup 2017: Effect "Metallic"

In addition to the above make-up options, makeup could be observed on the world stage using the “metallic” effect. Smoes on the eyelids of sparkles or sequins look very catchy and optimally suitable for festive makeup - in the case when it is required to literally “show off”.

It is easy to create a daring and spectacular fashionable image with makeup with metallized shadows. In the case of a well -thought -out application, this makeup technique 2017 can be used to create everyday and even business onions. The shade of the shadows with the “metallic” effect should be selected in such a way as to create winning contrast in combination with eye color. In addition, you can use shades of echoing with it. It will be necessary to pre -prepare for applying such makeup - to align the skin tone and, if necessary, perform the correction of the oval of the face, if there is a desire, you can also use blush.

In addition, in 2017, the popularity of makeup in the style of grunge, which is a combination of the skin of pale shades with fairly bright eyes and lips, will increase. As you know, light negligence decorates a woman - thus, the direction of the “glamorous grunge” of makeup 2017 will create a very spectacular, without unnecessary cloying image. At the same time, it is worth observing moderation so as not to cross the thin line between chic, luxury and bad taste. If you do not fully rely on your taste, you may not take risks.


As an alternative to the above-mentioned makeup techniques 2017, you can use make-up in the “brown monochrome” style. In this case, the eyes are decorated in warm brownish tones. In this case, eyebrows will also need to pay sufficient attention - their shape should be adjusted. In addition, they must be emphasized along the upper boundary of hair growth by applying thin lines of brown shadows. Such makeup in warm colors allows you to create a fairly natural and attractive fashionable image.

Fashion trends in wedding makeup 2017

As the main trend of wedding makeup 2017, you can mention the delicate and smooth, as if glowing from the inside, light skin. At the same time, it will be necessary to create a discreet make-up, which will look sufficiently natural and natural. Do not be too zealous with the use of foundation. In order to highlight the cheekbones, adjust the oval of the face and give it special expressiveness, you can use the highlighter.  It is recommended to leave the eyebrows wide enough, slightly emphasizing their bends. It will be necessary to give special expressiveness to the eyes of the bride - for this it is not recommended to use arrows, but it is still allowed to use thin lines.


For wedding makeup 2017, the use of nude (powder-cream and beige-sand) shades of shadows, as well as lavender and silver, will be relevant. For several years now, Smoki Ice technique has been popular in wedding makeup. To make the eyes “open” and languid, you can use overhead eyelashes. Do not overload your face with cosmetics - if the eyes are painted bright enough, you should use the nude shades of lipstick. Conversely, bright lips are optimally combined with delicate eye makeup.

When applying makeup for the celebration, it is worth remembering that the main task is to obtain the effect of velvety skin and sensual lips, as well as the creation of an open expressive gaze.

Fashion makeup 2017 - Photo







Fashion trends in makeup - video


Christina 01.09.2017 Answer

I also like shining skin, it's cool that it is now in trend))) As for me, the easiest way to achieve such an effect is powder) I bought on the powder of Wunder2, more faithful to the name - the perfect selfie) well, I liked the powder of the light , matting, but adds radiance. And by the way, the photo also looks good :)
