
How can you stretch jeans at home. How to stretch jeans width and length

How can you stretch jeans at home. How to stretch jeans width and length
Do not squeeze into narrow jeans? Do not be discouraged, there are some effective ways how to stretch jeans. Do not believe it, but all the methods work and you can even try to stretch jeans to the whole size! Use the tips on how to stretch jeans at home.

Each girl has favorite things in the wardrobe, which I do not want to throw away and change to new ones, even after a few years. These are jeans. Even an extra kilogram can change the mood, since it is no longer possible to squeeze into them. What to do? Throw off jeans or try to stretch?

How to stretch jeans if they have become small? Some things can become less width, which very much bothers girls, and some in length. Which, too,, in principle, can cause a bad mood. Let's first find out why your favorite and ideal jeans suddenly became smaller?

How to stretch jeans? Why did the jeans are smaller than?

A little reasons:

  1. The first - the product gave a shrinkage after washing.
  2. The second - if the girl gained an extra kilogram or even more.

It happens that it seems that the scales show the right weight without changes, and the girl feels that the forms have not changed towards the plus, and jeans stubbornly do not want to “sit” on the hips or fasten out on the stomach. The reason is banal - most likely, you simply incorrectly washed this thing. Depending on the material, jeans can give a different percentage of shrinkage. So, if this is a poor -quality product, there is more synthetics in the composition, then in some places the fabric can simply become smaller. Especially if the product was painted in a typewriter, in water above 40 degrees, and even on maximum spin.

If the pants are of high quality, then this also does not exclude shrinkage after washing. Any product before sending for sale is well boiled - this applies to real denim. Therefore, if in the store after trying on you are satisfied with the result, then you should think, buy these jeans or take a little larger size.

If the jeans “sit” tightly, tighten the hips, legs and buttocks, you are not very comfortable in them, but you hope that they will stretch a little, you can take a chance. But, do not forget that the new product in the process of socks, although it takes the shape of the body, but after washing everything will return to its place. No exception - jeans can decrease by size.

Rules for washing jeans:

  1. Fast manual washing. It is better not to wash in the typewriter.
  2. It is not recommended to soak denim products, and if necessary, you can soak the thing for 5-7 minutes.
  3. The water temperature during washing is not higher than +40 degrees, soaking - similarly.
  4. If you do not want to wash jeans with my hands, then machine washing is allowed. Choose a quick mode, water temperature 30-40 degrees, sealing-minimal and powder much in the tray is better not to put.

Is it possible to stretch jeans? Yes, of course, there are several ways to squeeze in them.

How to stretch jeans at home

If, after washing, jeans sat down, let's find out how to stretch them. The simplest is to put on a thing and walk around the house as much as it takes, while the fabric stretches a little. But this method does not suit many, so we consider the proven options for how to stretch jeans.

Ways how to stretch narrow jeans:

  1. How to stretch jeans in width: the fastest way is to moisturize the section of the product that causes discomfort when wearing. As a rule, this is an area of \u200b\u200bbuttocks, hips and a belt. It is necessary to do the following: take a spray gun with ordinary water, moisten problem areas and pull them with your hands. You need to take jeans for the side parts and stretch in different directions. Only not sharply, but gradually in order to prevent the deformation of the product. To make sure that this method works and the efforts are not in vain, use a soft centimeter ribbon: measure jeans before and after. You will understand how much they stretch.
  2. Another way to stretch jeans in length: along the seam, which is bold on the inside of the leg, it is easy to stretch jeans by 1-2 cm. To do this, soak the pants along the seam and carefully stretch. But first you need to choose a starting point. As a rule, in order to at least slightly stretch the product in length, you need to start working out from the knee. But this is if in these places there are no fashionable cuts now. Never try to stretch the jeans, starting from the place where there are holes, because such a fabric is easier to break. Wet the legs to the knees or moisturize from the spray gun. Put the jeans on the floor, stand on them (on the dry part) with your feet, take the opposite edge, pull on yourself. Repeat several times (up to 10), then similarly stretch another leg.
  3. How to stretch jeans in the belt: unbutton the button so as not to tear your pants in the belt. It is better not to pull for pockets, fasteners and other elements, since they can easily break. To facilitate the task, it is necessary to soak the pants in the belt and stretch in the opposite directions with your hands. They can be immediately tried on and in a humid state on yourself a little pull. It would be nice to walk, make a shit, make light charging for 10 minutes, then the fabric will reach better. Remove the pants, hang it, but only in the shade or in the bathroom so that direct sunlight does not fall on the fabric.
  4. How to stretch jeans in thighs: the method is effective if the jeans are not too small, but you just need to slightly pull the fabric in the hips. Wet only the top of the product, put on your pants, eat and make tilches to the sides and down, you can sit and walk around the rooms in your pants, do household chores. The fabric should stretch a little. If this method does not help, then you need to use a special tool for stretching shoes. It is necessary to soak the seams, put on the pants, spray with the spray liquid on top, bypassing the knee area, walk a little so that the fabric stretches.
  5. How to stretch the jeans in the legs: the most effective, but alas, not a quick way is a manual ordinary washing, after which you can’t squeeze the fabric strongly. It is better to hang them above the bathroom so that the glass is excess water. Then, when the jeans become wet, they need to be fastened (on the button and lightning), put pillows in the middle. You will need a small synthetic winterizer or several pillows: for a smaller leg, for a priest - more. It is necessary that the figure of a person gets, only without a head and a body. Stuff the legs tightly, leave for 1-2 days in the room or put it on the balcony, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on the thing. Natural drying + many pillows will help to stretch the fabric a little. This method works if you can’t squeeze into fashionable trousers.
  6. How to stretch jeans in calves: first washing the product in cool or slightly warm water, then spread over the bathroom to get rid of excess fluid. Now we proceed to the following actions: you need to prepare an iron, a piece of fabric or take an old sheet. Put wet pants on a ironing board covered with an old sheet, put gauze on top (preferably folded several times) and turn on the iron on the “steaming” mode. But before putting the iron on the selected area, you need to stretch the wet fabric with your hands in different directions, and then attach an iron and steam. Make sure that the fabric does not return to the same place, otherwise you can get the opposite effect. If everything was done correctly, then the fabric should stretch a little. The effect will be preserved until the next washing, then you need to make the above actions again. Several times it will be enough for the fabric to become more pliable.

How to stretch jeans to size?

Still can't squeeze your favorite jeans? Are they crowded, inconvenient to squat and even walk? Get ready for long -term efforts and water procedures. This is not a joke, you have to take a bath in ... jeans! This is the only way to stretch your favorite pants to size!

How to do everything correctly:

  • turn on warm water, temperature about 40 degrees;
  • you need to add liquid soap to the water;
  • put on jeans;
  • stand comfortably in the bath so that the jeans are completely wet. Stay in the water for about 5-15 minutes, if you are not comfortable, it is enough that the jeans are thoroughly wet;
  • when you get bored in the bath, help the product take the desired shape - stretch your hands with your hands and areas that require it. You will have to stretch for a long time, about 10 minutes;
  • the water can be lowered while standing in the bath so that the glass is excess water. By the way, if the jeans are new, then this is also a check for the strength of the dye. Perhaps the water will be blue;
  • now you have wet jeans, they are no longer so narrow, but they didn’t have time to finally take the desired shape. You need to spread a terry towel on the floor and lie on it;
  • now you need to do exercises: depending on the place in which place you need to pull more, make the appropriate movements. You should not squat, since this is the most vulnerable place, on the knees the fabric is stretched faster;
  • after charging, you can take a convenient pose and just relax, read the book or watch an interesting movie. It is necessary that jeans dry out on you naturally for half an hour;
  • how to stretch jeans in the hips? Here is the answer to this question: go boldly outside in wet jeans for a walk. Of course, if it’s hot outside, take a walk for 20-30 minutes. Then you need to remove the pants and hang it in the shade or at home;
  • as soon as the jeans become dry, they need to be put on again. Notice, now not without such titanic efforts as before the stretching procedure. Then do a few exercises, walk and walk in jeans so that they take a new shape. The next wash is only manual in warm soapy water.

This method is not encouraged by doctors, since neither the skin nor the body as a whole will bring benefits to the water procedure. Therefore, if you are prone to colds, there are problems with the kidneys and gynecological, then it is better not to use this method so as not to harm your health.

How to stretch jeans Strech

The methods are the same, only we recommend not too overdoing, because the fabric can stretch.

If the pants are squeezing in the belt, use a special device for trousers.

This is how it looks:

Wet your pants in this place, install the expander, leave for several days. It will turn out to stretch the dense fabric a few centimeters.

It is advisable to measure the belt until stretching and after, every 3-5 hours moisturize the fabric and twist the expander.

You can’t find such a device in every store, and I don’t want to spend money for once. Think about what is suitable to achieve the goal? Perhaps a wooden bar, a plank or even old magazines and books!

How else can you quickly stretch jeans? Use a belt for the treatment of the lower back, a terry towel. Any ways are good, the main thing is perseverance and desire. Good luck!



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